
that a judicious selection of reading pieces placed in the hands of beginners as soon as they have acquired a sufficient familiarity with the inflection of the verb, will, in every case, greatly enhance their interest and zeal.


The book, therefore, is designed to be put into the hands of learners almost simultaneously with the Grammar. the first section several pieces are analyzed, and the materials necessary for the translation of all of them, are given at the bottom of the page. In the second section, the use of the vocabulary commences, but the pieces are still short and easy, the irregular and compound verbs are given, and difficult or idiomatic passages explained or rendered. In the third, fourth and fifth sections, the pieces increase in length and difficulty, the references to the Grammar diminish, and many of the notes assume a historical character.

In regard to the subject-matter of the book, care has been taken to adopt only such pieces as are of acknowledged excellence and as could with safety be read with youth of both sexes, either in classes at school or in private. The variety in the selection will strike every one who but cursorily glances at the book. Indeed, variety of matter to excite the curiosity and sustain the interest of the learner, together with a rigorous gradation from the easier to the more difficult, are the two principal points aimed at in the arrangement of the pieces-points which were deemed of sufficient importance to more than counterbalance all the advantages and pleasure to be derived from another and more scientific arrangement.

Extracts from the drama have not been admitted, because, if long, they would have swelled the size of the book to an undue extent; if short, they would, like isolated limbs of statues, however symmetrical and beautiful in themselves, be still unintelligible aside from their connection with the whole.

Among the poetical pieces, special prominence has been assigned to the Ballad, this being a species of poetry in which the greatest of German poets have eagerly striven for the prize, and to which many of their noblest creations belong. In the historical notes to these ballads free use has been made of the excel

lent commentaries of Goetzinger and Schmidt, and in Goethe's Novelle, on page 194, the inimitable translation alluded to in the introductory note has been followed in the renderings wherever it was found convenient.

The labour of preparing a vocabulary to such a variety of matter greatly exceeded all previous calculation, and has been the cause of considerable delay in the publication of the book. A vocabulary was deemed necessary, because, in the absence of one, the beginner in resorting to a small dictionary would fail to find many of the words-especially compounds and idiomatic expressions, and a large one would rather embarrass than assist him. The irregular verbs being in the largest portion of the book always given at the bottom of the page, it was at first deemed superfluous to repeat their principal parts in the vocabulary. This design was afterwards abandoned, and the imperfect and perfect participle are added to the infinitive of irregular verbs in all the letters of the alphabet except the first. In irregular and inseparable compounds the participle is represented in connection with the principal parts, but where the compound is separable the imperfect and participle of the simple verb alone are given. It is hoped that in a subsequent edition an opportunity will be afforded of reducing the vocabulary to perfect uniformity.

The orthography of the Reader is essentially the same with that of the Grammar.

The Editor now submits the book to the public, with the consciousness of having earnestly striven to solve the most difficult problem of a Reader and with the hope that it may meet the expectations of the numerous friends of the Grammar to which it is adapted.




Bürger, Gottfried August, p. 153.
Campe, Joachim Heinrich, p. 21.
Chamisso, Adalbert von, p. 53.

Claudius, Matthias, p. 51.

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, p. 212.

Forster, Johann Georg Adam, p. 184.

Franz, Agnes, p. 24.

Fulda, Friedrich Christian, p. 5

Geßner, Salomon, p. 60.

Göthe, Johann Wolfgang von, pp. 34, 56, 63, 162, 173, 194.

Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm, pp. 66, 75, 80, 83.

Hebel, Johann Paul, pp. 46, 48, 49.

Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, p. 174.

Heinse, Wilhelm, p. 208.

Heinsius, Theodor, p. 28.

Herder, Johann Gottfried von, pp 39, 57, 58.

Hey, W. pp. 8, 9, 10.

Humboldt, Alerander von, p. 178.

Jacobs, Friedrich, p. 90.

Kant, Immanuel, pp. 209, 211.

Kerner, Justinus, p. 45.

Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, pp. 118, 119, 214.

Körner, Carl Theodor, pp. 62, 110.

Krummacher, Friedrich Adolph, pp. 13, 30, 38.

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 15.

Matthisson, Friedrich von, p. 55.

Meißner, August Gottlieb, p. 5.

Nonne, Johann Heinrich Christian, p. 36.

Novalis, Friedrich von Hardenberg, pp. 167, 172, 190.

Pestalo zi, Heinrich, p. 6.

Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich, pp. 93, 96, 171.

Rückert, Friedrich, pp. 111, 131.

Schenkendorf, Mar von, p. 42.

Schiller, Friedrich von, pp. 31, 41, 135, 142, 174.

Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, p. 124.

Schlegel, Friedrich von, p. 180.

Schreiber, Aloys, pp. 11, 168.

Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel, p. 11.

Schwab, Gustav, pp. 113, 116.

Tieck, Ludwig, pp. 103, 112.

Uhland, Ludwig, pp. 43, 52, 111, 122.

Wagner, von Laufenburg, p. 29.

Wieland, Christoph Martin, p. 186.

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, p. 182.


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