British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4J. Whitaker, 1985 |
Sayer R A Critique of Urban Modelling Imp8 68 15ill Prog in Planning S | 5854 |
Sayre Kenneth M Ed See GoodpasterKenneth SayreKenneth M Ed | 5858 |
Scattering Theory by the E N s s Method Perry M8 362 57 50 Harwood | 5861 |
God and Scepticism Penelhum M8 xiii 186 | 5862 |
Scammell W M International Economy Since 1945 M8 256 2r e 20 00 | 5866 |
Scarpitti Frank R Datesman Susan K Ed Drugs and the Youth Culture | 5868 |
An Evolutionary Survey IM6 700 2r e 14 95 | 6531 |
Schadewald Robert J dBase II Guide for Small Business R6 366 III pbk 20 95 | 6553 |
Scanlon Tony Cry on a Foggy Night SC8 72 III some col Trend S pbk 1 | 6557 |
Scenic Settle and Carlisle Railway Binns Post4 64 98ill bds 4 25 Wyvern Pubns | 6558 |
Scaglione Aldo D Nature and Love in the Middle Ages M8 x250 III n e 18 95 | 6559 |
Sayings of Chairman Johnson JohnsonSamuel Ed KirbyE E suR32 16 2ill | 6560 |
Sayings of Leo Towards Yourself Leo D8 36 32ill pbk 1 00 | 6568 |
23 35 Van Nost Reinhold 9 | 6570 |
Scammell W S Law of Agricultural Holdings R8 xlii611 6r e H A C Densham | 5879 |
Sceptical Sociology Carroll D8 216 12 95 Routledge 8 | 5883 |
Sayers Bruce McArthur etc Engineering in Medicine D8 112 8figs 7tabs Sci | 5891 |
Electoral College | 5901 |
Scarry Richard Peasant Pig and the Terrible Dragon D4 48 Col ill 2AB 3 95 | 5918 |
For Norman Nicholson at 70 04 | 5926 |
41 65 L ErlbaumU S 10 | 5929 |
Scammell William Jouissance D8 84 pbk 4 50 Peterloo Poets 12 | 5934 |
Scale Model Traction Engine Building Featuring Minnie MasonLeonard Charlish | 5940 |
Scattering Theory Integral Equation Methods in Colton Kress IM8 286 III Pure | 5942 |
Sceptics of the Italian Renaissance Owen John D8 474 facsim of 1908e 14 85 | 5947 |
TechniquesDesigns and Projects | 5952 |
Sceptre Mortal Sawde C8 ix294 2M pbk 2 95 Oriflamme | 5955 |
Scattering Theory Inverse Problem of Agranovich Marchenko M8 300 III | 5963 |
K See Gladwelll SayersD | 5969 |
American Revolutionary Adventurer Alden M8 232 27 50 | 5973 |
Ed Ancient France60002000 B C R8 400 140ill 19 00 Edinburgh | 5974 |
Property Management | 5982 |
Scarrott G G Fifth Generation Computer Project Imp8 400 215 00 Pergamon | 5990 |
Sayers Dorothy L Clouds of Witness | 5991 |
Scammells B Administration of Health and Welfare Services D8 134 6d 11 50 | 6007 |
Sayers Dorothy L Documents in the Case | 6017 |
M8 308 | 6018 |
Scandal WilsonA N | 6033 |
Scarborough and Whitby Railway Lidster | 6051 |
Sayers Dorothy L Five Red Herrings | 6052 |
Scavullo Scavullo suR4 274 III 37 00 Harper Row 12 | 6070 |
Scawsby Drabble IC8 247 4 50 Weidenfeld N 3 | 6088 |
Pub Co 5 | 6102 |
A Ed See Shakespeare W King Henry IV | 6106 |
Scanlan Nelle M Kelly Pencarrow M8 576 n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print | 6110 |
Collins 9 | 6116 |
Objective Measurement M8 127 d | 6133 |
Atlas of Corneal Pathology Ed Polack R8 580 l | 6140 |
Politics of Local Government Finance | 6141 |
Sayers Dorothy L Gaudy Night | 6142 |
Derbyshire Countryside 7 | 6146 |
Victorian Photograms by Anna Atkins M4 104 | 6154 |
