
Cbrift. Nay, faid Chriftiana, if they were fuch, they fhall never be bewailed by me: They have but what they deferve; and I think it well they fand fo near the high way, that others may fee and take warning. But had not been well if their crimes had been engraven on for piliar of iron or brafs, and left here, where they did thei mifchiefs, for a cantion to other bad men ?

Great-beart. So it is, as you may well perceive, if you go a little to the wall,

lercy. No, no; let them hang, and their names rot, their crimes live for ever against them: I think it is gh favour that they were hanged before we came hither; knows elfe what they might have done to fuch poor nen as we are? Then the turned it into a fong, faying,

Now then you three hang there, and will be a fign,
To all that shall against the truth combine

And let him that comes after fear this end,
If, unto pilgrims, he is not a friend.

And thou, my foul, of all fuch men beware,
That unto holiness oppofers are,

Thus they went on, till they came at the foot of the 1 Difficulty, where again their good friend Mr. Great art took an occafion to tell them what happened there en Chriftian himself went by. So he went to the fprings , faith he, This is the fpring that Chriftian drank of be e he went up this hill, and then it was.

ar and good, but now it is dirty with Ezek. 34. 18. feet of fome that are not defirous that 'Tis difficult grims fhould here quench their thirst; getting of good hereat Mercy faid, and why to envious doctrine in errow? But, faid the guide, it will do, if neous tèmes. ken up and put into a veffel that is fweet

nd good; for then the dirt will fink to the bottom, and the vater come out by itself more clear. Thus, therefore, Christiana and her companions were compelled to do. They ook it up, and put it into an earthen-pot, and fo let it and till the dirt was gone to the bottom, and then they rank thereof.

Next, he fhewed them the two bye-ways that were at the foot of the hill, where Formality and Hypocrify lo themselves: And, faid he, these are dangerous paths: Two Are here caft away when Chriftian came by. And altho you fee thefe ways are fince ftopped up with

chains, pofts, and a ditch, yet there are By paths, the' them that will choose to adventure there, barred up. will ather than take the pains to go up this not keep all from hill. going in them.


Prov. 13. 15. Chrift. The way of tranfgreffers is he It is a wonder that they can get into the ways without danger of breaking their necks. I Great beart. They will venture; yea, if at any time. Jof the King's fervants do happen to fee them, and call upon them, and tell them they are in the wrong w and do bid them beware of the danger, then they tailingly return them anfwer, and fay, As for the word shou haft spoken unto us in the name of the King, we not hearken unto thee; but we will certa Jer. 44.16, 17. do whatsoever thing goeth out of mouths, &c. Nay, if you look a little ther, you shall fee that thefe ways are made caution enough, not only by these pofts, and ditch, and chain, alfo by being hedged up; yet they will choose to


The reafon ruby Christ. They are idle, they love not Jome do choose to take pains; up hill-way is unpleafant go in by-aways. them. So it is fulfilled unto them a written: The way of the flothful man an hedge of thorns; Yea, they will rather choose to wal upon a fnare, than to go up this hill, and the refl of way to the city.

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The bill puts the pilgrims to

Then they fet forward, and began to go up the hi the hill they went: But before they got to the top Chriftiana began to pant, & faid, I dare fay, this is a breathing hi no marvel, if they that love their eafe mo their fouls choose to themselves a smoothe way, Then faid Mercy, I muft fit down the children began to cry; come come d Great heart, fit not down here, for a little above is th prince's arbour. Then he took the little boy by the hand led him up thereto.

affe the leaft of

They fit in the arbour.

Merib. 11. 28.

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When they were come to the arbour they were very willing to fit down, for they wer all in a pelting heat. Then faid Mercy how fweet is reft to them that labour? and how good is the prince of pilgrims to provide fuch refting. places for them? Of this arbour I have heard much, but never faw it before. But here let us beware of ceping for, as I have heard, it coft poor Christian dear.


hen faid Mr. Great-heart to the little The little boy's come, my pretty boys, how do you answer to the What think you now of going on pil- guide, and also age? Sir, faid the leaft, I was almoft to Mercy. ut of heart: but I thank you for lend.

e a hand at my need.

And I remember now what nother hath told me, namely, That the way to

heaven is as a ladder, and the way to hell is as dow hill; but I had rather go up the ladder to life, than do the hill to death.

Which is hard

eft, up bill or down the bill

Then faid Mercy, But the proverb is, go down the hill is eafy: But James (for that was his name) the day is com when, in my opinion, going down hill will be the hardeft of all). That's a good boy his master, thou haft given her a right answer. Mercy failed, but the little boy did be

They refresh shemfelves.

Chrift. Come, faid Chriftiana, will eat a bit to fweeten your mouths, while fit here to rest your legs? I have here a of pomegranate, which Mr. Interpreter put into my just when I came out of his doors; he gave me alfo of an honey-comb; and a little bottle of fpirits. I tho he gave you fomething, faid Mercy, becaufe he called afide. Yes, fo he did, faid the other: But, faid Chrifi it fhall be still as I faid is fhould, when at first we from home: thou shalt be a sharer in all the good thi have, because thou fo willingly didft become my compan Then she gave to them, and they did eat, both Mercy the boys. And, faid Chriftiana to Mr. Great-heart, will you do as we do? But he answered, you are going pilgrimage, and prefently I fhall return; much good m what you have do to you; at home I eat the fame ever day. Now, when they had eat and drank, and chath little longer, their guide faid to them, the day we away if you think good let us prepare to be going; So they up to go, and the little boys went before. But Chriftian forgot to take her bettle of fpirits with her; fo the feath little boy back to fetch it. Then faid Mercy, I think is a losing place: Here Chriftian loft his roll: And he Chriftiana left her bottle behind her: Sir, What i cause of this? So their guide made anfwer and faid, caufe is fleep and forgetfulness; fome fleep when the fhould keep awake, and feme forget when they should member; and this is the very caufe why, often at the re ing places, fome pilgrims, in fome things, come off loftn Pilgrims fhould watch and remember what they have ready received under their greatest enjoyments; but f want of doing fo oftentimes their rejoicings ends in te

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