
Studies in Both Arts: Ten Subjects reproduced in Photogravure and Chromo-lithography from Drawings by the Author, with Descriptive Passages of Text. 15 by 11 inches. Cloth, 20s. With Cover designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones.

Turner and Ruskin. An Exposition of the Work of Turner, with Descriptive Passages from the Writings of John Ruskin. Edited and Arranged, with a Biographical Note on J. M. W. Turner, by FREDERICK WEDMORE. Illustrated with 87 Reproductions in Photogravure of the Artist's finest Pictures and 4 Portraits. In two vols., imperial 4to (16 by 11 inches) £5 5s.

Mornings in Florence. Being Simple Studies of Christian Art, for
English Travellers. STUDENTS' EDITION.

I. Santa Croce. II. The Golden Gate. III. Before the Soldan. IV. The Vaulted
Book. V. The Strait Gate. VI. The Shepherd's Tower.
Crown 8vo, in Red Leatherette, 10d. each No.


[13th Thousand, Crown 8vo, Cloth, 38.; Roan, 5s. 6d.; Half Parchment, 58.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 108. 8d.; Half Levant Morocco, 9s. 6d. ; Vellum extra, gilt top, 128. Pocket Edition.

Mornings in Florence.
Fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 18. 6d.; Leather, 2s. 6d.

[23rd Thousand.

St. Mark's Rest. The History of Venice. Written for the Help of the few Travellers who still Care for her Monuments.

[9th Thousand.
PART I.: I. The Burden of Tyre. II. Latrator Anubis. III. St. James of the Deep
Stream. PART II. IV. St. Theodore the Chair-seller, V. The Shadow on the
Dial. VI. Red and White Clouds. VII. Divine Right. PART III.: VIII. The
Requiem. SUPPLEMENT I. The Shrine of the Slaves. SUPPLEMENT II. The
Place of Dragons, by James Reddie Anderson, M.A. (edited by Mr. Ruskin).
APPENDIX TO Chapter VIII., Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus (edited by Mr. Ruskin),
Crown 8vo, in Red Leatherette, 10d. each part, supplement, or appendix.
STUDENTS' EDITION. Cloth, 38. 6d.; Roan, 68.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 118.;
Half Levant Morocco, 108.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 12s. 6d.

St. Mark's Rest. POCKET EDITION.
Fcap. 8vo, 18. 6d. ; Leather, 2s. 6d.

The Art of England. The Course

[15th Thousand.

The Course of Lectures delivered at Oxford during the Spring and Autumn of 1883. [Third Edition.

I. Rossetti and Holman Hunt, II. Burne-Jones and G. F. Watts. III. Sir F. Leighton and Alma Tadema. IV. Mrs. Allingham and Miss Kate Greenaway. V. John Leech and J. Tenniel. VI. George Robson and Copley Fielding. VII. Appendix, Index, and Title to whole work.

4to, Cloth, 58. 6d.; Half Purple Calf, cloth sides, gilt top, 13s. 6d.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 188.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 238.

The Pleasures of England: The Course of Lectures delivered at Oxford during the Autumn of 1884.

I. Bertha to Osburga, The Pleasures of Learning' II. Altred to the Confessor, 'The Pleasures of Faith.' III. The Confessor to Cœur de Lion, 'The Pleasures of Deed.' IV. Cœur de Lion to Elizabeth, 'The Pleasures of Fancy.'

Parts I, to IV. in Paper Covers, 4to, 18. each.

The Art and the Pleasures of England. STUDENTS' EDITION. In One Volume, with Index. [roth Thousand.

Crown 8vo, cloth, 38. 6d.; Roan gilt, 68.; Half Parchment, 5s. 6d.; Calt, 118.;
Half Levant Morocco, 108.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 12s. 6d.

The Art and the Pleasures of England. POCKET EDITION.
Fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 2s. 6d.; Leather, 38. 6d.

[14th Thousand.

At 3s. per vol. net.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The Storm Cloud of the Nineteenth Century. Two Lectures
given at the London Institution, February 4 and 11, 1884.

