
will take place on the 19th of July. Bets, however, to a considerable amount, are said to be taken up daily, by persons in the secret, that it will be postponed still further, and, perhaps, indefinitely: the grounds for this surmise are said to be the advanced age of his Majesty, and the great fatigue which such a ceremony must necessarily impose. Be this as it may, every "note of preparation" speaks its approaching consummation. The Hall, the Abbey, the platform, the coronation robes, both of King and Peerage, the re-establishment of the Court of Claims, and, in short, all the necessary arrangements, are in active progress. It does not appear that the Queen is to have any share in this august ceremonial; and this is now confirmed by better authority than mere rumour; as Lord Londonderry, in answer to a question from Mr. Monck upon that subject, in the House of Commons, declared that neither himself, nor any other of the King's Ministers, were prepared to advise any act of the Crown by which the Queen should be included. In the mean time her Majesty has been solacing herself amongst her friends at Cambridge House, where she has given two dinners: she has also dined at the Mansion House with the Lord Mayor, and visited the theatres.The proclamation of the ceremony has actually taken place. The form was first read at Palace Yard, and then the procession moved to Charing Cross, where it went round the statue of King Charles-but there was no proclamation there; it then moved on to Temple Bar, where the usual ceremony of demanding, and receiving permission to enter the city was gone through; and after grand proclamation there, they proceeded, accompanied by the Lord Mayor in city state, to the Exchange, and all the other customary places. We must not omit to mention that at every place where the announcement took place, it was received by the people with reiterated and enthusiastic shouts of "Long live King George the Fourth." The progress of this splendid cavalcade was varied by alternate performances on the drums and trumpets.

From the accounts with which the papers are filled of the King's pro

ceedings, we should not be much inclined to credit the reports of his not being able to undergo the fatigue of his coronation. His Majesty has, indeed, it is said, suffered some surgical operation for an excrescence, of but little consequence, on his head, which, happily, however, has had no ill, or even inconvenient effects. He has given a very splendid ball to the children of the nobility during the month, and honoured the Duke o. Devonshire with his presence at a banquet of unrivalled magnificence.

A discovery of the original books of registry of births and marriages which took place in the Fleet prison, and also at the Mint, and at Mayfair chapel, between the years 1686 to 1754, has been made, which is of great importance, as they will tend to clear up many doubts with respect to titles, previous to the date of the marriage act. These valuable documents have been deposited with the Registrar of the diocese of London.

The intervention of Whitsun week has created some cessation of parliamentary business; but still a few discussions have arisen of much interest, and measures of considerable importance have had their fates variously decided. Amongst these, we are sorry to have to record the failure of Sir James Macintosh's forgery mitigation bill, which was rejected in its last stage in the House of Commons, by a majority of only six! This bill was intended to effect a change in the punishment attached to the crime of forgery, and had its origin in the utter fruitlessness of the more severe laws at present in existence, which have produced a melancholy effusion of human blood, without operating any change in the progress of the crime. The bill was an experiment, but when present and long existing measures fail, experiments are worth resorting to, at least for the sake of humanity. It is a very curious fact, and is proved beyond doubt, by an official return now on the table of the House of Commons, that during the years 181819-20, only seventeen persons were convicted in Ireland of uttering forged notes of the National Bank of that country, and of these not one was executed. We do not believe that this clemency has had the effect of increasing the number of criminals.

Mr. Bennet has been following up the fruitless attempts of the Marquis of Tavistock and Lord Nugent in the cause of reform, by a motion to exclude certain placemen from Parliament, and with similar success. The exertions of Mr. Hume also do not deserve to be passed over in silence; this gentleman has been indefatigable in his scrutiny of the different estimates as they were presented to the House, and produced more divisions than, we believe, were ever before known in a similar period in the House of Commons. His last motion was for an inquiry into the conduct of Sir Thomas Maitland during his government of the Ionian Isles, which was negatived by a majority of seventy. Whether a go

vernment be correct or otherwise, the utility of such a man as Mr. Hume cannot be denied. Lord Nugent's motion for a select committee, to inquire into the abuses of justice in the island of Tobago, was also negatived by a considerable majority; and the usury laws repeal bill has been postponed to next Session. Our readers may remember, that in the year 1818, a provision of 6000l. a year was made for his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in addition to his previous income, which he, at the time, for some unexplained reasons, thought proper to reject; during the last month, however, Lord Londonderry proposed a revival of the grant, in which he declared the Royal Duke was now ready to acquiesce; and, in addition, moved for an allowance of the arrears which had arisen during the interval: both of these motions were agreed to, though not without a warm and continued discussion. A motion was made by Mr. Curwen, in consequence of the unanimous opinion of the Agricultural Committee with respect to the distress of the country, for the repeal of the agricultural horse-tax bill, which, after a long debate, was agreed to by a division of 141 against 113, leaving ministers in a minority of 28. Government, however, declared their determination to combat, in all its stages, this repeal bill, by which a considerable diminution of its revenue would occur. Upon more mature consideration, this determination was surrendered; and Lord Londonderry attended the Agri

