
the said ship, and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in th ship's boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East Indies. The whole illustrated with charts, etc.. .Admiralty edition. London, 1792. 4o.

BLISS, Rev. Anthony. Observations on Mr. Chubb's Discourse concerning reason... London (1735?). 78 p. 8°. Pam. v. 333.

BLISS, Henry. Oration, Colebrook, Conn.: On the National thanksgiving (1815). 16 p. 8°. Pam. v. 526.

BLISS, Rec. Seth.


See American Tract Society, Boston.

Climate of the Summer of 1853, in its relations to the agricultural institutions of the United States. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1853. 26 p. 8°. Pam. v. 272, 551.

Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate latitudes of the North-American continent...with isothermal and rain charts Philadelphia, 1857. 536 p. 8°.

Reports and Charts, meteorological. See U.S. A. Met. Register.
See Philadelphia Board of Trade, report.

BLOMER (Ralph), DD. Sermon, March 10, 1710-: Accession to th throne Tit. iii, 1. London. 8°. Pam. v. 365.

Sermon, Inthronement of Archbishop: Acts ix, 15, 16. London, 1716. 8°. Pam. v. 366.

BLOMFIELD, Bp. Charles J. The Peculiar Claims which the Society for promoting christian knowledge has upon the liberality of churchmen A Sermon, Aylesbury. London, 1815. 8°. Pam. v. 472.

A Reference to Jewish Tradition necessary to an interpreter the New Testament: A Sermon .... Cambridge, 1817. 8°. Pani. v. 313.

Charge to the Clergy of Chester, 1825. Lond. 4°. Pam. v. 1009. Sermon, Soc. Prop. the Gospel, Feb. 15, 1827: Matt. xxiv, 14. London. 8°. Pam. v. 384.

A Manual of Family Prayers. 10th edition. London, 1829. 32 p. 12°. Pam. v. 308.

A Letter to C. Butler.. in vindication of English protestants.. 3d edition, to which is added a postscript..London, 1825. 35 p. 8 . Pam. v. 344.

BLOMFIELD, Rev. E. A General View of the World, geographical, historical and philosophical, on a plan entirely new. Bungay, Eng. 1807. 2 v. 4°.



Greek Grammar. See Matthiæ, A.

Mémoire sur l'Organisation de l'Enseignement du droit en Holland, et sur les garanties d'instruction juridique exigće dans ce pays, des aspirantes à certaines fonctions .... Paris, 1846. 208 p. 8'.

BLOOD, Henry Ames. The History of Temple, N. H.*** Boston, 186 . 352 p. 8°.

BLUME, Friedrich. Iter Italicum. Von D. Friedrich Blume... Berlin und Stettin, Halle, 1824, 27, 30, 36. 4 v. 189. Contents:

VOL. I Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in den Sardinischen und Esterreichischen Provinzen.

VOL. II Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in Parma, Modena, Massa, Lucca, Toscana, dem Kirchenstaat und S. Marino.


Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in der Stadt Rom.

Konigreich Neapel; nebst Nachträgen und Registern zu allen vier bänden, und zur Bibliotheca Librorum MSS. Italica.

Bibliotheca Librorum Manuscriptorum Italica.. In Supplementum Itineris Italici congessit...Gottinga, 1834. 272 p. 12.

BLUMHOF, J. G. L. Bibliotheca Ferri; seu Collectio librorum scriptorumque de ferro tractantium, systematice completa. Brunsvigæ, 1803. 271 p. 8°.

BLUNT, E. & G. W.

Sailing Directions for the West Coast of North America, from Bodega to Cape San Lucas. New-York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1849. 8°. Pam. v. 274.

BLUNTI, Edmund M. The American Coast Pilot; containing the courses and distances... from Passammaquoddy through the Gulph of Florida...By Capt. Lawrence Furlong. Corrected and improved by the most experienced pilots in the United States... 7th edition. New-York (1812). 311 p., and appendix of laws, 63 p. 8°.

