
thy glorious Name, faying with the Angels, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Holt, Heaven and Earth are full of thy Glory; thy Majefty is incomprehenfible; thy Greatness is infinitely above our. Thoughts and our Praifes: But thy Goodness is beyond all thy Works; and we come this Day to offer up to Thee our Thanksgivings for all thy Favours which Thou haft bestowed upon us, even to this prefent Time.

O Lord, we are loaded with thy Benefits, and the Teftimonies of thy Bounty offer themselves to us from all Parts. Thou haft given us Life, Motion, and Being, and thy liberal Hand does abundantly furnifh us with all Things neceflary to pafs this Life in Peace and Tranquillity. Thou haft bleffed, protected, and preferved as till now: Whilft Thou vifiteft fo many other People with thy Scourges, Thou doft keep us in Peace, Plenty, and Liberty.

But chiefly, we praife Thee for all thy Spiritual Bleffings in Jefus Chrift. Thou haft redeemed Mankind by the Blood of thy Son, and Thou haft made us to be of the Number of those who know Thee, and whom Thou doft call to be glorified with Thee in Heaven.

Thou haft preferved the Candlestick of thy Word in the midst of us: Thou haft protected our Churches: Thou haft removed Perfecution from them: Thou haft provided, and dost daily provide for their Edification more and more.

Thou haft given to all of us in general, and to each of us in particular, the Means of attaining Salvation. Thou haft prevented us by thy Word, by the Voice of thy Servants, by the Motions. of thy Spirit, and by the continual Affiftance of thy Grace. Thou hast fupe ported us notwithstanding our Sins. Thou haft not cut us off during the Courfe of our Iniquities; and even now we are waiting upon Thee, and Thou art ftill difpos'd to blefs use

But, O God, we have abufed thy Favours: Instead of making good ufe of thy Temporal Mercies, we have taken Occafion from thence to offend Thee, and to cleave to the World. We have not ferved Thee whilft Thou haft been beftowing great Mercies upon us We are corrupted, we have forfaken Thee, we have difhonour'd and provod Thee to Jealousie, Thou, O God who art the Rock of our Salvation. We have not walked in the Light of thy Holy Gofpel, which enlightens us, nor lived after a manner worthy of our Vocation. We have finned against Thee, against our Neighbours, and againft our felves, by our Actions, by our Words, and by our Thoughts, Our Wickedneffes, O Lord, our Wickedneffes are multiply'd, and our, Iniquities are reached even unto the Heavens.


Lord, we acknowledge the Multitude and the Greatness of our Ini-. quities. Neither we, nor the chiefeft among us, nor, the Priefts, nor the People, have performed thy Law: We have not liftened to thy Cofhmandments, nor to the Warnings which Thou haft given us by


thy Spirit, and by the Miniftry of thy Servants, during the Years of thy Forbearance: Since the Days of our Fathers, even until now, we have greatly offended Thee.

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O Lord, the Sins which are committed amongst us, have a long time provoked Thee to Wrath: Impiety, want of Devotion, Hypocrifie, vain Swearing, Blafphemies, Prophanation of thy Holy Name, of thy holy Service, and of thy holy Laws; Injustice, Theft, Violence, Fraud, Hatreds, Divifions, Envy, Backbiting, Slandering, Senfuality, Drunkennefs, Gluttony, Fornication, Adultery, Pride, Excefs in Apparel, Covetoufnefs, Love of the World, Sins fecret and open; Sins of the Great Ones, and of the Common People; all these Sins, O God, the juft Judge, all thefe Sins have defiled this Country and its Inhabitants, and do enkindle thy Wrath and Indignation.

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And now, what fhall we fay after fuch Things as thefe; for we have forfaken thy Commandments, and rebelled against Thee. O Lord, Thou art Righteous, and we are wicked. To Thee belongs Righteoufnefs, but to us Confufion of Face. Thou mayeft juftly caft us off, and destroy us. For all thefe Things we condemn our felves, and do take upon us this Day Sackcloth and Afhes, having humble Re courfe to the Greatness of thy Mercies.

