
(1899). The first edition of his three-volume work on Il Romano Pontificato nella Storia d'Italia was published in 1886-1888 (Firenze, Ricci). His most extensive work was the Storia Universale delle Missioni Francescane, vols. I.-XI.; published in Rome, later in Florence, 18571895. Brother Marcellino da Civezza was a member of the Commissione Cardinalizia per gli Studi Storici in Rome.

Mr. Richard E. Helbig, in charge of the German-American Collection in the New York Public Library, is endeavoring to collect everything written by or about Carl Schurz.

A Leopold von Ranke Verein has been organized for the purpose of establishing a Ranke Museum in the house in Wiehe where he was born. Dr. Boetticher is chairman of the committee of arrangements.

Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin has resigned the professorship of American History at the University of Michigan, and is to be head of the Department of History at the University of Chicago. Assistant Professor C. H. Van Tyne succeeds Professor McLaughlin, and Professor Frederic L. Paxson, of the University of Colorado, has accepted the position of Assistant Professor of American History at Ann Arbor.

Dr. W. L. Westermann of the University of Missouri has been called to the University of Minnesota as Assistant Professor of History. He will make ancient history his special field.

Professor John Spencer Bassett of Trinity College, Durham, N. C., has accepted an appointment to a professorship of history in Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts.

The fourth International Congress of Historical Sciences, which was to have met next autumn, has been postponed till the summer of 1908, when it will convene in Berlin. The committee of arrangements consists of Dr. R. Koser, director-in-chief of the Prussian archives, and Professor Eduard Meyer and Professor Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, both of Berlin. The sections of legal and economic history will be organized by Professors Otto Gierke and Schmoller respectively.

More extended notice will be given in a later number to Lo Científico en la Historia, by Julián Ribera (Madrid, P. Apalategui, 1906).

Father Ehrle, prefect of the Vatican Library, will bring out within a few months a bibliography of publications of documents from the Vatican archives, extending to the end of 1900. A second part, extending through 1905, will soon follow. Quinquennial supplements are intended.

A. Capelli's Cronologia e Calendario Perpetuo (Milan, U. Hoepli, pp. xxxiii, 413) is a very useful book of reference published in the series of Manuali Hoepli. This handbook contains the chronological series of Roman consuls; parallel chronological tables of the Christian era to 2000 A. D., the Byzantine, and Spanish eras; Easter tables; ancient Roman calendar; perpetual Julian and Gregorian calendar; glossary of the principal feast-days; list of saints; the hegira; eras of the French Republic:

chronological tables of the principal European sovereigns, under geographical alphabetical arrangement, etc.

Mr. Murray has issued a new edition of Sir Henry Maine's Ancient Law, with introduction and notes by Sir Frederick Pollock. For the convenience of those who possess earlier editions, Sir Frederick Pollock's notes and introduction are also published separately with an index to both editions.

In his work on Les Sanctions de l'Arbitrage International (Paris, Pedone, pp. 432) M. Jacques Dumas reviews the history of the sanctions-material, civil, penal, and political-as applied from the time of the Amphictyonic Council to the present day.

Houghton, Mifflin, and Company propose to publish in the autumn Harvard Economic Studies, which will be under the general editorial supervision of Professor T. N. Carver. One of the early volumes will be Dr. W. H. Price's "The English Patents of Monopoly ".

A collection of the chief sources relating to the fundamental institutions of the canon law has been compiled by Professor A. Galante in a volume entitled Fontes Juris Canonici Selecti (Innsbruck, Wagner, 1906, pp. xvi, 677), which will be of much interest to historians as well as to jurists. Nearly half of the book is included in the first two sections, which treat of the ecclesia antiquissima and the potestas ecclesiastica et imperium civile. The remaining sections deal with ordination, the hierarchy of order and of jurisdiction, the pope, cardinals, curia, papal legates, metropolitans, bishops, chapters, vicars, parish priests, orders, and congregations.

M. Charles Diehl has published a volume entitled Figures Byzantines (Paris, Armand Colin, pp. 344) the contents of which are as follows: La Vie d'une Impératrice à Byzance; Athénais, Théodora, Irène; Les Romanesques Aventures de Basile le Macédonien; Les Quatre Mariages de l'Empereur Léon le Sage; Théophano; Zoé la Porphyrogénète; Une Famille de Bourgeoisie à Byzance; Anne Dalassène.