BLUNT, Rev. J. J. An Introduction to a Course of Lectures on the early fathers... Cambridge, 1840. 51 p. 8°. Pam. v. 306.

BLYTHE, Stephen C. An Apology for the Conversion of Stephen C. Blythe to the faith of the .... Roman church.... Montreal, 1815. 55 p. Pam. v. 482.

Translation. See Edgeworth de Firmont, H. E.

BOADEN, James. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, interspersed with anecdotes of authors and actors. London, 1827. 2 v. 8°.

BOARD OF NATIONAL POPULAR EDUCATION. 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th Ann. Report of the General Agent: Cincinnati, 1848; Cleveland, 1852; Hartford, 1854, 55, 57. Pam. v. 279.- 1st Report also in Pam. v. 250.

2d, 3d, 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th Ann. Report: Cleveland, Hartford, 1849 57. 8°. Pam. v. 491.— 6th Report, Cleveland, 1853. Pam. v. 217.

BOARDMAN (Henry A.), D.D. Address, 1853. See Merchant's Fund. Discourse on the Life and Character of Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, 1852. 8°. Pam. v. 268.

A Quarter-century Discourse... 10th Presbyterian church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1858. 106 p. 12o.

Not This or that," but "This and that." The Union principle, though undenominational, not anti-denominational. Phil'a, 1858. 16 p. 8°. Pam. v. 289.

BOBIERRE, Adolphe. Considérations théoriques et pratiques sur l'action des en rais. Paris, 1854. 63 p. 8°. Pam. v. 233.

BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio.
Edilion of Ugo Foscolo. Londra, Pickering, 1825. 3 v. 8°.

BOCK, C. P. Lettres à Monsieur L. Bethmann sur un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Bourgogne, intitulé: Liber Guidonis.*** With, Notice of an Elegy by A. Van Hasselt. Bruxelles, 1850. 183 p. 18°. BODDY (William B.), Surg. Diet and Cholera; showing the vital importance of wholesome diet .... London, 1848. 40 p. 8°. Pam. v. 405.

BODONI, G. Manuale Tipographico de Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni. Volume primo, secondo. Parma, presso la vedova, 1818. lxxii p., 267, 297 leaves, roy. 8°.

[ocr errors]

BOECLER, J. H. Oratio de Typographiæ....1640. See Schmidt, J. BOEHMER, G. R. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Historiæ naturalis, œconomiæ, aliarumque artium ac scientiarum ad illam pertinentium realis systematica. Lipsiæ, 1785 89. 5 parts bound in 8 v. 8.Contents:

PARS I, Vol. 1, Sec. 1: Litterarii, Commendatores; 2, Descriptores, Ichnographi, Systematici, Physici; 3, Biblici et Critici; 4, Microscopici; 5, Muscographi; 6, Topographici.

PARS I, Vol. II, Sec. 7: Medici; 8, Pharmaceutici; 9, Chymici; 10, Dietetici; 11, Economici; 12, Technologici.

PARS II, Zoologi: Vol. 1, Sec. 1, Universales; 2, Particulares: De Mammalibus, Mastologi, etc.

PARS II, Vol. II: De avibus, amphibiis, piscibus, insectis, vermibus, etc. PARS III, Phytologi: Vol. 1, Universales: Economici, agri- prati- sylvihorticultura, stercoratio, etc.

PARS III, Vol. 2, Speciales: Monographi; Appendix de Pice.

PARS IV, Mineralogi: Vol. 1, Universales, ut Pars II.

PARS IV, Vol. 2, Particulares; Vol. 3, Miscellanei.

PARS V, Hydrologi: See. 1, Litterarii et Ilistorici; 2, Aqua; 3, Ros; 4, Fontes; 5, Mare et Flumina; 6, Balneæ; 7, Thermæ et Acidulæ.