Challenge to Public Policy Making Welch Miewald | 6170 |
An Exploratory Study M8 268 | 6206 |
Scarry Richard Best Mistake Ever and Other Stories R32 48 Col ill 2AB | 6208 |
Schaar Claes Critical Studies in the Cynewulf Group M8 n e 67 50 Haskell | 6209 |
An Encyclopaedia Wilson Colin SeamanDonald | 6212 |
Scarry Richard Best Rainy Day Book Ever R6 176 III some col pbk 2 99 | 6217 |
Schaar John H Legitimacy in the Modern State M8 359 10 25 Transaction Bks | 6222 |
Scarry Richard Best Word Book Ever R4 92 Col ill n i bds 3 95 Hamlyn 7 | 6227 |
etc Christians in the Business World D8 52 pbk 1 00 UCCF | 6229 |
Sceats Andrew Sports and Leisure Club Management M8 160 pbk 5 95 | 6246 |
A Practical Handbook D8 96 64ill 9 75 Pergamon | 6266 |
Scanning Electron Microscopy Atlas of Cells and Tissues Fujita M8 338 322ill | 6278 |
n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 6 | 6279 |
Scenario Planning Techniques of Chandler Cockle R8 170 | 6293 |
Readings of the Aesthetics and Methodology | 6299 |
Scaddan Brian Modern Electrical Installation for Craft Students 3v D8 2r e | 6320 |
Scandinavian Language Contacts Ed Ureland Clarkson M8 340 Ill tabs M | 6322 |
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Human Reproduction Hafez IM8 246 III 33 00 | 6329 |
Scade John Cereals D8 78 3figs 8tabs Value of Food S pbk 2 50 Oxf U | 6339 |
Introduction to Their History Haugen D8 507 11 | 6344 |
Scase Richard See DavisHoward ScaseRichard | 6348 |
Sayers Dorothy L Murder Must Advertise | 6355 |
Scarry Richard Busy Busy Word Book D16 48 Col ill 2AB Colour Cubs S | 6361 |
Scarcity Energy and Economic Progress Banks M8 220 19figs 28tabs 16 00 | 6363 |
A Survey Including ScandinavianAmerican | 6369 |
Scene Painting Continental Method of Polunin Post4 128 16ill n e 8 95 Dance | 6381 |
Scandinavian Loanwords in Middle English Bjorkman M8 n e of 190002e | 6382 |
Scanziani Piero British Encyclopaedia of Dogs D4 344 535ill 415col bds 10 00 | 6384 |
See GolbergH ScadronM | 6394 |
Scarecrowscallywag 14 x 122 36 Col ill Play School Picture | 6397 |
Sayers Dorothy L Striding Folly sC8 128 n i pbk 1 95 New Eng Lib 7 | 6402 |
Scanzoni John H Sex RolesLife Styles and Childbearing sM8 288 III 23 95 Free | 6406 |
Scaffold Falsework Design to British Standard 5975 GrantMurray | 6409 |
Scenery Selfsupporting Miller James Hull D4 116 III 4r e pbk 5 50 Meriwether | 6413 |
Priorities for the Emerging Church Atherton C8 132 | 6414 |
Scenes from a Marriage Bergman | 6426 |
Scase Richard Goffee Robert Real World of the Small Business Owner | 6433 |
Scandal of the Andover Workhouse Anstruther D8 176 12ill 1M n e pbk 4 95 | 6436 |
Sayers Dorothy L Strong Poison | 6438 |
Scarry Richard Can You Count? sD8 12 Col ill 1A bds 1 50 | 6443 |
Power Politics in the American Marriage | 6448 |
Scenes of the Cape of Good Hope in 1741 Heydt | 6454 |
Scandalous Woman and Other Stories OBrienEdna | 6458 |
Scenic Photography Art of Grill Scanlon sD4 144 III some col 10 95 pm d | 6460 |
Scanlon Leo J Aim 65 Laboratory Manual and Study Guide D4 190 III | 6466 |
Scaffolding C8 24 III pbk 0 15 Nat Indust Safety Org 11 | 6469 |
