
Sevier & Blount.


An Act to alter the dividing line between the counties of McMinn and Monroe

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the dividing line between the counties of Monroe and McMinn be alteredor changed so as to commence on Star's mountain on the dividing line between the Hiwassee and Ocoee district, at or near the corner of fractional townships numbers one and two; thence east of north to the Monroe county line in such direction so as not to include more than seventeen qualified voters in the bound taken from McMinn county.

SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the county courts of Mo Minn and Monroe are hereby authorized to employ the county surveyors of said counties, or any other person that is competent, to run and mark said line; Provided, The same may be deemed necessary, and the county courts of said counties shall make such surveyor running said line, a fair compensation for his services, to be paid out of any money in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated.

SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent either of the counties of McMinn or Monroe from running and marking said line, and making a fair compensation for the same, as provided in the second section of this act.

SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That an act to alter the dividing line between the counties of Sevier and Blount, passed the 18th day of December, 1839, be and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Passed, February 4, 1850.

Speaker of the Senate.

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An Act to establish Lawrence College, in Lawrence County.

SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a college shall be and is hereby established in Lawrence county, to be located in the town of Lawrenceburg, or in its immediate vicinty, at the discretion of the board of trustees hereinafter named; which college shall be known and distinguished by the name of Lawrence College.

SEC. 2. That W. P. Rowles, James N. Bradshaw, Trustees William McKnight, jr., Thomas D. Deavanport, Franklin Buchanan, Solon E. Rose, William Simonston, Gab. Bumpass, R. H. Allen, Stephanus Bush, Wm. B. Hall, C. L. Herbert, Wm. White, Jos. C. Sparkman, of Lawrence county; Edmond Dillahunty, of Maury; John McDougal, of Wayne; Bolivar Gordon, of Hickman; James Scott, of Hardin; and A. Wright, of Giles, be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, to be known as the Board of Trustees of Lawrence College; and by that name, to have perpetual succession, and a common seal; to have and enjoy legal rights and remedies, in as full and ample a manner as have other corporations in this State.

SEC. 3. That said board of trustees, by their name Powers. aforesaid, shall be capable, in law, to have, receive and enjoy to them, and their successors, lands, tenements and hereditaments of any kind, or value, in fee for life or a term of years; and personal property of every kind whatsoever; and any sums of money, to any amount whatsoever, that may be granted, given, or bequeathed to them, to erect buildings, purchase apparatus or books for the use of said college, or for endowing or supporting the


SEC. 4. That the president of said college, and any Vacancies three of its trustees, shall, at any time, have power to call meetings of said board of trustees whenever they deem it necessary; that at all such meetings of said board of trustees, stated or called, seven members shall be a quorum, and have power to fill vacancies occurring in said board, and exercise all the functions of their office: Provided, nevertheless, That two thirds of the trustees, and not less, shall be requested to be in attendance to elect any officer of said college, fix salaries, remove officers for malfeasance or nonfeasance of duty, or prescribe a course of study for the several classes of students: And provided further, That said trustees shall not have power



to do any thing at variance with the laws of this State, or of the United States.

SEC. 5. That the president and such members of proFaculty. fessions as the trustees may appoint, shall constitute the faculty of said college, none of whom shall be a member of the board of trustees while holding any other office in said college. Said faculty, or a majority of them, shall have power to confer the same degrees as may be conferred by any college in this State; shall establish a code of statutes and by-laws for the government of themselves and their pupils, and they may, for such cause as they or a majority of them deem sufficient, reprimand, and for continued misconduct, suspend any student, unless a quorum of the board of trustees can be convened, which quorum may, in their discretion, expel such student, or otherwise correct the evils resulting from the continued ill conduct of any student or students.

SEC. 6. That said board of trustees may buy, sell, sue and be sued, and do all other things necessary for the government and right management of said college.

