
or statutes, poind and distrenzie at their awen hands for transgressions, by the advice and consent of the Provest, Baillies, and Counsel..



EXCEPTAND always, that the MAY CONVEEN HIS Dean of Gild may assemble his Brether and Counsel, in their Gild Courts, conform to the ancient laws of the Gildrie, and priviledges theirof; and that any ane Craft may convein tegether amang themselfs for the choosing of their Deaken, at the tyme appointit theirto, and in manner before exprest; making of Masters, and trying of their handiewark allanerly: And gif ony Brether, or Deakens of Crafts sall find out, or devyse any good heids that may tend to the weill of their Craft, they sall propone the same to the Magistrats, wha sall set forward an act or statute thairupon, and interpone their authority thereto, as it bees found reasonable.


ITEM, As tuitching the Commissioners in Parliament, General Counsel, and Commissioners in Conventioun of Burrows, it is thought guid be the Commonaris, that in all tymes coming the ane of the saids Commissioners for the Burgh of Edinburgh sall be chosen be the said Provest and Baillies, furth of the number and calling of Craftsmen, and that person to be an Burgess and GildBrother of the Burgh, of the best, expert, wise, and honest reputatioun.


ITEM, It is agreed, that the Auditors of all the Town's comptis sall hereafter be chosen of equal number of Merchants and Craftsmen, be the Provest, Baillies, and Counsel.

ITEM, Toward the lang controversies for GILDRIE. the Gildrie, it is finally, with common con

sent, appoyntit, agreit and concludit, that als weill Craftsmen as Merchants, sall be received and admitted Gild-brether, and the ane not to be refusit nor secludit therefra mair nor the uther, they being Burgesses of the Brugh, als meit and qualified thairfore; and that Gild-brether to have liberty to use merchand'ce. Their admission and tryal of their qualificatioun to be in the power and hands of the Provest, Baillies, Thesaurer, and Counsel, with the Dean of Gild, and his Counsel, quhilk sall consist in equal number of Merchants and Craftsmen, Gild-brether, not exceiding the number of sex persons, by the Dean of Gild himself; and that no person, of whatever faculty soever he be, sall bruik the benefit of an Gild-brother, without he be receivit and admittit thereto, as said is.

ITEM, That na manner of person be BURGESSES, sufferit to use merchandice, or occupy CRAFTS. the handiewark of ane free Craft within this Burgh, or yet to exerce the liberty and priviledge of the said Burgh, without he be Burgess and Freeman of the



ITEM, Because the Merchants and Craftsmen of this Burgh are now to be incorporat in an Society, and to make an hail Town, and Common-weill, it is thought expedient, and concludit, to abrogat the former custome of dividing and setting of extents, wherein the Merchants payit four parts, and the Crafts the fifth part: And theirfore it is agried, that as they watch and waird together, swa in all extents, emprimits, contributiouns, and the like subsidies

to be inposit upon the Burgh, Merchants and Craftsmen to bear the burden and charge theirof indifferently over-head, according to their ability and substance, throw the hail quarters of the Town, without divisioun of the rolls in Merchants and Craftsmen in any time coming. The extentours sall be of equal number of Merchants and Craftsmen, eight persons of the ane calling, and eight persons of the uther, to be electit, sworn, and receivit be the Provest, Baillies, and Counsel, out of the maist discreit and skilful of all the Town, void of all partial affectioun and hatred: And that na manner of person usand the trade of Merchant or Craftsman, and occupyand the friedome of the Burgh, and able to pay any extent, not beirand the office of Provest or Baillies in the mean time, sall be any wayis exemit fra the real and actual payment thereof.


