
The Service for WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Evening. 3T

And fince to Morrow is to be the Day of Reft that is confecrated to thy Service, give us Grace, O Lord, that we may not forfake the affembling of our felves; but that being animated with an ardent Defire and true Zeal, we may appear in thy Houfe to celebrate publickly, with all the Christian Church, the Worship which we owe Thee.

Prepare our Hearts, O God, to the end that they may be the Veffels of thy Grace, and the Temples of thy Holy Spirit, that we may not only abftain from our Temporal Occupations this approaching Sunday, but that we may. fanctifie it by Exercifes of Piety, by ardent Prayers, by the ferious hearing and meditating on thy Word, and by Works of Chriftian Charity.

Give Grace to the Ministers of thy Church, to the End that they acquit themselves of their Charge, with Care and Faithfulness, and pour down thy Bleffing on their Labours.

Finally, O Lord, let our whole Lives be nothing else but one Preparation for the Eternal Reft which Thou haft promifed us, and which Thou haft prepared for us in Heaven, through Jefus Christ.


The End of the Evening Service.

The Service for Wednesday and Friday Evening:


ET our Help be in the Name of God, who hath made
Heaven and Earth. Amen.

Dearly beloved Brethren,

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INCE we are here met together to worship God, to praife Him, to hear his Word, and to offer up our Prayers to Him, let every one of us prefent himself before Him, and make Confeffion of his Sins, faying with a pure and humble Heart:


Who am a poor Sinner, confefs before Thee, my God and my Creator, that I have offended Thee in divers Manners, by Thought, Word, and Deed, as Thou knoweft, O Eternal God. But I repent of it, I am very forry for it, and I implore thy Mercy and thy Grace, be feeching Thee to grant to me and to all poor Sinners, a fincere and conftant Amendment of Life, through Jefus Christ. Amen.


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38 - The Service for WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Evening.


OD Almighty, who is the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, parI don all thofe that truly repent and are converted to Him. Amen.

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Let us adore and praise the Lord our God.

Lord open our Lips, and our Mouths fhall fhew forth thy Praife.

Here is to be read a Hymn, according to the appointed Order; after which the People fing the 1st Stave of the 92 Pfalm, and then is read what follows.


Let us give Thanks for all his Benefits.

Lmighty God, Heavenly Father, we thy unworthy Servants do give Thee moft humble and hearty Thanks for all thy Goodness and Loving-kindness which Thou beftoweft upon us and all Men, [and particularly upon those who defire now to offer up their Praises for the Mercies Thou haft lately vouchsafed unto them. ] We blefs Thee for our Creation, for our Prefervation, and for all the Bleffings of this prefent Life; but above all, we blefs Thee for the ineftimable Love which Thou haft fhewn in redeeming the World by Jefus Chrift our Lord; for the Means of Grace, and for the Hope of Glory; and, we befeech Thee to give us that due Senfe of all thy Mercies, that we may fhew forth thy Praises, not only with our Lips, but in our Lives, by giving up our felves to thy Service, and by walking before Thee in Holiness and Righteoufnefs all our Days, through Jefus Chrift our Lord; to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, be all Honour and Glory, World without End. Amen.


Merciful God, Heavenly Father, fince we are now about to hear thy holy World, we moft humbly befeech Thee to give us Grace to understand well the Meaning of it, and to live up to it, for the fake of Jefus Chrift our Saviour. Amen.

Here the Leffon is to be read, according to the appointed Order; after which is to be faid the Apoftles Creed.

Attend to the Articles of the Chriftian Faith, of which we all make Profeflion, and in which we ought all of us to perfevere even anto the End of our Lives.


I Be

The Service for WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Evening. 39

Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth : And in Jefus Chrift his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary, fuffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He defcended into Hell; the Third Day He rofe again from the Dead, He afcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead..

I believe in the Holy Ghoft; the Holy Catholick Church; the Communion of Saints; the Forgiveness of Sins; the Refurrection of the Body, and the Life everlasting. Amen.

Let us pray.

Lord have Mercy upon us!

Lord hear our Prayers, and let our Requests come unto Thee.

