

ever been ambitious of appearing in the best Company.

You are now wholly retired from the bufie. Part of Mankind, and at leifure to reflect upon your past Atchievments; for which reason, I look upon You as a Person very well qualified for a Dedication.

I may poffibly disappoint my Readers, and your felf too, if I do not endeavour on this occa

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fion to make the World acquainted with your Virtues. And here, Sir, I fhall not compliment You upon your Birth, Perfon, or Fortune; nor any other the like Perfections, which You poffefs whether You will or no: But fhall only touch upon those, which are of your own acquiring, and in which every one must allow You have a

real Merit.

A 3



Your janty Air and eafie Motion, the Volubility of your Discourse, the Suddenness of your Laugh, the Management of your Snuff-Box, with the Whiteness of your Hands and Teeth (which have juftly gained You the Envy of the most polite part of the Male World, and the Love of the greatest Beauties in the Female) are intirely. to be afcribed to your


own perfonalGenius and Application.

You are formed for these Accomplishments by a happy Turn of Nature, and have finished your self in them by the utmostImprovements of

Art. A Man that is defective in either of these Qualifications (whatever. may be the fecret Ambition of his Heart) must never hope to make the Figure You have done, among the fashionable

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part of his Species. It is therefore no wonder, we fee fuch multitudes of afpiring young Men fall short of you in all thefe Beauties of your Character,notwithstand

ing the Study and Practice of them is thewhole Business of their Lives. But I need not tell You that the free and difengaged Behaviour of a fine Gentleman makes as many awkward Beaux, as the Easiness of your


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