
were going into another place to fhew them forethisg alfe: But James faid to his mother, Pray bid them stay little longer, for this is a curious fight: do they turned again, and flood feeling their eyes with this fo pleasant a profpect,

A ter this they had them into a place where did hang gold n anchor, fo they bid Chriftiana take it down; for, faid they, you thall have it with you, for it is of abfolute neceffity hat you fould, that you may lay hold of that within the veil, and and tedia in c le you thould meet with turbulent weather: So they were glad thereot. Then they took them, and had the » to the mount upon which Abraham our Father had offered up faac his Son, and fhewed them the altar, the wood the fire, and the knife, for they remain to be teen to this very day. When they

hac feen it, they held up their hands and bleffed themfelves, and fand, Oh! what a man for love to his Maner, and for denval to himself, was Abraham! After they had thewed them all these things, Prudence took

them into a dining room. where food a Prudence's vite pair of excellent virginals; fo fhe played ginals. upon them, and turned what the had thew

ed them into this excellent fong, faying,

Eve's apple we have fhew'd to you,

O that be you aware:
You have feen Jacob's ladder too,
Upon which angels are.

An anchor you received have,

But let not this fuffice,

Ur til with Abram you have

Your beft of, facrifice,.


Now about this time one knocked at the

Mr. Great heart door; fo the porter opines, and behold

comes again.

came now afresh

ago he had flain

He brings a token from bis Lord wwith bit.

Mr. Great heart was there

but when he

was come in hat joy was there! for it into their minds, low but a little wate old Grim Bloodymant the giant," and hid delivered them from the ins.

Then faid Mr Great-heart to Chriftiana and Mercy My Lord has tent each of sea a bottle of wine, and alio fome parched COLD,

orn, together with a couple of poregranates; he also fent he boys fome figs and raifins, to refresh you in your way. Then they addreffed themfelves to their jou ney, and rudence and Piety went along with them When they

ime at the gate, Chriftiana asked the porter it any of late ent by. He faid, No, only one lome time fince, who fo told me, that of late there had been a great robbery mmitted on the King's highway as you go; but, aid the thieves are taken, and will thortly be tried for their ves. Then hriftiana and Mercy were afraid; but Matew faid, Mother, fear nothing as long as Mr. Great tart is to go with us, and to be our conductor.

Then faid Chriftiana to the porter, Sir, I am much obli ed to you for all the kindnes that you have thewed to * fince I came hither, and,alio that you have been to lovgan, kind to my children; I know not how to gratify sur kindness: Wherefore, pray, as a token

I my respects to you accept of this fmall The porter's
file: So the put a gold angel in his hand, bling.
d he made her a low obeilan e, and faid,


orks be few.

thy garments be always white, and les thy head want Let Mercy tive and not die, and let not he And to the boys he faid, Do you fly youth. il lufts, and follow after godlinefs with them that are rave and wife; fo fhall vou put gladness into vour mother' cart, and obtain praife of all that are fober-minded. So hey thanked the porter, and departed.

Now I faw in my dream, that they went forward until hey were come to the brow of the bill, where Piety, be hinking he felf, cried out. Alas! I have torgot what I ntended to beltow upon Chriftiana and her companions; back and fetch it ; to the ran and fetched it. When was gone, Chriftiana thought he heard in a grove, a ittle way off on the right hand, a moft curious and meloe Hous note, with words much like thefe :

will ge


Through all my life thy favor is
So frankly fhew'd to me,
That in tay boule for evermore
My dwelling place fhall be..


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And listening ftill, the thought fhe heard another anfw faying,

For why? the Lord our God is good ';
His mercy is for ever fure :

His truth at all times firmly flood,
And hall from age to age endure.

Song 2. 11, 12.


So Chriftian afked Prudence what it w that made thofe curious notes: They ar faid fhe, our country birds; they fing thofe notes but fe dom, except that it be in the fpring, when the flowers a pear, and the fun fhines warm, and then you may them all day long. I often, faid fhe, go to hear them we also oftentimes keep them tame in our houfe: They a very fine company for as when are are melancholy; al they make the woods and groves, and folitary places, plac defirous to be in.

