CHAPTER LXXVIII. An Act to incorporate the Sycamore Mills Turnpike Company, and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Incorporation. State of Tennessee, That all persons who shall become stockholders pursuant to this act, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Sycamore Mills Turnpike Company, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and have and enjoy all the nights, privileges and powers, appertaining to bodies politic and corporate by law, for the space of ninety-nine years, and shall have succession. SEC. 2. The capital stock of said Company shall be Capital Stock. thirty thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to fifty thousand dollars, should it be deemed necessary to the completion of the road; said capital stock to be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each. SEC. 3. The following persons shall be commission-Commissioners. ers to open books and receive subscriptions of stock; viz: Joseph Hudson, Thomas W. Shearon, Saml. Watson, Walter Scott, Zachary Durham. The said Commissioners shall give twenty days notice of the time and place of opening books, and so soon as two thousand dollars shall be subscribed, they shall call a meeting of all the Stockholders by public notice, which meeting shall be held at the Sycamore Mills; and at said meeting, said Stockholders, or a majority of them being present, or represented by others under powers of attorney, shall elect seven Directors, who shall be Elections. Stockholders, of whom said Directors shall choose one of their body President; and said President and Directors shall continue in office for one year, or until their successors shall be elected, which shall be done at the expiration of each year from the time of the first election, of which twenty days notice shall be given by the President. The said President and Directors shall have all the powers and perform all the duties necessary in locating the road, letting out contracts for its construction, appointing necessary officers, receiving subscriptions, and disbursing the funds of the Company, together with the general superintendence of the constructing the road, erecting gates for toll and in otherwise governing and controlling the affairs of the road. SEC. 4. The President and Directors or any of them, Vacancies. shall be sufficient to transact the business confided to Style of road. ! them, and all vacancies happening in the Board b tween the regular meetings of the Stockholders, sha be supplied by the Directors, two thirds being presen SEC. 5. Immediately after the election of the Dire tors, they or a majority of them, or such other perso as they shall appoint, shall proceed to designate an mark out the route commencing at or near some poin on the White's Creek or Hyde's Ferry Turnpike, runnin thence to Sycamore Mills, with power to continue th same to Clarksville under the authority of this act, b the most practicable route. SEC. 6. The Company may grade the road twelv feet wide, without rock or gravel, or they may cover with rock or gravel, or construct it with plank. SEC. 7. That when any ten miles of the road sha Gates and Tolls. be completed without rock, gravel, or plank, the Com pany shall be entitled to erect one gate for every ter miles so completed; and when any five miles shall b completed with rock, gravel or plank, the Compan shall be entitled to erect a gate for every five miles s completed, and shall be entitled to have and collect toll at the same rates prescribed and allowed to the White' Creek Turnpike Company. SEC. 8. The Stockholders shall have the privilege o Stock payable in paying the amount of their Stock, or any part thereof in work upon the road in its construction, or in mone to amounts as the Company shall order, and in lettins out contracts for building the road, the Directors shal give a preference to the Stockholders who desire to take contracts. Provided such Stockholders will under take such contracts upon as good terms as they can b let to others. SEC. 9. That Michael H. Gleaves, Daniel P. Lanier Brick Church Wm. H. Clemons, W. G. Lanier, Joseph Hyde, Davi Purnpike Com- B. Love, Maxwell Redden, and Jefferson Waggoner, b and they are hereby constituted a body politic and col porate, by the name and style of the Brick Churc Turnpike Company, and by that name may sue and b sued, plead and be impleaded, have a common seal an succession for ninety-nine years. Gapital Stock. SEC. 10. The capital stock of said Company sha be five thousand dollars, which may be increased t twenty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares twenty-five dollars each, to be applied in the constru tion of a McAdamized or graveled Turnpike road, b ginning at a point on the White's Creek Turnpike roa on or near the line between Handy's and the Talbott tracts of land, about one mile and a half north Nashville, and running nearly due north, between t lands of Messrs. Harberson and Bransford, or near said line through the lands of William Lanier, between Parker's and Patterson's tract, so as to strike the road between Joseph Hyde and Michael Gleaves, passing the Brick Church and thence the most practicable route by Waggoner's Mill towards Woodard's Camp Ground, with such digressions as may be necessary and proper. SEC. 11. Any five of said Company shall have power Rights and privi to locate said road to open books for the subscription of leges. stock, either in work or money, and the said Company shall have all the rights, privileges and immunities granted to the Sycamore Mills Turnpike Company, to which this is appended, and shall be subject to all the laws governing the same, except so much thereof as may be inconsistent