
sional schools of didactics. It is true that we already have Normal schools, but they do not go far enough. The teacher should be as thoroughly prepared | for his work as the physician or clergyman. The ability to teach did not come to any man by intuition.

Prof. MCGREGOR, of Platteville, continued the discussion. He said that a simple statement of propositions was all that was needed. He was not prepared to say that teachers were not respected. He thought they were, bnt if their position could be rendered less unstable they would be more respected.

Another reason is the fickleness of District Boards. Fault is found with the teacher, whispered at first, finally the Board is enlisted and the position made uncomfortable.

Another reason sometimes assigned is inadequacy of salary, but he thought that that as a general rule the teachers were receiving all that they earned. When teachers fitted themselves to earn more, salaries would be higher.

Another reason is that in most districts school is kept not to exceed five months. The teachers therefore must seek other employment for a part of the year. The first remedy is to seek teachers of maturer years. The law now allows a certificate to be issued to all persons over 16; he proposed that State certificates be issued to persons who have successfully and successively taught in the same place for five years. It might be a visionary suggestion, but would it not be well for our villages to build a house for the teacher, as churches build a parsonage for the preacher. He endorsed the view of Mr. PRADT favoring a closer organiza. tion for mutual support. He did not ad. vocate strikes, but he would cultivate a greater espirit du corps. There ought to be in every Assembly district a teachers' association, holding three or four meetings a year.

The great want is ability. We all admire ability, bow to ability, and respect

abitity, although we may not admire the channel into which it has turned its ener gies.

[Messrs. NORTH, CHANDLER, CHIPMAN, HOLFORD and others, made forcible remarks upon the subject, sustaining the general views taken by the other gentlemen, but it was we presume, in the reporter's absence, as we do not find a sketch of them.]

Mr. REYNOLDS thought that this want of professional spirit among teachers is due to the fact that, from Maine to Florida, no teacher knows at the end of the school year where he is to be the next year. Boards of education are apt to be arbitrary and discharge teachers upor mere whims, so that no one feels that he has any certain tenure of office. Adjourned until 3 P. M.

AFTERNOON SESSION, Dec. 31. Meeting called to order by Pres. REY


After various remarks by different in dividuals, the meeting adjourned sine di

B. M. REYNOLDS, President. J. Q. EMERY, Secretary.


The County Superintendents of School met in Annual Session in Madison, Mor day evening, Dec. 29, 1873.

Hon. SAMUEL FALLOws was unan mously called to the chair, and GEORG SKEWES, of Racine county, was chose Secretary.

On calling the roll of Superintenden and Superintendents elect, the followin were found to be present: Alex. F. North, A. A. Spencer, Thos. Malone, W. H. Holford, LeRoy J. Burlingame, Theo. S. Chipman, J. B. Tracy, W. B. Minaghan, O. B. Wyman, Michael Kirwan, A. O. Wright, M. J. Frawley, W. J. Johnson,

Geo. Skewes, I. N. Stewart, W. J. Waggoner J. H. Terry, S. A. Craig, W. H. Chandler. D. H. Morgan, J. S. Foley, M. H. Lynch, P. Flanagan, A. E. Howard, W. H. Peck, J. T. Flavin.

Gen. FALLOWS introduced Hon. ED-to the subject: "Change of the time of WARD SEARING, State Superintendent electing County Superintendent." elect.

On motion of W. H. CHANDLER, the meeting adjourned for the evening to meet in joint session with the Executive Session of the State Teachers' Association.


C. E. Mears, of Polk county, not being present, the subject assigned him, "Township system to be made compulsory," was omitted, and J. H. Terry, of Sauk county, read a paper on extending the time of county certificates. He would have the present first grade certificates done away with, as they nearly approach the five years' state certificate, and make the present second grade certificate answer for the first grade with two years' duration; the second as the third now stands, and for a third the same as for the second, but with a lower standing.

Michael Kirwan objected to this change, and preferred to change the state -certificates, uniting the present second grade and limited five years' certificates. Alex. F. North objected to the first grade certificates being granted for the term of three years, as it might remove a number of teachers from the examinations of the incoming Superintendent.

W. H. Holford would grant third grades for six months, and second grades for Eighteen months, and first grades for two


Theo. S. Chipman would grant third grades for one year, second grades for two years, and first grades for three years. I. N. Stewart concurred with Mr. North in that first grade certificates be granted

but for two years.

On motion, the subject was referred to a committee of three. The chair appointed Alex. F. North, chairman, W. H. Chandler and Michael Kirwan.

A. O. Wright being absent, the subject Increase of School Fund" was passed over and A. F. North called on to speak

He would not change the time but let political parties be responsible for the men they selected to fill this important office.

