

The "A.L." Nature Calendar. Compiled by J. T. HOUGHTON, F.E.S.
Set of 12 Sheets (one for each month), 27-in. × 24-in., showing the chief
Mammals, Birds, Fishes, Butterflies, Moths, Insects, Flowers, Ferns, Mosses,
Lichens, Fungi, etc., found during each month, and interesting facts about
them, together with brief Hints on Garden and Farm Work.

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The Set of 12 Sheets, mounted back-to-back on 6 stout boards, eyeleted, net printed on Manilla, and fastened under one top-lath,, in 2-in. Oak Frame, with glass and movable back, size over all, 30-in. x 28-in.

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s. d.

4 6 4 6

net 10 6

The "A.L." Dissected Plants. Being movable Diagrams, after Nature, for Nature-Study and Object-Lessons

each, net 20 The Six, 11 3

A Series of Six Plants, each typical of a class, forming a progressive Course of Study. The entire Series is as follows:-(1) Buttercup; (2) Wallflower; (3) Lily; (4) Apple; (5) Primrose; (6) Potato. The dissections consist of several overlapping folds, showing the structure of the plant as a whole, and of the various parts, as root, stem, leaves, flowers, seeds etc.


Common-Sense Needlework. BY J. A. FLEMING, Authoress of "How to Teach Needlework," "A Pupil Teacher's Needlework," Sewing-Class Guides," &c. Post 4to, viii. +142 pp. with 183 Illustrations, Diagrams, &c.

net 3 6


The "A.L." Little Stories for Little Readers. Edited by ALFONZO
GARDINER. A new Series of First Readers for five- and six-year-old

children. Written by Mrs. L. BANKS.
trations in each book ..

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Imp. 16mo, 16 pp., with six illus


each, published 0 1

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The "A.L.” “ "Real Story" Readers. Written by F. A. TAPSELL. new Series of Readers, and intermediate in difficulty between The "A.L." Little Stories for Little Readers and The "A.L." Tiny Readers. They are of equal difficulty with The "A.L." Gem Readers (see below). Each Book, 32 pp. (4-in. × 6-in.) with 5 illustrations, and in strong cover.. published 0 1

Each book is a Continuous Reader, and consists of an interesting, true story told in a simple manner. The incidents described are such as come well within the comprehension and appreciation of the little ones, and the stories are told in language suited to the capacity of a lower first class in an ordinary Infant School.

No. 1.-A Brave Boy.


No. 4.-I want to be a Sailor.

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The "A.L." "Gem" Readers. Written by Mrs. LOUISA BANKS. entirely new Series of Readers, and intermediate in difficulty between the well-known "A.L." Little Stories for Little Readers and The A.L." Tiny Readers. Each Book, 32 pp., with 5 illustrations published 0 1

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Each book is a Continuous Reader, and consists of an interesting story told in a simple manner, and in language suited to the capacity of a lower first class in an ordinary Infant School. All the books are well illustrated.

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The "A.L." Tiny Readers. Being Stories and Pictures for the Little Ones. s. (Copyright.) Edited by ALFONZO GARDINER. This Series of Reading Books for Infants, and Pictures to colour with Crayons or Water-Colours, will be found both interesting and useful. Imp. 16mo, 16 pp., with four Illustrations in each Book each, published 0


No. 1-The Three Bears (R. Southey).

No. 2-The Wolf and the Seven Little
Kids (Grimm).

No. 3-How Jim went Fishing (Original).
No. 4-The Sad Tale of Jane (Original).
No. 5-The White Cat (D'Aulnoy).

No. 6-Rose-Red and Snow-White (Grimm).


No. 7-Jack the Giant-Killer (Traditional).
No. 8-Babes in the Wood (Traditional).
No. 9-Red Riding Hood (Perrault).
No. 10-Puss in Boots (Perrault).

No. 11-Jack and the Beanstalk (Tradit'nal).
No. 12-Tom Thumb (Traditional).

(The Three Little Pigs (Modern).

No. 13-Henny-Penny (Modern).

[blocks in formation]

No. 17-Hop-o'-my-Thumb (Perrault).
No. 18-Beauty and the Beast (Beaumont).
No. 19-Boots and his Brothers (Dasent).
No. 20-The Frog Prince (Grimm).
No. 21-The Dancing Shoes (Grimm).
No. 22-The Good Little Mouse (D'Aulnoy).
No. 23-The White Doe in the Wood

No. 24-The Twelve White Ducks (Dasent).
These Books are intended to follow the "A.L.' Gem Readers."

