British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4Whitaker, 1979 |
4 | 5329 |
35 | 5333 |
Scanlan Nelle M Kelly Pencarrow M8 576 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 5338 |
Scarry Richard Best Rainy Day Book Ever R6 176 II some col pbk 2 99 | 5341 |
Conference | 5346 |
Scambler G Ed See PatrickDL Scambler G Ed | 5354 |
Schafer R C Chiropractic Management of Sports and Recreational Injuries C4 580 | 5356 |
Scanlan R H Ed See Developments in Mechanics | 5363 |
Schey John A Introduction to Manufacturing Processes SR8 550 31 25 McGraw | 6038 |
Scarry Richard Three Little Pigs C6 24 Col ill Easytoread Bks 1 50 Collins | 6045 |
Saxon Jack Fossil Fishes of the North of Scotland D8 52 34ill pbk 105 | 6051 |
5ill | 6052 |
Scannell Vernon New and Collected Poems 195080 | 6055 |
Economic Rights of Women in Ancient Greece D8 160 7 50 | 6056 |
Scandinavian Mythology Davidson Imp8 144 148ill 48col 2r | 6058 |
III | 6060 |
Schamroth Leo Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm 2v R6 904 449ill 2r e 65 00 | 5368 |
First European Maritime Empiresc 8001650 | 5374 |
U P 2 | 5377 |
Scanlon Hugh Way Forward for Workers Control Ed CoatesKen C8 12 | 5381 |
Tr fr French J Kilmartin C8 128 n e pbk 1 25 Penguin 10 | 5393 |
Sayle Alexei Train to Hell | 5394 |
Sax N Irving Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials D4 1118 5r e 55 80 | 5395 |
Scammell G V English Chartered Trading Companies and the Sea obD8 50 15ill | 5397 |
Saville Malcolm Exploring the Seashore R6 32 I Wonder Why S pbk 0 75 | 5403 |
Scanlon Tony Gaye Lizzie sC8 84 some col Trend S | 5404 |
Saxby Lesley Ed See Edgar Josephine Lady of Wildersley | 5407 |
Scarlet Slipper Mystery Keene sC8 160 4CDE n e pbk 0 95 Armada Bks 2 | 5409 |
Report C4 160 | 5415 |
Scanned Image Microscopy Ed Ash M8 461 24 00 Academic P 12 | 5416 |
Scarry Richard Big and Little High and Low M12 16 Colill | 5421 |
Schafer R D Introduction to Nonassociative Algebras M8 166 Pure | 5423 |
Scarlett James D How to Weave Fine Cloth | 5424 |
Schane Sanford A Generative Phonology M8 176 Foundns of Mod Linguistics | 5425 |
Macmillan P 1081 | 5427 |
2 50 | 5430 |
Scapens R W etc Case Studies in Current Cost Accounting D8 155 pbk 8 50 | 5443 |
Scarry Richard Busy Busy World R4 96 Col ill 2AB 3 50 Hamlyn 10 | 5445 |
Scammell Hilary Rural Wight in Bygone Days obsD4 52 42ill pbk 2 70 Isle | 5447 |
Schane Sanford A Bendixen Brigitte Workbook in Generative | 5452 |
Scarry Richard Busy Busy Word Book D16 48 Col ill 2AB Colour Cubs S | 5463 |
Schank Roger Carl Conceptual Information Processing D8 viii 376 | 5472 |
Scarry Richard Busy Town Busy People D16 48 Col ill 2AB Colour Cubs S | 5478 |
Introduction to Forensic Science M8 470 | 5487 |
Schafer R Murray Music of the Environment R8 35 pbk 3 00 | 5490 |
Papers D8 88 3ill | 5512 |
Sawczuk A Ed Problems of Plasticity M8 564 30 00 Sijthoff 12 | 5527 |
Schank Roger Carl Reisbeck C K Inside Computer Understanding M8 400 | 5534 |
Sawdust and Spotlight MorrisPamela Macgregor IC8 168 0 75 H F | 5540 |
Scaperlanda A Ed Prospects for Eliminating Nontariff Distortions M8 316 6 52 | 5545 |
