
Hæmoglobin, H. C. Sorby, F.R.S., on the Evolution of, 306
Halos, Coloured Solar, 404, 426, 466, 512
Hamburg Naval Observatory, 217

Hanbury (Daniel), Proposed Memorial to, 455

Harpyopsis Nova Guinea, 134

Harris (G., LL.D.), Caligraphy as a Test of Character, 77

Hartley (W. N.), Physical Science in Schools, 413; "Air and

its Relation to Life," 243

"Haskell Portfolio," 175

Hassall (Dr.), "On Food," 345, 396

Hastings, Science in, 217, 267, 306

Haughton (Dr. S., F. R.S.), the Law of Fatigue, 98

Havana, Meteorological Observations at, 224

Hayden (Prof.), Bulletin of the Survey of the United States,

414; Geological Survey of the United States, 1, 156, 314

"Health in the House," C. M. Buckton, 384

Heat of the Earth, J. Willis on the Internal, 8

Hector (Dr., F.R.S.), Geology of New Zealand, 258
Hemiptera, List of American, 376

Henry (Prof.), Smithsonian Report for 1874, 94

Hensley's Scholar's Algebra, 304

Henslow (Rev. George), Physical Science in Schools, 493
Hentz (N. M., M. D.), Arachnological Writings of, 281
Hepaticæ, Irish, 38

Hermann (Prof. D. L.), "Human Physiology," 22

[blocks in formation]

Jackson (J. R.), Laslett's "Timber and Timber Trees," 181
Jahrbuch der k. k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 176
Jahrbucher für Wissenschaftliche Botanik, 156, 533

Herring, the Migration of the, 100; Report of the Scotch Fishery Japanese "Firework Paper," 236
Board on, 35.

Herschel (Caroline), Memoir of, 361
Herwart's Multiplication Table, 40

Heuglin (Baron Th. von), Birds of North-Eastern Africa, 289
Hicks (George), Mechanical Action of Light, 347

Higgins (Rev. H. H.), the Boomerang, 168; Voyage to West
Indies, 174

Himalayas, the Eastern, 246

Himalayas, Scientific Notes taken in the, Dr. A. Schuster, 393
Himalayas, A. Wilson's Journey in the Western, 4

Hinchliff (T. W.), "Over the Sea and Far Away," 509
Hinrichs (Dr. Gustavus), Meteor in Iowa, 113
"History of Creation," Prof. Haeckel's, 121

Hoffmeyer's Synoptic Weather Charts, 85

Hofmann (Prof., F.R.S.), Award of Royal Society Medal to, 34;
Elected Associate of the Italian Society of Science, 235

Holland, Middle-Class Education in, 528

Holten (Prof. C.), Meteorological Tables, 197

Honolulu, Microscopic Club at, 256

Hooker (Dr. J. D., P.R.S.), Ancient Glaciers in France, 31
Hopkins University, U.S., 412

Horrocks (Jeremiah), Memorial of, 112
Horses, Case of Intelligence in, 36

Horticultural Exhibition at Amsterdam, 135
Horticulture in Belgium, 95

Houghton (Rev. W.), "Sketches of British Insects," 365
House-fly and Fungus, 168

Hubrecht (Dr. A. A. W.), Exploration of Sumatra, 209
Huddersfield Naturalists' Society, 136

Hughes (Prof. McKenny), Geological Time, 435
"Human Physiology," Dr. Hermann's, 22

Hunterian Lectures, Prof. Flower's, 307, 327, 350, 387, 409,
449, 487, 513

Hurricane in Manilla, 175

Hutchinson (T. N.), Physical Science in Schools, 353; radio-
meters, 324

Hutchinson (T. J.), Summer Holidays in Brittany, 465

Huxley (Prof., F.R.S.), the Article "Birds" in the "Encyclo-
pædia Britannica," 247; on Ceratodus, 196; Geological
Society's Wollaston Medal, 295; Origin of Vertebrate Ani-
mals, 388, 410, 429, 467, 514
Hygeia, Dr. Richardson's, 25

Hymenopterous Insects, Ocelli of, Dr. Hermann Müller, 167
Hyperion, the Saturnian Satellite, 326

[blocks in formation]

Jenesei, Prof. Nordenskjöld on the, 95, 275, 312
Jenkins (B. G.), Extraordinary Tides, 69

Jersey, Subsidence of Parts of, 238

Jevons (Prof. S., F.R.S.), Sunspots and the Price of Corn, 15
Johnston's (W. and A. K.) Map of India, 54

Jones (Prof. Rupert, F.R.S.) on Quartz and other Forms of
Silica, 159

Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 237, 532
Journal of Botany, 155

