As the fond parent for a while Checks sweet Forgiveness' nascent smile, Which so melodious mourns by tardy speed: Say, can the glittering things, Inspire with equal pleasure, when possest; With softest music hung, Her fairy tales, and dreams of promised rest? Content to hope for spring, nor think the winter long. AUTUMNAL SKETCH. ANONYMOUS. THROUGH forest paths, o'erstrewed with rustling leaves, October comes, to deck the fading year; The purple-vested Morn her hour delays, And Night with raven crest usurps the skies. And swiftly to the chambers of the West, And tunes in warbling plaint his elegies: In melancholy train appear; Pay their last mournful tribute to its shade, For soon the wheels of Winter's icy car Shall crush these fragments of the shatter'd year;* The echoing blast, his herald, blows; The moaning gale, the shadowy sky, And shades of northern darkness nigh: For Sirius gems the zone of night, And, clad in giant armour bright, Orion, Winter's sentinel, ascends, And o'er the sleeping world his watchful light suspends. "WATCH no more the twinkling stars; Watch no more the chalky bourne; Lady! from the Holy wars Never will thy love return! Cease to weep, and cease to mourn, "Watch no more the yellow moon, Will see thy lover pale and dead! Cease to weep, and cease to mourn, Thy lover will no more return! "Lady, in the Holy Wars, Fighting for the cross, he died: Low he lies, and many scars Mark his cold and mangled side: In his winding sheet he lies, Lady, check those rending sighs. "Hark! the hollow soundiug gale Seems to sweep in murmurs by, Sinking slowly down the vale, Wherefore, gentle Lady, sigh? Wherefore moan, and wherefore sigh? Lady! all that live must die. "Now the stars are fading fast: Swift their brilliant course are run: Soon shall dreary night be past, So spake a voice! While sad and lone A Lady sat: the pale moon shone, The lofty tower was ivy clad, And round a dreary forest rose; The midnight bell was tolling sad- The summer moon shone bright and clear : They pass'd: and all was silent now; She watch'd the holy fathers go And now the dawn was bright, the dew The sunny lustre shone between : And then, once more, the fathers grey The barefoot monks, of order grey Were thronging to the chapel door, When there the Lady stopp'd the way: Last night ye bore along the vale ?” "Oh Lady! question us no more: No corpse did we bear down the dale!" The Lady sunk upon the floor, Her quiv'ring lip was deathly pale. The monks departing, one by one, The chapel gates in silence close: Then from the altar steps, of stone, The trembling Lady feebly goes: While the morning sheds a ruby light, The painted windows glowing bright. |