OUR Father which art in Heaven: Hallowed be thy Name. Thy

Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Hea ven. Give us this Day our Daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref palles, as we forgive them that trefpafs against us. And lead us not into Temptation; but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

O Lord, let thy Mercy lighten upon us, and grant us thy Salvation....

Lord fave thy People, and blefs thine Inheritance.

O God create in us pure Hearts, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us.

The People fing the firft Verfe of the 67th Pfalm, after which the Minifter continues thus..


Lord, who art the God of Peace, and the Author of all good Things, give unto thy Servants that Peace which the World cannot give to the end that our Hearts may be fet to obey thy Commandments, and alfo that by Thee we being defended from the Fear of our Enemies, may pafs our Time in Reft and Quietnefs, through the Merits of Jefus Christ our Saviour. Amen.


Ighten our Darkness, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and by thy great Mercy defend us from all Perils and Dangers of this Night, for the Love of thy only Son our Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen.

On Festival Days, the Prayer appointed for the Feaft, is to be read here.


40 The Service for WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Evening.

Let us pray for the Higher Powers.

O GOD, who art the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, we be feech Thee mercifully to behold all Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, and especially the King, the Queen, the Prince Royal, the Princefs his Confort, the Prince and Princefs their Children, and all the Royal Family; the Count of Wartemberg, Hereditary Governour General, and all those that are in Authority in this State. Grant that they may use their Authority for the Advancement of thy Glory, for the Good of thy Church, and our Country, to the end that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godliness and Honefty, thro Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us pray for the Pastors.

Eternal and Almighty God,fend down upon our Pastors and thy Mi

Onifters, and upon all the Flocks that are committed to their Charge,

the healthful Spirit of thy Grace. Fill them fo abundantly with the Knowledge of thy Doctrine, and endue them in fuch manner with Innocence of Life, that they may exercife their Miniftry in thy Prefence, to the Glory of thy great Name, and to the Edification of thy holy Church, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us pray for all Men, and for the Catholick Church.

GOD, the Creator and Preferver of all Mankind, we humbly befeech Thee for all Sorts and Conditions of Men, that Thou wouldeft, be pleafed to make thy Ways known unto them, Thy faving Health unto all Nations. More efpecially we pray for the good. Eftate of the Catholick Church; that it may be fo guided and governed by thy good Spirit, that all who profefs and call themselves Chriftians, may, be led into the Way of Truth, and hold the Faith in Unity of Spirit, in the Bond of Peace, and in Righteousness of Life. Finally, we commend to thy Fatherly Goodness, all those who are any ways afflicted or diftreffed in Mind, Body, or. Eftate [*Efpecially thofe for whom our Prayers are defired] that it may please Thee to comfort and relieve them, according to their feveral Neceffities, giving them Patience under their Sufferings, and a happy Iffue out of all their Afflictions. And this we beg for Jefus Chrift his fake. Amen.

*This to be Said when any defire the Prayers of the Congregation,


ORD God Almighty, who hath given us Grace at this Time with one acccord, to make our Supplications to Thee, and haft promifed that when Two or Three are gathered together in thy Name, Thou wilt grant their Request. Fulfil now, O Lord, the Defires and Petitions of thy Servants, as Thou knoweft will be most expedient for them: Granting us in this World Knowledge of thy Truth, and in the World to come Life everlasting. Amen.

My Brethren,

The End of all Things is at lant. The Lord be with you. Holy Ghost blefs and keep you.

hand; be therefore fober and vigiGod Almighty, Father, Son, and Amen.

The END.


A Prayer for the FAST-DAY S.

To be used before the Sermon.

ET us lift up our Hearts to God, and let us devoutly offer Him' the following Prayer.

Lord, before whom we are folemnly aflembled, dispose our Hearts to call upon Thee, and to feek thy Face. Lord have Pity on us: Lord hear our Prayers :" And let our Request come unto


Almighty God, Lord of Heaven and Earth, whofe Glory and Power is Infinite, and Mercy without Bounds; we humble our felves, we caft our felves down before Thee, we adore thy Divine Majefty. Thou art the great God Almighty, and the Lord. Thou haft made the Heavens, the Earth, and all Things that are therein. Thou giveft Life to all Things, and the Host of Heaven proftrates its felf before Thee. Thou art worthy that the Angels fhould adore Thee. Thou art worthy that Men fhould fear Thee, and continually exalt



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