



I will lay me down in peace and sleep.
Ps. 4. 8.

BENEATH Thy wings, Lord Jesus,

We lay us down to rest,

For in their blessèd shadow,

No foe will dare molest.
The evening clouds have gathered,
There is no ray of light,

O Jesus, be our shelter,

And keep us through the night.

2 The toil of day is over,

And gone is all its care,
And in Thee calmly trusting,
We lift our evening prayer.
If we from Thee have fallen
By any act of sin,

O Jesus, now restore us,

And make us pure and clean.

3 From bitter pangs of conscience,
In mercy give release,
Then our poor weary spirits
Shall rest in perfect peace;
And when the morning dawneth,
If such Thy will should be,
O Jesus, be our shelter,

And keep us close to Thee.
4 And as the last night cometh,
And life's short day shall end;
We'll fall asleep in Thee, Lord,
The sinner's only Friend;
And at the throne of judgment,
Where each must take his place,

O Jesus, be our shelter,

Now save us by Thy grace.

W. J. MATHAMS. 1880.


1262 Thou makest the outgoings of the morning

and evening to rejoice.-Ps. 65. 8.

1 LORD, who by Thy presence hast made light The heat and burden of the toilsome day,

Be with me also in the silent night,

Be with me when the daylight fades away.

2 O speak a word of blessing, gracious Lord,
Thy blessing is endued with soothing power;
On the poor heart worn out with toil, Thy word
Falls soft and gentle as the evening shower.
3 How sad and cold, if Thou be absent, Lord,
The evening leaves me, and my heart how dead!
But if Thy presence grace my humble board,
I seem with heavenly manna to be fed ;

4 Fraught with rich blessing, breathing sweet repose,

The calm of evening settles on my breast; If Thou be with me when my labours close, No more is needed to complete my rest.

5 Come, then, O Lord, and deign to be my guest, After the day's confusion, toil, and din;

O come to bring me peace, and joy, and rest,
To give salvation, and to pardon sin!

6 Bind up the wounds, assuage the aching smart
Left in my bosom from the day just past,
And let me on a Father's loving heart
Forget my griefs, and find sweet rest at last.

C. J. P. SPITTA. 1843.



1263 I am the Good Shepherd.--John 10. 14.


SHEPHERD of tender youth,

Guiding, in love and truth,
Through devious ways;
Christ, our triumphant King,
We come Thy name to sing,
And here our children bring,
To shout Thy praise.

2 Thou art our Holy Lord,
The all-subduing Word,
Healer of strife:

Thou didst Thyself abase,
That from sin's deep disgrace
Thou mightest save our race,
And give us life.

3 O wisdom's Great High Priest,
Thou hast prepared the feast
Of holy love;

And in our mortal pain,
None calls on Thee in vain ;
Help Thou dost not refrain-
Help from above.

4 Be ever near our side,

Our Shepherd and our Guide,
Our staff and song:

Jesus, Thou Christ of God,
By Thy perennial word,

Lead us where Thou hast trod;

Make our faith strong.

5 So now, and till we die,
Sound we Thy praises high,
And joyful sing.

Infants, and the glad throng
Who to Thy Church belong,
Unite, and swell the song
To Christ our King.




1264 He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.



Isa. 40. 11.

ESUS is our Shepherd,
Wiping every tear;

Folded in His bosom,
What have we to fear?
Only let us follow

Whither He doth lead,
To the thirsty desert,
Or the dewy mead.
2 Jesus is our Shepherd;
Well we know His voice,
How its gentlest whisper
Makes our heart rejoice!
Even when He chideth,
Tender is His tone:
None but He shall guide us;
We are His alone.

3 Jesus is our Shepherd;

For the sheep He bled;

Every lamb is sprinkled

With the blood He shed;

Then on each He setteth

His own secret sign

"They that have My Spirit,

These," saith He, "are Mine."

4 Jesus is our Shepherd;
Guarded by His arm,

Though the wolves may raven,
None can do us harm;
When we tread death's valley.
Dark with fearful gloom,
We will fear no evil,

Victors o'er the tomb.



1265 In the day of the first fruits... bring a




new meat offering unto the Lord.-Numb. 28. 26.

AIR waved the golden corn

Canaan's pleasant land,

When full of joy, some shining morn,
Went forth the reaper-band.

To God, so good and great,

Their cheerful thanks they pour,
Then carry to His temple-gate

The choicest of their store.

For thus the holy word,

Spoken by Moses, ran—

"The first ripe ears are for the Lord,
The rest He gives to man."


Like Israel, Lord, we give

Our earliest fruits to Thee,


And pray that, long as we shall live,
We may Thy children be.

Thine is our youthful prime,
And life and all its powers;
Be with us in our morning time,
And bless our evening hours.

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