SEC. 7. That the trustees of Jackson academy shall have power, in their discretion, to convey the property Jackson Academy of said academy to said board of trustees of said college, to be held and used by such board as they may hold other property, for the use of said college: Provided, That said board of trustees shall continue in said college, to maintain in their said college an academical course of study, equal to the course in said academy.

SEC. 8. That the president of said college shall be ex President of bo'rd officio president of its board of trustees, until a president of said college shall be elected and enter upon his duties, and thereafter, in his absence, the trustees shall elect one of their inembers to preside at their meetings, regular or occasional, and all their acts, done under such presidency, shall be as valid in law, as if done when the president of said college was present.

Exempt from tax


SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the first person named as trustee in this act, to fix the time for holding the first meeting of said board of trustees, of which time he shall give at least ten days written notice to every member thereof; such meeting and all future meetings of said board to be held in Lawrenceburg.

SEC. 10. That all the property, held by such board of trustees for the use of said college, shall be forever free from taxation of all kinds, for any purpose or by any authority whatsoever.

SEC. 11. That this act shall be deemed a public act, Act public. and as such, shall be judicially noticed, without being

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SEC. 12. This act shall take effect from and after the
date of its passage.

SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That the town of Hampshire secur in the county of Lewis, and the inhabitants thereof, be po and they are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, with perpetual succession as such; and that said corporation be authorized to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, by the name of the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Hampshire; and that they, by that name, be authorized and employed [empowered] to receive, buy or sell both real and mixed property, for the use and benefit of said corporation, and may use a town seal.

SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That the boundaries of said Boundaries
town of Hampshire shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning
ten poles southeast of the male academy, ranning a west-
ern direction with the line that divides the lands of James
M. Grinnis and Joel Leftwich, to Davis' line; thence in a
northern direction so as to include Greenwood seminary;
thence in an eastern direction with the town branch, to

Law's spring, crossing Cathway's crees, so as to include
the residence of Nathaniel W. Jones; thence in a south-
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Smith, and with Smith's line to the beginning.

SEC. 15. Be it enacted, That all the rights and privi-Right and peri

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to the citizens of Camden, in the

county of Benton, in an act of incorporation, passed 8th

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SEC. 16. That so soon as the citizens may think proper, Election
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in the county of Maury, and the inhabitants Santa Fe,

SEC. 17. Be it enacted, That the town of Santa Fe, Best Pe Lacorpe

hereby incorporated by the name and style


Aldermen of the town of Santa Fere of the Mayor perpetual succession; and by their corporate hall have

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sell, both real, personal and mixed property for the use and benefit of said town; and may have a town seal.

SEC. 18. Be it enacted, That the corporate limits of Boundaries. the town of Santa Fe shall include all persons and property embraced within the following limits, viz: Beginning at an elm tree at the foot of a hill on the Williamsport road, running thence east to Beech creek at the mouth of a ditch; continuing thence in an eastern direction with said ditch, to the southwest corner of Sawell or Erwin's lot on the Franklin road; thence north to Eli Dodson's south boundary line and branch; thence a southwestern direction with said Dodson's line to Beech creek; thence south to the beginning.


SEC. 19. Be it enacted, That all the rights, powers and Powers and privi- privileges that are granted to the corporation of the town of Camden, in the county of Benton, by an act passed 8th November, 1847, be and the same is hereby extended to the town of Santa Fe, in the county of Maury, with all the powers and privileges, and under the like restrictions and regulations: Provided, however, That said corporation may proceed, at any time that may suit their convenience, to the election of mayor and alderman; and the constable in said district shall hold said election, after having given ten days' notice; and said mayor and aldermen shall hold their office for twelve months, and until their successors are elected and qualified.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

Passed February 6, 1850.


An Act to provide for the taking an enumeration of the free white male inhabitants of


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the several county courts in this State, shall, at the January term of said court, in the year 1851, a majority of the justices of the county being present, elect a commissioner, whose duty it shall be to take, and make out in writing, an accurate and complete list of the number of free white male inhabi. tants, of their respective counties, who are twenty-one

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