

*The Prayer Book. With Scripture Proofs and Historical Notes.
Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. net.
[Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged.

*Secret Prayer: A Great Reality.
1d. or 78. per 100.

[Fifteenth Edition.

*Church Registers and Forms

*Banns Book.

With entries for 200 names, forrel, 58.; 200 names, calf, 6s. 400 names, forrel,
78. 6d. ; 400 names, calf, 88. 6d.; 800 names, calf, 128. 6d.

*Baptisms, Register of. With entries for 800 names.
White forrel, 128.; rough calf, 20s. Larger sizes to order.
*Burials, Register of. With entries for 800 names.
White forrel, 128.; rough calf, 20s. Larger sizes to order.

*Church Register. With ruled spaces for Name, dates of Birth,
Baptism, Admission to Sunday School, Confirmation, Com-
munion, &c.

Fcap. ob. folio, half bound, 72 leaves, 78. 6d. net.

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Coins in Offertory. Quarters' Expenses under various heads.
Memoranda space. Pages for Annual Summaries and Reports.
Strongly half-bound.

For 10 years, 10s. 6d.

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complete Record of Church and Parochial Statistics, containing
Seventeen Registers for Diocesan and Archidiaconal Visitations,
Services, Occasional Offices, Confirmations, Churchwardens'
Accounts, Collections, Communicants' Roll, Parochial Meetings,
with Private and Miscellaneous Matter. Compiled upon an
Original Plan. By Rev. T. JOHNSON.

[Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.
A EDITION, for 10 years, 238 pp., half-bound, 148.; with Lock and Key fitted, 178.
B EDITION, for 5 years, 126 pp., containing the 17 Registers, half-bound, 8s. 6d. ;
or in extra strong binding, with Lock and Key fitted, Ïls. 6d.
*Communicants, Register of.

Ruled and printed, cloth, lettered. For 500 names, 38. 6d.; for 1000 names,
4s. 6d.; for 2000 names, 68.

*Confirmation Candidates, Register of.

Ruled and printed, cloth, lettered. For 500 names, 38. 6d.; 1000 names, 48. 6d. ;
2000 names, 6s.

*Diary and Kalendar, Clergyman's Ready Reference. For
the special use of Clergy and Parish Workers. Edited by the

Cloth limp, 38. 6d. ; roan, gilt edges, 58.; ditto, with pocket and tuck, or flap and
elastic band, 6s. All the bindings are with round corners. (Published annually.)
*District Visitor's Book.

4 by 5 in., ruled and printed for 36 names. Limp cloth, 4d.

*Offertory Books. Containing 3 Offertory Forms on each leaf, 2
of which can be detached for posting on Church Doors, and I
remain fixed in the book.

Cloth, roo leaves, 38.; 200 leaves, 48. 6d.; 300 leaves, 88.

*Preacher's Book, Bemrose's.

Ruled and printed, for Register

of Services, Sermons, Collections, &c.

F'cap. folio, half-bound, 60 leaves, 58. 6d.; 100 leaves, 88.; 150 leaves, 10s.
Offertory and Communicants,


Register of.
Ruled and printed, cloth lettered. For 250 names, 28. 6d. ; 500 names, 38. 6d.
1000 names, 4s. 6d.

*Register of Services. With ruled spaces for Date, Day, Hour,
Service, Celebrant or Preacher, Text or Subject, Communicants,
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Small post folio, 14 in. wide by 9 in. deep, half-bound, 60 leaves, 68. 6d.; 100
leaves, 98.; 150 leaves, 128.

*Tithe Collector's Book. With ruled spaces for Occupier, Land-
owner, Situation of Property, Quantity, Apportioned Rent
Charge, Value, When Collected.

50 leaves, bound, 4s. 6d.

*Benefices Act (1898)

Forms Nos. 2 to 7. Price 3d. each.

*Baptismal Remembrance Cards.

Printed in two colours, 88. per 100: 18. 3d. per dozen; 1d. each.

*Bible Class Cards. Illuminated for Framing.

158. per 100, 28. per dozen. Name of class inserted without extra charge if 200 be

*Certificate Forms.


Each in books of 25, 18. 3d.; 50, 28. 6d. Postage, 2d. extra.

*Church Door Calendars. No. 1. Space for each day in the week
for Notices of Services, Lectures, &c. No. 2. With columns
ruled for insertion of times of Holy Communion, Matins,
Afternoon, Evensong, and other Notices for each day of the

Size 16 by 10 inches. The set of 52 (printed on cream laid paper), 2s. 6d., post
free 28. 10d.; headed with name of parish 18. extra. Oxford frame for ditto
(without glass), 28. 6d., post free 38.

