
seldom seen on this terrier, they having more than an inclination to be long-hare-like in fact, which to my idea shows more than a sign of a cross with the Italian greyhound or whippet. The coat fine, though fairly strong, and so close that it should quite hide any of the black skin marks that appear in so many instances on smooth-coated white dogs of all kinds. The teeth must be perfectly level and sound. They are not always the former, and I rather astonished an exhibitor some years ago when I had his white terrier before me in a "variety class," a dog that had hitherto never been shown without winning a prize. It was, however, undershot, and of course I left it out of the list of winners altogether, nor did the owner consider me wrong in so doing.

The description of the English white terrier as drawn up by the club is as follows :

“Head.—Narrow, long and level, almost flat skull, without cheek muscles, wedge-shaped, well filled up under the eyes, tapering to the nose, and not lippy. Eyes. Small and black, set fairly close together, and oblong in shape.

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"Ears. Small and V shaped, hanging close to the head above the eyes.

"Neck and Shoulders.-The neck should be fairly long and tapering from the shoulders to the

head, with sloping shoulders, the neck being free from throatiness, and slightly arched at the occiput. "Chest.-Narrow and deep.

"Body.-Short and curving upwards at the loin, ribs sprung out behind the shoulders, back slightly arched at loin, and falling again at the joining of the tail to the same height as the shoulders.

"Legs.-Perfectly straight and well under the body, moderate in bone, and of proportionate length.

"Feet.-Feet nicely arched, with toes set well together, and more inclined to be round than hare-footed. "Tail.-Moderate length, and set on where the arch of the back ends, thick where it joins the body, tapering to a point, and not carried higher than the back. Coat. Close, hard, short, and glossy.

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"Colour.-Pure white; coloured marking to disqualify.

"Condition.-Flesh and muscles to be hard and firm. "Weight. From 12lb. to 20lb."

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Disqualifications: coloured markings of any kind, and uneven teeth, i.e., teeth either "undershot" or "overshot." A dog 12lb. to 16lb. is better than one weighing 18lb. or over, hence the points allowed for size. As a matter of fact, I do not ever remember seeing a really so-called pure English white terrier up to 20lb., the maximum allowed by the club. Perhaps it may be wise in making such an extreme limit in order to stop any decadence which may be perceptible in the variety, generally through breeding from small and more or less puny parents.

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