
In his volume on Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to A. D. 14, in the "Story of the Nations" series (Putnams), Dr. E. S. Shuckburgh lays stress upon "the political, intellectual, and artistic achievements of the Greeks, rather than on the history of the military operations".

In her book on Primitive Athens as described by Thucydides (Cambridge University Press) Dr. Jane E. Harrison of Newnham College sets forth a new view of the character and limits of the ancient city, based upon the ancient literary evidence and the recent excavations of the German Archaeological Institute. Numerous plans and drawings. are given in support of her argument.

Mr. H. Stuart Jones, formerly director of the British school at Rome, has attempted to give a popular presentation of the results of recent research in his volume on The Roman Empire, B. C. 29-A. D. 476, which will be issued in the "Story of the Nations series (Putnams).

In a volume entitled Studies in Roman History (Macmillan, 1906, pp. viii, 349) Dr. E. G. Hardy, Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, has reprinted with a few alterations his Christianity and the Roman Government, essays on the Movements of the Legions, The Provincial Concilia, a portion of his introduction to Plutarch's Lives of Galba and Otho, and several shorter papers formerly printed in the Journal of Philology.

Under the title of Dio's Rome (Troy, Parfraet's Book Co., 1905) Dr. H. B. Foster, of Lehigh University, has issued an English translation of the history of Dio Cassius, with introduction, lists of dissertations, recent magazine articles, and notes on Dio, and gleanings from his lost books.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: G. Glotz, Les Ordalies en Grèce (Revue Historique, January-February); V. Henry, L'Histoire avant l'Histoire: Les Italiotes (Revue Bleue, February 17); G. S. Ramundo, Nerone e l'Incendio di Roma (Archivio della R. Società Romana di Storia Patria, XXVIII. fasc. III.-IV.).


The Ecclesiastical Edicts of the Theodosian Code is the subject of a recent contribution by Dr. W. K. Boyd to the Columbia University Studies in History and Economics (Macmillan, pp. 122). The monograph treats of the conflict between paganism and Christianity; heresy and ecclesiastical institutions; the relation of the church to the social organization of the empire; the episcopal courts and the influence of the ecclesiastical edicts of the code upon early medieval jurisprudence.

Antipriscilliana: Dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchungen und Texte aus dem Streite gegen Priscillians Irrlehre, by Dr. K. Künstle (Freiburg, Herder, 1905, pp. xii, 248), throws much new light on a chapter of dogmatic history.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: V. Ermoni, L'Essénisme (Revue des Questions Historiques, January); Fr. X. Funk, La Question de l'Agape: un dernier Mot (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, January); F. Prat, Origène et l'Origénisme, I., Origène dans l'Origénisme, II., L'Origénisme après Origène (Études, December 5, January 5); M. M. Hassett, Constantine the Great and the Church (Catholic University Bulletin, January); Adhémar d'Alès, Limen Ecclesiae: Note sur l'Ancienne Pénitence Publique (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, January).


Mr. A. P. C. Griffin's List of Cartularies (principally French) recently added to the Library of Congress; with some Earlier Accessions (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1905, pp. 30) is arranged alphabetically under names of towns.

A general bibliography of Rome (Rome, Loescher) is being compiled under the direction of E. Calvi. The first volume covers the period 476-1499 and is comprehensive in its scope; it contains indexes of subjects and authors.

The celebrated Sanctuarium seu Vitae Sanctorum ex Diversis Codicibus Collectae, by Boninus Mombritius, will be re-edited by the Benedictines of Solesmes. Subscriptions (60 fr.) should be sent to Dom A. Brunet, Appuldurcombe House, Wroxall, Isle of Wight.

Professor F. Schupfer in his work on Precarie e Livelli nei Documenti e nelle Leggi dell' Alto Medio Evo (Torino, 1905) discusses the legal character and the economic bearing of these forms of contract.

The latest volumes in the series of Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum in Usum Scholarum are Annales Mettenses Priores (pp. 119) and a fifth edition of Einhardi Vita Karoli Magni (pp. 52) (Hanover, Hahn).