Scammells B Administration of Health and Welfare Services D8 134 6d 10 00 | 5548 |
Schapera Isaac Khoisan Peoples of South Africa R8 462 16ill 2M 15 95 | 5550 |
Schaper W Ed Pathophysiology of Myocardial Perfusion IM8 xii758 | 5556 |
Filming of Gone with the Wind Flamini | 5569 |
8 95 WH Allen 281 | 5574 |
Scarborough Chuck Stryker IC8 288 5 50 J Piatkus 280 | 5583 |
A Practical Handbook D8 96 64ill 9 25 Pergamon | 5588 |
Schachman H K Ultracentrifugation in Biochemistry 272 III 40 60 Academic | 5596 |
The New Dimension C8 104 Hamlyn Lect pbk 5 00 | 5600 |
venery Selfsupporting Miller James Hull D4 116 I 4r e pbk 5 00 Meriwether | 5606 |
Sawczuk A Ed Foundations of Plasticity M8 600 30 00 WoltersNoordhoff | 5615 |
Sawer Geoffrey Australian Federalism in the Courts D8 viii262 | 5624 |
Sawer Geoffrey Australian Government Today sC8 142 12r e pbk 1 75 | 5646 |
Sones from a War Target D8 30 Fr pbk 0 25 Fellowship of Reconciliation | 5650 |
Schacht Joseph Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence IC8 360 ne pbk 5 50 | 5652 |
Scannell Dale Testing and Measurement in the Classroom M8 320 pbk 12 15 | 5663 |
1 | 5671 |
Schafer R Murray Composer in the Classroom M8 37 r e pbk 1 85 Universal | 5672 |
Scannell Dorothy Dollys Mixture D8 280 Large Print e New Portway Reprints | 5673 |
Schacht Richard Alienation D8 286 8 50 Allen U 6 71 0 04 150034 2 | 5675 |
Scarsdale Medical Diet Complete Tarnower Baker sC8 226 pbk 1 75 Bantam | 5679 |
Scalapino Robert A Ed Foreign Policy of Modern Japan M8 400 M pbk 7 65 | 5686 |
Bibliographies from the Institute for | 5688 |
Narcissistic Patterns in Romantic Poetry | 5690 |
Schacht Richard Nietzsche M8 568 Arguments of the Philosophers S 18 50 | 5693 |
Scannell Mary J P See WebbD A Scannell Mary J | 5696 |
Scarry Richard Find Your A B C D6 32 III 1A Armada Pict Lions S pbk 1 00 | 5698 |
Schapiro Meyer Late AntiqueEarly Christian and Mediaeval | 5701 |
Sawers Robin Ed Harraps Concise German and English Dictionary D8 1152 | 5704 |
Schafer Rollie See Oakley Bruno Schafer Rollie | 5710 |
Harrap 12 | 5718 |
ne Puffin Bks pbk 1 25 Penguin 4 | 5734 |
Sawflies Collecting D8 12 II 26figs pbk 0 12 Amateur Entomol | 5741 |
2 50 Robson Bks 11 | 5743 |
Sayles G O Kings Parliament of England | 5747 |
Scase Richard State in Western Europe | 5754 |
Scent of Cloves Lofts | 5766 |
Sayers Dorothy L Unnatural Death | 5770 |
Sanford EH CambridgeKettering Line Steam SC4 32 50ill | 5772 |
10ill 5 00 H Goulden 11 | 5778 |
Concepts | 5783 |
Schafer Stephen Readings in Contemporary Criminology D8 292 pbk 14 20 | 5784 |
Schaefer William D James Thomson BV Beyond City IC8 xvii 208 23 10 | 5787 |
Saville Malcolm Thin Grey Man M8 104 III n e pbk 0 85 Breakwater | 5789 |
Scarry Richard Great Steamboat Mystery 8 x 8 32 51col ill 1AB Pict Lions | 5791 |
ذا | 5793 |
Schaler Stephen Victimology The Victim and His Criminal D8 177 | 5795 |
Gastrointestinal | 5798 |
Scart jack Kavanagh | 5800 |
Scarry Richard Holiday Book sD8 12 Col ill 1A bds 1 50 Collins 9 | 5802 |