The German Universities and University Study is the title of a work by Professor F. Paulsen of Berlin, translated by Professors F. Thilly and W. W. Elwang and published by Scribners (pp. 451). The author traces the historical development of the German universities from the Middle Ages down to the present time, and discusses the present organization and functions of the German university.

Professor H. E. Egerton, whose appointment to the Beit Professorship at Oxford was noted in the last number of the REVIEW, chose for the subject of his inaugural lecture the Claims of the Study of Colonial History upon the Attention of the University of Oxford (Frowde). He pointed out that colonial history is concerned mainly with constitutional and economic questions, and that it should be taught and learned in a way that will cultivate the historical imagination and make intelligible the different points of view of diverse peoples.

Die territoriale Entwicklung der europäischen Kolonien (Gotha, Perthes, pp. xi, 344) is the title of a recent publication by Professor A. Supan, editor of Petermann's Mitteilungen. A colonial historical atlas is included.

Messrs. Longmans announce the publication of a work entitled International Documents: a Collection of Conventions and other International Acts of a Law-Making Kind, edited by Mr. E. A. Whittuck, Governor of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Mr. Murray announces for forthcoming publication a work entitled Local and Central Government: a Comparative Study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States, by Mr. Percy Ashley of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

We have received Notes on the History and Political Institutions of the Old World (New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906, pp. ix, 719) by Dr. Edward Preissig, author of Short Outline of the History of Austria-Hungary.

The first volume of O. Nachod's Geschichte von Japon (Gotha, Perthes, 1906, pp. xxx, 426) has been published in Professor Lamprecht's series of Allgemeine Staatengeschichte.

Paul Lacombe has contributed to the Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine a volume entitled La Psychologie des Individus et des Sociétés chez Taine, Historien des Littératures (Paris, Alcan).

A Bibliography of Text-Books and Works of Reference in Ancient, Mediaval and Modern, English and American History, edited by Professor Norman Maclaren Trenholme, has been published by the Department of History of the University of Missouri (Columbia, 1905, pp. 27). The list was prepared particularly for use in the approved high-schools of Missouri.

Documentary publications: A. Poncelet, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum bibliothecarum Romanarum praeter quam Vaticanae. IV. Codices bibliothecae nationalis dictae a Victorio Emmanuele II. (Analecta Bollandiana, XXV. I.); A. Poncelet, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum bibliothecarum Romanarum praeter quam Vaticanae. IV. Codices bibliothecae Alexandrinae (Analecta Bollandiana, XXV. II.); A. Pereire, Des Premiers Rapports entre Saint-Simon et Auguste Comte, d'après des Documents Originaux, 1816-1819 (Revue Historique, May-June).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: M. Jansen, Die Geschichtsauffassung im Wandel der Zeit; ein Vortrag (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVII. 1); A.-D. Xénopol, La Notion de "Valeur" en Histoire, concl. (Revue de Synthèse Historique, February); H. Berr, Les Progrès de la Sociologie Religieuse (Revue de Synthèse Historique, February); S. Ehses, Nochmals Paolo Sarpi als Geschichtsquelle (Historisches Jahrbuch, XXVII. 1); A. Aulard, Taine Historien de la Révolution Française:

Avant le Livre des Origines; L'Ancien Régime (La Révolution Française, March, April); Goldwin Smith, Froude (Atlantic Monthly, May); F. von Ranke, Vierzig ungedruckte Briefe Leopold von Rankes (Deutsche Revue, March); E. Levasseur, Boutmy et l'Ecole (Annales des Sciences Politiques, March); G. Monod, La Chaire d'Histoire au Collège de France (Revue Historique, March-April); G. Lanson, Questions Universitaires: Les Répétiteurs (Revue Bleue, February 24, March 31).


A History of Ancient Civilization, the first volume of The History of Civilization by M. Charles Seignobos of the University of Paris, has been translated by A. H. Wilde and recently published by Scribners. The volume begins with prehistoric times and comes down to the third century of our era.

The Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte (Leipzig, Dieterich), having concluded the first lustrum of its existence and having deservedly attained a secure position, has adopted the name of Klio, while retaining as a subtitle its former name, which did not clearly indicate its periodical character. Recent Beihefte to the journal are Epigraphische Beiträge zur sozial-politischen Geschichte Athens im Zeitalter Demosthenes (pp. vii, 94), by J. Sundwall; Der römische Gutsbetrieb als wirtschaftlicher Organismus nach den Werken des Cato, Varro und Columella (pp. viii, 100), by H. Gummerus; and Die Legionen der Prov. Moesia von Augustus bis auf Diokletian (pp. x, 96), by B. Filow.

Professor Hugo Winckler, editor of the laws of Hammurabi, has compiled an Auszug aus der vorderasiatischen Geschichte (Leipzig, Hinrichs, pp. 86) which states succinctly the most important facts in the political and cultural history of the countries of Western Asia to the capture of Babylon by Cyrus, 539 B. c.

Professor W. M. Flinders Petrie's new book, Researches in Sinai, recently published by Mr. Murray, contains the first detailed account of the Egyptian remains in Sinai, and discussions of discoveries relating to the Semitic ritual, the route of the exodus, the numbers of the Israelites to the period of the monarchy, etc. It contains 186 illustrations and four maps.

The Religion of Numa, and other Essays on the Religion of Ancient Rome, by Professor Jesse B. Carter (London and New York, Macmillan, 1906, pp. viii, 189), has appeared recently.

Professor J. P. Mahaffy's volume entitled The Silver Age of the Greek World (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1906, pp. 482) is intended to replace his Greek World under Roman Sway, now out of print, "in a maturer and better form, and with much new material superadded".

The third volume of Professor E. Speck's Handelsgeschichte des Altertums (Leipzig, Brandstetter, 1906, pp. 1154) deals with the Romans

from 265 B. c. to 476 A. D. was published in 1901.

The second volume of this important work

A French translation of G. Salvioli's work has appeared under the title Le Capitalisme dans le Monde Antique: Études sur l'Histoire de l'Économie Romaine, translated by A. Bonnet (Paris, Giard et Brière).

The Roman Forum: its History and its Monuments is the title of a work by Professor Christian Huelsen recently translated from the second German edition by J. B. Carter and published by G. E. Stechert.

In Die Angriffe der drei Barkiden auf Italien; drei quellenkritischkriegsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (Leipzig, Teubner, 1905, pp. x, 310), by Konrad Lehmann, the author makes an exhaustive analysis of the question of the routes of the Punic generals, Hannibal, Hasdrubal, and Mago, and of the strategic motives by which they and their enemies were influenced.

G. Boissier's Tacitus and other Roman Studies has been translated by W. G. Hutchinson and published by Constable (pp. 288).

Since the publication in 1899 of G. Negri's Nerone e il Christianesimo, a lively discussion has raged over the authorship of the burning of Rome in the year 64, and over the interpretation of the famous passage of Tacitus, Annals, XV. 44. An attempt finally to settle these problems has been made by Signor Attilio Profumo in his exhaustive critical study Le Fonti ed i Tempi dello Incendio Neroniano, which has been published in a sumptuous volume by Forzani (Rome, 1905, pp. 748).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: P. Boissonnade, M. Guiraud et l'Histoire Economique de l'Antiquité (Revue de Synthèse Historique, February); Jules Baillet, Les Noms de l'Esclave en Egyptien (Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la Philologie et à l'Archéologie Égyptiennes et Assyriennes, XXVIII, 1–2).


Several studies by Jean Guiraud, published together under the title Questions d'Histoire et d'Archéologie Chrétienne (Paris, Lecoffre, 1906, pp. 304), treat of the repression of heresy in the Middle Ages; Albigensian ethics; the "consolamentum" or Cathartist initiation; the question whether St. Dominic copied St. Francis; Jean-Baptiste de Rossi (18221894); the coming of St. Peter to Rome; Roman relics in the ninth century; and the spirit of the Catholic liturgy.

Cardinal Rampolla, the late pope's secretary of state, has included in his comprehensive work entitled Santa Melania e i Suoi Tempi detailed studies of Roman life in the fifth century.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: G. Goyau, Une Patricienne Chrétienne au Cinquième Siècle: Mélanie la Jeune (Revue des Deux Mondes, May); P. Fournier, Étude sur les Fausses Décrétales. II. Date de l'Euvre d'Isidore (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, April).

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