A volume of Quatrièmes Mélanges d'Histoire du Moyen Âge, published under the direction of M. A. Luchaire through Alcan, Paris (pp. 235), contains Annales de la Vie de Joscelin de Vierzi, 57e Evêque de Soissons (1126-1152), a critical edition of Courtois d'Arras, and a note regarding a new manuscript of the chronicler William of Puylaurens.

Der Sachsenspiegel und die Stände der Freien is the subject of the second volume of Phillip Heck's Beiträge zur Geschichte der Stände im Mittelalter (Halle, Niemeyer).

Two recent publications in the series of Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven are J. Haller's England und Rom unter Martin V. (pp. 60), and Hans Niese's Zur Geschichte des deutschen Soldrittertums in Italien (Rome, Loescher, pp. 36).

Two works of value on Byzantine history are A. Pernice's L'Imperatore Eraclio, Saggio di Storia Bizantina (Florence, Galletti and Cocci, 1905); and Charles Diehl's Études Byzantines (Paris, Picard, 1905), of which all but two have already been printed in various journals.

Documentary publications: A. Monaci, Regesto dell' Abbazia di Sant' Alessio all' Aventino (Archivio della R. Società Romana di Storia Patria, XXVIII. fasc. III.-Iv.); G. Arias, Per la Storia Economica del Secolo XIV. Comunicazioni d'Archivio ed Osservazioni (ibid.); Abbé G. Mollat, Lettres Communes de Jean XXII., II. (Paris, Fontemoing, 1905); Plazid Bliemetzrieder, Abt Ludolf's von Sagan Traktat Soliloquium Schismatis [1409] (Studien u. Mittheilungen aus dem Benedictiner und dem Cistercienser Orden, 1er trimestre, 1905); Abbé H. Dubrulle, Bullaire de la Province de Reims sous le Pontificat de Pie II. (Lille, R. Giard, 1905, pp. x, 259).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: P. Fournier, Etudes sur les Fausses Décrétales, I., Le But et l'Auteur des Fausses Décrétales (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, January); L. Havet, Que doivent à Charlemagne les Classiques Latins? (Revue Bleue, February 3); Dom J. M. Besse, L'Ordre de Cluny et son Gouvernement, III. (Revue Mabillon, November); St. Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Thought (Dublin Review, January); J. M. Vidal, Les Derniers Ministres de l'Albigéisme en Languedoc: Leurs Doctrines (Revue des Questions Historiques, January); P. Richard, Origines des Nonciatures Permanentes: La Représentation Pontificale au XVe Siècle (1450–1513), I. (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, January); L. Delisle, Vers Français sur une Pratique Usuraire abolie dans le Dauphiné en 1501 (Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, July-August, 1905).


The first part of the fourth volume of Professor Ludwig Pastor's Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters (Freiburg, Herder, 1906, pp. xviii, 609) treats of the pontificate of Leo X. The second part, on the pontificate of Adrian VI. and Clement VII., will soon be published.

The account of Christine de Suède et le Conclave de Clément X. (Paris, Plon-Nourrit) by the Baron de Bildt is based on the correspondence of the French, Spanish, and Venetian diplomats, and on the letters which were daily exchanged between Cardinal Azzolino and Queen Christina, and which throw light on the customs of the sixteenth century. Many documents are appended.

H. Nagaoka, attaché of the Japanese Legation at Paris, has written a Histoire des Relations du Japon avec l'Europe aux XVIe et XVIIe Siècles (Paris, Jouve, 326 pp.), which includes an introductory sketch of Japanese history, and some original Japanese documents and reports of Japanese officials at European courts.

The first volume of Les Sources Inédites de l'Histoire du Maroc (Paris, Leroux) by le Comte Henry de Castries is a comprehensive collection from the archives and libraries of France, England, Austria, AM. HIST. REV., vol. xI.—48.

Spain, and other countries of unpublished documents relating to the history of Morocco from 1530 to 1845.

A volume by I. P. Dengel on Die politische und kirchliche Tätigkeit des Mons. Josef Garampi in Deutschland (1761-1763) (Rome, Loescher, 1905, pp. 196) deals with the Peace Congress in Augsburg, and the suspension of the abbot of the monastery of Salem and his new investiture by Garampi; it includes an index of the sources in the Vatican archives for the history of European peace congresses from that of Westphalia to 1763, and letters of Maria Theresa and of Clement XIII.