The "A.L." Object-Lesson Readers, for Infants and Juniors. (Copyright) Edited by ALFONZO GARDINER. Each Book consists of a continuous story, with the subject of an Object-Lesson skilfully interwoven. Imperial 16mo, 16 pp., with four Illustrations in each book

No. 1-Elsie at the Farm.-The Cow.
No. 2-Olive's Birthday.-A Tree.
No. 3-The New Baby.- Rain.

No. 4-Maggie's Holiday.-The Baker.
No. 5- Bertha's Visit.-A Town.
No. 6-In Fields and Lanes.-Birds.

No. 7-With Sand and Spade. - The Sea-side.

each, published 0

No. 8- Little Bright Eyes.-Flowers.
No. 9-The Land of Sleep.- Hibernating


No. 10-Pussy and the Paint.-Leaves.
No. 11-The Flower Fairy.

No. 12-The Flower Fairy's Relations.

All the above are written by NAOMI BENT.


The "A.L." Bright Story Readers. Edited by ALFONZO GARDINER. Books are all printed in bold type, on an Imperial 16mo page (5-in. × 7-in ), with a strong and neat cover (either paper or cloth-lined).

The books in this Series are all Classics, and may be used as Additional-Readers. They consist of Fairy Tales. True Stories, Historical Tales, Tales of Valour and Chivalry, Moral Stories, &c., with occasional Pieces of Poetry. All are illustrated. In Grades IV. to VI. there are Meanings for the Scholar, and Notes for the Teacher on the History of the Tale, the Life of the Author, &c., &c.

GRADE P. (Preparatory, suitable for ages 5 to 7):

Paper Cover

Cloth-lined Cover

published 0 0

No. 1.-Tales of Old (being Myths and Legends of Greece and Rome). The Sunflower; The Grasshopper; The Wonderful Jug; 24 pp.

No. 2.-Long Ago Stories (from Greece and Rome).

Laurel Tree; 24 PP.

The Spider; The Gift-Box; The

No. 3.-Old-World Stories (of the Greeks and Romans). The Car of the Sun; The Gentle Wind; The Golden Touch; 24 pp.


(a) They are written in very simple language.

(b) All proper names are, unless very easy, kept back until the story is completed. They are placed in a final paragraph, which may be omitted if desired.

(c) The story has been made suitable to the understanding of the children, all undesirable incidents being passed over.

(4) The books are well and suitably illustrated, and contain short notes for teacher's use. GRADE I. (Suitable for ages 6 to 8) :

Paper Cover

Cloth-lined Cover

No. 10-Cinderella, and The Sleeping Beauty (Charles Perrault). 32 pp.

No. 11-The Story of the Robins (Mrs. Trimmer). 36 pp.

No. 12-Dick Whittington (from an old Chap-Book). 36 pp.


No. 13-The Ugly Duckling. The Darning Needle, A Real Princess (Andersen). 32 pp.
No. 14-Esop's Fables. 32 pp.

No. 15-Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarfs (Grimm). 32 pp.

No. 16-The Little Tin Soldier, and The Tinder-Box (Andersen). 32 pp.

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No. 21-The Little Grey Mouse, and Little Henry (Comtesse de Ségur). 56 pp.
No. 22-Lucky John, The Musicians of Bremen, The Hare and the Hedgehog, and Faithful
John (Grimm). 48 pp.

No. 23-The Three Giants (Mrs. Marcet), and Travellers' Wonders (Dr. Aikin and Mrs.
Barbauld). 48 pp.

No. 24-The Story of a Cat (Mlle. C. Wisley). 48 pp.

No. 25-The Brave Little Tailor, The Goose-Girl at the Well, and The Three Brothers (Grimm). 48 pp.

No. 26-The Snow Queen (Andersen). 48 pp.

No. 27-The Enchanted Doll (Mark Lemon). 48 pp. (preparing.)

No. 25-The Two Brothers, & The Little Brother and Sister (Gritam). 48 pp.

No. 29-The Travelling Companion, and The Little Match Girl (Andersen). 48 pp.

GRADE III. (Suitable for ages 8 to 10):

Paper Cover

Cloth-lined Cover

No. 30-The Story of a Donkey (Comtesse de Ségur). 64 pp.

published 0 3

0 4

No. 31-The Wind and the Rain (Paul de Musset), and a Selection of Poetry. 64 pp.

No. 32-St. George of Merry England (from Spenser's "Faerie Queene"). 64 pp.

No. 33-Sindbad the Sailor (from the "Arabian Nights"). 64 pp.

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No. 34-Eyes and No Eyes, &c. (from Evenings at Home," by Dr. Aikin and Mrs.
Barbauld). 64 pp.