cultural Committee, and informed them that Ministers, in consequence of the expressed opinion of the House of Commons, had come to the resolution of relinquishing the tax; a communication which was received by the Committee with loud cheers. The important exposition of the finances of the country has taken place; and the budget of the present year, presents the most flattering appearance: it seems, from the statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the national income of this year has exceeded the expenditure, by a sum of two millions, which, upon every human calculation, will next year be encreased to four. May this calculation prove correct!

Sentence has been passed, in the Court of King's Bench, upon various public characters for libels and other political offences. Mr. Flyndell, the editor of the Western Luminary, has been adjudged eight months' imprisonment in Exeter gaol, for a libel on the Queen, which appeared in his paper during the late trial. Mr. John Hunt, of the Examiner newspaper, has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment in Cold Bathfields, for a libel on the House of Commons. Maddox, Wooller, and Edmonds, for the election of Sir Charles Wolseley as legislatorial attorney for the town of Manchester, have been respectively adjudged, the first, eighteen-the second, fifteenand the third, nine months' confinement in Warwick gaol, and to find security for their good behaviour for a certain term, themselves in 400l. and two securities in 2001. each. Major Cartwright, who was convicted along with them of a similar offence, was fined 1007. and discharged. This mitigated punishment, with respect to him, has arisen out of compassion, it is supposed, for his years. Sentence has also been passed, at the last Sessions of the Old Bailey, dooming no less than 26 unfortunate creatures, men and women, to death. We remarked that there was not one case of murder in the calendar. Surely it is high time that our criminal code should undergo revision. It appears that no less than 107,000 persons have passed through the prisons of the united kingdom in the year 1818.


THE practical agriculturist is now employed in the preparation for raising his crop of turnips, and harvesting his grasses -the beginning and the ending of two most important branches of his industry. At this time it may, therefore, be particularly useful to commence our Report with a brief and condensed abstract of the various methods for preserving the turnip from the ravages of the all-destroying fly, which have been lately put forth by those who direct the philosophical and technical pursuits of experimental as well as experienced farmers. The old prejudice against research, as beyond the farmer's reach, or as dangerous to his profits, is fast wearing away, as those engaged in this employment become better educated; and, thanks to the enlightened founders of aggregate meetings of the agricultural body, for the double purpose of inspection of facts, and participation of knowledge, Farming is rapidly collecting the materials, and adopting the arrangement, as well as assuming the name of a Science.

The laborious author of the Code of Agriculture has condensed many of the methods employed to extirpate the flyamongst which, are rolling the fields at raidnight, when the dew is on the ground; drawing tarred boards along the lands, to which the flies skip and adhere, (Mr. Paul's trap ;)-train-oil and sulphur used with the sced; and preparations of lime: all which have been tried, but with partial and inadequate success. Radish seed has been sown with the turnip, as offering food more attractive: the growth of the plant has been accelerated by extra quantities of manure, with a view to forward it rapidly, beyond the power of destruction: the quantity of seed has been increased to three pounds per acre, the crop carefully weeded, and the soil frequently stirred. All these are attended with various degrees of benefit. Sir John Sinclair himself has recently proposed to destroy the fly by flame and smoke —that is, by burning the stubbles and other combustibles, on the land, previous to sowing; but Mr. Paul, of Starston, in Norfolk (the inventor of the fly-trap), a gentle man who has employed a diligent attention and great acuteness in his experiments to destroy the insect, asserts, that this plan must be abortive, because the flies are then not to be found in such fields. There are several species which, he says, during the winter inhabit any thing affording shelter from wind and weather. They are very tenacious of life, will remain for some minutes immersed in water, or bear severe pressure of the thumb and finger, without injury. Mr. Paul, however, considers that

