etery shall be ind proprietor of any of such lot the be entitled all cresaid; and there law, the Bourd Designate which d represent the corporation, what til by death, re another designation Laing such designa they convenienty ower females, and to agre, having due re ence. SEC. 8. That the persons named in the first section Trustees. of this act, be and they are hereby appointed Trustees of said Cemetery, until the first annual meeting of the members of said corporation, and until other Trustees are chosen in their stead; and that the said Trustees appointed by this act, shall have the power of calling the first meeting of the members of said corporation, at such time and place as they may designate, giving notice of the same, at least seven days previous to the time of meeting, in some newspaper, printed in Knoxville; at which meeting, all those who have contributed to the purchase of land for the cemetery aforesaid, shall be considered as members of this corporation. But after the sales of the lots of said cemetery, none others shall be members of this corporation but proprietors of lots who have given their assent in writing to this act. SEC. 9. That the said cemetery shall be and hereby is SEC. 10. That as before stated, regular annual meet- Passed February 9, 1850. Speaker of the Senate. CHAPTER LXXXII. An Act to provide for the running and marking the dividing line between r said corporation to r bequest of proper hereof under the or the improvement ery, or of any built cted upon the lands vidual propeeter of air, preservation of gravestone, fence of d any cemetery lot g of trees, shrubs cemetery lot, t lonation or beques tion, shall have Le due performan pon a bill filed bru etery for that pur Whereas, it appears to this General Assembly by the petition of a number of the citizens of the counties of Knox and Sevier, that the dividing line between the said counties from the mouth of Criswell's Mill creek, to the top of Bay's mountain, or the butt thereof, has never been run as was provided for by the above recited act. Therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the : Quoruns. SEC. 5. That the annual meetings of said corpora Meetings and tion shall be holden at such time and place as the by laws shall direct, and the Secretary shall give notic thereof, in one or more newspapers printed in Know ville, seven days at least before the time of meeting and special meetings may be called by the Trustees i the same manner, unless otherwise directed by th by-laws, or by the Secretary in the same manner, upo the written request of twenty members of the corpo ration. At all meetings of the Trustees, a majorit shall constitute a quorum for business; at meetings c the corporation, twelve members shall constitute quorum for business, and all questions shall be decide by a majority of the members present, and voting ei ther in person or by proxy. membership. SEC. 6. That the lots in said Cemetery shall be indi Succession of visible, and upon the death of any proprietor of an lot in the said Cemetery, the devisee of such lot, or the heir at law, as the case may be, shall be entitled to al the privileges of membership, as aforesaid; and if ther be more than one devisee or heir at law, the Board o Trustees for the time being, shall designate which o the said devisees or heirs at law, shall represent the said lot, and vote in the meetings of the corporation, which designation shall continue in force until by death, re moval or other sufficient cause, another designation shall become necessary; and in making such designa tion, the Trustees shall, as far as they conveniently may, give the preference to males over females, and to proximity of blood and priority of age, having due re gard however to proximity of residence. SEC. 7. That it shall be lawful for said corporation to To hold by grant, take and hold any grant, donation or bequest of proper donation, or bequest. ty upon trust, to apply the income thereof under the di rection of the Board of Trustees, for the improvemen or embellishment of the said Cemetery, or of any build ings, structures or fences, to be erected upon the land of said corporation, or of any individual proprietor o a lot in the cemetery, or for the repair, preservation o removal of any tomb, monument, gravestone, fence o railing, or other erection in or around any cemetery lot or for the planting and cultivating of trees, shrubs flowers or plants, in or around any cemetery lot, ac cording to the terms of such grant, donation or bequest and any court having equity jurisdiction, shall have ful power and jurisdiction to compel the due performanc of the said trusts, or any of them, upon a bill filed by proprietor of any lot in the said cemetery for that pur pose. SEC. 8. That the persons named in the first section Frustees. of this act, be and they are hereby appointed Trustees of said Cemetery, until the first annual meeting of the members of said corporation, and until other Trustees are chosen in their stead; and that the said Trustees appointed by this act, shall have the power of calling the first meeting of the members of said corporation, at such time and place as they may designate, giving notice of the same, at least seven days previous to the time of meeting, in some newspaper, printed in Knoxville; at which meeting, all those who have contributed to the purchase of land for the cemetery aforesaid, shall be considered as members of this corporation. But after the sales of the lots of said cemetery, none others shall be members of this corporation but proprietors of lots who have given their assent in writing to this act. SEC. 9. That the said cemetery shall be and hereby is declared exempted from all public taxes, so long as the same shall remain dedicated to the purposes of a cemetery. SEC. 10. That as before stated, regular annual meetings of the members of said cemetery shall be held at such time and place, as may be designated by the bylaws, but the Trustees shall hold their offices for two years, and until others are chosen in their stead. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN F. HENRY, Speaker of the Senate. : Passed February 9, 1850. CHAPTER LXXXII. An Act to provide for the running and marking the dividing line between the counties of Knox and Sevier, and to amend an act entitled an act to divide the county of Jefferson into two districts counties, passed September 27th, 1794. Whereas, it appears to this General Assembly by the petition of a number of the citizens of the counties of Knox and Sevier, that the dividing line between the said counties from the mouth of Criswell's Mill creek, to the top of Bay's mountain, or the butt thereof, has never been run as was provided for by the above recited act. Therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commissioners. State of Tennessee, That John W. Legg, county Surveyor of the county of Knox, and F. A. R. McNutt, of the county of Knox; John Mullendore, county Surveyor of the county of Sevier, and Enoch Underwood, of the county of Sevier; be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to run and mark said line, according to the provisions of the above recited act of 1794. Duties. itton line, county SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That after said commissioners shall so have run and marked said dividing line, they shall make two fair plain plats or plans of survey of said line, one of which shall be by them filed with the clerk of the county court of Knox county, and the other with the clerk of the county court of Sevier county, which shall be by said clerks recorded in their respective offices, under the direction of said county courts, for which surveys so to be performed by said commissioners when the labor is done and performed, they and each of them shall be entitled to the sum of lars each, for their services to be paid out of the county treasury. dol SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the dividing line Rhea and Ham-between Rhea and Hamilton counties, shall be so altered as to commence on a Black Walnut and Hickory on the eastern fork of said creek, thence forty poles down the creek to a stake, thence north seventy-five, west to the fork of said creek, thence up said creek to the turnpike road, thence westwardly with said road to Bledsoe county line, thence with Bledsoe county line to Rhea county, so as to include Mr. John Gray and Robert Quarls, in Rhea county. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN F. HENRY, Speaker of the Senate. Passed February 4, 1850. CHAPTER LXXXIII. An Act to change the line between Gibson and Dyer counties. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the line between the counties of Gibson and Dyer, be so changed as to include in the county of Gibson, the territory lying between the North Fork and Little North Fork of Forked Deer river, so that the line shall run with the said forks of said river to their junction. line. Carroll and SEC. 2. That the citizens living in the following bounds in Carroll county, are hereby permitted to at-Weakley county tach themselves to Weakley county, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, to wit: Beginning at the north west corner of Carroll county, running with said county line east, to a distance of two miles, thence south to ■the Obion river, thence down said river as it meanders to the west boundary line of said county, thence with said line to the beginning. 2 11 ! 1 SEC. 3. That the county court of Carroll county, is Elections. hereby empowered to designate a suitable place in said bounds, at which to open and hold an election of the qualified voters residing in the limits of said territory, and also to appoint some suitable person, who after giving twenty days notice in writing in three places in said bounds of the time and place of holding said election, shall open and hold the same on the day, and at the place specified in said notices, opening the polls at the hour of 11 o'clock, A. M., and closing the same at the hour of 3 o'clock, P. M., and at which election all the citizens living in said territory who are qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly shall be entitled to vote, and those who are in favor of being attached to Weakley county, shall have on their ticket the word "Weakley," and those in favor of remaining in Carroll - county, shall have upon their ticket the word "Carroll," and the person so appointed to hold said election, shall return a certified copy of the polls of said election to the clerks of the county courts of Weakley and Carroll counties, and which poll lists shall be filed in each of said offices, and if the voters aforesaid, shall vote to be attached to the county of Weakley, then the territory. shall be taken and deemed to be a part of the county of Weakley, and the citizens therein shall be entitled to all the privileges and rights of citizens of Weakley county. Provided, that if the cutting off of this territory, shall reduce Carroll county below its constitutional limits, this act shall be void. SEC. 4. That the person so appointed to open and hold said election, shall appoint three judges and two clerks of the same, and he is hereby empowered, and it is made his duty to qualify said judges and clerks, as in elections for members of the General Assembly. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN F. HENRY, Speaker of the Senate. |