But these I'll leave to be thy guide, And show thee where the jas'mine spreads Yet, yet, no sound comes in the breeze! But while thy long delay I mourn, And chide the sweet shades for their guile, Thou may'st be true, and they forlorn, And fairy favours court thy smile. The tiny queen of fairy-land, Who knows thy speed, hath sent thee far, To bring, or ere the night-watch stand, Rich essence for her shadowy car; Perchance her acorn-cups to fill With nectar from the Indian rose, But now I see thee sailing low, Gay as the brightest flow'rs in spring, Thy coat of blue and jet I know, And well thy gold and purple wing. Borne on the gale, thou com'st to me; In lily's cell we'll live in glee; Together o'er the mountains roam COME, Melancholy! silent pow'r, No longer wildly hurried thro' I from the busy crowd retire, To court the objects that inspire Thro' yon dark grove of mournful yews With solitary steps I muse, By thy direction led: Here, cold to pleasure's tempting forms, Can 'sociate with my sister worms, And mingle with the dead, Ye midnight horrors! awful gloom! In death's refreshing shade. Ye pale inhabitants of night, In solemn pomp ascend: Ye faithless idols of our sense, The dazzling colours, falsely bright, Thro' reason's clearer optics view'd, Can wild ambition's tyrant pow'r, That shake the parting soul? Religion! o'er the hand of fate These awful relics preach. Thy penetrating beams disperse 'Tis thine the trembling heart to warm, When sunk by guilt in sad despair, Sublim'd by thee, the soul aspires Unmov'd her destin'd change surveys, In death's soft slumber, lull'd to rest, REFLECTIONS. ROBINSON. AH! who has pow'r to say, Ah! who is ever sure, Though all that can the soul delight, This hour enchants the wond'ring sight, These raptures will endure? Is there in life's dull toil, One certain moment of repose, One ray to dissipate our woes, And bid Reflection smile? What is the mind of man? A chaos where the passions blend, Unconscious where the mass will end, Or when it first began! In childhood's thoughtless hours We frolic through the sportive day; Each path enchanting, sunny, gay, All deck'd with gaudy flow'rs! In life's maturer prime We wander still in search of peace; And, as our weary toils increase, Fade in the glooms of time. From scene to scene we stray, Still courting pleasure's fickle smile, While she, delighting to beguile, Still farther glides away. We seek Hope's gentle aid, We think the lovely phantom pours Her balmy incense on those flow'rs, Which blossom but to fade! We court Love's thrilling dart, And when we think our joys supreme, We find its raptures but a dreamIts boon a wounded heart. We pant for glitt'ring Fame, And when pale envy blots the page That might have charm'd a future age, We find 'tis but a name, |