In Paper covers, 4to, 38. the two parts (not sold separately); Cloth, 4s. 6d.; Half

Purple Calf, cloth sides, gilt top, 128.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 168. 6d.; Vellum

extra, gilt top, £1 18.

The Ruskin Birthday Book. A selection of Thoughts, Mottoes, and
Aphorisms, for every day in the year. Collected and arranged
by M. A. B. and G. A. With specially engraved Portrait.

Motto of the Book: The only doctrine or system peculiar to me is the abhorrence
of all that is doctrinal instead of demonstrable, and of all that is systematic instead
of useful; so that no true disciple of mine will ever be a "Ruskinian"! He will
follow, not me, but the instincts of his own soul, and the guidance of its Creator.'
Hand printed (foolscap 4to); Cloth extra, gilt edges, 68.; Leather, gilt edges,
12s. 6d.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 178. 8d.; Morocco, gilt edges, 178. 6d.;
Vellum, gilt edges, 208.; Levant Morocco extra, gilt edges, 22s. 6d.

LARGE PAPER EDITION (post 4to), with India proof of Portrait, Cloth, 88. 6d. ;

Purple Calf, gilt edges, £1 58.; Vellum, gilt edges, £1 78.; Levant Morocco

extra, gilt edges, £1 128.

Letter to Young Girls.

Reprints from 'Modern Painters': on the Origin of Form in

Mountains and Clouds.

In Montibus Sanctis: Studies of Mountain Form. Parts I, and II.

Cœli Enarrant: Studies of Cloud Form. Part I.

4to, 1s. 6d. per part

Since the above were issued, 'The Stones of Venice,' and 'Modern Painters' have
been republished in their complete form, see bages 18 and 19 of this list.

Guide to the Principal Pictures in the Academy of Fine Arts
at Venice. New revised Edition.

Inaugural Address.

Oct. 29, 1858.

8vo, Paper Covers, 18.

Delivered at the Cambridge School of Art,

Salsette and Elephanta: An Oxford Prize Poem.

8vo, Paper Covers, 18.

Catalogue of the Drawings and Sketches by J. M. W.
Turner, R.A. At present Exhibited in the National Gallery.
Revised, and cast into Progressive Groups, with explanatory
Notes. With Eight Illustrations.
[Third Edition, Revised.

Crown 8vo, Paper Covers, Elghtpence.

Catalogue of Selected Examples of Native Silica in the British Museum, South Kensington.

8vo, Paper Covers, 1s.

The Nature of Gothic.

Reprinted from 'Stones of Venice.' With


Crown 8vo, Paper Covers, 8d.; Cloth, 18.

[6th Thousand.

Works not completed, but originally issued in Parts. Uniform in type and size with the 'Works Series.'

N.B.-Odd parts of the First Volumes of 'Proserpina,' 'Deucalion, 'Laws of Fesole,' 'Love's Meinie,' 'Our Fathers Have Told Us,' 'Ulric,' and 'Christ's Folk,' are not now supplied. Proserpina: Studies of Wayside Flowers. With numerous Illustrations on Wood and Steel.

Parts I, to VI. (with thirteen full-page Illustrations), forming Vol. I. of the work. Demy 8vo, Cloth, 108.; Half Purple Calf, marbled sides and edges, 148. 6d., Purple Calf, gilt edges, 18s. 6d.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 21s. Parts VII., VIII., IX,, and X. 18. 8d. each.

Deucalion: Collected Studies of the Lapse of Waves and Life of Stones With numerous Illustrations on Wood and Steel.

Parts I. to VI. (with seven full-page Illustrations), forming Vol. I. of the work Demy 8vo, Cloth, 108.; Half Purple Calf, marbled sides and edges, 148. 6d.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 188. 6d.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 218. Parts VII. and VIII. 18. 8d. each.

The Laws of Fesole: A Familiar Treatise on the Elementary Principles and Practice of Drawing and Painting; as determined by the Tuscan Masters. Arranged for the use of Schools. With Illustrations on Wood and Steel.