Scherer Klaus R Ekman Paul Ed Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal | 5810 |
Scarry Richard Little A B C D16 48 Col ill 2AB Colour Cubs | 5815 |
A Philosophical Enquiry Richards Janet Radcliffe | 5816 |
Sayles G O Mediaeval Foundations of England D8 506 2e 0 95 | 5832 |
Internat Ency | 5838 |
enes from Greek Drama Snell D8 x 148 Sather Class Lects 23 10 | 5839 |
Poems | 5849 |
Yenes from the Alphabet Fisher Roy D4 4 Il Is e 100 bds 10 00 Circle Press | 5858 |
n e 6 25 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 5 | 5865 |
Scarface Pane C8 160 4 95 Hale 10 | 5874 |
Sawford EH Steam Around Peterborough sC4 32 50ill pbk 2 50 | 5879 |
Xenes from Married Life Cooper William | 5881 |
Schai Philip History of the Christian Church | 5882 |
Saxo Grammaticus and the Life of Hamlet Hansen M8 224 17 10 Univ Nebraska | 5889 |
A Short History Horton M8 180 Ilmus exs facsim e 14 95 | 5891 |
J Goodchild 10 | 5894 |
Scarry Richard Peasant Pig and the Terrible Dragon D4 48 Col | 5896 |
Early Intervention M8 xviii211 | 5901 |
Sayers Jane E At the Time of Geoffrey Chaucer M6 64 III Focus on Hist S | 5906 |
Sayles G O Ed Select Cases in the Court of Kings Bench | 5915 |
Sayles G O See RichardsonH G SaylesG | 5925 |
Collins 5 | 5927 |
Saville Malcolm Ed Words for All Seasons sC8 192 15ill n | 5929 |
Schachter Stanley EmotionObesity and Crime M8 195 III Social | 5934 |
Xenes from Metropolitan Life Cooper William | 5938 |
Saville Malcolm Hayter Judith Secret of Grey Walls D8 226 | 5940 |
Report D8 | 5964 |
Scarry Richard Postman Pig and His Busy Neighbours 8 x 8 32 | 5967 |
Schackenburg Rudolf Gospel According to St Mark | 5981 |
Schatz Anne B See Church Olive D Schatz Anne | 5987 |
Saylor John Galen Alexander William M Curriculum Planning for Better | 5993 |
Joslyn Communication in the Human Services Guide to Therapeutic | 5994 |
Sawyer John F A Modern Introduction to Biblical Hebrew sD8 230 pbk 5 95 | 5996 |
A Handbook | 6003 |
Scarry Richard Teeny Tiny Tales Imp24 94 Col ill 1 25 Hamlyn 0 601 08660 0 | 6011 |
Concepts and Applications | 6026 |
Saville Victor SF4 24 pbk 1 00 B FLPub 12 | 6034 |
TheoriesEvidence | 6062 |
Scannell Vernon Winterlude | 6065 |
Scherman David Edward Ed Best of Life suR4 304 Ill some col 14 95 | 6076 |
Scannell Vernon Ed Your Attention Please D8 24 pbk 0 75 | 6083 |
pbk 6 95 Croom Helm 3 | 6085 |
Sawyer Malcolm C Macroeconomics in Question Orthodoxies and the Kaleckian | 6091 |
Feminist and Antifeminist Perspectives D8 240 | 6092 |
Scenes in the Life of a Bow Street Runner Richmond C4 266 7ill n e | 6103 |
Saver Angela See Pond Grace Sayer Angela | 6106 |
Sawyer P H Ed English Mediaeval Settlement C4 184 pbk 6 95 E Arnold | 6110 |
Saxon James A Englander William R ANSI Cobol Programming sD4 272 2r | 6117 |
Scandalios John G Ed Physiological Genetics M8 xi280 28 00 Academic | 6124 |
3 | 6127 |
Middle Ages Pt 2 AD 12941517 M8 808 n e 12 90 Eerdmans | 6132 |
Savory Hubert Newman Excavations at Dinorben 196569 D8 x85 24ill 4figs | 6136 |
Ser R A Critique of Urban Modelling Imp8 68 15ill Prog in Planning S | 6143 |
Scale Model Sailing Ships Ed Bowen John L SC4 192 250ill 6 50 Conway | 6146 |