with the provisions of this amend ment. SEC. 12. That all persons, who shall become Stock- River road turnholders pursuant to this act, shall be and they are here- pike company by constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the River Road Turnpike Company, and by that name they may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and have and enjoy all the rights, privileges and powers appertaining to bodies politic and corporate, by law, for the space of ninety-nine years, and shall have succession. SEC. 13. The Company hereby incorporated by the Powers and priviname of the River Road Turnpike Company, shall have leges. all the powers, rights, privileges and immunities, and be subject to all the liabilities of the Company incorporated by this act by the name of the Sycamore Mills Turnpike Company, and the foregoing provisions of his act, incorporating the Sycamore Mills Turnpike Company, are adopted as the charter of the River Road Turnpike Company, except so far as altered by this act. SEC. 14. The capital Stock of said Company shall Capital stock. be two thousand dollars, with power to increase the same, and the road hereby incorporated shall commence at the point of intersection of the road leading from Port Royal to Clarksville, with the Clarksville and Rus sellville Turnpike Road at Simmon's Race track, and Route. shall terminate at Port Royal. SEC. 15. For every five miles of Road constructed by Gates and to'is. said Company, commencing at the point of intersection aforesaid, which shall be graded and paved with stone or gravel or planked, the said Company shall be allowed to erect a gate and charge the same tolls that are allowed to the Clarksville and Russellville Turnpike Company. SEC. 16. George Smith, S. Warden, Joseph Lyon, Commissioners. George H. Johnson, James Dayne, are hereby appointed Commissioners to open books for subscription of Stock, in shares of fifty dollars, at the town of Port Royal and such other places as they may deem proper, and the above named Commissioners may appoint subagents as they may think proper, to assist them in receiving subscriptions to Stock. SEC. 17. That the Nashville, Murfreesboro and Nashville, Mur Shelbyville Turnpike Company be and it is hereby aureesborough and thorized to change the location of their road as follows: ike company. Beginning at a point on said road at or near Mrs. Col helbyville turn ormer of gates legalized. lier's-running to a point on or near the dividing line between the two tracts of land owned by V. D. Cowan, thence to and with the line between the lands of Allen James and the late David Dickinson, to the Eastern end of Dickinson's field, thence Northward to the present line of said road so as to intersect it about four hundred yards North-west of the turnpike bridge across the West fork of Stones River. SEC. 18. That said Company is hereby authorized to location remove the turnpike gate at the above mentioned point on said road, to such place within a reasonable distance of its present location as may be deemed expedient and proper. SEC. 19. That the several removals of gates on said road heretofore made, be and the same are hereby declared to be lawful, and the said Company are authorized to keep said gates at their present location. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed, January 28th, 1850. Speaker of the Senate. CHAPTER LXXIX. An Act to change the line between the counties of Grundy and Warren, and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That William Kelton, Wilson S. Kelton, Ely Hanby, and Jacob Wagoner, be and they are hereby detached from the county of Grundy, and attached to the county of Warren, with their lands and tenements, with all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the county of Warren. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the line of Cof-Coffee and Grun fee and Grundy be and is so altered as to include the dy. lands of William C. Williamson, in the county of Coffee. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the act passed at Limits of New the last session of the General Assembly, incorporating the town of New Providence, in the county of Montgomery, be so amended that the boundaries thereof be as follows, to wit: Beginning at the mouth of the Tan Yard branch near Trice's landing, and running north near the residence of N. F. Trice, leaving said Trice west of the line, and thence in a straight line to the south-west corner of James Trice's tract of land on which he now lives, thence north with said Trice's line, to the north boundary of the corporation. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the county line between the counties of Warren and Grundy be so changed and altered as to include the lands of Elizabeth Tate, wife of the late James Tate, dec'd, Peter Countis, and Jacob Warmamaker, in Grundy county, with all the rights and privileges of other citizens of the county of Grundy, thence to the line known as Robert's line, and the said line is hereby established between the counties of Warren and Grundy. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That Thomas Johnson be, and he is hereby attached to the county of Grundy. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker of the Senate. Providence. Warren and Grundy. Passed, February 2, 1850. CHAPTER LXXX. An Act to alter the line between the counties of Jackson and Smith. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the line between the counties of Jackson and Smith be, and the same is hereby so altered, that from the point where said line now crosses Hurricane creek, the same shall run with said creek, to Cumberland river, thence with said river northward |