one species only, a black insect with yellow feet (Chrysomela nemorum of Linnæus), will attack the young turnips. He now destroys them by what he terms a decoy. He sows one headland ridge of his intended turnip field, on the south side, in May, with white turnips. He rolls it down to a very level surface. The flies, with their larvæ, assemble here in large quantities, and may be readily caught, by passing the fly-catch rapidly along the surface, stopping occasionally to shake the insects to the bottom of the catch. Six or seven o'clock, in the evenings of warm days, is the best time to take them. Thus Mr. Paul conceives, in a few years, the fly might be exterminated. The present season has been so cold and backward, that perhaps it is not, even now, too late to employ this plan to advantage; appropriating a single ridge, earliest sown. But the confidence Mr. Coke expressed in the Northumberland ridge system, at the last Holkham Meeting, will probably incline the farmer to treat Mr. Paul's plan rather as an auxiliary than as a principal. It has been stated, by many practical men, that horse-hoeing has succeeded where Mr. Paul's fly catch has failed: and Mr. Herod, of Creake, Norfolk, a very intelligent agriculturist, has witnessed this year the destruction of a crop, belonging to a neighbour, who sowed the same seed, and the samé quantity, with the same drill as himself: the plants looked equally well on both lands; Mr. Herod horse-hoed his, and his neighbour employed Mr. Paul's fly-catch. Mr. Herod's crop is safe-his neighbour's perished under the devouring insects, although a great many were caught. Indeed Mr. Coke declared himself certain as to the effects of the ridge system, and horse-hoeing, and that he no longer entertained the smallest fear of being able, in all seasons, to secure a crop of turnips. An authority so established, will, no doubt, meet the attention and respect which Mr. Coke has so meritoriously earned of the agriculturist.

The prevalence of northerly winds during the month, and the consequent cold showers, have kept vegetation very backward; and the crops scarcely seem to have made any advancement. The haymaking, which, ere this time in previous seasons, has been approaching to a close, is scarcely begun ; particularly in the eastern parts of the kingdom: and, from the want of warm weather, the crop is generally far more scanty than the spring promised. Neither are the meadows so abundantly clothed as usual. The wheats are short in the stalk, and only just coming into ear: in some districts, the wire-worm has injured the spring wheats, particularly where sown after tur

nips; but, upon the whole, the appearance is good. The barley also is backward, and may have received more injury from the nipping air than the wheats; the late sown looks the best. The light lands, however, have no reason to complain. Beans promise a full crop, and the season has been favorable for hoeing them. The turnip lands were well prepared, and the Swedes are up; but, in some instances, the fly has made considerable ravages. But this crop is in too recent a state to afford any means of fair judgment. The markets are crowded with stock. Fat mutton is greatly depressed; and the holders, who had anticipated a rise, are grievously disappointed. Store pigs, which, in the eastern parts of the kingdom, are cheaper, in Oxfordshire, and the adjoining counties, are dear, in consequence of the heavy losses which some time since fell upon that district; occasioned by a distemper, which carried off a great number of pigs. In wool there has been little doing, and that little at very low prices.

The labours of the Committee, appointed

to consider the agricultural petitions, are at length closed; but, at the moment of writing this article, we know only, and that from a member, that the Report was agreed to by a majority of eleven to nine. Two of the Committee did not approve of the terms of the Report, yet considered that the production even of one they did not entirely accede to, would be better than none at all. The repeal of the Agricultural Horse Tax has been carried in the House of Commons. The country owes its thanks to the talents and perseverance of Mr. Curwen, by whose powerful representations in the Committee, and in Parliament, this boon (as it is called) has been extorted. It will give about three per cent. upon the value of his rent, to the farmer. Such a remission can render no very important service to the tenantry; but, nevertheless, the victory obtained is momentous to the country, since it manifests the determination of an independent body, to lessen the burdens of taxation.

COMMERCIAL REPORT. (London, June 23.)

THOUGH no enactment has been made by Parliament since our last report, respecting the foreign trade of the country, except the passing of the Bill, regulating the timber trade, it is satisfactory to know that the Committees of the two Houses are assiduously prosecuting their researches on the most important subjects of foreign trade, agriculture, &c. A statement which has been laid before the House of Lords respecting the silk manufactures of this country, will probably cause considerable surprise to the generality of the public, who were hardly aware of the great extent to which that manufacture is carried. From this statement, it appears that the quantity of raw silk used in England, in 1820, was no less than 2,500,000 lb., while that used in France, in the same year, was only 2,000,000 lb. The value of the manufactured article in England was 12,000,0007. sterling. The great increase of our silk manufactures is ascribed to the extension of the private trade to India, by which the manufacturers are enabled to receive more frequent supplies than before that system was adopted. So important a branch of manufacture, which has confessedly been nurtured into maturity, by the aid of the prohibitory system, can hardly be supported, without the continuance, at least in part, of that protection which it has hitherto enjoyed; and it is, therefore, not VOL. IV.

probable that any great changes will be made in it.

