corporated. all the powers, privileges and immunities, as are prescribed for the inhabitants of the town of Linden; said corporation shall have perpetual succession. The limits of said corporation shall be as follows. The Forked Deer River shall be the South line; and it shall run up said river so far that, by running north, the east boundary line will include the residence of Isaac Sampson; and the east boundary line shall run so far north as that the north boundary line will include the residence of Zachias B. Phillips; the north boundary line shall run so far west, as that the west boundary line will include the residence of James Fields; the west boundary line. shall run south to the river. These limits shall be surveyed and plainly marked. The said corporation shall have power in choosing a town constable, to elect either of the constables, for the time being, of the fourth civil district of Dyer county, whether he may live in the limits of the corporation or not. SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That the town of DecaturDecaturville in ville, in the county of Decatur, be and is hereby incorporated, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all liabilities and restrictions in all things as the town of Linden, in Perry county. Boundaries. Boundaries of Boundaries of SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That the bounds of the corporation of the town of Decaturville shall be as follows, viz: Beginning at the south-west corner of a two hundred acre survey in the name of John McMillan, running south twenty poles: thence east one hundred and fifty poles; thence north one hundred and twenty poles; thence west two hundred poles; thence south one hundred poles; thence east to the beginning. SEC. 15. That the boundaries of the corporate limits of the town of Raleigh, in Shelby county, are declared to be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of a small slough below where Sanderlin's steam mill is situated; running thence with said slough on the east bank north to a stake; thence east including the male academy lot to a stake; thence south including Stephens' and Reynolds' residences to a stake; thence in a direct line to the fall in Wolf river at the old ford; thence with the meanders of said river to the beginning. SEC. 16. Be it further enacted, That the corporate limits of the town of Murfreesboro', Rutherford counextended. ty Tennessee, be and the same are hereby extended so as to run as follows, to wit: Beginning on the east side of the Lebanon and Murfreesboro' Turnpike, where Eagle street crosses the same, at the corner of Hardy M. Burton's lot; thence north one-half degrees east fiftynine and a half poles, to the south-west corner of William R. McFadden's lot; thence east one hundred and seventy-two poles to a stake in a road leading to Bradley's race track; thence south seventy-six poles to a line with Walnut street; thence east thirty poles and nineteen and a half links to a stake in Benjamin Smith's field; thence south seventy-seven poles to a stake in M. B. Murfree's field, east of water street; thence west one hundred and six and a half poles to the north-east corner of the grave yard at the Presbyterian church; also, beginning at the south-west corner of the old corporation; thence south seventy-six poles to a stake on the north bank of Lytle's Creek; east twenty-six poles to G. W. Shanklin's lot in said corporation. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives JOHN F. HENRY, Passed, January 10, 1850. Speaker of the Senate. CHAPTER LVI. An Act to charter a Railraod from Nashville to the Alabama line. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That E. Ewing, A. V. S. Lindsley, A. O. P. Nicholson, N. S. Brown, A. V. Brown, Gardner, Francis B. Fogg, Andrew Ewing, Anthony Johnson, A. Hamilton, James A. McAlister, John Thompson, John Overton, E. E. McEwing, John Mucky, John Marshall, John H. Otey, Wm. H. Cranch, Wm. Park, F. Cater, Wm. Harrison, Sr., Wm. Flemming, John Bowden, Thomas B. Bond, A. N. Cartwright, S. McKerick, John W. Chears, Dr. T. Caldwell, Maj. John Brown, Samuel Frierson, George Gantt, R. A. L. Wilkes, Thomas Buford, Giles Reynolds, John H. Pointer be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic by the name and style of Nashville and Alabama Railroad Company, for the purpose of constructing a Railroad from Nashville by way of Franklin, Columbia, and Pulaski to the Alabama line, at or near Elktor; and said company, when formed, shall, by their corporate name, have power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the courts in the State or United States; have and enjoy all rights and privileges secured to the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company, passed December 11, 1845, and subject to all the 會 restrictions and liabilities contained in said charter, and shall be built and constructed agreeably to the requirements of the aforesaid charter. SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the capital stock of said company shall be forty thousand shares, of fifty dollars each, and books for subscription of stock in said Railroad, shall be opened on the first Monday of May next, 1850, and kept open for one month every day, Sundays excepted, from 10 o'clock in the morning to 4 in the evening, at the following places and by the following persons or a majority of them, to wit: At Nashville by Samuel D. Morgan, A. O. P. Nicholson, Dr. John Shelby, E. Ewing, E. H. Foster, James Morton, A. V. S. Lindsley, N. S. Brown, A. V. Brown, John Thompson, W. Williams, G. W. Martin, D. L. Jennings, E. Gardner, J. B, Snowden, and Col. Samuel Anderson; at Franklin, Thomas Park, John Marshall, William Maury, R. C. Foster, John McGregor, J. A. M. E. Stuart, John H. Otey and Wm. Johnson; at Springhill, Dr. John Haddox, A. M. Potter, John W. Chears, Thomas B. Bond, S. McKisic and James L. Drake; at Columbia, John M. Francis, R. B. Mays, Granville Pillow, Pleasant J. Akin, Wm. Moore and Wm. P. Martin; at Mount