
"As the right honourable and liberal young gentleman, the mafter of the banquet, Mr. Pellet, calls on me to give the health of a lady-Gentlemen, replenish your glaffes, and I will drink the health of 'The fair Glycera-observe there are seven letters in her name."

Pellet laughed.

Mr. Snug turned up his eyes, pulled off his wig, and scratched his head.

The citizen officer faid, he really did not understand the word of command given.

His brother officer, captain Parasol, enquired of the profound doctor, in an effeminate tone of voice, if the young lady lived in Queen Anne-street, East?

Lord Shuffle was defired by the Prefident to drink up his heel taps, and fill a bumper.

And Tom Vortex fwore he would drink to Glycera; as he knew her well, and had flept with her often.

"That's very probable," fard Pellet; "when you was at fchool, was it not?"

Doctor Anapest observed, "fhe was the favourite mistress of my friend, Horace."

"Your friend's mistress," said Tom Vortex. "Oh, d-n it, doctor, that's not honourable."

Happy woman," said the doctor, inattentive to this remark-" happy in being celebrated by fo great a poet! How did he dote on her! With what a flame was he impaffioned, when he exclaimed,

"Urit me Glyceræ nitor

Splendentis Pario marmore purius:

Urit grata protervitas,

Et vultus nimium lubricus afpici.
In me tota ruens Venus

Cyprum deferuit.

"When he calls on the queen of Cnidus and Paphos to forfake her beloved Cyprus, and feek the house of Glycera,

"O Venus, regina Cnidi Paphique,
Sperne dilectam Cypron, et vocantis
Thure te multo Glyceræ decoram

Transfer in ædem.

"Fervidus tecum puer, et folutis
Gratia zonis, properentque Nympha,
Et parum comis fine te Juventas


"If the Graces would play on the piano," faid Pellet," or fit down to a game of quadrille, it would be very well; but as for Mercury, plague take the thief, I would kick him out of the house. I never have any commerce with Mercury when I can avoid it, doctor."

Doctor Anapest could not reply, for he had already fallen back in his chair; his knees knocked his chin, his eyes had funk in his head, his face refembled the complexion of Phoebus when first he appears and opens the cafement, letting in light from his foggy bedchamber; his mouth was black as the floe, useful to vintners.

Mr. Pofitive, in the midst of a panegyric on Harmodius and Ariftogiton and Wat Tyler, was feized with a fit of yawning; ftretched out his clenched hand, with an

involuntary motion, and would have awoke the gentleman who fat next to him, fignor Marmotte, had not the quantities of wine which had been mixed by the honourable Mr. Pellet, and of which he had been obliged to partake liberally, in oppofition to his will, rendered all efforts to rouse him ineffectual.

The party, except Lord Shuffle, the honourable Mr. T.W.Vortex, and the Prefident, were locked in the embraces of Somnus; when the honourable Mr. Pellet, congratulating them on the fuccefs of his hoaxing scheme, stepped down ftairs for the waiter, and charged him to put them into coaches and fee them driven to each other's lodgings, and to take the bill to Mr. Snug, and infift upon its being difcharged. Thus having fettled the account, followed by his companions, he determined to finish his evening with glorious fun, and enjoy the pleafures of "tipsey revelry.'


Then many a demon will she raise,
To vex your sleep, to haunt your ways;
While gleams of lost delight

Raise the dark tempest of the brain,
As lightning fhines across the main,

Through whirlwinds and through night.
AKENSIDE'S Cde against Sufpicion.

Ar Vienna, Mrs. Maitland amused herself with the politics of the Imperial court. Mifs Tankerville drove frequently in a low phaeton drawn by four Shetland ponies. It was in these excurfions, and in the amusements of the metropolis of Germany, that fhe paffed her time, regretting the absence of Moreton, but still hoping to see him at no long interval. Emma was repeatedly, at public places, intruded upon by the unwelcome officiousness of a ruffian officer, who wore a large black patch over his eye; his

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