*Church Door Notices. With border and heading, blank spaces
for announcements, and space
for signature.
9 by 6 inches, 28. per 100, post free 2s. 3d.

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*Forms of Service: Diocese of Southwell. Published by Order
of the Bishop. No. 1. The Office for the Consecration of a
Church. With Shortened Service. No. 2. The Office for the
Consecration of a Church. With Holy Communion. No. 3.
The Office for the Consecration of Churchyards. No. 4. A
Form of Institution into a Benefice. With Cure of Souls.
No. 5. Order of Service for the Administration of Lay Readers.
No. 6. The Office for the Dedication of a Licensed Chapel-of-
Ease or Mission Church.

1d. each, 8s. per 100.

*Notice of Baptism. With blank spaces to be filled in and sent to one of the clergy.

18. 6d. per 100, post free, 18. 8d.

*Offertory Forms. For recording the Offertories each Sunday, for posting on Church Doors, &c. Eight varieties.

1s. 6d. per 100, post free, 18. 8d. Oxford frame for ditto (without glass), 18. 6d., post free, 1s. 9d.

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18. per dozen, post free, 1s. 2d.

*A Register with Prayers for Church Sunday Schools. Arranged to avoid re-writing names of Scholars throughout the year. Ruled and printed with dates. 4 in. by 7 in.

Cloth limp, 4d. Published annually.

*Service Tables (Choir Notices). Printed in Red and Black, to be filled in with the Chants, Hymn Tunes, &c., for Reading Desk, Choir, Organ, &c. Eight varieties.

18. 6d. per 100; post free 18. 8d. Oxford frame for ditto (without glass), 18. 6d., post free 18. 9d.

*Sunday School Register and Records, Bemrose's. Printed on superior paper in blue ink, stitched and bound in the best style. Specimen pages on application.


Teachers' Roll of Attendance, 30 Names for 15 years. 38.; Scholars' Roll of Attendance, 30 Names for 15 years. 38.; Register of Attendance, Lessons, and Marks, 30 names for 10 years. 38.; Class Attendance Book, 20 names for four



years marking, with Quarterly Summary. Paper covers, 4d.; cloth, ed. SUMMARY AND JOURNAL, for 10 years. 38. TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS BOOK, for 10 years. 38. SECRETARY'S MINUTE BOOK, Pages Numbered and Alphabetical Index. 38. LIBRARIAN'S REGISTER. 38.

Messrs. George Allen & Sons will be pleased to estimate for any SPECIAL register OR FORMS on receipt of particulars.

*Hymns and Tracts

Special Terms to the Clergy

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Paper covers, 1d.; limp cloth, 2d.

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Paper covers, 1d.; limp cloth, 21d.

*No. 4. Hymns for Special Services and Prayer Meetings

Consisting of "Special Mission Hymns," and fifty-two additional
Hymns, for Prayer and Special Meetings.

Paper covers, 2d.; calico cloth, 3d.

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Paper covers, 1d.

*No. 6. Lichfield Church Mission Hymn Book. Compiled by the Rev. Canon LESTER, M.A.

Paper covers, 1d.; cloth limp, 21d.

*No. 7. Lichfield Mission Hymn Book. New Edition. Authorised by the Bishop of Lichfield for use in his Diocese. Compiled by the Rev. Canon LESTER, M.A.

Paper covers, 14d.; cloth limp, 21d.

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Paper covers, 1d.; limp cloth, 2}d.

*Canticles. Lichfield Pointing, for Chanting, and divided into Bars corresponding with the Bars of Chant Music.

Large type, 2d., or 1s. 6d. per dozen.

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Crown 8vo, cloth, 18. 6d. Single Voice Parts, 10d. each.

*Choir Chant Book (Bemrose's). Enlarged Edition. Containing 513 Chants, selected, edited, and arranged, with brief biographical notices of each composer, by CHARLES EDWARD STEPHENS.

Crown 8vo, cloth, 28. 6d. Single Voice Parts, 18. each.

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Paper covers, 18. 6d. ; limp cloth, 28.

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Containing Tunes for all the

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Paper covers, 18.; limp cloth, 28.

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"None of Self, all of Thee."

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18. 3d. per 100, or 108. per 1000.



Containing the Tables required for Standard I., and will be found of great value in all Elementary Schools, especially in the Infants' departments. Printed in Red and Black, and mounted on boards, eyletted and corded. MULTIPLICATION, 2 to 6 times; Ditto, 7 to 12 times. ADDITION. SUBTRACTION. FARTHINGS.


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