Journal of the Chemical Society, 78, 176, 277, 378, 477

Journal Géographique Internationale, 376

Journal d'Hygiene, 255

Journal of Mental Science, 196

Journal de Physique, 157, 237, 418

| Jungken (Prof.), Scientific Collections of, 155
Jupiter's Satellites, 288

Kansas City, U.S., Academy of Science at, 493

Kent (Saville) appointed to Yarmouth Aquarium, 77; Guide-
book to the Manchester Aquarium, 85

Kent's Cave, Eleventh Report of Committee for Exploring, 17
Kentucky and Indiana, Archæological Researches in, 109
Kerner (Prof.), on the Auricula, 94; Hybrid Primulacea of the
Alps, 113

Kesslerloch, Merk's Excavations at the, 401

Kiddle (Capt. W. W.), the Effect of Waves, 108
Kingdoms of Nature, the Three, 367, 386

Kjellman (Dr. F. R.), Swedish Arctic Expedition, 116
Klein (E., F.R.S.), Small-pox of Sheep, 467

Labyrinthodontia, 479

Lake District, the Granitic Rocks of, 139

Lamont (James, F.G.S.), Yachting in the Arctic Seas, 264
Lang (Dr. Rutter von) on the Friction between Water and Air,

Lange (Prof. F. A.), Death of, 94

Lankester (E. Ray, F. R.S.), Dr. Bastian and Prof. Tyndall on
Germs, 324; Prof. von Siebold's Fresh-water Fishes of Eng.
land, 366; Translation of Haeckel's "History of Creation,'


Lartet and Christy, "Reliquiæ Aquitanicæ," 401
Lasaulx (Prof. A. von), Ancient Glaciers in France, 404
Laslett's "Timber and Timber Trees," J. R. Jackson, 181
Lateau (Louise), the Case of, 95

Law of Storms, Faye on the, 11, 87, 187; J. J. Murphy, 187
Lawes (J. B., F.R.S.), his Experiments in Farming, 101
Leared (Dr. A.), "Morocco and the Moors," 206
Leeds, Science in, 527

Leicester, Report on the Epidemic of Diarrhoea, 237
Lesquereux (Leɔ.), Fossil Flora of North America, 95
Letourneau's "Biologie," 404

Leverrier (M.) at Astronomical Society, 314; on Weather
Forecasts, 296

Lichens, the True Nature of, Dr. Lauder Lindsay, 168, 247


[ocr errors][merged small]

Linkages, 69

Linnean Society, 39, 98, 112, 118, 134, 178, 298, 317, 359,
418, 458, 499; Transactions, 216

Lion, Remains of a British Species of, 396
Lippich (M.), the Luminiferous Ether, 494
Lisbon Academy of Science, 296

Lisbon Magnetic Observations, 301, 448
Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club, 16
Livingstone's African Expeditions, 197

Loan Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 36, 196, 231, 274, 295,
315, 349, 375, 413, 455, 470, 474, 503

Lockyer (J. Norman, F. R.S.), Recent Methods of Spectroscopy,

Locomotives, Compressed Air, 489

Lodge (O. J.), the Flow of Electricity in a Plate, 459
Lohse (Dr. O.), Bothkamp Sun Observations, 402
Lommel's "Nature of Light," 62; Optics, 87

Lorrain (Dr.), Death of, 16

Loudon's " Algebra for Beginners," 404'

Lubbock (Sir J., F.R.S.), Bees, Wasps, and Ants, 37; on
Ants, 359

Luminiferous Ether, the, 494

Macleay's Expedition to New Guinea, 94, 153

Melbourne, The Observatory, 173; Rocks and Minerals in the
Museum at, 165

Melde (Dr. Franz), Theorie und Praxis der Astronomischen
Zeitbestimmung, 88

Meldola (R.), Crace-Calvert's Dyeing and Calico-printing, 283 ;
Tissandier's Photography, 204

Memorie della Società degli Spettroscopisti Italiani, 137, 497
Mercury, the Visibility of, 427

Merk (Conrad), Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 401
Metachromism, 298, 347, 385, 426, 467

Meteors, 113, 187, 207, 287, 467

Meteorolite at Wolverhampton, 531
Meteorological Congress at Poitiers, 94

Meteorological Society, 79, 158, 279, 340, 440, 536; Journal of
the, 436, 531

Meteorological Society of Paris, 196

Meteorological Society of Scotland, 100, 135
Meteorological Stations in France, 336