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O God, who defireft not the Death of a Sinner, but rather that he fhould be converted and live: Thou who defpifeft not the Prayers and Groans of thofe that call upon Thee, hear the Prayers of thy Elect and of thy Children. Hear the poor Sinners that confefs their Faults. Be gracious to thofe that are penitent, for the Love of thy well-beloved Son; for the fake of his Sacrifice, and of what he fuffer'd for us. Have Pity upon harden'd Sinners, and give them Time and Means to repent. Be favourable, O God, be favourable to thy People, who turn to Thee with Tears, Fafting, and Prayers. Be merciful to us, good God, for Thou art a God full of Compaffion, LongSuffering, and great Mercy. Turn us, and we fhall be turned: Regenerate us to a New Life, to the end that Thou mayeft continue to take Pleasure in us, and that our Prayers and our Perfons may be acceptable to Thee.

Accept, O Almighty God, accept this Day the Sacrifice of our Thanksgivings for all thy Goodness. Lord, we praife Thee, we blefs Thee, we glorifie Thee, we rejoice in Thee, we give Thee Thanks, and we continually magnifie thy holy Name:

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Come let us praife the Lord, for He is good, and his Mercy endareth for ever. Let the Lord be praised from Day to Day; the Lord who is our Help, and who pours forth his Benefits upon us! He is our God, and the God of our Salvation. Blefled be the Lord, who daily heaps upon us his good Things! And bleffed for ever be the Name of his Glory, and let each of us fay, Amen.

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Here is to be added the Prayer that is faid on the Week-Days before the Sermon: O Lord, fince we are here met in thy Name, to hear Thy Word, which Thou haft given us, &c. and the Lord's Prayer: And after the Sermon, this Prayer.

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'Almighty God, we caft our felvés down before Thee, to comtinue to offer up to Thee our Supplications this Day of Fafting and Humiliation.


And fince we are here affembled to pray to Thee, not only for our felves, but alfo for all forts of Perfons, and particularly for thy Church We pray Thee, O God, who art the Creator and Father of Mankind, for all Men, and for all People in general; that Thou wouldest be pleased to make known thy Ways unto them, and ma nifeft thy Salvation to all the Nations.

We pray Thee for the Profperity of the Catholick Church, guide it by thy Word, and by thy Spirit, and let not the Gates of Hell ever prevail against it. Blefs the Protestant Churches; preserve them; defend them against their Enemies; unite them by the Bands of Peace; fanctifie them: Stop the Courfe of Error, of Divifions, of Corruption and Scandals that reign among those whom Thou haft ho noured with thy Knowledge, and restore every where Truth, Piety, and Peace. Blefs the Churches of England, Holland, Germany, Hungary, Piemont, and all other Places where thy Name is called upon in Purity. Keep thofe that are in being, fupport those that are perfecuted, and re-establish them in thy Favour.

Blefs the Churches of Switzerland, our dear Country, which are all affembled this Day before Thee. Hear the Prayers which, they offer up to Thee, and let thefe Churches ever be the Objects of thy Protection. Grant thy Bleffing to the Churches of this Country; pre ferve them from Error and Vice; remove from them Ignorance and. Scandals; and grant that Piety, Order, and Peace may always flourish among them. Above all, we implore with most ardent Prayers, thy Bleffing upon this Flock. O Lord, pardon our Sins, and be merciful to this Church. Make the Knowledge and Fear of thy great Name, to reign therein, and blefs whatever is undertaken for its Edification. Blefs the Families and thofe Perfons of which they are compofed Parents and Children, Husbands and Wives, Mafters and Servants, Young and Old, Great and Small, Rich and Poor.

We recommend to thy Goodness, all the Paftors who, in whatfoever Place they be, are appointed for the Guidance of thy Flocks, O Lord, fend good Labourers into thy Harveft! Sanctifie and fill ar bundantly with thy Gifts, thofe who exercise the Holy Miniftry, as alfa thofe who devote them felves thereto.. Cloath thy Minifters with Righteousness.. Grant a happy Succefs to the pious Defigns and holy Labours of all Thy true Servants that feek thy. Glory and the Edification of thy Church. Particularly blefs the Pastors of this Country



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and this Church, whom Thou haft intrufted with the Care of our Salvation, and who watch for our Souls. O God, pardon thy Ser vants and thy Minifters their Sins and their Failings: Cleanfe thy Sanctuary again, and grant that by both Paftors and People, with a new Zeal, thy holy Name may be more and more glorified in the midst of us.

