An act to incorporate Bear Creek turnpike company, and for other purposes, 332 An act to incorporate the Elm Hill and Oak Grove turnpike company, and for other purposes, 337 An act to appoint commissioners on the Montgomery turnpike road, 352 An act to amend an act passed January 18th, 1848, entitled "an act to authorize Stephen Huff. Peter F. Kindrick and Wm. Robinson, of the county of Cocke, to open a turnpike road in said county, and for other purposes, 367 An act to authorize Daniel Walling to open a turnpike road 369 371 An act to authorize Andrew Stone, of Marion county, to open a turnpike road, 372 An act to charter the Carthage and Hartsville turnpike com pany, 376 An act declarative of the duties of Turnpike Road companies, 382 An act to amend the law now in force regulating the Bean 382 An act to amend an act entitled, "an act to incorporate the Montgomery turnpike company, and for other purposes," passed 25th January, 1848, 384 An act to authorize David Green, sr. and Thomas Rowland. jr., 414 pike company, 422 An act to authorize the subscription of stock by certain chartered companies, 440 An act to incorporate the Cumberland Mountain turnpike com• pany, 443 An act to amend an act entitled, "an act to charter the Bledsoe Creek turnpike company, in the county of Sumner, and for other purposes, 446 An act to authorize Euclid Waterhouse & Co. to open a turnpike road, and for other purposes, 449 An act to charter Eagleville, Unionville and Shelbyville turnpike company, 453 An act to incorporate the Franklin and Murfreesborough turnpike company, 456 An act to incorporate the Shelbyville and Flat Creek turnpike company. 469 An act to amend the charter of the Memphis and Sommerville turnpike company, 472 An act to revive and give further time to the McMinnville and An act to incorporate the Waynesborough and Savannah turnpike company, and for other purposes, An act to amend an act entitled, "an act to authorize Benjamin Parker Hopkins and William Tinker, of the county of Cocke, to open a turnpike road, and for other purposes, An act to charter the North Fork of Obion turnpike company, and for other purposes, An act to incorporate a company to be called the Lebanon and Nashville turnpike company, An act to incorporate a company called the Franklin turn pike company, and for other purposes, An act to explain and amend an act, entitled "an act to incorporate a company called the Franklin turnpike company, and for other purposes," passed December 31, 1829, An act to amend an act entitled "an act to incorporate a company called the Franklin turnpike company, and for other purposes," passed December 31, 1829, VENUE. An act to authorize the change of venue in criminal cases, WIVES AND WIDOWS. An act for the benefit of the widows of persons dying intestate and without heirs at law, and for other purposes, An act for the benefit of the widow and orphan, An act to protect the rights of married women, An act to protect married women, : ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY, WHICH WAS BEGUN AND HELD AT NASVILLE, ON MONDAY, THE FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBER, IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE, CHAPTER I. An Act to prescribe the time of holding elections in the county of De Kaib. Whereas, Doubts have arisen as to the time when elections for county officers, in the county of DeKalb should be held-for remedy whereof SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That all elections in said county of De Kalb, shall hereafter be held as in other counties of this State, according to the provisions of the act of 1835, chapters one and two. SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the present officers of said county, shall hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified, according to the provisions of this act. LANDON C. HAYNES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed December 8, 1849. Speaker of the Senate. 1 Capital stoek. Powers. Corporation of CHAPTER II. An Act to authorize the establishment of the Nashville Gas-Light Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a Company, to be entitled the "Nashville Gas-Light Company," shall be and the same is hereby established, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars-which may be increased to two hundred thousand dollars, in the discretion of the Stockholders, and as the wants of the city may require. That the Stock of said Company shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, to be subscribed for and paid as the Commissioners hereinafter named may prescribe, and the subscribers, their successors or assigns, shall be, and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the "Nashville Gas-Light Company," and shall so continue as long as the terms of this charter are fulfilled, and, under such name and title, they shall be capable to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, as natural persons-and they may have and use a common seal, and change, alter, or renew the same at pleasure, and may ordain and put in execution such by-laws, f rules, and regulations for the good management and control of the affairs of said Company as may be deemed expedient, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of this State and of the United States; Provided, The Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City Nashville to as- of Nashville shall assent to the privileges herein grant sent. ed, so far as those privileges affect the rights, interests, or privileges of the city, or to any part of said privileges, so as to make a compact between the city and the company mutually satisfactory, which compact shall be entered upon the minutes of the City Municipal Board, and be binding upon the City and the Company, but shall in no event increase or enlarge the privileges herein granted to said Gas-Light Company. SEC. 2. The business of said Company shall be to establish and construct Gas Works in the City of NashMay bold reales-ville, and they may purchase and hold as much real estate as may be necessary and expedient for said business, and to secure any debt that may be due them. tate. tion. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of said Company, to esTime of comple- tablish, within three years from the 1st day of January, 1850, a Gas Manufactory within the City of Nashville, of sufficient capacity to supply its corporate authorities and inhabitants with such public and private GasLights as may be required. SEC. 4. To enable said Company to establish such works, they are hereby authorized and empowered to May lay down lay down pipes and extend conductors and other apparatus through all or any of the streets, lanes, or alleys of the City of Nashville, in such manner as to produce the least possible inconvenience to the city or its inhabitants or to travellers, and to take up the pavements or side walks; Provided, They shall afterwards repair the same with the least possible delay. pipes. SEC. 5. The said Company shall have the privilege of erecting, establishing and constructing Gas Works, and manufacturing and vending Gas in the city of Nashville, by means of public works, for the term of Charter for fifty fifty years from and after the date of this act. A rea-years. sonable price per thousand feet for Gas shall be charged in the case of private individuals, to be regulated by the prices in other South-western cities; and for public lights such sum as may be agreed upon by the Company and the public authorities of Nashville; Provided, Price of gas. Said Company shall never charge more than one cent for every cubic foot of gas used, as may be indicated by the gasmeter, or computed by the ordinary rules in such cases; nor shall they ever charge the Corporation of the City of Nashville more per cubic foot than they shall be getting at the same time from a majority of the inhabitants of the city using such gas. noyance or nui sance. SEC. 6. The works and operations of said company shall be so constructed and managed, that no annoy- Not to create anance shall accrue therefrom to the health or comfort of the inhabitants of Nashville; and nothing in this act shall be so construed as to absolve the company, their agents or officers from any legal proceedings to restrain or abate any nuisance arising from such works or operations. SEC. 7. If any person or persons shall injure or destroy any portion of the gas fixtures, or other property belonging to said company, or shall wilfully open a communication into the street, or other gas pipes, or let on gas after it has been stopped by the company, such person or persons shall be liable for all damages sustained by such proceeding, and also to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars, upon conviction by the proper authorities. Penalty for in. juring works. SEC. 8. That Washington Barrow, John Kirkman, Commissioners. Samuel R. Anderson, N. E. Alloway, and Wm. T. Berry, or a majority of them, shall be commissioners to open books for the subscription of stock, which sha'l be kept open until they may deem that a sufficient amount has been subscribed. They shall then, by ad |