Piety beforeth By this time Piety was some again; Jomething on fhe laid to Chriftiana, Look here, I ha parting, brough a fcheme of all thofe thing that thou haft feen at our houfe, upo which thou mayeft look when thou findeft thyself forgetf and call thofe things again to remembrance for thy edific tion and comfort.

Now they began to go down hill into the valley of H miliation. It was a fteep hill, and the way was dippery but they were very careful, so they got down pretty wel When they were down in the valley, Piety faid to Chrif ana, This is the place where your husband met with th foul fiend Apollyon, was where they had the great fig that they had: I know you cannot but bave heard thereo But be of good courage as long as you have here M Great-heart to be your guide and conductor, we hope yo will fare the better. So when these two bad committe the pilgrims unto the conduct of their guide, he went for ward, and they went after.

Mr. Great-beart at the valey of Humiliation.

Great beart. Then faid Mr. Great-hear We need not be fo afraid of this valley, f here is nothing to hurt us, unless we pro cure it ourselves. It is true, Chriftian d here meet with Apollyon, with whom he had a fore com


t; but that fray was the fruit of thofe flips that he got his going down the hill; for they that get flips there, uft look for combats here. And hence it is, that this lley has got fo hard a name: For the common people, hen they hear that fome frightful thing has befallen fuch one in fach a place, are of opinion that that place is unted with fome foul fiend or evil fpirit; when, alas! is for the fruit of their doing that fuch things do befall em there.

This valley of Humiliation is of itself as fruitful a place any the crow flies over; and I am per

aded, if we could hit upon it, we might The reason why dfomewhere hereabout fomething that Chriftian was ight give us an account why Chriftian was bejet bere. hardly befet in this place.

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Then James faid to his mother, Lo, yon- A pillar with an er ftands a pillar, and it looks as if fome- Infcription on it. ing was written thereon; let us go and

e what it is. So they went and found there written, Let hriftian's flip before he came hither, and the burden that met with in this place, be a warning to those that come ter. Lo, faid their guide, did I not tell you that there as fomething hereabouts that would give intimation of e reafon why Chriftian was fo hard befet in this place? Then turning to Chriftiana, he faid, No difparagement to Chriftian more than to many others whofe, hap and lot it as; for it is cafier going up than down this hill, and that an be faid but of few hills in all thefe parts of the world. But we will leave the good man, he is at reft, he alfo had brave victory over his enemy: Let him grant that dwellh above, that we fare no worfe when we come to be tried ban he

But we will come again to this valley of

Humiliation; it is the best and most useful This valley a iece of ground in all thefe parts. It is a brave place. at ground, and, as you fee, confifleth much

meadows; and if a man was to come here in the fumner-time, as we do now, if he knew not any thing before hereof, and if he alfo delighted himself in the fight of his yes, he might fee that which would be delightful to him. Behold, how green this valley is, also how beautified with Ellies! I have also known many labouring men that have


Song 2.
James 4. 6.

1 Peter 5. 5.

got good eftates in this valley of Humil tion. (For God refifteth the proud, b gives more grace to the humble); for i deed it is a very fruitful foil, and do bring forth by handfuls. Some alfo ha wifhed, the way to their Father's hou were here, that they might be troubled more with either hills or mountains to over; but the way is the way, and there is an end.

Men thrive in the valley of Humiliation

Now as they were going along, and talking, they elpi a boy feeding his father's theep The boy was in ve mean cloths, but of a fresh and well favoured countenanc and as he fat by himtelt, he fung. Hark, faid Mr Grea heart, to what the shephedr', boy faith; fo they hearkens and he said,

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Then faid the guide, Do you hear him? I will dare day this boy lives a merrier life, and wears more of the her called Heart's ease in his bosom, than he that is clad i filk and velvet; but we will proceed in our discourse.

Chrift, when in
the flesh, bad
is country-
bouge in tve val-
dey of humilia

In this valley our Lord formerly had hi country houfe; he loved much to be here he loved alio to walk in thete meadows, all

be found the air was pleasant. Befide here a man shall be free from the nont and from the hurryings of this life: A ftates are full of noise and confufion; o ly the valley of Humiliation is that emp and folitary place. Here a man shall not be let and bim



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