Cotton.-An extensive purchase of 3,000 bags of Bengal cotton in one contract, in the last week of May, excited some interest in the market. The quality was fair common; the average price 5d. per lb. The transaction, however, took place under peculiar circumstances, and, as reported, for an exchange of manufactured goods. The other purchases amounted to about 1,300 bales. From the end of May, to the middle of the third week of June, the market was heavy and without interest, the prices rather declined, but without much facilitating sales, which amounted in three weeks to only 3,250 bags, all in bond. At Liverpool, during the same period, the market has not presented any improvement of prices; but the demand, during the first fortnight of this month, was pretty steady, though not brisk. The quantity of cotton imported into Liverpool, up to June 16, shows an extraordinary decrease, when compared with that of last year, viz. of 49,500 bags from America, of 37,300 from Brazil, and of 5,100 from the East Indies, with an increase of only 1,700 bags from the West Indies, the total decrease exceeding 90,000 bags, or from 288,000 last year, to 197,800 this year. The diminution of the supply for the last three weeks may be attributed to contrary winds. The I

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cotton delivered from the East India warehouses, in the month of May, was 1,779 bags for exportation, and 5,775 for home consumption. By the accounts up to this day, we are happy to find that an improve ment has taken place. The market remained heavy till Thursday (21st.), when the favourable reports from Liverpool had an immediate effect here. The purchases in the last week, consist of 670 Bengal, 54d. a Gid.; 200 Surat, Gd. a 7d.; 30 Madras, 7d.; 137 Sea Island, 15d. a 16d.; 200 Pernambuco, 12d. a 123d.; 90 Smyrna, 8d. a 8d. all in bond; 41 St. Domingo, 94d. a 98d. duty paid.

The letters from Liverpool state an uncommon briskness in cottons; in the first three days of this week the sales exceeded 8,000 bags, and more business would have been done, had not the sellers asked an advance of d. per lb.

Sugar.-The market has remained for this month past, nearly in the same state as for some time preceding. The quantity of new sugars brought forward has been inconsiderable; and they have in general met with a ready sale at the full market prices; but the transactions have been chiefly confined to purchases made by the grocers for their immediate wants; there being no inducement to lay in a stock, while the supply is so inadequate; for which reason the refiners have shown no inclination to purchase. Foreign sugars have been in general low. At a public sale on the 5th inst. 577 chests of Havannah, and 21 barrels 23 chests of Brazil were sold. The former, white fine 58s. good 56s. to 57s. 6d. middling 52s. to 55s. yellow 30s. to 32s.; the Pernambuco, white, good 55s. middling 38s. 6d. to 39s. 6d. The prices have not since improved.

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The refined market, after a reduction of Is. to 2s. seemed likely to revive, but unfavourable reports from the Continent checked the improving demand. quest was, however, still sufficient to prevent any accumulation of stock; and in the second week of this month there was a considerable demand for goods suitable for the Mediterranean markets; after which the trade became depressed. The following is the latest statement of the markets.

The show of new sugars this week has greatly improved, both in quality and quantity: several of the holders have evinced a determination to effect immediate sales, and in consequence a reduction of 6d. a 1s. per cwt. has been submitted to in grocery sugars; the other qualities are without variation.

The refined market has continued steady all the week; there are no alterations to notice in the prices, and there appears to be little life in the trade.-Molasses are rather lower.

[blocks in formation]

Sugar, 19,523 bags. Bourbon, brown...23s. a 25s.

yellow...26s. a 29s. 6d.

white ...34s. a 38s. a few lots 40s. Bengal, brown ...18s. 6d. a 21s. 6d. yellow...30s. a 31s.


white ...35s. 6d. a 36s. 6d.
yellow ....278. a 29s. 6d.
grey.........31s, a 32s.
white ......34s. 6d. a 40s.
fine...43s. a 45s.

The shipping sugars sold 1s. a 2s. lower; grocery descriptions supported the late prices. The bill now in progress in Parliament, proposing a new duty, 40s. on brown and yellow, 45s. per cwt. on EastIndia white sugars, appears to have no effect on the market.

Average prices of Raw Sugar by Ga

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Coffee. The reports of the market, up to the middle of this month, were unfavourable. The large public sales went off heavily; and a considerable proportion of the quantity brought forward was supposed to have been taken in on account of the languid demand.

The public sales, last week, consisted of 914 casks and 1457 bags; notwithstanding this extensive quantity, the greater proportion sold, and on Friday an improvement of 1s. a 2s. took place in all descriptions of Jamaica coffee: fine middling realised 146s. 6d. and 1478. By private contract, a cargo of St. Domingo coffee sold at 112s. for money; the request afterwards consi derably improved, and for St. Domingo 1148. Gd. was offered.

This week the market appears fluctuating: on Wednesday two extensive parcels of St. Domingo coffee went off with much briskness, casks at 115s. 6d. and bags at 116s. 6d. on Thursday the demand for foreign coffee again became languid, and a large parcel of St. Domingo met with no buyers at 115s. 6d and 1168.; the quality of the latter was, however, of inferior description to the parcels of Wednesday.

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