Parts I. to IV. (with twelve full page Illustrations on steel), forming Vol. I. of the work, Demy 8vo, Cloth, 88.; Half Purple Calf, marbled sides and edges, 128. 6d. ; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 188. 6d.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 198.

The Laws of Fesole. STUDENTS' EDITION. With Index.

Crown 8vo, Cloth, 58.; Roan, gilt edges, 7s. 6d.; Half Parchment, 78.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 12s. 6d.; Half Levant Morocco, gilt top, 12s.; Vellum extra, gilt top, 148.

Love's Meinie: Essays on English Birds. With Preface and Appendix, and 15 Woodcuts.

I. The Robin. II. The Swallow.
These three lectures, forming Vol.

III. The Dabchicks.

I. of the work, Demy 8vo, Cloth, 5s.

Love's Meinle. STUDENTS' EDITION. With Index,

Crown 8vo, Cloth, 38. 6d., Roan, gilt, 68.; Half Parchment, 58. 6d.; Calf, gilt edges, 118.; Half Levant Morocco, 108.; Vellum, gilt top, 12s. 6d.

Love's Meinie. POCKET EDITION.

Fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 2s. 6d.; Leather, 38. 6d.

Advice (issued in June, 1873, with the first two parts of the work) :—' I publish these lectures at present roughly, in the form in which they were delivered (necessarlly more brief and broken than that which may be permitted when time is not limited) because I know that some of their hearers wished to obtain them for immediate reference. Ultimately, I hope, they will be completed in an illustrated volume, containing at least six lectures, on the Robin, the Swallow, the Chough, the Lark, the Swan, and the Seagull. But months pass by me now like days, and my work remains only in design. I think it better, therefore to let the lectures appear separately, with provisional woodcuts."

Our Fathers Have Told Us. Sketches of the History of Christendom for Boys and Girls who have been held at its Fonts. THE BIBLE OF AMIENS, with four Steel Engravings and Plan of the Western Porches of Amiens Cathedral.

Demy 8vo, Cloth, 68. 6d.

AMIENS. With all the Plates. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 3s. 6d.; Roan gilt, 68.;
Half Parchment, 58. 6d.; Calf, 11s.; Half Levant Morocco, 108.: Vellum,
12s. 6d.
[Seventh Thousand,

Our Fathers Have Told Us. POCKET EDITION.
Fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 2s. 6d.; Leather, 3s. 6d.

[Eleventh Thousand.

[ocr errors]

Our Fathers Have Told Us. THE SEPARATE TRAVELLERS' EDITION OF CHAPTER IV. The Bible of Amiens, in small size to serve as Guide to the Cathedral of Amiens. Crown 8vo, Paper Covers, price 8d. [Fourth Edition, Photographs of Amiens (15 by 11 inches), illustrating The Bible of Amiens.' The Quatrefoils on the Foundations of the West Front; the Central Pedestal, and other views of the Cathedral; also the scenes from the Life of S. Firmin; numbering in all 26 photographs, may be had for £4 108.; or separately 3s. 6d. each.

For further particulars, see separate prospectus.

Præterita. Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts perhaps Worthy of Memory
in my Past Life. An Autobiography in Three Vols. Medium 8vo.
Vols. I., II. and III. (With Dilecta and Index.) Cloth, price 98. 6d. each; Half
Purple Calf-marbled sides and edges, 148. each; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 178. 6d.
each; Vellum extra, gilt top, 198. 6d. each. Separate chapters, 8d. each.
Vol. I. I. The Springs of Wandel, with steel engraving (My Two Aunts).
II. Herne Hill Almond Blossoms. III. The Banks of Tay. IV. Under New
Tutorships. V. Parnassus and Plynlimmon. VI. Schaffhausen and Milan,
VII. Papa and Mamma. VIII. Vester, Camenae. IX. The Col de la Faucille.
X. Quem tu, Melpomene. XI. Christ Church Choir. XII. Roslyn Chapel.
[Second Edition.
Vol. II. I. Of Age. II. Rome. III. Cumæ. IV. Fontainebleau. V. The Sim-
plon. VI. The Campo Santo. VII. Macugnaga. VIII. The State of Denmark.
IX. The Feasts of the Vandals. X. Crossmount, with steel engraving (The
Old Dover Packet's Jib). XI. L'Hotel du Mont Blanc. XII. Otterburn.
Vol. III. I. The Grand Chartreuse. II. Mont Velan. III. L'Esterelle. IV.
Joanna's Care. Also including Dilecta Parts I., II., III.