Meteorology, Algerian, 217; Atlas Méteorologique de l'Obser-
vatoire de Paris, 375; in Baden, 25; of Bengal, W. G.
Willson, 66; Bulletin of the Pyrénées-Orientales, 113; Charts
of the United States, 53; Congress in Italy, 356; Congress
at Poitiers, 35; of Copenhagen, 197; in France, 356; at
Havana, 224; Dr. Hellmann on Atmospheric Strata, 137;
Hoffmeyer's Synoptic Weather Charts, 85; in Iceland, 493;
in India, 340; Italian, 436; Italian Commission, 234; M.
Leverrier on Weather Forecasts, 296; New Office of, in Paris,
54; of Norway, 154; "Notizblatt der Vereins," 136;
Observatories, 413; Poitiers Congress, 77; in the Pyrenees,
135; the Rainfall of India, 86; Weather Maps of the U.S.,
95; Weather Reports of the U.S., 397

Metric Commission at Paris, H. W. Chisholm, 452

M‘Nab (Prof.) on Penicillium glaucum, 36; Pfeffer's "Periodic Mexico, New, Lieut. Wheeler's Expedition to, 76
Movements of Leaf-organs," 24

Macrurous Crustacea, some new, 57

Madagascar, Dr. Hartlaub's work on the Birds of, 272; Natural
History, 308

Magnetic Observations at Lisbon, 301, 448

Magnetism and Electricity," Dr. Guthrie's, 261

Magnetism, the Early History of, 523

Meyer (Dr. A. B.), the Dresden " Gorilla," 106; Saw-fish in-
habiting Fresh Water, 167

Michelet (Jules), "The Sea," 106

Michigan, A. J. Cook's Injurious Insects of, 424
Michigan State Medical Society, Transactions of, 35

Microscope and Molecules of Matter, Relation between, H. C.
Sorby, F.R.S., 332

Magnus (P.), School Examinations and the University of Lon- Microscopical Science, Quarterly Journal of, 257
don, 286

"Maladies which are special to Mystics," 95

Mallett (R.), Prismatic Basalt, 7

Mammalia, Prof. Flower's Hunterian Lectures on the 307, 327,

350, 387, 409, 449, 487, 513

Mammals of Yarkand, 109

Man, Traces of, in the Glacial Coal-beds of Switzerland, 130
Manchester Aquarium, additions to, 77; Saville Kent's Guide-
book to, 85; Literary and Philosophical Society, 118, 178, 219,
259, 399; Science Lectures, 82; Scientific Students' Asso-
ciation, 40

"Mandalay to Momien," Dr. J. Anderson, 422

Manilla, Hurricane in, 175

Maoris of New Zealand, 239

Map-drawing, C. Bird's Twelve Maps for, 7

Maps, at French Railway Stations, 77; of India, Catalogue of,
413; Stanford's Orographical, 396

Marey's "Physiologie Experimentale,” 144, 182
Marine Alge of the United States, 38

[blocks in formation]

Microscopical Society, 39, 118, 159, 219, 299, 384, 399, 499
Microscopy, American Journal of, 297
Middle-class Education in Holland, 528

Mietzsch (Dr. H.), "Geologie der Kohlenlager," 166
Migration of Species, Rev. M. Dasent, 367

Millepora, the Animal of, Prof. Martin Duncan, F.R.S., 465
Miller (Mrs. Hugh), Death of, 414

Millington (Sir Thomas) and the Sexuality of Plants, 85, 127,
166, 185

Miniature Physical Geography, 310

"Mind," 477

Mineralogical Society, 274, 357

Minerals, Collection of, in United States, 77

Minerals of New South Wales, 382

Minor Planets, 27, 47, 69, 87, 109, 150, 208, 227, 268, 307, 326,

349, 407, 513

Mirage in Upper Thibet, 67

Misti and its Cloud, A. Agassiz, 107

Mitchell (R. U. S.), Observations on Fish, 107

Moa Bones, Discovery of, in New Zealand, 273

Mohn (Prof.), Meteorology of Norway, 154

Mohr (E.), "Victoria Falls of Zambesi, 384

Molecules of Matter and Microscope, Relation between, H. C.
Sorby, F.R.S., 332

Molluscs, Freshwater and Land, Prof. Nordenskjöld, 284
Momien and Mandalay, Dr. Anderson's Work on, 422

Mont Blanc, Ascent of, by a Lady, 315, 336; Temperature on,

Monteiro (J. J.), "Angola and the River Congo," 161
Montsouris Physical Observatory, 217, 255

Morell's "Euclid Simplified," 202, 405, 427

Moresby (Capt. J.), "New Guinea and Polynesia," 235, 363
Morocco and the Moors, Dr. A. Leared, 206
Morphologisches Jahrbuch, 20, 176
Mosso (Dr.), Flethysmograph, 336
Mott (F. T.), a New Palmistry, 68

