
lies cr ofs to me in this, that I purpose never to admit of aa long as I live. I had a fikter, named Bountiful, married (o one of those churls, but he and he could never agree; but becaufe my fifter was refolved to do as

he had begun, that is, to fhew kindnefs How Mercy's to the poor, therefore her husband first cried fifter was ferved her down at the crofs, and then turned her by her husband. out of his doors.

Prud And yet he was a profeffor I warrant you?

Mercy. Yes, fuch a one as he was, and of fuch as the world is now full; but I am for none of them all. Now Matthew the eldest fon of Chrifti

ana, fell fick, and his fickness was fore up- Matthew falls on him, for he was much pained in his fia, bowels, fo that he was with it, at times,

pulled as it were both ends together. There dwelt also not far from thence one Mr. Skill, an antient and wellapproved phyfician; fo Chriftiana defired it, and ey fent for him, and he came: When he was entered the room, and had a little obferved the boy, he conclu

ded that he was fick of the gripes. Then Gripes of con he faid to his mother, What diet has science. Matthew of late fed upon? Diet, faid Chrif

tiana, nothing but what is wholesome. The physician ans fwered, This boy has been tampering with

fomething that lies in his maw undigested, The phyfician's and that will not away without means; and judgment. I tell you he must be purged, or elfe he will


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Sam. Then faid Samuel, Mother, what Samuel puts his was that which my brother did gather and mother in mind eat, fo foon as we were come from the gate of the fruit bisthat is at the head of this way? you know brother did eat. that there was an orchard on the left hand,

on the other fide of the wall, and fome of the trees hung over the will, and my brother did pluck and did eat.

Christiana. True, my child, faid Christiana, he did take thereof and did eat; naughty boy as he was, I chid him, and yet he would eat thereof.

Skill, I knew he had eaten fomething that was not wholefome tood: and that food, to wit, that fruit is even the mot hurtful of all. It is the fruit of Beelzebub's orchard.


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I do marvel that none did warn you of it; many have died thereof.

Chrift. Then Chriftiana began to cry, and the faid, O naughty boy, and O carelets mother, what fhall I do for my fon?

Skill. Come, do not be too much dejected; the boy may do well again, but he must purge and vomit.

Chrift Pray, Sir, try the utmost of your fkill with him, whatever it costs..

Heb, 10. 1, 2.

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Skill. Nay, I hope I fhall be reafonable; he made him a purge, but it was too 3. 4. eak; it was faid it was of made the blood of a goat, the afhes of a heifer, and fome of the juice of hy fop, &c. When Mr. Skill had feen that Potion prepared. that purge was too weak, he made him one The Latin Ibor- to the purpofe: It was made ex carne ex fanguine Chrifti, (you know phyficians give John 6. 54, 55, strange medicines to their patients) and it 46, 57: was made into pils, with a promife or Mark 9. 49. two, and a proportionable quantity of Neb.9 14. falt. Now he was to take them three at a time falting, in half a quarter of a pint of the tears of repentance. When this potion was prepared, and brought to the boy, he was loth to take it, tho' torn with the rines, as if he should be pulled in pieces Come, come, faid the phyfician, you must take it. It goes again my stomach, said the boy. I must have you take it faid his mother, I fhaip vomit it up again, faid the boy. Pray, Sir, fais Chriffi na to Mr. Skill, how does it tatre? It has po ill talle faid the coctor; and with that fire touched one of the pills with the tip of her tongue. Oh, Matthew, faid he, this potionsfweeter than honey: I thou

The mother Jakes it and perfuades bim.

lovelt thy mother, if thou lovett thy bro thers, if thou lovett Mercy, if thou loveft thy lite, take it. So with much ado, after a thort prayer for the bleting of God upon it, he took it, and it wrought kindly with him. 1 caufed him to purge, to fleep, and reit quietly he put him into a fine heat and breathing sweat, and rid him of his gripes.

So in a little time he got up and walked about with a ftaff, and would go from room to room, and talk with Prus


ace, Piety, and Charity, of his diftemper, and how he is bezled.

So when the boy was healed, Chriftiana aked Mr. Skill, ing. Sir, what will content you for your

he and care to me, and my child? And A word of God. faid, you must pay the maler of the col- in the band of e of phyficians, according to rules is faith..

it cafe made and provided..

Chr. But, Sir, faid he, what is the pill good for

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Skill. It is an univerfal pill; it is good against all difes that pilgrims are incident to; and.

en it is well prepared will keep good, This pil. an uniw verjai remedy.

le out of mind

Chrift. Pray, Sir, make me up twelve

Xe of them; for if I can get the fe I will never take ophyfic.

