

One hour and a half allowed for this paper.

N.B.-Only five questions are to be attempted, one at least from each Section, but not more than two from any one, A, B, C.

Dr. BEATTY, Senior Inspector.
Mr. HERON, District Inspector.


1. Translate into English:

Rosa avait aperçu par la fenêtre une dame quí montait l'avenue. La reconnaître pour Madame Reynold, courir audevant d'elle, se jeter à son cou et l'accabler de caresses, ce fut l'affaire d'un instant. Madame Reynold les lui rendit avec une tendresse toute maternelle, puis demanda à voir sa tante. Rosa l'introduisit dans la chambre où Madame Darcy, son tricot à la main et le chat roulé en boule, et filant doucement comme un chat rentier qui n'a qu'à se laisser vivre sans s'inquiéter d'où lui viennent les biens, occupaient en face l'un de l'autre leurs places respectives.

2. Translate into English :

Tout ce que

La journée fut longue et difficile à passer. proposait Mademoiselle Noémi était rejeté d'un ton désobligeant par la pauvre enfant, qui, tout en se livrant ainsi à son mauvais naturel, aurait donné le monde entier pour ouvrir son cœur à une amie et pour entendre une parole de consolation et d'affection. Elle n'osa pas même insister pour qu'on lui dit la vérité sur l'état d'Alfred, mais elle resta éveillée jusque fort avant dans la nuit, prêtant l'oreille au plus léger bruit et le cœur agité par un battement étrange. A minuit, il lui sembla entendre du mouvement dans la maison. Des portes s'ouvrirent et se fermèrent avec précaution; des pas légers glissèrent dans le passage; elle crut même saisir quelques chuchotements,

3. Translate into English :

Quand William eut fini son histoire, tous les auditeurs se levèrent et chacun fit ses réflexions sur ce qu'il venait d'entendre il n'y en eut qu'un qui resta et qui ne dit rien; c'était Georges Fitzel. Il demeura longtemps les deux coudes appuyés sur ces genoux et la tête dans ses mains, paraissant réfléchir profondément, et il fallut l'appeler deux fois pour le souper. Mais le lendemain, dès le matin, il revint avec son père dans la boutique de William Kennedy.-Voisin, dit le

vieux Fitzel; voici un enfant que votre histoire a rendu sage: Georges veut aussi être utile, et il vient vous prier de le prendre pour apprenti.


4. Translate into French:

What are you thinking of?

I will tell you when I am ready.
You are quite right.

Have your friends arrived?

5. Translate into French :

At what hour will you be at your father's?
Bring me some cold water.

He has lost his own dog and mine.

I shall wait no longer.


6. Write down the plurals of bal, travail, œil, clou, jeu, éventail.

7. Give the present participle, the preterite first person singular, and the past participle of ouvrir, voir, écrire, and vivre.

8. Compare bon, mauvais, and petit, and the corresponding adverbs.


One hour and a half allowed for this subject.

N.B. Questions 1, 2, and 3 are compulsory. Of the remaining questions only two may be attempted.

Mr. STRONGE, Senior Inspector.
Mr. DICKIE, District Inspector.

1. Translate into English:

Hoc proelio facto, reliquas copias Helvetiorum ut consequi posset pontem in Arare faciendum curat, atque ita exercitum traducit. Helvetii repentino ejus adventu commoti cum id quod ipsi diebus viginti aegerrime confecerant, ut flumen transirent, illum uno die fecisse intelligerent, legatos ad eum mittunt cujus legationis Divico princeps fuit.

2. Translate into Latin:

(a.) He knew that four hundred of the enemy were hastening towards the city.

(b.) I asked the boy whether he were younger than his brother.

(c.) Let us not blame those worthy of praise.

(d.) Call together the citizens that the enemy may not lay

waste our fields.

3. Translate into English:

Dum haec apud Cæsarem geruntur, Labienus eó supplemento, quod nuper ex Italiâ venerat, relicto Agendici, ut esset impedimentis præsidio, cum quatuor legionibus Lutetiam proficiscitur. Id est oppidum Parisiorum, positum in insulâ fluminis Sequanæ. Cujus adventu ab hostibus cognito magnae ex finitimis civitatibus copiæ convenerunt.

4. (a.) Give genitive and ablative cases-singular and plural -of scelus, genu, ars, bos, dies; and

(b.) Decline in full the adjectives prudentior, duo, and dires.

5. (a.) Compare the adjectives bonus, parvus, liber, acer, and humilis.

(b.) Express in Latin oldest and youngest.

6. (a.) Conjugate praebere, sonare, vetare, vincire, reperire. (b.) Write out in full the perfect indicative and present subjunctive of monere, posse, and audire.

7. (a.) What are defective, deponent, and impersonal verbs? Give examples.

(b.) Express in Latin

"It causes me sorrow."

"It thunders."

"Having spoken thus, he departed."

8. (a.) What is meant in Latin by the sequence of tenses?

(b.) Express in Latin the different possible significations of She may come.”

IV.-QUESTIONS set to candidate pupil teachers.

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(b.) "Examine now," said he, said he, "this sea that is thus bounded with darkness at both ends, and tell me what thou discoverest on it."

"I see a bridge," said I, "standing in the midst of the tide."

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"The bridge thou see'st," said he, is Human Life; consider it attentively."


(c.) Joseph Patrick McGinley, Monday, 1st January, 1906.


Mr. KELLY, Senior Inspector.

Mr. SEMPLE, District Inspector.

There is nothing more memorable in history than the actions, fortunes, and character of this great man, whether we consider the grandeur of the plans he formed, the courage and wisdom. with which they were executed, or the splendour of that success, which adorning his youth continued without the smallest reserve to support his age even to the last moments of his life. He lived above seventy years, and reigned, within ten years, as long as he lived-sixty over his dukedom, above twenty over England-both of which he acquired or kept by

his own magnanimity, with hardly any other title than he derived from his arms; so that he might be reputed in all respects as happy as the highest ambition the most fully gratified, can make a man. The silent inward satisfaction of domestic happiness he neither had nor sought. He had a body suited to the character of his mind; erect, firm, large, and active, whilst to be active was a praise; a countenance stern, and which became command. Magnificent in his living, reserved in his conversation, grave in his common deportment, but relaxing with a wise facetiousness, he knew how to relieve his mind, and preserve his dignity; for he never forfeited by a personal acquaintance that esteem he had acquired by his great actions.


One hour and a half allowed for this paper.

N.B. In addition to the questions in Parsing and Analysis, namely, Nos. 1 and 2, which are compulsory, only three questions are to be attempted. The Examiner will read only the Parsing and Analysis and the first three other answers left uncancelled. The questions in this paper are all of equal value.

Mr. BROWN, Senior Inspector.
Mr. MCENERY, District Inspector.

1. Parse the words in italics :

O Solitude! where are the charms.
That sages have seen in thy face?
Better dwell in the midst of alarms
Than reign in this horrible place.

2. Analyse:

I see, said I, a huge valley and a prodigious tide of water rolling through it.

3. How is the Possessive Case formed in the singular and in the plural (a) of nouns ending in s, and (b) of compound nouns? Give examples.

4. Give examples showing the different forms employed formarking comparison in adjectives.

5. Write out sentences introducing the past tense and past participle of the following verbs: lie, be, thrive, swim, eat.

6. Distinguish between mine and my, thine and thy, ours and our; and ilustrate by examples.

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