Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, Volum 38

F.D. Linn & Company, 1884

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Side 571 - The degrees of kindred shall be computed according to the rule of the civil law ; and kindred of the half blood shall inherit equally with those of the whole blood, in the same degree, unless the inheritance came to the intestate by descent, devise, or gift of some one of his ancestors, in which case all those who are not of the blood of such ancestor shall be excluded from such inheritance.
Side 561 - ... the Comptroller of the Currency may forthwith appoint a receiver, and require of him such bond and security as he deems proper. Such receiver, under the direction of the Comptroller, shall take possession of the books...
Side 254 - But it is a rule which applies universally to all who come within its principle ; which principle is, that no party can be permitted to purchase an interest in property and hold it for his own benefit, where he has a duty to perform in relation to such property which is inconsistent with the character of a purchaser on his own account and for his individual use.
Side 156 - The court had jurisdiction of the parties and of the subject-matter of the suit, and...
Side 218 - IN The Court of Errors and Appeals, OF THE — STATE OF NEW JERSEY.
Side 673 - ... neither being subject to any servitude to the other, — to work his own in the manner most convenient and beneficial to himself, although the natural consequence may be, that some prejudice will accrue to the owner of the adjoining mine, so long as that does not arise from the negligent or malicious conduct of the party.
Side 67 - An act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and for other purposes," approved July 17, 1862, and which sections are in the words and figures following: "SEC.
Side 456 - Each mine-owner has all rights of property in his mine, and, among them, the right to get all minerals therefrom, provided he works with skill and in the usual manner. And if, while the occupier of a higher mine exercises that right, nature causes water to flow to a lower mine, he is not responsible for this operation of nature.
Side 51 - Where a gift is to the children of several persons, whether it be to the children of A and B or to the children of A and the children of B, they take per capita and not per stirpes.
Side 523 - The ownership of property is absolute when a single person has the absolute dominion over it, and may use it or dispose of it according to his pleasure, subject only to general laws.

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