No. 35-Ali Baba (from the "Arabian Nights"). 64 pp.

No. 36-Waste Not, Want Not (Marie Edgeworth). 64 pp.

No. 37-The Water Babies (Charles Kingsley). 64 pp.

No. 38-Rambles of a Rat (A.L.O.E.). 64 pp. (preparing).

No. 39-The Mad Tailor and The Caliph Stork (Hauff's Fairy Tales). 64 pp.

GRADE IV. (Suitable for ages 9 to 11):

Paper Cover

Cloth-lined Cover

No. 40-Stories from the Life of King Alfred (based on Asser). 96 pp.

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No. 41-The Christmas Stocking, and the Tales its Contents Told (Miss Wetherell). 96 pp.
No. 42-Swiss Family Bobinson (Wyss). 96 pp.

No. 43 -Stories from the Canterbury Tales (Chaucer). 100 pp.

No. 44-The Seven Champions of Christendom (Richard Johnson). 96 pp.

No 45-Gulliver's Travels (Jonathan Swift). 96 pp.

No. 46-Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll). 104 pp.

No. 47-Rip Van Winkle, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Irving). 96 pp. (preparing).

No. 48-Rab and His Friends, and Our Dogs (Brown). 96 pp.

No. 49-The Story of Hiawatha (Longfellow). 96 pp., prose and verse.

GRADE V. (Suitable for ages 10 to 13):

Paper Cover

Cloth-lined Cover

published 0 4

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No. 50-Robin Hood and His Merry Men (based on an old Chap-Book). 96 pp.
No. 51-King Arthur and His Knights (based on Malory's "Le Morte Darthur "). 96 pp.
No. 52-Robinson Crusoe (Defoe). 96 pp.

No. 53-The Cricket on the Hearth (Charles Dickens). 100 pp.

No. 54-Some Legends of Greece and Rome. 96 pp.

No. 55-Harold (Lord Lytton). 95 pp.

No. 56-The Last of the Barons (Lord Lytton). 96 pp.

No. 57-The King of the Golden River, and Selections from The Seven Lamps of Archi

tecture, Modern Painters, etc. (Ruskin). 96 pp.

No. 58-The Black Tulip (Dumas). 96 pp.

No. 59-Story of Wallace Wight (Blind Harry). 96 pp.

No. 150-Hereward the Wake (Charles Kingsley). 96 pp.

No. 151-A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens). 96 pp.

No. 152-Round the World in Eighty Days (Jules Verne). 96 pp.

No. 153-The Chimes (Charles Dickens). 96 pp.

GRADE VI. (Suitable for ages 11 to 14):

Paper Cover

Cloth-lined Cover

No. 60-Brave Tales from Froissart. 96 pp.

No. 61-The Exploits of Don Quixote (Cervantes). 96 pp.

No. 62-Ancient British Heroes, from the Mabinogion (Lady Guest). 96 pp.

published 0 4 0 5

No. 63-Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare." Ist Selection-Merchant of Venice; As You

Like It; King Lear. 96 pp.

The "A.L." Bright Story Readers, Grade VI. (continued).

No. 64-Tales from Tennyson's "Idylls of the King." 96 pp.

No. 65-Tales of Ancient Times (from North's" Plutarch's Lives"). 96 pp.

No. 66-The Last Days of Pompeii (Lord Lytton). 100 pp.

No. 67-More Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare." 2nd Selection-Midsummer Night's Dream; Hamlet; Much Ado About Nothing; Macbeth. 96 pp.

No. 68-Further Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare." 3rd Selection-Tempest; A Winter's Tale; Romeo and Juliet; Othello. 96 pp.

No. 69-Stories from Barbour's" Bruce.' 96 pp.

No. 160-Tom Brown's School Days (Thomas Hughes). 96 pp.
No. 161-The Wonder Book (Hawthorne). 96 pp. (preparing).


Character, Courtesy, Cleanliness: being helpful hints for young people.
By J. E. HARRISON. Imperial 16m0, 52 pp.
published 0
In Cloth Cover 0

In plain and simple language those Moral Duties and outward observances of Good Manners are plainly set forth, together with chapters on Character and Duty, and a few hints on Personal Cleanliness and other matters of Health which all, both young and old, who wish to have a sound mind in a sound body, must attend to.

Plain Words on Duty and Conduct. For Boys and Girls. Imperial 16mo, 24 pp., in Paper Cover

published 0 The object of this little book is, in part, to obviate the excuse for forgetfulness on the part of pupils, and also to furnish Teachers with a small code of ethical principles to which appeal may be made when the occasional vices of school-life have to be dealt with, and the distorted views of duty that boys especially are apt to entertain, exposed.