BOELES (P.) junior. Het Tweehonderd-vijftig jarig bestaan der Hervormde Gemeente te Noorddijk; gevierd op den gedenkdag der Hervoorming, 2 Nov. 1845.... Leerrede met aanteekeningen, bij-lagen en eene plaat. Groningen..1846. 104 p. 8°.

BOERHAAVE, Marcus. Noodige Vernederinge des Menschen..Gestelt tegen de Pelagiaensche Weder-dooperen... Amsterdam, 1661.—By-. voegsel..Tegen allerley gewelt der Mennoniten..Amsterdam, 1660. 699, 272 p. 8°.

BOGART, David S. A Discourse: 1 Cor. xv, 33, at Hempstead Harbor, Queens County, Long-Island, 6th April, 1814 ... New-York, 1814. 8. Pam. v. 288.

BOGATZKY, C. H. V. A Golden Treasury for the Children of God... New-York, 299 Broadway, 1797. ob. 18°.

BOGUE (David), and BENNETT, James. History of Dissenters from the Revolution in 1688 to..1808. London, 1808 – 12. 4 v. 8o. BOGUE, David. Sermon, Rel. Tract Soc. Ps. xliii, 3. London, 1800. 8. Pam. v. 375.

Bont, Henry G. A Guide to the Knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, and other objects of vertu; comprising an illustrated catalogue of the Bernal collection of works of art, with the prices... Essay on pottery and porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. London, 1857. 12o.

BOHN, Henry G.:

The Question of Unreciprocated Foreign Copy-right in Great Britain: A Report of the speeches and proceedings at a public meeting.... Sir E. B. Lytton in the chair; with notes by H. G. Bohn. London, 1851. viii, 68 p. 8°. Pam. v. 313.

A Polyglott of Foreign Proverbs; with English translations. London, 1857. 12o.

Catalogue of 1856. Cat. v. 83; 1843, etc. Cat. v. 6, 21, 71, 89. BOHN, James. Catalogue of Books of Auction, Ap. 20, 1855. London. 58 p. 8°. Cat. v. 94.

BOHN, John. A Catalogue...of books printed by the family of Aldus Manutius, from 1494 to 1597...on sale by...with price. London, 22 p. 8°.

BOHUN, E. The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, esq... Licenser of the press in the reign of William and Mary, and subsequently Chief Justice of South-Carolina; with an introductory memoir, notes and illustrations by S. Wilton Rix... Privately printed at Beccles (Eng.), by Read Crisp, 1853. xxxiv, 148 p. 4°. BOIES, Patrick. Oration.. Blandford, Mass., 4th July 1814. .Springfield. 18 p. 8°. Pam. v. 532.

BOILEAU, Abbé Jacques.
Paraphrase, etc.

Historia Flagellantium. See De Lolme's

BOILEAU-DESPRÉAUX, N. Œuvres Poétiques de Boileau Despréaux, avec une notice biographique et littéraire et des notes par E. Geruzez. Paris, 1857. 319 p. 12o.

[ BOIS, Rev. L. E.] See Sarrasin, M., Notes biographiques; Sillery, Chev., Biographie.

BOISSEREE, Sulpiz. Denkmale der Baukunst vom 7ten bis zum 13ten
Jahrhundert am Nieder-Rhein .... Zweite mit Zusätzen versehene
ausgabe. München, 1844. Text 28 p. & 72 plates. f3.

BOITET, Amédée. Mise en Valeur des terres pauvres par le pin mari-
time...suivi d'un appendice sur les taupes, les marais des landes
et des vignes de Cap-Breton. 2e édition. Paris, 1857. 244 p. 8°.
BOKUмt, Rev. Hermann. A Discourse on the State of the German
Population in the United States..New-York, 1836. 8°. Pam. v. 267.
BOLHUIS, Lambertus Van. Beknopte Nederduitsche Spraakkunst, op-
gesteld door.. in het jaar 1792... Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij
Tot nut van't Algemeen. Te Leyden....1793. 12o.
BOLIVAR, Simon. Proyecto de Constitucion para la Republica de
Bolivia, y discurso del Libertador. Buenos-Aires, 1826. 17, 32 p.
8°. W. C. 632.

