[REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] PRIMARY ELECTION LAWS, 79. PROHIBITION- corrects only excess of jurisdiction, 635. discretion of court, 635. is a preventive remedy, 632. governor not subject to, 632. PROPERTY- when may be destroyed by summary administrative proceedings, 479. PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION, 40. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE, 131, 184. in general, 184. property, 186. power of legislature to provide, 184. when must be present, 208. QUO WARRANTO- history and purpose of, 663. title to office tried by, 243, 663. to oust incumbent holding improperly, 669. when binds government, 495. REGISTRATION- as a qualification for voting, 35. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE- for cause, 257, 273. governor's power of, 261, 274. in absence of legislative provision, 261. power of legislature, 255. power to suspend, 282. president's power of, 101. RESIDENCE- administrative determinations as to, 442. RESIGNATION- acceptance of, when necessary, 248, 251. SALARY- actual incumbency merely does not entitle to, 172. change of, 322. de facto officer has no claim to, 169. SALARY-Continued. [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] de jure officer may recover from de facto, 177. leave of absence, effect of, 321. legislative discretion, 7, 307. not based on contract, 305. relation to work done, 315. may not be changed during term, 307, 323. SHERIFF- duties of, 532. liability on bond, 570. power, limited to own county, 349. SUBORDINATES- military, when not liable, 560. official liability for acts of, 562. SUMMARY ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS, 466. jurisdiction of, 109, 659. power to issue habeas corpus, 681. SURETY- liability of on bond, 313, 570, 587. SUSPENSION- of officer, effect of,.254. officer under indictment, 264. implied from power to remove, 282, 286. TAXES- enforcement of payment, 471. notice of assessment, 401. payment as a qualification for voting, 31. when levying of mandatory, 361. TENURE OF OFFICE- control of legislature over, 7, 22. fixed by statute, 10. fixed by constitution, 21. TERM- expiration of, 233, 244. length of, 236, 263. TERMINATION OF THE OFFICIAL RELATION, 233, 244. TEST- what is, 200. religious, prohibited, 208. TORT- official liability for, 531. UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW- effect of, 682. VACANCIES-. [REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES.] death of incumbent, 129. defined, 150, 243, 250. governor's power to fill, 114. holding-over, 121, 243. legislature may create, 304. power to appoint to, 94, 121. VETERANS- preferences accorded to, 191, 199. VOTING- by ballot, 50. in municipal corporations, 47. laws regulating must be reasonable, 35. power of legislature over, 29, 49. WITNESS- power of administrative bodies over, 390. constitutional prohibition on voting, 31. |