
bad for his fup- Now the table was furnished with fat things, per.

Their talk at Supper-time."

and with wine that was well refined; and all their talk at the table was about the Lord of the hill; as, namely, about what he had done, and wherefore he did what he did, and why he had built the house; and by what they faid, I perceived that he had been a great warrior, and had fought with, and flain him that had the power of death, but not without great danges to himWeb.z. 14, 15. felf, which made me to love him the more. For, as they faid, and, as I believe, (faid Christian) he did it with the lofs of much blood; but that which put glory of grace into all he did, was, that he did it of pure love to his country. And befides, there were fome of them of the houfhold that faid, they had been and spoke with him fince he did die on the crofs; and they have attested, that they had it from his own lips, that he is fuch a lover of poor pilgrims, that the like is not to be found from the east to the west.

They moreover gave an inftance of what they had affirmed, and that was, he hadftript himself of that they heard him fay and affirm, That he would not dwell on the mountains of Zion alone. They faid, moreover, that he had made many pilgrim princes, though by nature they were beggars born, and their original had been the dunghell.s

Chrift makes princes of beg


Same 2. 8 Pfalm 113. 7

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Thus they difcourfed together till late at night; and after they had committed themselves to their ord for protection, they betook themselves to reft: The pilgrim they laid in a large upper chamber, Chriftian's bed- whefe window opened towards the fun-rishamber. fing: the name of the chamber was Peace, where he slept till the break of day, and

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Where am I now! Is this the love and cares
Of efus, for the men that pilgrims are,
Thus to provide, that I fhould be forgiven,
And dwell already the next door to heaven?

So in the morning they all got up; and, after fome more difcourfe, they told him that he should not depart till they had thewed him the rarities of that place.

And first they had him into the ftudy, where Chriftian had they fhewed him records of the greatest an- into the study. tiquity; in which, as I remember my dream, and what he farthey thewed him firft the pedigree of the there. Lord of the hill, that he was the Son of

the Ancient of Days, and came by that eternal generation :: Here alfo was more fully recorded in the acts that he had done, and the names of many hundreds that he had taken into his fervice; and how he had placed them in fuch habitations, that could neither by length of days, nor decays of nature, be diffolved.

Then they read to him fome of the worthy acts that fome of his fervants had done; as how they had fubdued king-.. doms, wrought righteoufnefs, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence

of fire, efcaped the edge of the fword, out Heb.11.33.34-·· of weakness were made ftrong, waxed vali

ant in fight, and turned to fight the armies of the aliens.. Then the read again in another part of the records of tha houfe, where it was thewed how willing their Lord was to receive into his favour any, even any, tho' they in time pat had offered great affronts to his perfon and proceed-ings. Here alfo were feveral other hiftories of many other famous things, of all which Chriftian had a view; as of things both ancient and modern; together with prophecies and predictions of things that have their certain accomplish. ment, both to the dread and amazement of enemies, and the comfort and folace of pilgrims.

The next day they took him, and had him Chriftian had into the armory, where they fhewed him all into the armory, manner of furniture, which their Lord had

provided for pilgrims, as fword,, fhield, helmet, breaft-plate, all prayer, and fhoes that would not wear out. And there was here enough of this to harness out as many men for the fervice of their Lord, as there be stars in the heaven for multitude..

They alfo fhewed him fome of the engines with which fome of his fervants had done wonderful things. They Bewed him Mofer's rod, the hammer and nail with which

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Chriftian made to fee ancient xbings.

Joel flew Sifera; the pitchers, trumpets, and lamps too, with which Gideon put to flight the armies of Midian, Then they fhewed him the ox's goad, wherewith Shamgar flew fix hundred men. They fhewed him alfo the jawbone with which Sampson did fuch mighty feats. They thewed him, moreover, the fling and ftone with which Da vid flew Goliah of Gath; and the fword alfo with which their Lord will kill the man of fin, in the day that he shall rife up to the prey. They fhewed him befides many excellent things, with which Chriftian was much delighted. This done, they went to their rest again.

Then I faw in my dream, that on the morrow he got up to go forwards, but they defied him to ftay till the next day alfo; and then, faid they, we will (if the day be clear) fhew you the delectable mountains; which, Chriftian fhew- they faid, would yet farther add to his comad the delectable fort, because they were nearer the defired mountains. heaven than the place where at prefent-he was; fo he consented and faid. When the morning was up, they had him to the top of the houfe, and bid him look fouth. So he did; and befa. 33. 16, 17. hold at a great diftance, he faw a most pleafant mountainous country, beautified with woods, vineyards, fruits of all forts, flowers alfo, with #prings and fountains very delectable to behold, Then he afked the name of the country. They faid, It was Emamuel's Land; and it is as common, faid they, as the hill is to and for all the pilgrims. And when thou comeft there, from thence thou mayeft fee to the gate of the celestial city, as the fhepherds that live there will make appear.

