
before I can believe. And when the otter is found and swum, and killed by a dozen little terriers with weak jaws, without the aid of the poles and spears and staves of the hunters, a climax is reached which ought to make the Welsh terriers, that are said to do so, the most popular breed of modern times. But no terrier can do such things, nor will anyone who has seen otter hunting with hounds, and knows what punishment the otter can take and give, believe it. Indeed, nature never intended terriers for such work. That the Welsh terrier is a game, plucky terrier, smart and active on land, at home in the water, and free and kind in his disposition, I have no manner of doubt. His blood, too, may be of the bluest. Unfortunately, until a comparatively recent date, he has been neglected and overlooked. A pedigree for over a hundred years is good enough for any dog, and such, I am told, some of our Welsh friends are supposed to have. This, with the varied accomplishments he possesses, and his sprightly presence, should enable him to sustain the position in public favour he has so quickly reached.

The following episode demonstrates the gameness of the Welsh terrier: "On Feb. 10, 1901, a ten-yearold Welsh terrier belonging to Mr. Hebe Bedwell, and named Rugby Bella, went to ground in a large

badger earth, and, either owing to a fall of soil or to the badgers digging, she got fastened up, and though the place was visited and examined daily no traces. of her could be discovered. On the 24th, exactly fourteen days after her incarceration, on the earth being revisited she was discovered in one of the workings and dragged out more dead than alive, a perfect skeleton, having lost 7lb. in weight, her toenails were worn to the quick, and several of her teeth were missing. The badger, a huge specimen of 35lb. weight, was found dead.

I have no doubt that the so-called Welsh terrier will retain his popularity, because he is a nice little dog of a handy size, and, having usually been reared away from the kennels, that is, brought up in the house, is affectionate, kindly, and desirable as a companion, nor is he fond of fighting, and his colour is pleasing. Judges, however, should not lay too much stress upon the rich tan and deep black to the sacrifice of more useful qualities. It is in the matter of colour in dogs where trouble has been caused, and an easy path found for dishonest practices. I am certain that had not so much been thought of the blue colour in the Bedlington terrier, he would have been a more popular dog to-day, the same with the black and tan English terrier likewise. Colour was required in both, and when nature did not give it,

such was produced artificially. Now that the Welsh terrier is well established, let his admirers keep to one type and one type alone. Discountenance all trimming and plucking; show the dog naturally and he will be far better than when trimmed, plucked, and singed. To actually prove how he has so far prospered, I need only draw attention to the Stud Book, where in 1886 there were but half a dozen entries registered. In 1893 there were fiftyin 1895 there were forty-five entered; in 1901 the numbers were thirty-nine, whilst in 1902 they had fallen to twenty-six, which was, in a degree, owing to changes in the Stud Book arrangements. Notwithstanding this, it cannot be said that the Welsh terrier is quite so popular as was the case say five years ago.


The Welsh Terrier Club is a powerful and representative body, and it has issued the following description of the dog it has under its wing :

"Head. The skull should be flat, and rather wider between the ears than the wire-haired fox terrier. The jaw should be powerful, clean cut, rather deeper, and more punishing—giving the head a more masculine appearance than that usually seen on a fox terrier. Stop not too defined, fair length from stop to end of nose, the latter being of a black colour.

"Ears. The ear should be V-shaped, small, not too thin, set on fairly high, carried forward and close to the cheek.

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Eyes. The eye should be small, not being too deeply set in or protruding out of skull, of a dark hazel colour, expressive, and indicating abundant pluck.

"Neck. The neck should be of moderate length and thickness, slightly arched, and sloping gracefully into the shoulders.

"Body.-The back should be short, and well ribbed up, the loin strong, good depth, and moderate width of chest. The shoulders should be long, sloping, and well set back. The hind quarters should be strong, thighs muscular, and of good length, with the hocks moderately straight, well let down, and fair amount of bone. The stern should be set on moderately high, but not too gaily carried.

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Legs and Feet.-The legs should be straight and muscular, possessing fair amount of bone, with upright and powerful pasterns. The feet should be small, round, and cat-like.

"Coat. The coat should be wiry, hard, very close, and abundant.

"Colour.-The colour should be black and tan, or black grizzle and tan, free from black pencilling

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"Size. The height at shoulder should be 15in. for dogs, bitches proportionately less. Twenty pounds shall be considered a fair average weight in working condition, but this may vary a pound or so either way."

Numerical points, not issued by the club :

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White in patches on the body, or on breast, or elsewhere to any great extent, and teeth not level, either undershot or overshot, should be disqualifications.

The secretary of the Welsh Terrier Club takes a somewhat more roseate view of his favourites than does the writer of this volume, but Mr. Herbert deals perhaps more individually with the different dogs than I have done. In a recent summary for 1902 he says, "Taking the breed as a whole, I think great progress has been made, especially as regards head properties, which are now of good length, and more uniform in type than they were a few years ago. There has been improvement also in legs

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