Muir (Thomas), Early History of Continued Fractions, 448
Muir (M. M. Pattison), Routledge's "Discoveries and Inven.
tions," 45; Dr. Youman's "Class-book of Chemistry," 424

Müller (Dr. Hermann), Bees and Flowers, 10; Fertilisation of
Flowers by Insects, XII., 210; XIII., 289; Ocelli of Hy-
menopterous Insects, 167

Müller (Fritz), Brazil Kitchen Mildens, Habits of Ants, 304
Müller (J. J.), the Luminiferous Ether, 494

Müller (Prof. Max) at Oxford, 112, 335

Müller (T. N.), Flame of Common Salt, 448
Munro (J.), the Formation of Coral Sand, 510

Oxford Botanic Garden, 61, 94, 315; Johnson Memorial Prize,
256; Observatory, Visitors of, 54; Scholarships at Balliol
College, 37; Science Lectures, 376; University Commission,
112, 434

Oxygen, the Industrial Applications of, 293, 336

Palmistry, a New, 47, 68, 87
"Pandora" Expedition, 457

Murphy (J. J.), Law of Storms, 187; Physical Constitution of Pangenesis, Darwin's Theory of, 333
Steam, 466

Musical Instruments at South Kensington, 443

Musical Intervals, Dr. Wm. Pole's Method of representing, 116
Musical Pipes, Hermann Smith on, 511

Music, Beats in, Dr. Wm. Pole, F.R.S., 212, 232

Nachtigal (Dr.), Medal awarded to, 456

Naples, Cambridge Students at the Zoological Station, 113
Nardi (Sig. G.), the Discoveries of Fusinieri, III
Natural Science, Miss Buckley's History of, 343
Naturforscher, Der, 97, 198, 317

Nebraska, E. A. Curley on, 7

Neesen (Herr) on Mr. Crookes' Radiometer, 10

Nesbit (H. A.), University of London and School Examinations,

New Guinea, Baxter River, 76, 134; Beccari's Exploration of,
356; Botany of, 316; Capt. Moresby work on, 235, 363;
D'Albertis' Discoveries in, 154, 435; Discovery of a New
Rapacious Bird in, 134; Interior o, 397; Rev. S. Macfar
lane's Travels in, 415; Macleay's Expedition to, 94; Voyage

of the Chevert to, 153

"New Guinea and Polynesia," Capt. J. Moresby, 363
New Mexico, Lieut. Wheeler's Expedition to, 76

New South Wales, Minerals of, 382; Royal Society of, 78
New York Lyceum, change of name of, 531
New Zealand, Discovery of Moa Bones, 273; Dr. Hector,
F.R.S., on the Geology of, 258; Inquest on a Skeleton, 196;
Prof. Flower, F.R.S., on a New Cetacean from, 149; Salmon
in, 256, 257; Volcanoes in, 135; Wellington Philosophical
Society, 179

Newton (Prof. A., F.R.S.), Article "Birds" in "Encyclopædia
Britannica," 186; Birds as Astronomical Objects, 447
Nile, the, Mr. A. Southworth's Journey up the, 43
Nitrogen, Spectrum of, and that of Alkaline Metals in Geissler
Tubes, 314

Non-Metallic Elements, Chemistry of the, Dr. Procter, 446
Nordenskjöld (Prof.), on the Jenisei, 95, 275, 312
Norfolk, the Fisheries of, 114

Norfolk Naturalists' Society, 156

North America, Fossil Flora of, 95

North and Baltic Sea, Report on, 53

North Carolina Earthquakes, 94

North Sea Commission, the German, 125

Norway, Meteorology of, 154

Numerals, J. Allan Broun, F. R. S., on the Origin of, 47
"Numismata Orientalia," Marsden's, 302

[blocks in formation]

Papuans, Poisoned Arrows of, 235

Paris Academy, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 175, 200,
220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 360, 379, 400, 420, 440, 460,
480, 500, 530; Award of Prizes, 195; Physical Observatory,

Paris, Electric Lighting in, 256; Exhibition of Electrical Ap-
pliances, 54; Geographical Society, 155; National Library,
77; Observatory, 229, 493; Public Instruction in, 375; Rail-
way Exhibition, 135; Steam-engines on Tramways, 77
Parker (Prof., F. R.S.) on Birds' Skulls, 178; Lectures at Royal
College of Surgeons, 356; on the Woodpeckers and Wry-
necks, 173

Parkes (Dr.), Obituary Notice of, 435

Paradoxes, among the Cyclometers and other, 28
Pasteur (L.), Prof. Tyndall on Germs, 305
Pawlowsk, Observatory at, 97