A publication that should be of great value to students of international law and diplomacy is the Recueil des Arbitrages Internationaux (vol. I., 1798-1855) (Paris, Pedone, 1905), in which MM. de Lapradelle and Politis set forth the history of each arbitration with the most important texts and an analysis of the memorials presented. Analytical, chronological, and alphabetical indexes are included.

Documentary publications: Schornbaum, Zur Geschichte des Reichstages von Augsburg im Jahre 1530 (Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, Ier trim., 1905) [appendix to report of the delegates of Nuremberg and a writing of Melanchthon]; K. Graebert, Konsilium für den 1531 zu Speier angesetzten Reichstag (ibid.).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: K. Braig, Der Friedensplan des Leibniz (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVI. 4); Comte d'Hauterive, Rapports à S. M. l'Empereur sur les Affaires de Rome (1809-1810) (Revue Bleue, December 2, 9, and 16); E. Rossier, L'Affaire de Savoie en 1860 et l'Intervention Anglaise (Revue Historique, January-February).


Methuen and Company have recently published The Student's Historical and Modern Atlas of the British Empire, containing sixty-four maps and edited by Mr. C. G. Robertson, Fellow of All Souls, Oxford, and Mr. J. G. Bartholomew, F. R. G. S. The volume includes historical and modern maps, physical maps, commercial maps and diagrams, and a historical gazetteer and bibliography.

A new book by the late Bishop Stubbs, entitled Lectures on Early English History, edited by Arthur Hassall, M.A., has been recently published by Longmans. Some of the lectures contain elucidations of difficult passages in Stubbs's Select Charters.

An annotated translation of Asser's Life of King Alfred (pp. viii, 83), made from the text of Mr. W. H. Stevenson's edition by Professor Albert S. Cook of Yale University and published by Ginn and Company, presents in convenient form a valuable document whose authenticity is now generally conceded.

A complete record from the earliest time to the present of the knights of all the orders of chivalry in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of Knights Bachelors, has been compiled by Dr. William A. Shaw

in two large volumes entitled The Knights of England, which will be published by Sherratt and Hughes for the Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace. Hitherto such a work has been impossible because some of the most important sources from which it must be derived were closed to investigators. Mr. Shaw, however, has been granted access to all the official records. The lists of knights dubbed in Ireland has been compiled from .the records in Dublin Castle, by Mr. G. B. D. Burtchaell.

Mr. N. T. Hone's The Manor and Manorial Records, which includes examples of the various classes of records, and many illustrations, facsimiles, plans, and views, has been issued in the series of "Antiquary's Books" (Methuen, pp. 376).

Professor Charles Gross in an article on the Court of Piepowder, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics for February, urges the exploiting of early English archives for data concerning this court, not only because of its wide-spread and long-continued activity, but also because "the careful investigation of its history will throw needed light on the organization of medieval commerce".

The first volume of The Records of the City of Norwich, which date back to the twelfth century, has been compiled under the expert editorship of Reverend W. Hudson and Mr. J. C. Tingey, and is published by Jarrold, London. The work will be complete in two volumes.

The Chronicles of London, edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by C. L. Kingsford and published by the Clarendon Press (1905, pp. 368), are three fifteenth-century chronicles in English, hitherto unpublished, which form the foundation on which Fabyan, Hall, Holinshed, and others have built.

In A History of the Post-Reformation Catholic Missions in Oxfordshire with an Account of the Families Connected with them (London, Frowde, 1906, pp. 371), Mrs. Bryan Stapleton has attempted to trace the descent of the older Catholic Missions in the country from the latter days of Queen Elizabeth. The history of the various parishes is considered separately, and much original material is included.

David Loggan's Cantabrigia Illustrata (Macmillan), a series of views of the university and colleges and of Eton College, first published in 1690, has been edited with a life of Loggan, an introduction, and historical descriptive notes by Mr. J. W. Clark, the learned Registrary of the University of Cambridge.

M. Paul Mantoux's La Révolution Industrielle au XVIIIe Siècle (Paris, Cornély, 1906, pp. 502) contains an extended discussion of the economic antecedents of the revolution, of the general inventions and industrial enterprises, and of the immediate consequences of the revolution. The book includes a number of maps, and a classified and critical bibliography of over thirty pages.

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