W. H. Chandler would take the matter out of politics altogether, and place the appointing power in the hands of the State Superintendent.

Mr. North moved that the subject be dropped. Motion prevailed.

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School Visitation" was spoken upon by W. H. Chandler. School visitation should be attended by a careful collation of facts and statistics. He takes notes on

matters worthy of mention and publishes them in the paper of his district. He works with the children by talking to them about what is desirable to have in the school room and having them appeal to their parents for those improvements which their superintendent says they ought to have. Made some suggestion about not condemning school houses, as the better sentiment should prevail that it would be a disgrace to any district in having its school building condemned.

A. F. North approved of what was said by the last speaker. Would approve of visiting schools at least one-half of a day at a time; also considered it a good time

to arrive at the real statistics of the district.

J. H. Terry would do more, by leaving the situation of affairs in the district, and making an acquaintance of the people and their condition and needs.

D. H. Morgan would give special attention to the surroundings of buildings.

Mr. Kirwan reminded us of the difficul

ties in school visitation. Too many schools cannot receive the attention they should. Hurried visits must be made, or some of the schools be neglected in larger counties.

W. H. Chandler visited the poorest class of teachers first, leaving those whom he could trust until he could reach them in his own good time.

on Institutes, inasmuch as the State provides for and defrays their expenses, and said the lack of interest on the part of teachers in attending these institutes and teachers's associations was discouraging.

A. A. Spencer said that after the super- | intendent the power to compel attendance intendent has gone over the ground and knows the condition of the schools, a short call will often do more good than a longer one, by making suggestions directly on the difficulties apparent, which, if made after remaining in the school room for half a day or more, would seem more personal than if done at once. He takes statistics and compares them with town clerks' reports.

W. B. Minaghan said much might be done through the personal influence of the superintendent, through lectures, etc. J. L. Foley would note first the condition of schools and surroundings, then visitation of patrons in the district; made objections to the issuing of printed circulars suggesting improvements, as they were disregarded, and often considered by district meetings as impertinent in reminding them of their duties.

A. E. Howard approved of circulars as they had effected good in his county.

J. H. Terry and others warmly approved of sending out circulars recommending improvements to district boards and annual meetings.

Gec. Skewes spoke on "School Diary | and Reports;" he would have superintendents use some approved uniform diary or note book, and thought teachers | should report monthly, and also at the close of the term of school, on monthly report cards and note books provided for that purpose, so that the statistics of the several districts might be corrected as far as possible from them.

A. O. Wright would give attention to particulars more for his own information, than for the purpose of correcting reports for the Superintendent's office.

"Additional Powers of County Superintendents," was considered by D. H. Morgan. After enumerating powers of superintendents, would give additional power to change text books, and remove one class to another if it should be deemed proper.

W. H. Chandler would give the super

Prof. Graham suggested to superintend ents that a specific statement of what is to be done in an institute be published two weeks before the holding of same in order to give teachers a chance to prepare themselves for the work. That four branches should be so specified and what is to be done in each. Would give five per cent. additional standing on account of actual attendance on the institute. Would have the State Superintendent publish names of all County Superindents holding institutes, with number attending, also the number not holding institutes.

W. H. Chandler brought all of his teachers to the institutes by combining them with the examinations of three days duration.

On motion, meeting adjourned until two o'clock.

TUESDAY, P. M.- Meeting called to order at 2:20. Gen. Fallows in the chair. After roll call, W. H. Holford read a paper on "Town Superintendency."

On invitation of Prof. McGregor, meetwith Convention of Teachers. ing adjourned to meet in joint session

FIVE O'CLOCK, P. M.-Called to order by Supt. Fallows. Discussion immedi ately followed on "Change of number of days of school month."

Mr. Burlingame led by reading a paper relative to this point, favoring twenty days to the school month, or, if teaching twenty-two days, that the teacher be allowed to teach on Saturdays, so that the school month shall close within the cal

endar month.

A. F. North recommended that twenty days school work be considered a legal school month.

Theo. S. Chipman would have the

teacher work as many days per month as a laborer in any other profession.

I. N. Stewart, A. A. Spencer and A. O. Wright would have five days in the week and twenty days per month.

W. H. Chandler would have the district board contract with the teacher for what might be agreeable to both board and teacher and abide by the same.

Michael Kirwan would have a definite law on this subject, thus ending so much difficulty growing out of the law as it now reads.

After deliberate discussion, the follow. ing resolution, offered by Le Roy J. Burlingame, with slight amendment, was adopted:

Resolved, by the County and City Superintendents, in Convention assembled, That twenty days actual work, and not more than five days in any one week should constitute a legal school month,

and that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to lay the same before the Educational Legislative committee, during the present session of the Legislature and to labor for the passage of

such a bill.