Schiavone Andrea Richardson Francis L Imp8 250 237ill Studs in Hist of Art | 6148 |
Scenes of America D8 Macmillan English Rdrs pbk 1 75 CollierMac | 6149 |
Schappacher W See Kappel F Schappacher | 6155 |
Photometric Analysis | 6158 |
Save Philip Freeman Spy and the Mission of Staggering Importance C8 60 14ill | 6160 |
Mac 6 | 6171 |
Scargill lan Crosby Alan Oxford and Its Countryside M8 80 | 6173 |
Savers Anthony P etc Operating Systems Principles M8 468 42ill n e 14 95 | 6181 |
Saxon Age ScottA D8 192 9 95 Croom Helm 4 | 6186 |
1001 Things to Do with Your Personal Computer D8 335 | 6190 |
Savory Roger Mervyn Introduction to Islamic Civilization | 6198 |
A Practical Guide for Visitors Curd sC8 32 12ill Minibks | 6199 |
xandals Leason SC8 444 pbk 1 95 Arrow Bks 6 | 6209 |
Scherman David Edward See McCrary John R Scherman David Edward | 6211 |
Schaft Philip Ed See Nicene and PostNicene Fathers of the Christian Church | 6215 |
Sawyer CW United States Single Shot Martial Pistols 17761945 sD8 112 46ill | 6227 |
Scarborough Remember 1914 Mould obR8 48 56ill 2M pbk 0 50 Hendon | 6230 |
Schermerhorn John R Management for Productivity R6 816 II | 6239 |
8 95 Duckworth 9 | 6251 |
Irana Survivors Story D8 240 M 6 95 Canongate | 6253 |
Schermerhorn John R etc Managing Organizational Behaviour | 6254 |
A Phrase Book M24 192 Ip 0 75 Hugos 3 | 6255 |
Saving and Investment Guide to Rowlatt C8 272 3r e pbk 2 50 Pan | 6259 |
Sceptre and the Rose Leslie Doris M8 549 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 6263 |
Schaffer E B See Schaffer HR Schaffer E | 6264 |
Scarpelli Emile M Pulmonary Physiology of the FoetusNewborn and Child | 6265 |
Schapsmeier Frederick H Schapsmeier Edward L Ed Encyclopaedia | 6266 |
Automobile Assn 3 | 6276 |
Schaffer Henry P See Nalson 1 5 Schaffer Henry | 6278 |
Schickedanz Judith A etc Strategies for Teaching Young Children M8 400 2r | 6279 |
Saving in the United States Study of Goldsmith 3v Il n e 102 50 Greenwood | 6281 |
Questions and Challenges D8 248 | 6290 |
G Electrical Engineers Reference Book D8 1378 Il 13r e 45 00 | 6294 |
Scarpitti Frank R Social Problems M8 768 12 50 Holt R W 3 | 6295 |
Scandinavia Ed Fodor | 6299 |
Scarborough Street Plan 1m4 23 x 18 pbk 0 75 Geographia 12 | 6303 |
Scale Model Traction Engine Building Featuring Minnie MasonLeonard Charlish | 6306 |
Scandinavia During the Second World War Nissen M8 407 III d 19 70 | 6309 |
v4 The Faithful Princess Ed D J Grout M8 244 pbk 23 80 Harvard | 6315 |
Schick William Merz Charles J Fortran for Engineering C4 448 23 75 | 6325 |
Techniques Designs and Projects | 6326 |
Scandinavia Map Book of Tussler Buckby IR6 72 M pbk 3 25 Macmillan | 6331 |
Schickedanz Judith A etc Toward Understanding Children sC4 672 III 23 58 | 6332 |
Schaffer Robert Ed Guide to Historical Method M8 3r e pbk 6 50 Dorsey | 6334 |
Scale Models in Engineering Fundamentals and Applications Schuring | 6340 |
Scarborough Walks Around Boyes sD8 56 33ill pbk 1 50 Dalesman 583 | 6345 |
Xandinava Revenues HallA D4 42 II spiral 4 00 J Barefoot 12 | 6354 |