The "A.L." Masterpieces of Standard Literature. Edited by ALFONZO GARDINER. A new Series of Continuous Readers suitable for Secondary Schools, Continuation Schools, and the Upper Classes of Elementary Schools. Size, Crown 8vo., strongly bound .. published 1

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The aim of the Publishers in producing this Series is to place in the hands of pupils, works, either of Literary, Historical, or Geographical Interest from the pens of the best writers, which have stood the test of time and still hold a high place as Standard Literature. Each book contains a Short Life of the Author, with Portrait, an Introduction, a few brief Notes, and a Glossary.

The first books of the Series are :

No. 1." The Cloister and the Hearth" (Charles Reade), prepared by E. M. Boyce, L.L.A.

In this book all references which might hurt the religious susceptibilities of either Protestants or Roman Catholics have been excluded, but the story, as a story, is complete. No. 2.-"Livingstone's Travels in South Africa," prepared by the Editor of the Series.

This book gives, in Livingstone's own words, the chief incidents of his travels in South Africa, between 1840 and 1856. It includes the discovery of the Zambesi; his journey through the centre of Africa to Loanda on the West Coast, and the return.

No. 3.- Westward Ho!" (Charles Kingsley), prepared by J. B. Marshall,


Selected Tales from Shakespeare. Edited by ALFONZO GARDINER. This Reading Book contains the "Tales," by Charles and Mary Lamb, in Nos. 63, 67, and 68 of The "A.L." Bright Story Readers, reprinted in a bold, clear type, so as to form a continuous Reader. Imperial 16mo, 285 pp., strongly bound net 0:

The Merchant of Venice.
As You Like It.

King Lear.


A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Much Ado about Nothing.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.

The Tempest.
A Winter's Tale.
Romeo and Juliet.
Othello, the Moor of Venice.

The "A.L." Cuttings from the Press. A Book of Short Extracts from the Daily and Weekly Papers, from Magazines and other Current Literature, to be used as Reading and Dictation Tests in the Upper Classes.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

eading Books for the Standards.

New Explanatory Readers. New Edition, revised. Adopted by the London

County Council Education Committee

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s. d.

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Little books of fairy tales and other stories, carefully arranged, well printed, and strongly bound.

Science Reader, Book I. Beautifully Illustrated. A series of simple Object
Lessons, with illustrations, forming an introduction to the study of the
Science of Common Things

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0 10

0 10

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1 0


(See also page 18.)

he "A.L." Golden Gems, being Select Poems for Young People. PART I., 36 pp., for children from 8 to 11 years of age

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IV.. 56 PP.,

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Any of the above, in cloth-lined cover, per dozen, extra 1/-. Complete Volume (205 pp.) ..

cloth 1 0

These books of good Poetry are suitable for use by pupils of from 8 to 14 years of age. The poems are arranged in four parts (sold separately or in one volume), each part advancing in difficulty.

There are a few simple explanations and biographical notes at the end of each part, and also at the end of the complete volume.

Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy.

some standard and authoritative edition.

The "A.L." Poetry Cards.

[blocks in formation]

No. 21-"St. George and the Dragon" (42 lines) and "The Emmet and the Glowworm (28 lines), Blake.

STANDARD III. [60 lines]

No. 31-The Miller of the Dee" (32 lines), Ch. Mackay, and "I remember" (32 lines),
Tom Hood.

No. 32-"The Battle of Stamford Bridge" (72 lines), Wardell.

No. 33-"The Earl of Newcastle's Vision " (56 lines), and “Kirkstall Abbey" (16 lines), both

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

No. 41-"Sir Humphrey Gilbert" (44 lines), and "The Slave's Dream" (48 lines), both

No. 42-"Battle of the Baltic" (72 lines), and "Ye Mariners of England" (40 lines), both T.

No. 43-"Battle of Hohenlinden" (32 lines) and Lord Ullin's Daughter " (56 lines), both T.


No. 44-"Somebody's Darling" (40 lines), Mrs. Lacoste, and "The Picket of the Potomac "
(44 lines), Anon.

No. 45-"Song of the Shirt" (89 lines), and "The Lost Expedition" (24 lines), both Tom

No. 46-"Spanish Champion" (48 lines), "Homes of England" (40 lines), and "Birds of
Passage" (30 lines), all Mrs. Hemans.

No. 47-" Boadicea" (44 lines), and "The Loss of the Royal George" (36 lines), both W.


No. 48-"The Holly Tree" (42 lines), and "Complaints of the Poor" (40 lines), both R. Southey.

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