Scarry Richard Find Your A B C D6 32 III 1A Armada Pict Lions S pbk 1 50 | 6472 |
Scandinavia BaedekerAutomobile Association ID8 300 Col ill bds 8 95 | 6476 |
Scanlon Leo J Easywriter II System Made Easyer M6 123 pbk 13 90 Prentice | 6483 |
Scarry Richard Great Big Air Book R6 64 Col ill 2AB bds 3 95 Collins 9 | 6491 |
Scaffolds in Tubular Steel Falsework and Access Brand M8 200 | 6492 |
Teme Valley Experiment 1973 Dunn | 6497 |
Scarry Richard Great Big Mystery Book R6 48 4col ill 2AB bds 3 95 Collins | 6500 |
Between East and West Ed Friis M8 x388 n | 6510 |
An Evolutionary Survey sC4 500 | 6519 |
Scannell Dorothy Sapphire Ring IC8 192 7 50 Piatkus Bks 11 | 6590 |
19 85 Van Nost Reinhold 11 | 6593 |
A History | 6595 |
pbk 14 30 Van Nost Reinhold 10 | 6606 |
Scent Hounds Hunting with Stetson D8 How to Raise Train S pbk 1 75 | 6609 |
Scales Susan Retriever Training the Modern Way D8 144 28ill 7 95 David | 6611 |
Scarry Richard Great Big School House R4 96 Col ill bds 3 95 Collins 10 | 6617 |
Schaefer Charles E OConnor Kevin J Handbook of Play Therapy sC4 506 III | 6619 |
Schaefer Charles E etc Ed Family Therapy Techniques for Problem Behaviours | 6628 |
Scales of Justice MarshNgaio | 6632 |
Scarry Richard Holiday Book sD8 12 Col ill 1A bds 1 50 Collins | 6634 |
Large Print e 7 95 G K Hall 3 | 6638 |
Questions and Challenges D8 248 | 6641 |
Scalextric Cars and Equipment of Past and Present Enthusiasts Guide to Gillham | 6645 |
Schaefer Jack Old Ramon sC8 96 Ill n e New Windmill S 1 80 Heinemann | 6649 |
Kings and Vikings Sawyer | 6652 |
Large Print Bks 3 | 6654 |
A Study in the History of Classical Scholarship Grafton | 6659 |
Schaefer Jack Shane | 6663 |
Scandinavia Battles for Elting IM4 208 Ill some col Wld War II | 6673 |
Scenes from a Priestly Life Gallagher sC8 32 Sill pbk 0 45 Catholic Truth | 6676 |
Scarry Richard Little A B C D16 48 Col ill 2AB Colour Cubs | 6678 |
Scarf Jack Kavanagh D8 160 4DE 3 75 Bodley Head 4 | 6683 |
Scenes from an Armenian Childhood Totovents Ed KudianMischa | 6686 |
Scaife John etc Ed Genetics of Bacteria M8 286 III 45 00 Academic P 3 | 6690 |
Jayaprakesh Narayan | 6694 |
Scannell Hilary See Hill Jeremy ScannellHilary | 6696 |
Scandinavia Cooking of Brown Dale M4 206 Col ill Foods of | 6697 |
Scandinavia Democratic Monarchies of Arneson M8 xiv294 M | 6703 |
Scannell Vernon How to Enjoy Novels D8 160 6 95 Piatkus Bks 9 | 6706 |
Scalapino Robert A Asia and the Road Ahead | 6725 |
Scapegoat The Maurier | 6729 |
Story of Majorgeneral Benjamin Huger C S | 6740 |
A Shell Guide M6 224 186ill | 6745 |
Scarfe Norman Monk Named Jocelin M8 48 III M Way it Was | 6763 |
Scandinavia During the Second World War Nissen M8 407 Ill d | 6769 |
Scandinavia SocietySchools and Progress in DixonC Willis | 6776 |
Scarfe Norman Norman England Post4 48 Ill Focus on Hist S | 6794 |
Schaefer K E etc Ed See RohenJ W etc Basis of an Individual Physiology | 6801 |
Urban Development | 6813 |
Scarfe Wendy See Scarfe Allan Scarfe Wendy | 6815 |
Looking Ahead IC8 88 | 6831 |
n i 7 95 Gollancz 10 | 6843 |
Scalapino Leslie Considering How Exaggerated Music is M8 152 pbk 5 95 | 6844 |