Pelew Islands, Birds of the, 152

Penicilium glaucum, Prof. M'Nab on, 36
Penikese School, U.S., 89

Penning (W. H.), Physical Geography of East Anglia during

the Glacial Period, 198

Périgord, Archæology of, 401

Periodic Movements of Leaf-organs, Dr. Pfeffer, 24
Pesth, Water Supply of, 336

Petermann's Mittheilungen, 16, 76, 236, 297, 396, 401, 530
Petrie (W. M. Flinders), Estimation of Fractions, 127; Meta-
chromism, 347, 426

Pfeffer (Prof. W.), "Die Periodischen Bewegungen der Blatt-

Pharmaceutical Conference, 136
organe," 24

Philadelphia, Museum at, 77; Academy of Natural Sciences, 299

Philippine Islands, 435

Photographic Society, 255

Photography in the Challenger, Col. Stuart Wortley, 25
Photography of the Red End of the Spectrum, Capt. W. de W.
Abney, 432

Photography, Year Book of, 256: Photographic Almanac, 256
Photometer, a New, by Prof. J. Reynolds, 478

Physical Constitution of Steam, J. J. Murphy, 466

Physical Geography, Miniature, 310

Physical Observatories in France, 235; at Iowa, 316; Mont-
souris, 217; on the Pic du Midi, 251

Physical Science in Schools, 329, 353, 371, 386, 412, 430, 454,
472, 491

Physical Society, 59, 99, 139, 239, 298, 318, 379, 419, 459,

Physical Society of France, 280

Physiological Research, Proposed Society for, 455
Physiology, Dr. Hermann's Human, 22
Physiology, Recent French Experimental, 144, 182
Pic du Midi, Physical Observatory on the, 251
Pictet (M. Adolphe), Death of, 235

Pictet (Raoul), Sulphurous Acid Ice Machine, 432
Pine (C.), Researches in Mathematical Science, 6
Pirie's "Rigid Dynamics," 323

| Planets, the Minor, 27, 47, 69, 87, 109, 151, 208, 227, 268, 307,
326, 349, 407, 513

Plant Fertilisation, 427

Plants, Darwin on Climbing, 65; the Flowering of Spring,
Alex. Buchan, 249; Sir Thos. Millington and the Sexuality
of, 166, 185; Sexuality of, 85, 127

Playfair (Dr. Lyon), on Compulsory Education, 35
Plethysmograph, Dr. Mosso's, 336

Poggendorff's Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 38, 78, 317,
358, 497

Poisoned Arrows of the Papuans, 235

Poitiers Meteorological Congress, 77, 94

Pole (Dr. Wm., F.R.S.), Beats in Music, 212, 232; Method of
Representing Musical Intervals, 116

Pollution of Rivers, Wm. Hope, 81

Polynesia and New Guinea, Capt. Moresby on, 363

[blocks in formation]

Putnam's Archæological Researches in Kentucky and Indiana,

Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society, 531
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 257
Queen's Colleges in Ireland, 22; Commission on, 530
Quetelet (Prof. E.), Statistics, Brussels, 296

Radiation and Repulsion, W. Crookes, F.R.S., 391, 450
Radiation and Thermal Energy, Capt. J. Ericsson, 114
Radiometers, 10, 324, 366, 420, 458, 473, 489, 511
Railway Exhibition in Paris, 135

Railway Stations in France, Maps at, 77

Rainbow Projected on Blue Sky, 348

Rainfall in 1875, 70, 86

Rainfall on the Continent, Decrease of, 15

Rainfall of Sweden, 436

Royal Society, 78, 98, 118, 134, 138, 158, 176, 198, 218, 237,
277, 298, 397, 418, 458, 478, 498, 533; Anniversary Meeting,
93; Committees, 193; Conversazione, 473; Election of Officers
and Council, 35; Medals of the, 34, 93; New Fellows, 474
Rogers (C. E. H.), Seasonal Order of Colour in Flowers, 129
Rugby Catalogue of Double Stars, 287

Russell (Dr. W. J., F. R.S.), a Research Fund for the Chemical
Society, 461

Russia, Expedition to Behring's Straits, 217

Rütimeyer on Traces of Man in the Glacial Coal-beds of Swit
zerland, 130

Safety Matches, 469, 512

St. Gothard's Tunnel Works, Compressed Air Locomotives used
in, 489

St. Helena, the Natural History of, 272

St. Petersburg, Meeting of Orientalists, 76

Salet (M.), the Spectrum of Nitrogen and that of Alkaline Metals
in Geissler Tubes, 314

