

secret thoughts, and that your prayers, if unthinkingly rehearsed, will become an abomination, will be displeasing to him in such circumstances, you will habitually accustom yourself to seriousness in your devotion. But this is not an advantage which is easily attained. You must persevere in this course, if you design that it should succeed; and by previous preparation, by reading and supplication, endeavour to strengthen your mind against the powerful temptation of a wandering imagination. Our thoughts are at all times difficult to restrain; every object is apt to inspire some new idea, which gives rise to others, more and more foreign to the sacred subject which ought solely to employ them.

But all that is difficult is not impossible. God requires no more than his grace will enable you to perform, if you are not neg ligent in the use of it. He will excuse, in mercy, such errors as flow from human weakness. But he knows exactly how far that weakness extends: if you yield to it with approbation, if you indulge it by seek ing those objects which dissipate your at tention, then your frailty degenerates into

guilt; then do you incur his displeasure, which is the worst of all evils, since nothing so terrible can befall you as the loss of his favour. On the contrary, if you are not wanting in your continued endeavours, to animate your mind with a just sense of the importance of this duty, although you may not always (or perhaps but very seldom) experience that high delight which results from its performance, and which those who are sensible of it, allow to exceed all other pleasures, you will still have the secret satisfaction that must arise from every endeavour to please your Maker; and your petitions will not be disregarded by him who judgeth the hearts of his worshippers.



IN every possible circumstance of life, you will find a habit of devotion a comfort and an assistance. It will add to the pleasures of prosperity, to remember with thankful gratitude the great Author of all your

enjoyments; to praise him for those friends he has lent to instruct you, to improve you, and to heighten your felicity. You will commend them to his care; your heart will expand to every generous and noble feeling, when you implore for them the protection of your Heavenly Father. You will find your affections for those who are dear to you, increased by your prayers in their behalf; and, while you supplicate Heaven for their happiness, you will determine to promote it as much as you can, by a virtuous and exemplary conduct. Or, should you suffer from affliction, of whatever kind it may be ; are you in bodily pain, you will be able with humble confidence to ask a blessing on the means which are used for your recovery; at the same time beseeching God to increase your patience, and to fortify your resolution to bear whatever he shall ordain you to undergo. Nor can you imagine, till you have learned by experience, what a satis faction you will receive from this exercise. All other pleasures are insipid; and amusements lose their power of pleasing, when we suffer from bodily indisposition but we féel that God is able to assist us; that

though outward applications are vain, though medicine should not immediately relieve, yet that God can give success to the kindness of our friends, and impart a healing influence to what is administered

to us.

Whatever, therefore, is your situation; however distressed your circumstances, look up to him who is a refuge in trouble. If you mourn the death of your parents, God is the father of the fatherless; he protecteth the cause of the orphan; his mercy can supply to you that greatest loss, and raise up new friends to cherish and instruct you. Endeavour to become worthy of his favour, by a strict attention to your duty, and you may approach his throne with full reliance, that he will hear you in the time of trouble. He has told you, in his Word, to call upon him; and that "those who come unto him he will in no wise cast out." Does he not know your every secret distress, although you cannot reveal it to any mortal ear? If you are disregarded by those you are with, if you feel forsaken and neglected, remember for your comfort that you have a friend, who (if you are

good) will never leave nor abandon you; a friend, whom death cannot deprive you of; whom absence cannot sever; who will be present in every danger; and who has the power, as well as the kindness, to assist you in all the possible calamities you can experience. Seek him then from the first dawn of reason; accustom your heart to implore that sacred assistance, to give you increase of knowledge and wisdom.

In all your enjoyments, remember to ac knowledge his mercy; in all your improve. ments, thank him for the happiness of instruction, and for the powers which enable you to receive it. When you see others destitute of health, deprived of sight, of the use of their limbs, or of any of the comforts which you are so happy as to enjoy ; let it excite your gratitude to that Being, who has so liberally enriched you with his gifts; and let your compassionate prayers for the unfortunate accompany the praises of a thankful heart.

To conclude: remember that there can be no real piety, without the exercise of true devotion; and that unless you endeavour to recollect the object you address,

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