Scapegoats Garrett D8 104 pbk 1 95 Macmillan Educ 4 | 6848 |
15ill pbk 8 95 Macmillan Educ 12 | 6862 |
Scapens R W etc Financial Control of Divisional Capital Investment D8 157 | 6873 |
Scandinavian Themes in English Poetry 17601800 Omberg M8 192 pbk 7 50 | 6883 |
Scaperlanda A Ed Prospects for Eliminating Nontariff Distortions M8 316 6 52 | 6897 |
Scalapino Robert A AmericanJapanese Relations in a Changing Era D8 127 | 6945 |
Scapping J G etc Ed Scientific Foundations of Respiratory Medicine 10½ x | 6949 |
Coombes | 6967 |
Scalapino Robert A Yu George T Chinese Anarchist Movement M8 vi81 n | 6974 |
Scarisbrick J J Reformation and the English People D8 214 19 50 Blackwell | 6983 |
ScarabThe Creed D8 224 8 95 Secker W 10 | 6989 |
Shotgunners Guide Burch C4 162 III | 7008 |
Civil Disorder and Civil Liberties D8 46 | 7024 |
Schacht Joseph Bosworth Clifford Edmund Ed Legacy of Islam | 7026 |
Scarabs and Cylinders with Names Petrie D4 150 III n e 17 50 Aris Phillips | 7032 |
Sayers Dorothy L Whose Body? | 7033 |
Scalapino Robert A Yu George T Modern China and Its Revolutionary | 7037 |
Scaravelli Paola Cohen Jon Cooking from an Italian Garden D8 344 | 7040 |
Scannell Vernon Selected Poems D8 96 I s e 10 00 Allison B 9 | 7056 |
Schacht Joseph Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence IC8 360 n e pbk 6 50 | 7064 |
Scalded to Death by the Steam Lyle R6 192 III 10 95 W H Allen 4 | 7070 |
Scania Gibbins C4 112 154ill 6 95 Motor Racing 10 | 7077 |
Scandinavia Libraries in HarrisonK C D8 288 53ill 2r e Grafton Bks 7 95 | 7099 |
Scandinavia Major Companies | 7109 |
Seminar Report Stead D4 15 | 7126 |
Sayers Dorothy L etc Crime on the Coast AND No Flowers by Request | 7136 |
pbk 1 95 Chambers 4 | 7143 |
III 2r e Oxf Pbs pbk 5 95 Oxf U P 6 | 7152 |
Sayers Isabelle Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bills Wild West D4 89 102ill | 7153 |
Sayers Jane E At the Time of Geoffrey Chaucer M6 64 II Focus on Hist S | 7169 |
Scandinavia Map Book of Tussler Buckby IR6 72 III M pbk 3 50 Macmillan | 7172 |
Scallops and the Diver Fisherman HardyDavid D8 144 36ill 9 75 Fishing News | 7177 |
Scally Kevin Save the Three Pigs Imp8 32 Col ill Piccolo Bks bds 3 99 | 7202 |
Sayers Jane E Bill E G W Ed Calendar of the Papers of Charles Thomas | 7207 |
Feminist and Antifeminist Perspectives D8 240 | 7213 |
Educational Development in Island Developing | 7214 |
Scale Model Aircraft in Wood Woodason D8 64 III pbk 1 75 Gresham | 7223 |
Scattergun Men Bradley C8 160 n i 3 50 Hale 3 | 7224 |
Scannell Vernon New and Collected Poems 195080 | 7232 |
Poets of the Second World War D8 250 | 7247 |
Schachter Bruce J See AhujaNarendra Schachter Bruce | 7288 |
Sayers R S Bank Rate in Keyness Century M8 16 Keynes Lecture pbk 1 75 | 7291 |
Sayers Rod Using Electricity IM6 16 Ill d set of 5 copies pbk 6 25 Addison | 7310 |
Ed Histamines and Antihistamines M8 196 15ill | 7312 |
Scarry Richard Little Bedtime Book D16 48 Col ill 2AB Colour Cubs S | 7327 |
III 17 50 Pergamon P 65 | 7329 |
Scandinavia Whos Who in 2v D8 1000 80 00 Whos WhoInternat Red Series | 7343 |
Opphavsrett | |