BOLLES, Rev. James A. The Episcopal Church Defended: Claims of
Methodist Episcopacy... Letters addressed to Rev. A. Steele, with
his replies... Batavia, N.Y. 1843. 198 p. 12. Pam. v. 543.

Preaching the Kingdom of God: Discourse, Diocese of Western N.Y. New-York, 1847. 8o. Paní. v. 559.

Pastoral Letter to Trinity Church... Cleveland, O. 1855. 15 8°. Pam. v. 543.

5 p.

[ocr errors]

BOLLEY (P. A.). & PAUL, Benj. H. Manual of Technical Analysis : a Guide for the testing and valuation of the various natural and artificial substances employed in the arts and in domestic economy ....London, Bohn, 1857. 12o.

BOLOGNA ACADEMY. See Istituto Nazionale Italiano.

BOMBAY TRACT and BOOK SOCIETY. Honesty; Catechism; Poor Sarah [3 Tracts in Marathi language]. 1853, 54. 18. Pam. v. 609.

First Book for Children [Tract in Gujarati language]. 18°. 609.

Pam. v.

BOMHOFF, D. A New Dictionary of the English and Dutch language. Part 1, English and Dutch; Part II, Dutch & English. Nijmegen, 1851. 1256, 1055 p. 2 v. 18°.

BON HARBOR. An Account of Bon Harbor, in the State of Kentucky ...possessing extensive coal mines... London, 1849. 39 p. 8°. Pam. v. 520.

BON (Le) JARDINIER ALMANACK pour l'année 1856. Contenant les principes genéraux de culture; l'indication, mois par mois, des travaux à faire dans les jardins, etc....Par Vilmorin, Decaisne, Neumann et Pepin... Naudin. Paris. 1564 p. 12o.

BONAPARTE (Louis), Ex-King of Holland. Historical Documents and Reflections on the Government of Holland...*** London, 1820. 3 v. 8°.

BONAPARTE, Louis Napoléon. Œuvres de Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, publiées par M. Charles-Edward Temblaire. Paris, Librairie Napoléonienne...1848. 3 v. 8°.

v. 8.

Euvres de Napoléon III, Tome I - IV. Paris....1854 - 56. 4 BONAPARTE, Lucien. Charlemagne; ou l'Église délivrée. Poème épique, en vingt-quatre chants. Par Lucien Bonaparte... Tome I, 11. Londres, 1814. 392, 419 p. 2 v. 4°.

Réponse de Lucien Bonaparte, Prince de Canino, aux Mémoires du Général Lamarque. Londres, 1835. 83 p. 8°. Pam. v. 393. BONAPARTE, Napoléon. The Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his brother Joseph, sometime King of Spain. Selected and translated, with explanatory notes from the "Memoires du Roi Joseph." Vol: I, II. London, 1855. 2 v. 8o.

BONAR, Rer. Andrew A.

Memoir of the late Rev. Robert M. M‘Cheyne. From 17th Edinburgh edition. New-York, 1847. 8o.

BOND (Senators), FULLER, COFFIN and BOKEE. "The Spirit of the Age"; its tendencies to a change that is not reform. Speeches of State Senate. Albany, 1849. 39 p. 8°. Pam. v. 539.

BOND, George P. An Account of Donati's Comet of 1858.. Ex. from the Math. Monthly; with two...plates and 21 cuts. Cambridge, 1858.4".

BOND (Henry), M.D. Family Memorials.- Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston; to which is appended the early history of the town. With illustrations, maps and notes. Vol. 1, Genealogies; Vol. II, Additions, corrections and early history. Boston, 1855. 2 v. in 1. 8°.

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