Salmon, Investigation into the Habits of, 53; in New Zealand,
256, 257

Salt, the Flame of Common, 287, 306, 448

Satellites of Uranus, 208

Saturn, Occultations of, 188; Rings of, 307; Satellite Hyperion,

Saw-fish inhabiting Fresh Water, 107, 167

Scheerer and Blanford's "Introduction to the Use of the Mouth-
Blowpipe, 164

School Examinations and the University of London, 261, 286
Schools, Physical Science in, 311, 329, 353, 371, 386, 412, 430,
454, 472, 491

Schott (Chas. A.), Meteorological Charts of the United States,

Schuster (Dr. A.), the Bothkamp Sun Observations, 402; the
Flame of Common Salt, 306; the Late Eclipse, 86, 207; on
the Radiometer, 458; Refraction of Light and Sound through
the Atmosphere, 67; Scientific Notes taken in the Himalayas,

Ramsay (Prof., F.R.S.), Anglesey, how it became an Island, Schweinfurth (Dr. G.), "Artes Africanac," 142

[blocks in formation]

Reptilia and Batrachia of Costa Rica, 257

Repulsion and Radiation, W. Crookes, F. R.S., 391, 450
Research Fund for the Chemical Society, Dr. W. J. Russell,
F.R.S., 461

Retriever Dog, and Cat, 36; a Criminal, 69

Revue Philosophique, 477

Reynolds (Prof. Osborne), Hartley's "Air and its Relation to
Life," 243; Refraction of Sound, 218
Rhabdomancy, Miss Buckland on, 200

Richardson (Dr., F.R.S.), Dr. F. de Chaumont on his Hygeia,
25; "Diseases of Modern Life," 508

Rink (Dr. Henry), "Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo," 103
River-beds of the Riviera, 406, 448

Rivers, Wm. Hope on the Pollution of, 81
Riviera, the Dry River-beds of the, 406, 448
Romanes (G. J.) on Medusa, 496

Rome, Academia dei Lincei, 536; Excavations at, 155; the
University of, 114, 296

Roscoe (Prof., F.R.S.), on Popular Science Lectures, 82; Phy-
sical Science in Schools, 353, 386

Ross (Major W. A.), "Pyrology, or Fire Chemistry," 164;
Blow-pipe Analysis, 186; D-line Spectra, 366

Rosse (Lord), Bronze Statue of, 435

Rotherham, Science Classes at, 135

Routledge (R., F.C.S.), "Discoveries and Inventions of the

Nineteenth Century," 44

Royal Arsenal, Chemical Society at, 395

Royal Institution, Lectures at, 75

Royal School of Mines, Annual Dinner, 155

Science and Art in Ireland, 309, 349, 370

Science Classes and Penny Lectures in Birmingham, 149
Science Commission, Seventh Report of, 21

Science in Germany, 10, 30, 75, 112, 250, 452, 521; in Italy,

110; in Leeds, 527

Science in Schools (See Schools)

Science Lectures at Manchester, 82

Science Teaching to Young Children, G. H. West, 48

Scientific Agriculture, Prof. T. Baldwin, 101

Scientific Apparatus, Loan Exhibition of, 36, 196, 231, 274, 295,

315, 349, 375, 413, 455, 470, 474, 503
"Scientific Culture," Josiah P. Cooke, 284

Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, 371
Scientific Notes taken in the Himalayas, Dr. A. Schuster, 393
Scientific Research, Lord Derby on the Endowment of, 141
Scientific Research for the Promotion of Science, Prof. Piazzi
Smith, 45

Scientific Societies of Dublin, 470

SCIENTIFIC WORTHIES, VII.-Sir Charles Wheatstone, 501
Sclater (P. L., F.R.S.), Geographical Zoology, 482; the Island
of Socotra, 414, 426

Scorpion, H. Woodward, F.R.S., on a Fossil, 58

Scotland: Scotch Herring Fishery Board, Report of, 35; Scotch
Universities, Science Commission, Report on, 21; Royal
Agricultural Society, 101; Meteorological Society of, 53, 76,
100, 135

Scott (R. H., F.R.S.), Hoffmeyer's Synoptic Weather Charts,

Screw Propeller, Origin of, 367, 386, 428, 465, 512
Screws, Dr. Ball, F.R.S., on, 463

Scrope (G. Poulett, F.R.S.), Cup-shaped Joints in Prismatic
Basalt, 47; Glaciers in France, 149, 166; Obituary Notice
of, 241