Skill. The fe pills are good to prevent difeafes, as well

to cure when one is fick. Yea, I dare fay, and and it, That if a man will but ufe this phyfic as he should. will make him live for ever. But good

ritiana thou must give thefe pills no John 6. 56.. her way but as I nave prefcribed; or ifs

u do they will do no good. So he gave In a glass of the to Chriftiana phyfic for herfelt and her tears of repenta ys, and for Mercy; and bid Matthew rake ance.

sed how he eat any more green plumbs,

id kiffed them, and went his way.

It was told you

before that Prudence bid the bovs, that at any time they would they fhoud ask her fome quefons that might be profitable, and he would say fomething > them:

Matt. Then Matthew, who had been fick, asked her, Vho for the most part phyfic. fhould be bitter to our pa



Prud To fhew-how anwelcome the word of God, and The effects thereof are to a carnal heart.

Matt. Why does phyfic, it it cues good, purge, and Caufe to vomit?

Prud, To thew that word, when it works effectually, cleanteth the heart and mind; fr look, what the one doth to the body, the other doth to the foul,

Matt. What should we learn by feeing the flame of o fire go upwards, and by feeing the beams and fweet inft ences of the fun ftrike downwards?

Prud. By the going up of the fire we are taught to a send to heaven by fervent and hot defires; and by the Sur fending his heat, beams, and fweet influence downward we are taught, that the Saviour of the world, though high reacheth down his grace and love to us below.

Matt Where have the clouds their water?
Prud. Out of the sea.

Matt. What may we learn from that ?

Prud. That minifters fhould fetch their doctrine fro God.

Matt. Why do they empty themselves upon the earth. Prud. To fhew that minifters fhould give out what the know of God to the world.

Matt. What is the rainbow caufed by the fun 2

Prud. Te fhew that the covenant of God's grace is con fumed to us in Chrift

Matt. Why do the fprings come from the fea to us th the earth?

Prud To fhew that the grace of God comes to us thro the body of Chrift:

Matt. Why co fome of the fprings rife out of the top o high hills?

Prud. To fhew that the fpirit of grace fhall fpring in fome that are great and mighty, as well as in are poor and low.

many tha

Matt Why doth the fire faften on the candle-wick? Prud. To fhew that, unless grace doth kindle heart, there will be no true light of life in us.

upon the Matt. Why is the wick and tallow all spent to maintain the light of the candle?:

Prud. To fhew that body and foul, and all fhould be at the fervice of, and spend them felves to maintain in good condition that grace of God that is in us.

Matt. Why doth the pelican pierce her own breaft with

her bill?

Prad. To nourish her young ones with her own bloody and thereby to shew that Chrift, the Bluffed, fo loveth s


young, his people, as to fave them from death by his


Mate. What may one learn by hearing of the cock crow ? Prud Learn to remember Peter's fin and Peter's repentance. The cock's crowing fhews alfo, that day is coming on; let then the crowing of the cock put thee in mind of that laft and terrible day of judgment.

Now about this time their month was out :: wherefore they fignified to those of the house, that it was convenient for them to up and be going. Then faid

Jofeph to his mother, it is convenient that The weak may you forget not to fend to the house of Mr. call the ftreng Interpreter, to pray him to grant that Mr. Sometimes to Great-heart hould be fent unto us, that prayers.



be our conductor the rest of our way. Good boy, faid fhe, I had almost forgot. So fhe drew up a petition, and prayed Mr. Watchful the porter, to fend it by fome fit man to her good friend Mr. Interpreter: who, when it was come, and he had feen the contents of the petition, faid to the meffenger, Go tell them that I will fend him..

When the family where Chiftriana was,

faw that they had a purpose to go forward, They provide to they called the whole houfe together, to be gone on their give thanks to their King for fending them away. fuch profitable guests as thefe. Which

done, they faid unto Chritiana, And shall we not fhew thee fomething according as our custom is to pilgrims, on which thou mayeft meditate when thou art on the way? So they took Chriftiana, her children, and Mercy into the clotet,. and thewed them one of the apples that Eve eat of, and that the alfo did give to her husband, and for the cat in of which they were both turned out of paradife; and aed her what the thought that was Then Chriftiana face, it is food or polton, I know not which. So they opened the matter to her, and the held up her hands, and


Then they had her to a place, and fhewed her Jacob's aduct. Now at that time there were fome angels afcending upon it. So Chriftina looked, and looked to fee the angels go up, to did the rest of the company. Then they


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