
critic teacher. The successes and failures of the morning are freely discussed, and detailed plans are made for the following day. The personal attention of the instructors is given to all theoretical and material things that may help or hinder a student's subsequent career.

The pupil teacher does not realize the full meaning of the professional side of her work till she is placed in full charge of a room, face to face with her pupils, and is held responsible for their government and instruction. The term of service, which covers a period of three months, is a good test of her ability as a disciplinarian, and brings out pretty clearly her weak points as a teacher. Success in this department is an important factor in the granting of a diploma, and already there have been several cases where it has been found necessary to withhold the diploma on account of failure in practice work, although the other school work was satisfactory.

The normal training course for kindergarten teachers covers, with its graduate term, a period of three years. This course is now fairly established, and offers an opportunity for kindergarten training under the most favorable conditions. The twelve schools furnished for observation and practice are situated in different sections of the city, and include in their enrolment 1,045 children from families of varied circumstances. It too frequently happens that kindergarten schools include only children from the more fortunate classes. The following is a brief statement of the work of this course.

In the first year, the kindergarten students take the regular normal school course. They meet the supervisor of the kindergarten department once a week, for instruction in principles and methods and in the use of the gifts and occupations. Early in the year a week of morning visits is spent in the different kindergartens, while in the afternoons, reports are presented to the supervisor, and an opportunity is given for discussion. The primary and lower grammar grades are then visited, so that some knowledge may be obtained of work in the higher grades, and of its relation to the kindergarten. Each student is required to make a study of one or more children, and to submit the results of her observations in a written report.

In the second year all the forenoons are spent in the schools, a part of the time in observation and a part in practice. Each student spends ten consecutive weeks in one school, and is given the opportunity to take full charge of the room, under supervision. Afternoons are spent at the normal school, in the study of theory, including mother play and symbolic education, psychology, games, gifts, occupations, drawing, nature work, gymnastics, voice training and music.

In the graduate year further opportunity is given for observation and practice. Instruction is given in advanced kindergarten theory, including the pedagogy of the kindergarten and the education of man, crystallography, laboratory work in zoology and botany, with special reference to their application to the kindergarten, and weekly discussions on the making of programs. The graduate course was formed this year, and has a membership of fifteen.

The appropriation by the Legislature of 1899 has been partially expended in furnishing the different laboratories with necessary apparatus. The manual training room is receiving its outfit and will be ready for use before this report appears. Plans have been drawn for constructing eight shower baths in the room adjoining the gymnasium. Gegenstrom heaters are to be used with these baths, insuring the instantaneous production of hot water at any temperature and in any desired quantity, with no danger of scalding. The lot in the rear of the building has been graded, a portion of it being reserved for tennis courts and basket ball.


1. Number of students for the year, 2. Number in entering classes, 72,


Number of graduates for year, 43.

135, -129 women, 6 men. junior, 54; graduate, 18.

4. Whole number of students admitted since opening of school, 260.

5. Average age of pupils admitted, 18 years 6 months.

6. Of the entering class, Middlesex County is represented by 8 towns; Essex County, by 2 towns; Norfolk County, by 1 town; the State of Maine, by 1. Lowell furnishes 26 pupils; Lawrence, 8; Woburn, 5; Andover, 4; Winchester, 3; and Waltham,

Wamesit, Salem, Hyde Park, and Tyngsborough, and Presque Isle, Me., 1 each.

7. Occupations of pupils' fathers: farmers, 5; merchants, 5; real estate, 3; laborers, 4; mechanics, 3; engineers, 2; curriers, 2; engraver, 1; shipper, 1; superintendent, 1; contractor, 1; tailor, 1; wool sorter, 1; paper hanger, 1; clergyman, 1; manufacturer, 1; policeman, 1; weaver, 1; operator, 1; iron moulder, 1; salesman, 1; bookkeeper, 1; overseer, 1; agent, 1; not reported, 13.



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