Scudder (S. H.), Fossil Butterflies, 222

Sea, the, Jules Michelet, 106

Seasonal Order of Colour in Flowers, 150, 326, 348, 366, 427

Sea Trout on the Norfolk Coast, 114

Sea-water, the Expansion of, by Heat, 237

Secchi (Padre), Ericsson's Researches on the Sun, 46; Spectra
of Stars, 480

Sedgwick Memorial, 375

Seebohm (H.), Ornithological Collection, 14
Seeley (Prof. H. G.), the Ornithosauria, 98

Selenium, Action of Light on, 238, 407, 419; Herr W. Siemen's
Researches on, 112

Settle Cave Committee, Report of, 55

Sexuality of Plants and Sir Thomas Millington, 85, 127, 166,

Sheep, Small-pox of, E. Klein, F.R.S., 467
Siberia, Notes from, Prof. George Forbes, 469
Siberia, Northern, German Expedition to, 368

Siebold (Prof. von), Fresh-water Fishes of England, 366

Siemens (Dr. C. W., F, R.S.), the Action of Light on Selenium,
407; Bathometer, 431

Siemens (Herr W.), Researches on Selenium, 112

Silica, Prof. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., on various Forms of Silica,

Sirius, the Companion of, 428

Sivewright (J.), Preece and Sivewright's "Telegraphy,” 511
Skeleton, Inquest on a, in New Zealand, 196
Skin-scrapers, Flint, from New Jersey, 270

Sloths, Protective Resemblance in the, J. C. Galton, 187
Small-pox of Sheep, E. Klein, F.R.S., 467

Smith (Hermann) on the Nature of Musical Pipes having a Pro-
pulsive Mode of Action, 511

Smith (Worthington G.), Fertilisation of Basidiomycetes, 186;
Potato Disease, 524

Smithsonian Institution, Report of, 94

Smyth (R. B.,) Geological Map of Australia, 352

Smyth (Prof. Piazzi), Scientific Research the [Promotion of
Science, 45

Snow, Red, 414

Socotra, the Island of, 414, 426

Stein (Prof.) on the Formation of Sound, 78
Stenographic Exhibition at Rome, 114
Sterlets at the Manchester Aquarium, 77

Stevenson (Thos.), Proposed Optical Barometer, 150
Stewart (Prof. Balfour, F.R.S.) on Measuring the Heat of the
Sun, 118

Stieler's Hand Atlas, 236

Stockholm Academy of Sciences, 320

Stockwell (J. N.), Theory of the Moon's Motions, 88
Stokes (Prof. G. G., F.R.S.),

The Spectra, 247; the Early

Stoliczka's (Dr.) Collection of Mammals, 106, 109
History of Spectrum Analysis, 188
Stone (Dr.), on Thermopiles, 59

Stoney (Prof. Johnstone, F.R.S.), on Radiometers, 420

Storer (F. H.), Cherry Blossoms destroyed by Squirrels, 26
Storms: Blasius on, 421; T. S. Usborne, 406; Faye on the
Laws of, 11, 87, 187

Strange (Col., F.R.S.), Obituary Notice of, 396, 408

Strata, Bristow's Tables of British, 464

Stream Lines, Wm. Froude, F.R.S. on, 50, 89, 130, 169

Struve's Companion of Procyon, 406

Submarine Explorations, W. Topley, 133
Sub-Wealden Exploration, 175, 334, 396

Sulphurous Acid Ice-Machine, Raoul Pictet's, 432

Sumatra, Exploration of, Dr. A. A. W. Hubrecht, 209

Sun: Prof. Balfour Stewart on Measuring the Heat of the, 118;
P. A. Secchi on Ericsson's Researches on the, 46; Origin of
the Heat of the, W. Coutie, 126; the Bothkamp Obser-
vations, 402; Rotation of, and Moon's Revolution and the
Earth's Magnetism, 466

Sun-spots, 497; and the price of corn, 15; Father Secchi on,

Sussex, Flora of, 155

Solar Eclipses of 1605, 108; of 1999, 169; of 1876, March 25, Surrey Commercial Docks, Excavations at, 77
248; Total, of 1876, 268; of 1706, 307; of 1883, 406
Solar Halos, 495, 512; Coloured, 404, 426, 466

Solar Spectra, Capt. Abney

on Photographing, 419

Solar Spots, Veiled, Mr. Trouvelot on, 497
Somerset House and the Public Analysts, 242
Somersetshire, Floods in, 155

Sorby (H. C., F.R.S.), Address at Microscopical Society, 384;
Apparatus for Measuring Spectra, 159; Colour of Flowers
Grown in the Dark, 465; the Evolution of Hæmoglobin, 306;
Measuring Bands in Spectra, 39; Relation between Micro-
scope and Molecules of Matter, 332

