
porate and politic under the name and style of the Eromathian Society, of Westbrook Academy, at Troy Tenn., that they shall have succession, and be and are hereby invested with all the privileges and immunities, and subject to the same restrictions as the Apollonian Society, by this act incorporated. And that seven members shall form a quorum to transact any business of said Society.

LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN F. HENRY,

Passed November 26th, 1849.

Speaker of the Senate.


An Act to charter the Station Camp Creek Turnpike Company in the coun ty of Sumner, and for other purposes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That Thomas Stratton, Lorenzo Watkins, B. B. Brown, Robert Elkton, Lewis T. White, Willie J. Douglass, V. S. Collier and Robert Douglass, be appointed Commissioners to open books for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for the purpose of building a turnpike road, commencing at the West Station Camp Creek, near Rawlings old place, and to extend East within or near one half mile of Gallatin, where it is to intersect the Red River Turnpike, the place where the old road now intersects the same. The said subscriptions may be made payable in money or in work to be performed on said road, to an amount sufficient to build the same. And so soon as subscription sufficient shall be made, said Company shall call a meeting of the Stockholders at such convenient place as may be designated by the first named Commissioners in this charter, by giving ten days notice in writing, of the time and place of said meeting, and after which said Stockholders and such persons as may thereafter become Stockholders, shall be and are here

by constituted a body corporate and politic by the name West Station of the West Station Camp Creek Turnpike Company, and Pam return shall be so continued, and may own, sell and buy property, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all the courts of this State and elsewhere, and be entitled to

pike company.


all the rights, and privileges and subject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions granted and conferred upon the Lebanon and Nashville Turnpike company by charter, passed the 12th of February 1836, except so far as the provisions of this act are inconsistent with the same.

SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That persons subscribing may style of road. subscribe and take so much of said road, designating the part and distance so taken, which shall be built and finished by the person or persons so subscribing, in a good and substantial turnpike manner, to be graded twenty feet wide, cuts and fills to be made so as to reduce the grade to four degrees, and mettled with stone or good gravel twelve inches deep and sixteen feet wide, with sufficient culverts and water drains on the side and across the road when necessary, and the said subscription in work, shall be made as follows: the first mile or half and so on completing the distance, commencing at West Station Camp Creek. If two or more subscriptions shall take the same portion of the road, the board of Directors having due regard for the interest of the company, shall decide who shall have it.

SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the Stockholders or a ma- Organization. jority of them, shall call a meeting and elect five Stockholders as Directors of said company, who shall appoint one of their number President of the Board, who shall hold their office two years and until another election to fill their places, and ten days notice of said election shall be given in a newspaper published in the town of Gallatin. The President and Directors shall have power to designate the time and place of meeting, and to appoint such officers and agents as may be necessary to transact the business of the company and prescribe their duties and fix their salaries.

SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That so soon as five miles of said road shall be subscribed for, whether in money or work, the election of Directors shall take place, and said work shall be laid down by a majority of the Stockholders, and if the whole of said road shall not be taken in work but part of the stock in money, the President and Directors shall let out to the lowest bidder, such part remaining unsubscribed for as aforesaid, and apply the funds of the company in the payment of the same.

SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the work on said road Time to complete

shall commence within twelve months from the pas

sage of this act, and said road shall be finished within

* four years thereafter or this charter shall be forfeited.


SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That when the work upon said Valuation.

road shall be completed, such part of said road as shall


have been built by Stockholders subscribing to build so much thereof, the Stockholders shall have a meeting and examine and fix upon the value of the work done upon said road by each of said Stockholders so subscribing, and if they cannot agree, then three valuers shall be appointed by a majority of the Stockholders, unconnected with the parties who shall proceed to value each Stockholder's work, done on said road, which valuation shall be reported to the President and Directors of the company and which shall be placed upon the books of the company, and constitute so much stock in said Turnpike company, belonging to the Stockholders or his assigns, who may have done the work.

SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That in the event of any StockForfeiture of holder failing to perform and complete in a Turnpike manner, his or their part of the road within the time specified, by this charter, for the completion of said road, he or they shall forfeit his or their stock in said road to said company, and the President and Directors shall proceed to put said portion of the road under contract in the best way for the interest of the company.

sha's Creek turnpike company.

SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That whenever said road shall be completed, according to the provisions of this charter, from that point on West Station Camp Creek, designated in the first section of this charter, to that point where it is to intersect the Red River Turnpike Road, said company shall then have power to erect one gate and receive at same rates of toll charged by the Gallatin Turnpike company on their road.

SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That Wilson L. Carr, Dr. Cairo and De: James M. Head, David Johnson, William Robb, Wm. McMurry, Jas. H. Patterson, Albert Brannum, James Charleton, Richmond C. Tyree, Cullen Gardner and Dr. Raymond Head, be appointed Commissioners, to open books to receive subscriptions, for the purpose of building a turnpike road, commencing at the bank of Cumberland at the lower end of Main street, at the town of Cairo, in the county of Sumner, running up said street, passing through the lands of Wm. W. Wilson, leaving the dwelling house of said Wilson on the east, thence to the mouth of Jas. Charleton's and Youree's lane, thence on the line between Charleton and Youree, and Charleton and Brannum to John and W. L. Carr's line, thence upon the line between said Carrs until it reaches the lands of D. Barry and Jas. Jamison, thence upon the line between the said Barry and Jamison, crossing the Bledsoe creek turnpike, where said road now crosses the same, and thence upon the line be

tween Mentlo and Jamison to the line between Ferguson and Brannum to Desha's creek, thence up said creek as near the present road to the bridge on the Gallatin and Scottville turnpike road, with the privilege of extending said road up said creek to the Russelville turnpike at the nearest practicable point on said road; and the said road shall be known as Cairo and Desha's Creek Turnpike. The said subscriptions may be paid in money or work to be performed on said road to an amount sufficient to build the same; and so soon as subscriptions sufficient shall be made, said commissioners shall call a meeting of the Stockholders at Cairo, by giving ten days notice in writing, of the time and place of said meeting, and after which said Stockholders and such persons as may thereafter become Stockholders, shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of Cairo and Desha's Creek Turnpike company, and shall so continue, and may own, sell and buy property, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the courts of this State and elsewhere, and be entitled to all the rights, powers and privileges, and subject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions granted and conferred upon the Bledsoe Creek Turnpike company, by charter, as amended, except so far as the provisions of this act are inconsistent with the same.

SEC. 10. Be it enacted, That persons subscribing may style of Road. subscribe for and take so much of said road, designating the part and distance so taken, which shall be built and finished by the person or persons so subscribing, in a good and substantial turnpike manner, to be graded, levelled and mettled, as the Bledsoe Creek Turnpike, with sufficient culverts and water drains on the sides and across the road where necessary. And the subscriptions in work shall be made as follows: The first mile or half mile, or any other specified distance, and so on, commencing and terminating as specified in the 9th section of this act. If two or more subscribers shall take the same portion of the road, the board of directors having due regard for the interest of the company, shall decide who shall have it.

SEC. 11. Be it enacted, That the Stockholders or a Elections. majority of them, shall call a meeting and elect five Stockholders as Directors of said company, who shall appoint one of their number President of the Board, who shall hold their office two years and until another election to fill their places, and ten days notice of said election shall be given in a newspaper published at Gallatin or otherwise, as the board may see fit. The



President and Directors shall have power to designate the time and place of meeting, and to appoint such officers and agents as may be necessary to transact the business of the company, prescribe their duties and fix their salaries.

SEC. 12. Be it enacted, That so soon as five miles of said road shall be subscribed for, whether in money or in work, the election of Directors shall take place, and said road shall be laid down, as directed in the 9th section of this act, by a majority of the Stockholders, and if the whole of said road shall not be taken in work, but part of the stock in money, the President and Directors shall let out to the lowest bidder such part remaining unsubscribed for as aforesaid, and apply the funds of the company in the payment of the same.

SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That the work on said road, shall be commenced in twelve months from the passage of this act, and be completed by the 25th December 1853, or this charter shall be forfeited.

SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That when the work upon said Valuation of road shall be completed, such part of said road as shall have been built by Stockholders subscribing to build so much thereof, the Stockholders shall have a meeting and examine and fix upon the value of the work done upon said road, by each of said stockholders, so subscribing. And if they cannot agree then three valuers shall be appointed, by a majority of the stockholders, unconnected with the parties, who shall proceed to value such stockholders work done on said road, which valuation shall be reported to the President and directors of the company, and shall be placed upon the books of the company, and constitute so much stock in said road, belonging to the stockholder or his or her agents, who may have done the work.


SEC. 15. Be it enacted, That in the event of any stockForfeiture of holder failing to perform and complete in a turnpike manner, his or her part of the road within the time specified by this charter for the completion of the same, he, she or they shall forfeit his, her or their stock in said road to said company and the president and directors shall proceed to put said portion of the road under contract, in the best way for the interest of the company.


SEC. 16. Be it enacted, That whenever five miles of said road shall be completed, according to the provisions of this charter, said company shall then have power to erect one gate at such place as the directors may designate, so it is not nearer than one mile of Cairo, and receive toll at the same rates charged by the Gallatin Turnpike company on their road.

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