Dilecta. Correspondence, Diary Notes, and Extracts from Books illustrating Præterita. Arranged by JOHN RUSKIN.

Parts I. and II. Price ls. each, Medium 8vo (9 × 6 inches). Part III. With a Chronology and comprehensive Index to 'PRÆTERITA' and 'DILECTA,' also the Plates 'The Grand Chartreuse,' originally intended as a Frontispiece to the third volume, and The Castle of Annecy,' which was omitted from the original medium 8vo edition of 'PRÆTERITA.' 3s.

Also a Large Paper Edition,

Medium 4to, 12 × 9§ inches. Price 2s.; and Part III., with one Plate, The Grand Chartreuse,' on India Paper. Price 58. Præterita. STUDENTS' EDITION, in Three Vols. Including 'Dilecta,' and all

DILECTA I. and II. (together).

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the Illustrations.

Crown 8vo, per Vol., Cloth, 38. 6d.; Roan gilt, 68.; Half Parchment,
58. 6d.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 118.; Half Levant Morocco, gilt tops,
10s.; Vellum extra, gilt tops. 12s. 6d.
[11th Thousand.

Præterita with Dilecta. POCKET EDITION. With Illustrations.
Fcap. 8vo, Cloth, 2s. 6d. each; Leather, 38. 6d. each.

Bibliotheca Pastorum. (The Shepherd's Library.)

from General Literature. Edited by JOHN Ruskin.

Three Vols.


VOL. II. ROCK HONEYCOMB: Broken pieces of Sir Philip Sidney's Psalter; with a Preface and Commentary by the Editor.

VOL. IV. A KNIGHT'S FAITH: Passages in the Life of Sir Herbert Edwardes. 8vo, Cloth, 78. 6d. per vol.; Half Purple Calf, marbled sides and edges, 128. each; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 158. each; Vellum extra, gilt top, 178. 6d. each.

The Limestone Alps of Savoy: A Study in Physical Geology. By W. GERSHOM COLLINGWOOD. With an Introduction by JOHN RUSKIN. With 16 full-page Illustrations on Wood.

8vo, Cloth, 78. 6d.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 158. 6d.

Dame Wiggins of Lee and her Seven Wonderful Cats: A Humorous Tale, written principally by a Lady of Ninety. Edited, with Preface and additional Verses, by JOHN RUSKIN. With Four new Illustrations by Kate Greenaway, and Twenty-two Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, Cloth, 18. [Third Edition. Ulric the Farm Servant: A Story of the Bernese Oberland. JEREMIAS GOTTHELF. Translated into English, from the original German, by JULIA FIRTH, and Revised and Edited, with Notes, by JOHN RUSKIN.


8vo, Cloth, 78.; Half Purple Calf, marbled 11s.; Half Persian, 108.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 148. 6d. ; Vellum extra, gilt top, 168. 6d.

The Story of Ida: Epitaph on an Etrurian Tomb. By FRANCESCA ALEXANDER. Edited, with Preface and Note, by JOHN RUSKIN, With full-page Steel Engraving of Ida in her Last Sleep.

[16th Thousand. Bxtract from the Preface:-'I have become more and more convinced that the wholesomest antagonism to what is dangerous in the temper, or foolish in the extravagance, of modern Fiction, would be found in sometimes substituting for the artfully combined improbability, the careful record of Providentially ordered Fact....

Crown 8vo, Parchment, 18.; Cloth, 18. 6d.; Roan, gilt edges, 38. 6d.; Purple Calf, gilt edges, 88. 6d.; Levant Morocco, gilt edges, 138.

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