




FOR 1863 AND 1864.

Springfield, Dec. 15th, 1864.

To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Illinois:

I have the honor to submit the following report of the condition of the public treasury, for the two years ending November 30, 1864, showing the amount of receipts and disbursements, on account of the several funds, during that period, and the balance of each on hand December 1st, 1864, a general and detailed statement of which is shown in the following synopsis and annexed tabular statements:

Receipts for revenue purposes, including the balance on hand on the 1st day of December, 1862, amount to $872,313 30. Payments on the same account amount to $869,049 80, leaving a balance on hand of $3,263 50.

Receipts on account of the State Debt Fund amount to $589,128 94. Payments on account of same amount to $4 50, leaving a balance on hand of $589,124 44.

Receipts on account of the Interest Fund, including the balance on hand December 1st, 1862, amount to $1,751,252 42. Payments on account of same amount to $1,441,995 84, leaving a balance on hand December 1st, 1864, of $309,256 58.

Receipts on account of the State School Fund, including the balance on hand December 1st, 1862, $286,713 33. Payments on account of same, $174,637 39, leaving a balance on hand December 1st, 1864, of $112,075 94.

Receipts on account of the Illinois Central Railroad Fund, including the balance on hand December 1st, 1862, amount to $997,441 47.

Payments on account of same amount to $798,573 27, leaving a balance on hand December 1st, 1864, of $198,868 20.

Amount of Delinquent Land Tax Fund on hand December 1st, 1862, $338 26. Payments on account of same amount to $7 20, leaving a balance on hand December 1st, 1864, of $331 06.

Receipts on account of the War Fund, including the balance in the treasury December 1st, 1862, amount to $363,976 17. Payments on account of same amount to $363,965 41, leaving a balance on hand December 1st, 1864, of $10 76.

Funds deposited in the treasury from Adams and Hancock counties, belonging to unknown and minor heirs, on hand December 1st, 1862, $126 40. Amount received from Sangamon and Hamilton counties, on account of same fund, $575 26. Total amount on hand December 1st, 1864, $701 66.

Total amount of all funds in the treasury, December 1st, 1864, $1,213,632 14.

In the last report of the late Treasurer to your honorable body, he advises or suggests the enactment of a law authorizing the refunding of all past due Illinois and Michigan Canal bonds, the coupons of which being exhausted, both the holder and the Treasurer are subjected to great inconvenience in the payment of interest, as the bonds have to be presented for each semi-annual payment, and are already nearly covered with the interest stamps. Of the unregistered bonds of this description, there are now outstanding $646,000; and I would respectfully renew the suggestion of my predecessor in reference to them.

I would report that in the absence of any law touching the coin in the treasury, I have set it apart and used it for the payment of the interest upon the sterling bonds of the State, both the principal and interest of which are payable in London; and for the payment of past due interest. There remains on hand, December 1st, 1864, a sufficient amount of coin to pay the interest falling due January and July, 1865, and January, 1866, on the class of indebtedness mentioned, and, in my judgment, it should be appropriated by law for that purpose, and a law also enacted providing for the procuring of like funds, for the continued payment of such interest, after those now on hand are exhausted. The honor and interests of the State alike demand, I think, that this course be pursued in reference to the sterling indebtedness, as they are specifically made payable in London, where coin is the only legal tender. ALEXANDER STARNE, Treasurer.


1. Statement of interest, past due, paid at the treasury from the 27th day of November, 1862, to the 23d day of December, 1862.

2. Statement of the 34th installment of interest paid in the city of New York, by the Treasurer.

3. Expenses on account paying 34th installment of interest in the city of New York:

4. Statement of interest, past due, and paid at the treasury from the 27th day of January, 1863, to the 26th day of June, 1863.

5. Statement of the 35th instaliment of interest paid in the city of New York, by the Treasurer.

6. Expenses on same.

7. Statement of interest, past due, and paid at the treasury from the 24th day of July, 1863, to the 24th day of December, 1863.

8. Statement of the 36th installment of interest paid in the city of New York, by the Treasurer.

9. Expenses on same.

10. Statement of interest, past due, paid at the treasury from the 25th day of January, 1864, to the 23d day of June, 1864.

11. Statement of the 37th installment of interest paid in the city of New York, by the Treasurer.

12. Expenses on same.

13. Statement of interest, past due, paid at the treasury from the 25th day of July, 1864, to the 15th day of December, 1864.

14. Statement of collections on account of revenue.

15. Statement of monthly receipts of revenue, special taxes, etc.
16. Statement of monthly credits, by Auditor's receipts.
17. Statement of Revenue account, leaving a balance of
18. Statement of State Debt Fund account, leaving a
balance of....

$3,263 50

589,124 44

19. Statement of Interest Fund account, leaving a bal

ance of....

309,256 58

20. Statement of School Fund account, leaving a balance


21. Statement of Central R. R. Fund account, leaving a balance of... . . .

22. Statement of Delinquent Land Tax Fund account, leaving a balance of.....

$112,075 94

198,868 20

331 06

23. Statement of Unknown and Minor Heirs' account, leaving a balance of....

24. Statement of War Fund account, leaving a balance of .....

702 06

10 76

25. Recapitulation of Treasurer's account, leaving a balance in the treasury of...

.$1,213,032 14

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