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Meeting adjourned to meet at half-past seven o'clock, p. m.

Evening session called to order by Gen. Fallows, at 7:30.

A. F. North opened the discussion on County Academies, warmly urging the necessity of institutions of this kind to supply the missing link to make the proper connection in the educational agencies of our State, it would meet a want in supplying our schools with prac

tical teachers.

I. N. Stewart endorsed all said by the last speaker, and added that the conducting of these County Academies would be an open field for the labor of students and graduates of our Normal Schools, and inquired of the practibility of building these Normal Academies.

Rev. J. B. Pradt spoke of the way in which our funds are obtained, and the use made of them, and what might be done with them to better advantage in favoring this project. He spoke very favorably of this movement and of the necessity for it to supply our higher institutions of learning with a better class of students, and to take out so much of the primary work as in new done by them.

The subject was very thoroughly discussed by most of the members present, all favoring the work. The following resolution was offered and adopted:

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Convention

that the establishment of the County Academies is approved, and that a committee of three be appointed consisting of Messrs. J. H Terry, W. H. Chandler and W. J. Waggoner to bring this subject before the legislature.

“Examination of Teachers" was spoken upon by A. O. Wright; he showed the value of public examinations, would have applicants for such write as long on thorough questions as is required in the public examinations. The subject was participated in at length by nearly all the convention.

The following resolution was introduc ed by W. H. Chandler, and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That in the judgement of this convention, the district boards of the several school districts of this State should be required to furnish the teachers employed by them, a blank book suitable for the enrollment of all attendants upon the respective schools under their charge, and that each teacher should be required to enroll the scholars attending each year, so that it would clearly show:

secured, and it argued that no compulsory law could be operated in Wisconsin, because a large majority of citizens would deem its operation an infringement of personal liberty. The report said that the actual school attendance of all inhabitants of the countries named was

1st. The name of each scholar attending school, as follows:

during the year.

2d. The age of each scholar attending school during the year.

3d. The number of days each scholar has attended school during each of the months the school has been in session during the year.

4th. A classification of the attendants, so that all between the ages of 4 and 7, 7 and 15, 15 and 20, should be clearly shown.

At the close of the session A. F. North offered the following resolution which was heartily endorsed by every member of the convention:

Resolved, By the County Superintendents of the

In Italy, 6 per cent. of all.
In Ireland, 81⁄2 per cent. of all.
In France, 10 per cent. of all.
In England, 11 per cent. of all.
In Scotland, 14 per cent. of all.
In Denmark, 13 per cent. of all.
In Norway and Sweden, 13 per ct. of all.
In Holland, 14 per cent. of all.
In Germany and Switzerland, 18 per
cent. of all.

In Wisconsin, 29 per cent. of all.
These results were quite satisfactory ;

State of Wisconsin in session at Madison, that the but the question in America is, how to

Hon. Samuel Fallows, in removing from our State, has our warmest wishes for his success in his new vocation, and our sincere thanks for the

kind and courteous attention shown to us at all times, and the warm sympathy he has uniformly had with us in our work.

After a few brief words the convention adjourned, closing a very pleasant session in which good work had been done, and the members dispersed, feeling strengthened and encouraged by the in


SAMUEL FALLOWS, President. GEO. SKEWES, Secretary.


reach the large number of youth who
do not attend school, and this question
was not touched by the Assembly report.
In 1870 there were 34,000 youth of school
age in Wisconsin, who did not attend
school, and more than 3,000,000 such in the
United States, according to the report
from the National Bureau of Education
for 1870. What shall be done for this
not one child
one person in every eight -
in every eight children, but one person
in every eight persons, young and old,
who never attend school, is the question
that arrests the attention of the philan-
thropist and economist.

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Massachusetts has met this questien and practically solved it, and the law in that commonwealth seems to meet every ob

The report of the committee of the Assembly of 1871, upon compulsory at tendance of children at school, was a remarkable document by reason of show-jection which can be raised to the theory ing everything which those desiring light knew before, and omitting the issue made by those who have endeavored to make the schools more efficient and comprehensive by securing the attendance of children now growing up in idleness and ignorance. The report showed that the voluntary system in Wisconsin effected the attendance of fifty per cent. more persons than the compulsory law of Germany

of compulsory attendance. Living under the severe teachings which discarded everything that trammeled individual freedom, accustomed to independent thought and action, yet her people found it necessary to do more than merely supply public schools, and they have put into successful operation, a system of compulsory attendance which doubtless makes many good citizens of the youth,

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