


1. Accentuate the following lines:


Slow sinks, more lovely ere his race be run,

Along Morea's hills the setting sun.


Aloft in aweful state

The godlike hero sate.


Pity, kind gentlefolks, friends of humanity,
Keen blows the wind and the night's coming on.


Drink to me only with thine eyes,

And I will pledge with mine.


On the marge of a brook by the side of Helvellyn,

Under the shade of an old oak tree.

2. Write down under each of the following words three rhymes,—old, man, steal, master, breezes, leading, willow, fortify, hardiness, charity.



1. What are the present languages of Wales, the Isle of Man, the Scotch Highlands, and Ireland?

2. What are the present languages of Germany and Holland? How are they related to the present language of England? How to the original language of England?

3. Enumerate the chief supposed migrations from Germany to England, giving (when possible) the date of each, the particular German tribe by which each was undertaken, and the parts of Great Britain whereon the different landings were made. Why do I say supposed migrations? Criticise, in detail, the evidence by which they are supported, and state the extent to which it is exceptionable. Who was Beda? What were the sources of his information?

4. Give reasons for believing in the existence of Germans in England anterior to A.D. 449.

5. Who are the present Jutlanders of Jutland? Who the inhabitants of the district called Anglen in Sleswick? What are the reasons for connecting these with the Jutes and Angles of Beda? What those for denying such a connection?

6. What is the meaning of the termination -uarii in Cant-uarii and Vect-uarii? What was the Anglo-Saxon translation of Antiqui Saxones, Occidentales Saxones, Orientales Saxones, Meridionales Saxones?

7. Translate Cantware and Wihtware into Latin. How does Alfred translate Juta?

8. Give the localities of the Old Saxons. Investigate the area occupied by the Anglo-Saxons.

9. What is the present population of the Dutch province of Friesland? What its language?

10. Make a map of Ancient Germany and Scandinavia, according to the languages and dialects of those two areas. Exhibit, in a tabular form, the languages akin to the English.

11. What are the stages of the English language?


1. Explain the following terms,-Orthoepy, Orthography, Vowel, Semivowel, Mute, Liquid.

2. Accentuate the following words,-attribute (Substantive), survey (Verb), August (the month).

3. Under what conditions is the sound of Consonants doubled?

4. What is the power of ph in Philip? what in haphazard? Illustrate the difference fully.

5. How do you sound the combination apd? Why?


1. What is the difference between Etymology and Syntax? 2. How far are the following words instances of gender -boy, he-goat, actress, which? Analyse the forms what, her, its, vixen, spinster, gander, drake.

3. What is the rule for forming such a plural as stags from stag? What are the peculiarities in monarchs, cargoes, keys, pence, geese, children, women, houses, paths, leaves? Of what number are the words alms, physics, news, riches?

4. To what extent have we in English a dative, an accusative, and instrumental case? Disprove the doctrine that the genitive in -s (the father's son) is formed out of the combination father his.

5. Decline me, thee, and ye.

6. What were the original powers and forms of she, her, it? What is the power and origin of the in such expres

sions as all the more? Decline he in Anglo-Saxon. Investigate the forms these and those, whose, what, whom, which, myself, himself, herself, such, every.

7. What words in the present English are explained by the following forms-sutiza, in Moso-Gothic, and scearpor, neah, yldre, in Anglo-Saxon? Explain the forms better, worse, more, less.

8. Analyse the words former, next, upmost, thirty, streamlet, sweetheart, duckling.

9. Exhibit the extent to which the Noun partakes of the character of the Verb, and vice versa.

10. Investigate the forms drench, raise, use (the Verb), clothe.

11. Thou speakest—What is the peculiarity of the form? 12. Thou rannest (=tu cucurristi). Is this an unexceptionable form? If not, why?

13. What are the moods in English? What the tenses? Account for the double forms swam and swum. Enumerate the other Verbs in the same class. Explain the forms taught, wrought, aught, did (from do=facio), did (from do= valeo), minded.

14. Explain the form could.

15. What is the construction of meseems and methinks? 16. To err is human, the rising in the North: Explain these constructions. Account for the second -r in forlorn ; and for the y in y-cleped.

17. How far are Adverbs inflected? Distinguish between a Preposition and a Conjunction.

18. Explain the forms there, thence, yonder, and anon.


1. Explain the terms Syntax, Ellipsis, Pleonasm, Apposition, and Convertibility, giving examples of each.

2. What is the Government of Adjectives?

3. What is the construction in

a. His mother.

b. If the salt have lost his savour.

c. Myself is weak.

d. This is mine.

4. What are the concords between the relative and the antecedent? How far is, Whom do they say that I am, an exceptionable expression?

5. My wife and little ones are well. What is the origin of the word ones here? It was those who spoke. There was those who spoke. Why is one of those expressions correct, the other incorrect?

6. What is the difference between

a. The secretary and treasurer,


b. The secretary and the treasurer? What is that between

The first two,


The two first?

7. What is the construction of—

He sleeps the sleep of the righteous? 8. Explain in full the following constructions

a. I have ridden a horse.

b. I am beaten.

c. All fled but John.


Give the metrical notation of the Ballad Stanza, Service Metre, Common Octosyllables, and Alexandrine.

Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.

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