Christian fets forward.

Chriftian fent away armed.

Now he bethought himself of fetting for ward, and they were willing he should.. But first, faid they, let us go again into their armory ;; so they did, and when they came there, they harneffed him from head to foot, with what was of proof, left perhaps he thould meet with assaults. He being therefore thus accoutred, walked out with his friends to the gate, and there he asked, the porter, If he saw any pilgrims pais. by ? Then the porter answered, Yes. Chr. Pray, did you know him, said he èr


Port. I asked his name, and he told me it was Faithful! Chr. O, faid Chriftian, I know him, he is my townf man, my dear neighbour, he comes from the place where I was born; How far do you think he may be before me? Port. He is got by this time below the hill.

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Chr. Well, faid Chriftian; good Porter; How Chriftian the Lord be with thee, and add to all thy and the porter bleffings much increafe for the kindnefs that greet at parting.thou haft fhewed to me.

Then he began to go forward; but Diferetion, Piety, Charity, and Prudence, would accompany him, down to the foot of the hill. So they went on together, reiterating their former difcourfes, till they came to go down the hill. Then faid Chriftian, As it was difficult coming up, fo, so far as I can fee, it is dangerous going down. Yes, faid Pru«dence, fo it is; for it is a hard matter för

a man to go down into the valley of Humi The valley of liation, as thou art now, and to catch no flipHumiliation. by the way; therefore, faid they, are we

come out to accompany thee down the hill. So he began to go down, but very warily; yet he caught a flip or two.. Then Ffaw in my dream, that thefe good companions (when Chriftian was got down to the bottom of the hill)} gave him a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, and a clusterof raifins; and then be went his way..

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But now in this valley of Humiliation, poor Christian was hard put to it; for he had gone but a little way, before he efpied a foul fiend coming over the field to meet him; his. name is Apollyon. Then did Chriftian be

gin to be afraid, and to caft in his mind Christian bàs nOwhether to go back or to ftand his ground. armour for biss But he confidered again, that he had no back.

armour for his back, and therefore thought

that to turn the back to him might give him greater advanə tage with eafe to pie ce him with his darts;

therefore he refolved to venture and and to Chriftian's refa fland his ground for, thought he, had I lution at the ap no more in my eye than the faving of my preach of Apoba life, it would be the best way to ftand. lyon. So he went on, and Apollyon met him: Now the monster was hideous to behold. He was clothed with fcales like a fish (and they are his pride); he had

wings like a dragon, feet like a bear, and out of his belly came fire and fmoke, and his mouth was as Difcourfe be- the mouth of a lion. When he was come twixt Chriftian up to Chriftian, he beheld him with a difand Apollyon. dainful countenance, and thus began to rqueftion with him.

Apol. Whence come you and whither are you bound. Chr. I am come from the city of Destruction, which is the place of all evil, and am going to the city of Zion.


Apol. By this I perceive thou art one of my fubjects; for all that country is mine, and I am the prince and god of it? How is it then that thou haft run away from thy king? Were it not that I hope thou mayeft do me more fervice, I would ftrike thee now, at one blow, to the ground. Chr. I was born indeed in your dominions, but your fervice was hard, and your wages fuch as a man could not live on: for the wages of fin is death; therefore when I was come to years, I did as other confiderate perfons do, look out, if perhaps I might mend myself...

Rom. 6, 23.

Apollyon's flattery.

Apol. There is no prince that will thus. lightly lose his fubjects, neither will I as yet lofe thee; but fince thou complaineft of thy fervice and wages, be content to go back; what our country will afford, I do here promife to give thee. (7)

Chr. But I have let myfelf to another, even to, the King of Princes, and how can I, with fairness, go back with thee?

Apollyon under values Chrif's Services

do thou

Apol. Thou haft done in this according to the proverb, Change a bad for a quorfe: But it is ordi nary for thofe that have profeffed, themfelves his fervants, after a while to give him the flip, and return again to me;, fo too, and all fhall be well.. Chr. I have given him my faith, and fworn my allegiance to him: How then can I go back from this, and not be hanged as a traitor ?

Apol. Thou didst the fame to me, and yet I am willing to pafs by all, if now thou wilt yet turn and go back, Chr. What I promised thee was in my non-age ; besides,, I count that the Prince under whofe banner now I




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