Sound, Prof. Osborne Reynolds on the Refraction of, 218; Prof.
Stein on the Formation of, 78

South Kensington, Lectures on Botany at, 436; Loan Exhibition
of Scientific Apparatus at, 36, 196, 231, 274, 295, 315, 349,
375, 413, 503; Musical Instruments at, 443

Southall (J. C.), "The Recent Origin of Man," 245, 484, 510
Southport, Aquarium, 197; Botanic Garden and Museum at, 495
Southworth (A. S.), "Four Thousand Miles of African Travel,"

Spectra, D-line, Major W. A. Ross, 366; Prof. G. G. Stokes,
F.R.S., 247

Spectra, H. C. Sorby, F.R.S., Apparatus for Measuring, 159;
Measuring Bands in, 39; of Solutions, New Form of Tube
for Observing, 74; of Stars, Padre Secchi, 480

Spectroscopy, J. Norman Lockyer, F. R.S., on some Recent
Methods of, 239

Spectrum Analysis, Prof. Stokes, F.R.S., on the Early History
of, 188

Spectrum of Fish-pigment, George Francis, 167

Sutton (Dr. G.), Report on Trichinosis, 105
Sweden: Rainfall of, 436; Tornado in, 216

Swedish Arctic Expedition, 16, 116

Switzerland, Traces of Man in the Glacial Coal-beds of, 130

[ocr errors]

Syllabus of Plane Geometry," 102

Symonds (Rev. W. S.), Ancient Glacier Action in Centra
France, 67; the Fossil Skeletons of Le Puy en Velay, 207;
Ancient Glaciers in France, 425

Tacchini (Prof.), Sun-spots, 497

Tait (Prof.), on the Earth's Are, 486; "Recent Advances in
Physical Science," Prof. Clerk Maxwell, F. R.S., 461
Tartaric and Citric Acids, 78

Tea, Cultivation of, in India, 175

Telegraph Cables, Testing of Deep Sea, 517
Telescope, the Great, of the Paris Observatory, 229
"Telegraphy," Preece and Sivewright's, 441
Thames, High Tides in the, 54

Thermal Energy and Radiation; Capt. J. Ericsson, 114, 224
Thermometer, Self-registering, 79
Theophrastus versus Millington, 127
Thermopiles, Dr. Stone on, 59
Thibet, Upper, Mirage in, 67

Thomson (Prof. Wyville), Obituary Notice of Dr. von Willemoes
Suhm, 88; the Work of the Challenger, 70

Thorpe (Prof. T. E.), Specific Volumes of Liquids, 397
Thorell (T.), European and North African Spiders, 281
Three Kingdoms of Nature, 367, 386

Spectrum, Photography of Red End of the, Capt. W. de W. Tides, Extraordinary, B. G. Jenkins, 69

Thurston (Prof. R. H.), "The Mechanical Engineer," 16

Abney, 432

Sphygmograph, M. Bouilland on the, 114

Spiders, Old and New World, 281

Spinoza, Proposed Statue of, 315

Tilden (W. A.), Physical Science in Schools, 373
"Timber and Timber Trees," Laslett's, 181
Time, Correct, in Country Towns, 95
Tissandier's Photography; R. Meldola, 204

F.R.S.), Experiment on Electro-magnetic Tomlinson (C., F.R.S.), on Safety Matches, 469

Rotation, 498

Spring Plants, the Flowering of, Alex. Buchan, 249

Squirrels, Cherry Blossoms destroyed by, 26

Stanford's Map of India, 95; Geographical Maps, 396
Stanley's Exploration of Africa, 35, 53, 76, 93

Stars, 226; Atlas Pleiadum, 453, 129; B.A.C. 793, 419;
Binary, 69, 287, 249; the Binary Coronæ Australis, 248;
Double, 449; Double, Rugby Catalogue of, 287; 40 Eridani,
8; Proper Motion of a Centauri, 8; Variable, 27, 150, 227,
306, 326, 367, 467, 486

Stationary Liquid Waves, Dr. Guthrie, 99

Steam, Physical Constitution of, J. J. Murphy, 466,

Tomsk University, 357,

Topley (W.), Channel Tunnel-Submarine Explorations, 133
Tornado in Sweden, 216

Toulouse, New Telescope at the Observatory, 16
"Tour de France," 135

Tramways, Condensed Air, 228; Steam Engines on, 77
Transit of Venus, 238

Trade Winds, Course of the, 12,

Trees, Effects of Lightning on, 120

Trichinosis, Dr. G. Sutton's Report on, 105

Troglodytes, French and Swiss, 401

Trogonidae, J. Gould's Monograph of the, 166

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