Pleasant, F. H. Watkins, Harvey Hodge, S. P. Jordon, John Cox and J. M. Granberry; at Pulaski, Thomas Martin, James Patterson, James McCullom, A. W. Ballentine, Ben. Carter, A. Wright, Thomas M, Jones and L. M. Bramlett; at Cornersville, Thomas Kennedy, Wm. Harris, Z. Baird and Dr. Edwards; at Lynnville, F. L. McDurin, R. M. Bugg, W. C. Dughtry, Albert Buford, R. H. Laird, George L. Malone, Martin Laird and Giles A. Reynolds; at Lewisburg. J. J. Jones, W. P. Davis, Wm. L. McClelland, R. P. Whiteside and James A. Yewell; at Lawrenceburg, Franklin Buchanan, William McKnight, jr., Brush M. Moore, sr., R. H. Allen, Thomas D. Deavenport, G. L. Samington, A. Busby, William Parkes, Wm. McKissic, William J. Buchanan and Daniel Bently. SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That S. D. Morgan, A. O. P. Nicholson, A. V. S. Lindsley, Neill S. Brown, John W. Parker and John Thompson, of the county of Davidson; R. H. Bostick, T. F. Adkinson, Wm. Harrison, sr. and A. R. Cartwright, of the county of Williamson; A. Thompson, Maj. John Branum, Gideon J. Pillow, L. J. Polk and Samuel Frierson, of the county of Maury; Giles Reynolds and Thomas Buford, of the county of Giles, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby constituted a board of commissioners, to superintend and manage all the affairs of said Railroad company, until it shall be fully organised by the election of a board of directors as prescribed by the charter of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad charter. SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners or the president and directors for the said Nashville and Alabama Railroad Company, may at their discretion, make any change or alteration suggested by the improvement in the art of Railroad making; Provided, The same shall not operate prejudicial or injurious to the public or said Railroad Company; Provided, that it shall be no forfeiture of charter if said road is not completed further than Columbia from Nashville under the provisions of this act. SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That said Railroad Company shall have power, if desired by the stockholders, to extend a branch of said Railroad to Memphis or to Tennessee river, at some suitable point, to meet the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That the formation of a com- Winchester and pany is hereby authorized for the purpose of constructing a Railroad from Winchester to the Alabama line, in the direction of Huntsville, Alabama, which company shall consist of the stockholders; and when formed, shall and they are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name and style of the Winchester and Alabama Railroad Company, and said company, by their corporate name, shall have power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all the courts of this State, or the United States, and shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges secured to the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company, by an act of the General Assembly, passed December 11, 1845, and subject to all the restrictions contained in said charter, which road shall be built and constructed agreeable to the requirements of the aforesaid charter. SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the capital stock of said company, shall be twenty-five thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each; and books for subscription of stock in said Railroad shall be opened on the first Monday of July, 1850, and kept open for one month every day, Sundays excepted, from 10 o'clock A. M. until 4 o'clock P. M., at the following places and by the following persons, to wit: At Winchester, by James Harris, W. W. Brazeton, Maj. Wm. C. Venable, Benjamin Deckard and Dr. Wallace Estill; at Salem, by William C. Handly, John P. White, George Mosely, Charles P. Blanton, and Robert C. Smith. SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That William E. Venable, Dr. William Estill, Joseph W. Carter, Peter S. Deckard, Alfred Henderson, Thomas Finch, Hugh Francis, George W. White, Thomas H. Garner, George W. Hunt, David Alabama Rail- Arnett, S. S. Mathews, Thomas F. Mosely, Clinton A Hunt and John Handley or a majority of them, be and they are hereby constituted a board of commissioners, to superintend and manage all the affairs of said company, until it shall be fully organized, by the election of a board of directors, as prescribed by the charter of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN F. HENRY, Speaker of the Senate. * Passed February 9, 1850. Incorporation. CHAPTER LVII. An Act to incorporate Farmers' Academy, in Wilson county, and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That there be established in the valley of Three Forks, in the county of Wilson, an institution of learning, having a corporate existence under the name and style of the Farmers' Academy. SEC. 2. That said institution shall be governed by nine trustees, who, as well as their successors, shall constitute a body politic and corporate, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the transaction of business: the first board shall consist of H. Ragland, J. A. Clark, Doke Young, W. T. Cartwright, N. G. Alexander, Henry Bass, James Young, W. T. Waters and Ashley Neal: all vacancies that may occur in their body shall be filled by the board and entered upon the minutes: they may elect from their own body a president, secretary and treasurer. SEC. 3. That the trustees be and they are hereby authorized to open books for the subscription of stock in shares of five dollars, to build said institution, and to raise a library fund. SEC. 4. That said board shall have power to employ Powers all necessary teachers and lecturers, fix the rate of tuition, prescribe the course of study, make all necessary rules and regulations; hold real and personal estate, by purchase or otherwise, and sell or exchange the same as the interest of the institution may require; to sue and be sued; to have a common seal; and if they think pro |