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rite, we are enabled, in very few words, to fhew (which we propofed as the principal end of the inquiry) what these BENEFITS are which we receive at the Lord's Table.

"Chrift, by the facrifice of himfelf upon the crofs, purchased the redemption of mankind and this rite being by its nature commemorative thereof, as it is a FEAST UPON A SACRIFICE, each partaker receives, of confequence, the feal of PARDON, and confequently of restoration to his loft inheritance.

"But as this operates only on the terms. of repentance and newness of life, the gift would be defeated, by being bestowed on a condition which our perverse nature so much opposes, was not this nature foftened and fubdued by the power of GRACE, that PROMISED BLESSING PECULIAR to the GOSPEL difpenfation. Now, as the influence of the Holy Spirit. conftitutes the most INTIMATE COMMUNION of God with man, what TIME can we conceive fo highly fanctified for the recep

reception of it, as that in which we renew our federal union with our Lord and Master, in his laft Supper, called by St. Paul, the Communion of bis body and blood?"

It appears from this paffage, that Bishop Warburton, who writes on the Eucharist, in a masterly manner, was convinced of this most important doctrine; that Grace is vouchfafed in more abundance than ordinary, at the TIME in which we celebrate the Holy Communion.




Chrift's more intimate awelling with us, or our Participation of his Divine Nature confidered, as an Effect of, and Benefit annexed to, worthily receiving the Lord's Supper.


HERE is no idea that occurs more frequently throughout the New Teftament than the myftical union of Chrift with all true believers. Two allufions are chofen by the facred writers to exprefs the intimacy of this union, one from the vegetable world, the other from the animal. Chrift is reprefented as a vine, and true believers as the branches. What clofer connection can be conceived than this, the branches of the tree deriving all life and nourishment, and confequently growth, from the ftem in which they vitally inhere? Chrift is also represented as the head of a body, of which believers are the members.


The Church, in her excellent Communion-office, afferts, that those who receive the Sacrament worthily, " dwell in Christ, and Chrift in them; that they are one with Chrift, and Christ with them." In what can this union confit? Certainly in fome degree of refemblance at least, though it cannot be any near approximation to him, in power or in knowledge. In what then does it confift? Doubtless in his Holy Spirit's influence, or emanation on us, producing Godlike qualities, GOODNESS of HEART, upright, honeft intention, purity, and univerfal benevolence. How is it principally, and by Chrift's appointment, to be effected? By worthy participation of the Sacrament. Man, by the Divine mercy, is rendered, in the Eucharist, a partaker of the Divine nature. A food to the foul is fupplied by the Sacrament, in confequence of which it is nourished, and arrives at this wonderful improvement in goodness and purity, which resembles in kind, though not in degree, the Divine; hence the Eucharift has been named, by great divines, the Sacrament of Nutrition. What more inti

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mate union can exift, than that of the aliment with the body nourished by it?

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As the daily wafte of our bodies requires a fupply of food, fo likewife the decay of GRACE, and the decline of goodnefs in our difpofitions, render frequent repair and support neceffary. We are fufceptible of diminution and augmentation in Grace, as long as life continues, and " ex


cept ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, " and drink his blood, ye have no life in "you" the principle of life will be extinct without this food; and this food is afforded in the greatest plenty, at the feaft of the Eucharift; a feaft for ever to be repeated after the one great facrifice.


Our Catechifm expreffes the true doctrine in terms which may perhaps be confidered as too ftrong, fince, from their ftrength, they are liable to mifconftruction. afferts, that the body and blood of Chrift are verily and indeed taken in the Sacrament. The compilers, however, could not mean," by verily and indeed,” to teach the doctrine of tranfubftantiation

• John, vi.


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