
Dist. of Columbia.

bind themselves to keep rooms for the accommodation of twelve pauper patients weekly on an average during the year;

Penitentiary of For the warden, clerk, physician, chaplain, three assistant keepers, five guards, and messenger of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia, eight thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

Expenses of loans

and treas'y notes.

Sick and disa bled seamen.

Custom house

For three inspectors of said penitentiary, three hundred dollars;

For expenses of loans and treasury notes, twenty thousand dollars; and for the same during the remainder of the current fiscal year, six thousand dollars;

To make good a deficiency in the fund for the relief of sick seamen, fifteen thousand dollars;

For repairs of the custom-house and wharf at Plymouth,

Plymouth, N. C. North Carolina, one hundred dollars;

Books for Patent



Agricultural statistics.

Chemical ana


For the purchase of such scientific works as are necessary for the use of the Patent Office, fifteen hundred dollars;

For compensation of librarian, five hundred dollars; For the collection of agricultured statistics and other purposes, thirty-five hundred dollars;

For defraying the expenses of the chemical analyses of vege lyses of vegetable table substances produced and used for the food of man and animals in the United States, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Patents, one thousand dollars; which several sums, amounting in the whole to six thousand five hundred dollars, shall be paid out of the patent fund;

Erection of wings

Towards the erection of the wings of the Patent Office buildof Patent office. ing, according to the original plan, under the direction of the Secretary of State, fifty thousand dollars, to be paid out of the patent fund; Provided, That the said Secretary is hereby authorized to cause the said extension to be done by contract, in the same manner as was pursued in executing the work of the General Post Office building;

Custom house

For the purchase of a building for a custom-house at Portland, at Portland, Me. in the State of Maine, a sum not exceeding one hundred and forty-nine thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall, after full examination, deem such purchase expedient, and for the interest of the United States;

Custom-house at Erie, Pa.

Custom house Savannah, Ga.



Books for mem

For the purchase of a building erected by the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States for a banking-house in the town of Erie, Pennsylvania, to be used as a customhouse, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to make said purchase: Provided, That the cost of the building and the ground necessary to its convenient use can be made for a sum not exceeding twenty-nine thousand dollars;

For continuing the construction of the custom-house at Savannah, in Georgia, thirty-five thousand dollars;

For the construction of a custom house at Charleston, South Carolina, fifty thousand dollars;

To enable the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay bors of Congress. for twelve copies of the Congressional Globe, and twelve copies of the Appendix, for each member of the House of Represen

tatives, under the resolution of the first of March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, eight thousand two hundred and eighty dollars;

To enable the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay for five hundred and thirty-six copies of the seventh volume of the Documentary History of the American revolution, being the first volume of the fifth series of that work, eight thousand seven hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty-two cents;


For the re-appropriation of this sum, (carried to the surplus Widow of Jas. fund,) for payment to the widow of James McDonald, deceased, said McDonald's share of the sum granted by Congress for distribution as prize money among the captors of the British brig Detroit, during the last war with Great Britain, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents;

house at Norfolk,

For the purchase of a site for a new custom-house at Nor- Site for customfolk, Virginia, twelve thousand dollars: Provided, The Presi- Virginia. dent of the United States shall deem it proper to make the purchase;

For the erection of a custom-house at Eastport, in the State of Maine, in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated for that object, thirteen thousand dollars;



Custom-house New Orleans.

Deficiency in appropriation for

bers of Congress.

For continuing the construction of the custom-house in the city of New Orleans, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; To supply a deficiency in the appropriation in the act entitled "An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fis- books for memcal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, under a resolution of the House of the seventh of August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, directing the clerk to furnish the members of the House the books therein authorized, the sum of three thousand eight hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty cents;"

Publication of

For continuing the publication of the works of the exploring works of Explorexpedition, including the salary of the horticulturist, and addi- ing Expedition. tion to the green-house, fifteen thousand dollars;

For completing the geological survey, and exploration of the mineral lands in Michigan, Wisconsin, and lowa, in addition to the amount heretofore appropriated for that service, sixteen thousand dollars;


To pay A. J. Glossbrenner for work done in re-arranging A. J. Glossbrenand classifying the volumes in the copy-right room in the Department of State, in eighteen hundred and fort-yeight, two hundred and fifty dollars;

house at Norfolk,


For the purchase of a site for a new custom-house, Norfolk, Site for customVirginia, twelve thousand dollars: Provided, The President of the United States shall deem it proper to make the purchase; To enable the Secretary of War to execute the survey and Survey of Poexamination of the Potomac river, order by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the eighth August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, fifteen hundred dollars;

tomac river.