ITEM, As the hail body of the Town, consistand of Merchants and Craftsmen, does bear an common burden of watching, wairding, extenting, and of the like portable charges, having an common-good proper to nane, swa neidful it is for making an equal unity, and charitable concord, that there be in the hail Town but an collection, and an purse, not peculiar to any, but common to all, of the hail dewties and casualities, callit the entres-silver of prenteisses, upsets, owklypennies, un-laws, and sicklike, to be collectit in all times coming, and received baith of Merchants and Craftsmen, and put in an common purse; and to that effect the Merchants to take and have prentices, as well as Craftsmen, and to be astricted and obleist theirto, and na prentice always to be received of ather of them for shorter time nor the space of fyve yeirs compleit. And for the better knowledge to be had heirof, and for observing an good ordour in collectioun of the same, that

there be an common book made, and keipit be the common Clerk of this Burgh present, and to come, wherein the names of all prentices to Merchants and Craftsmen, the name of their master, day of their entries, and space of their prenticeship, sall be insert and buikit; for the quhilk the Clerk sall have at their buiking of ilk person sex pennies, and for the outdraught twelf pennies, quhilk buik sall be to the prentices an sufficient probatioun of his entries, and an charge to the Collectors of said dewties. If any man be an prentice heirafter, and not put in the said buik, his prenticeship sall be to him of na effect. Alswa, be reason every industry is not of like valour and substance, it is declairit, that ilk rank or degree of prenteisses sall pay, to wit, the Merchant prentice, and sic kind of people as were wont to extent with them, and are not under the said fourteen Crafts, to pay at his entres the day of his buiking to the said collectioun threttie shilling, and at his up-set, or end of his prenteiship, fyfe pound. The prenteis to an Skynner, Chirurgian, Goldsmith, Flesher, Cordiner, Tailyeour, Baxter, and Hammer-man, at their entry and buiking, to the said collectioun twenty shilling, and for their up-set fyve pund. The prentice to an Mason and Wright at his entrie thretteen shilling four pennies, and his up-set three pund sex shilling eight pennies. The prentice to a Webster, Waker, Bonnet-maker, Furriour, at his entry ten shillings, and for his up-set fiftie shillings: And thir dewties to be tane by their owkly-pennies, and dewties of their Burgeships: And to cause all persons to be mair willing to enter themselves in prenteiship with the Burgesses and Frie-men of the Burgh, this priviledge is grantit to the saids prenteisses, that they sal pay na mair for their Burgeship to the Dean of Gild, but fyve

punds by the dewties foirsaids: And in augmentatioun of the said collectioun, when any persons sall happen to be made Burgesses of this Burgh, wha was na prenteis to an Merchant, or Craftsman, Frie Burgess of the said Brugh, or has not compleit his prenteiship, sall pay to the said collectioun, at his admissioun, the double of the haill prenteis or entres-silver, up-set and buiking, by the dewty payit to the Dean of Gild for his Burgeship, or Gildrie, quhilk is twenty punds for his Burgeship, and fourty pund for his Gildrie; the priviledge alwayes of the bairns of Burgesses and Gild-brether not being prejuged heirby, quha sall pay the auld accustomed dewty to the Dean of Gild allenarly. Thir dewties and collectiouns, casualities of entres-silver, up-sets, owkly-pennies, un-laws, and sicklike, to be received in all times comming, of all Merchants and Craftsmen indifferently, put in the said common-purse, and imployit be the advyce and command of the Provest, Baillies, and Counsel, for support and relief of the failyiet and decayet Burgesses, Merchants, and Craftsmen, their wyves, bairns, and auld servants, and uther poor indwellers of the Town. The Provest, Baillies, Counsel, and haill Deakens, every yeir after electioun of the Magistrats, sall choose the collectors of the said dewties and casualities, of equal number of Merchants and Craftsmen, and to devyse and set down sic good ordowr as they sall find meet and expedient for the perfyte and reddie in-bringing thereof. And last, the said Collectors sall make yeirly compts of their intromissioun theirwith, at the tyme of making of the Town's compts; and sall find sufficient cautioun at their admissioun, for compt, reckoning, and payment. Item, it is ordained, that baith the saids parties, Merchants and Craftsmen, now present, and their successors,

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