We pray Thee for all Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, befeeching Save and defend, all Thee to grant thy Knowledge to them all. Chriftian Princes and Magiftrates; infpire them with a true Zeal for thy Glory, and bless all their juft and holy Undertakings. Particularly we offer to Thee our moft earnest Prayers for the facred Perfon of our Sovereign Lord the King; O Lord, preserve bim carefully, prolong his Days, and give us Grace that, according to Thy holy Commandment, we may exert an inviolable Fidelity towards him. Blefs the Queen, the Prince Royal, the Princefs his Confort, the Prince and Princess their Children; for all the Royal Family; the Count of Wartemberg, Hereditary Governour General of this Principality, and all thofe who are appointed to govern this State, and who have adminiftred the Offices of Juftice and Policy therein, and particularly the Magiftrates of this City. O God, ftrengthen them in the Exercife of their Employments, to the end that they may ufe their Authority for the Advancement of thy Glory, and for the good of thy Church, and of our Country. Lord, withdraw not thy Favour from this State. O God, continue to take Care of us, and to blefs us. O Lord, let thy Mercy fhine upon us, and grant us thy Salvation! O Lord fave thy People, and bless thine Inheritance! Turn away thy Judgments from us! O God of our Deliverance, help us, and be favourable to our Sins, for the fake of thy Name.

We implore thy Help in behalf of all Perfons in Affliction. Above all, we recommend to thy Mercy, thofe that fuffer Perfecution for the fake of Truth. Lord, have Pity upon the fad Condition to which fo many of our Brethren have been reduced in divers Places, and for fo long a Time. Comfort thofe defolate Souls, raise up thofe that are fallen; deliver those that are in Prifons, in the Galleys, in Convents, and in other Places. Guide by thy Providence those who endeavour to fet their Confciences at Liberty. Aflift all thofe that fuffer any Affliction either in Body or Mind; and especially thofe among our Brethren, Members of this Church, who through Sickness or Infirmity have not been able to meet this Day in thy House. them Repentance, and Patience under their Calamities, and a happy. Iffue out of all their Aflictions.


O Lord, before whom we have this Day humbled our felves in a folemn manner, and who haft promifed us, that when we fhould be gathered together in thy Name, Thou wouldeft hear our Prayers, Hear all those and fulfil the Defires and Petitions of thy Servants.


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who feek to Thee with a fincere Heart: Lord be reconcil'd towards us, and pardon us: Lord have Pity on us, and grant us thy Peace: Lord receive our Prayers, our Praifes, our Devotion; and grant that our Fafting may bring forth fuch Fruits of Repentance and Conversion as may be acceptable to Thee, through Jefus Chrift thy Son, who has commanded us to call upon Thee in the following manner."

Our Father, &c.

A Prayer to be used on PUBLICK FAST S.

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Lord, before whom 'tis our Duty to prefent our felves at this Time, to offer to Thee the Sacrifice of our Thanksgivings, of our Repentance, and to celebrate a publick Faft: Difpofe our Hearts to a true Humiliation, to the end, that acknowledging the Number and Greatness of our Sins, we may deplore them, and obtain thy Pardon for them. Lord enter not into Judgment with thy Servants, who are but Duft and miferable Sinners before Thee. ple, who turn to Thee in Fafting, Praying, and Weeping: For Thou Pardon thy Peoart a merciful God, full of Compaflion, flow to Anger, and abounding in Kindness. Hearrour Prayers, O moft good God, and hear thofe of all our Brethren who call upon Thee with us. Create in us new and contrite Hearts, fo that our Fafting may bring forth the Fruits of a true Repentance, through Jefus Chrift thy Son. Amen.

N. B. The Liturgies of Baptifm, of the Holy Sacrament, and of
Marriage, are not inferted here, becaufe they are already Publish'd,
and because they are the fame that are used by the Reformed
Churches in thefe Countries.

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