Schaefer Jack Old Ramon C8 96 Il ne New Windmill | 6361 |
420 Univ Chicago P 3 | 6372 |
Savers Dorothy L Clouds of Witness | 6374 |
AND Other Stories C8 192 n e Puffin Bks pbk 1 50 Penguin | 6377 |
Scales J W Ed Water Quality Instrumentation | 6380 |
Scales Christopher Copyright IC8 40 Authors Publishers Gdes pbk 2 95 | 6381 |
Scherz B Ed Historical Aspects of Brain Research in the Seventeenth Century | 6388 |
Xue and Purple Watson Sydney | 6390 |
Schetzen Martin Volterra and Wiener Theories of Nonlinear Systems M8 550 II | 6394 |
A History | 6395 |
Scandinavia Welcome Guide to SC8 128 Col ill M pbk 2 25 Collins 1 | 6409 |
Sayre Kenneth M Ed See Goodpaster Kenneth Sayre Kenneth M Ed | 6411 |
Scannell Vernon Tiger and the Rose | 6412 |
Markets in an Inflationary Economy Sarnat | 6415 |
Saving the Prairies Tobey M8 310 13ill 27tabs 19 25 Univ California P 4 | 6430 |
Scattering and Decay Analysis of Ed Nikolic M8 342 II Docs | 6434 |
Scheuer Joseph See Wakin Edward Scheuer Joseph | 6436 |
Saywell John Ed See Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs | 6439 |
Survey of Trends and Themes in Urban Social Research | 6441 |
A Selected Bibliography | 6442 |
Literature Derrida Philosophy Hartman | 6446 |
Xarer Domino Thorpe M8 432 Large Print e bds 5 50 J CurleyU S 6 | 6455 |
Results Management in Practice Imp6 340 III | 6457 |
Scannell Vernon Winter | 6459 |
Oldtime Negro Preaching Pipes M8 210 n e of 1951e | 6460 |
Scattering of Light Kerker M8 666 63 40 Academic P 69 | 6463 |
Scarrott G G Fifth Generation Computer Project Imp8 400 215 00 Pergamon | 6466 |
Muller 8 | 6480 |
California | 6482 |
III 2r e 27 50 Wiley 2 | 6509 |
Scharf David Magnifications Photography with the Scanning Electron Microscope | 6512 |
An Evolutionary Survey SC4 500 | 6522 |
Saxon Tapestry Blake M Glaiser C8 192 7 75 Hale 11 | 6528 |
Savings and Loan Associations Valuation of Glasgo M8 140 24 25 | 6544 |
Scannell Vernon etc Catch the Light D8 48 4 50 Oxf U | 6547 |
Scattering Quantum Theory of Introduction to the Rodberg Thaler M8 398 | 6548 |
Sayers Dorothy L Have His Carcase | 6553 |
ILO 10 | 6568 |
Scattering Theory by the E N s s Method Perry M8 362 60 00 Harwood | 6576 |
Scheuer Paul J Liver Biopsy Interpretation suR8 260 189ill 29col 9tabs 3r | 6578 |
Saxons The Triggs | 6579 |
Scharf P L See HickeyJ E Scharf P L | 6580 |
Scanner Darkly Dick IC8 224 4 95 Gollancz 11 | 6593 |
Schaub James H Dickison Sheila K Engineering and Humanities SC4 522 | 6594 |
Personal Saving and Borrowing Revell D4 191 tabs | 6599 |
5326 | 6600 |
Saxons and Saints Watson Ann M6 48 Il M Way it Was S pbk 1 | 6617 |
F Lunsingh Charleston Robert J English and Dutch Ceramics | 6620 |
Wealth and the Individual Clark William D8 8 | 6632 |
22 70 Univ California P 8 | 6642 |
Scarry Richard Tinker and Tanker Storybook 10 x 10 110 Col ill 2r e | 6646 |
Schiff Barry Boeing 707 D4 80 123ill pbk 6 75 Aero Pub Inc 6 | 6653 |
Scarry Richard Toy Book D4 16 III 2AB pbk 1 95 Collins 4 | 6658 |
Collins 11 | 6670 |
Baldwin C8 64 4DE 2r e pbk 0 45 Overseas Miss 1 | 6671 |
bds 3 95 | 6676 |
Opphavsrett | |