Repeal of proviso limiting

And the proviso contained in the act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the commissions of year ending the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty

certain disburs

Publication of

nine, and for other purposes, approved August twelfth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight-which proviso is in the following words: Provided, That no part of the sum bereby appropriated shall be paid to any person who receives a salary as an officer of the customs: and from and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, the said disbursements shall be made by the collectors of the customs without compensation is hereby repealed;

For continuing the publication of the works of the exploring ing expedition. expedition, including the salary of the horticulturist, and addition to the green-house, fifteen thousand dollars;

Messenger of

P. O. Dept.

Expenses under resolution for

For additional compensation to the messenger of the Post Of fice Department, so as to place them on the same footing as the messenger of the other Departments, the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars;

For the expenses incurred under the joint resolution of Auarbitration or gust eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-eight-"A resolution Cherokee claims. authorizing the submission of certain claims to arbitration”-twenty-five hundred dollars, the same to be disbursed under the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury;

Expenses un

lief of bona fide

For the expenses that may be incurred in the further execuder the act for re- tion of the act of first of July, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, settlers under the for the relief of the bona-fide settlers under the acts for the cupation of Fla. armed occupation of Florida, the provisions of said act being continued and extended till the first day of October, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, one thousand five hundred dollars;

act for armed oc

Robert Beale.




weys in Michigan

Deficiencies in appropriation for

To Robert Beale, for his services and expenses incurred in a journey to Virginia to notify President Tyler of his accession to the Presidency, three hundred dollars;

For the correction of erroneous and defective surveys in southern Michigan, at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mile, ten thousand dollars;

To supply a deficiency in the appropriation in the act entitled books for mem "And act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for bers of Congress. the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-nine," approved the twenty-sixth of January, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, under a resolution of the House of the seventh of August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, directing the clerk to furnish to members of the House the books therein authorized, the sum of three thousand eight hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty cents;

Redemption of treasury scrip is

For the redemption of the treasury scrip heretofore issued for sued under the the satisfaction of the bounties promised to the non-commissioned act to raise for a officers, musicians, and privates, by the ninth section of the act additional milita. of the eleventh of February, eighteen hundred and forty-seven,

limited time an

ry force, &c.

to raise for a limited time an additional military force, and for other purposes, and for the satisfaction in money of such bounties due under said section of said act as those to whom they are due may elect to receive in money instead of land, three hundred thousand dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed, immediately after the passage of this act, to give notice, by publication for sixty days, in at least one of the

principal papers in Washington city, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, and in such other papers as he may deem expedient, that the principal and interest of such scrip as has been or may be issued prior to the first of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-nine, will be paid on that day on presentation at the treasury of the United States, and that the interest on such scrip will cease on that day. And the said Secretary is further directed not to issue scrip for said bounty after that day, but to pay the same in money out of this appropriation in all cases when the person entitled to the bounty in land shall elect to receive money in lieu thereof;



For completing the room under the post office of the Senate, and the staircases and passages communicating therewith, and rooms in the Cathe circular room on the upper floor of the Capitol, four thousand dollars.


For supplying light-houses, containing two thousand eight hundred and forty-three lamps, with oil, tube-glasses, wicks, buff skins, whiting, and cotton cloth, transportation, and other expenses thereon, and for repairing and keeping in repair the lighting apparatus, one hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and three dollars and sixty cents;

Light house establishment.


For repairs and incidental expenses, refitting and improve- Repairs. ments of light-houses and buildings connected therewith, eightyone thousand seven hundred and fourteen dollars and four


[ocr errors]

Washington city


For clearing out and deepening that portion of the Wash Clearing out ington city canal which passes through and along the public canal. grounds, twenty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, The corporation of Washington shall expend a like sum in cleaning out and deepening the other portions of said canal: And provided, also, That all transportations on said canal for the use of the Government of the United States shall be free of toll;

Sewer under

For sewer under Fifteenth street, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars, to be expended under the direction of the 15th street. Topographical Bureau;

For payment of annuities and grants by special acts of Congress, seven hundred and fifty dollars;

Payment of annuities & grants.

dall and Wm. C


For payment, by the Secretary of State, to William C. Red- Wm. C. Reddall and William C. Zantzinger, equally to be divided between them, the sum of seven hundred and seventy-one dollars and forty-three cents, which has been already appropriated for clerk hire in the State Department, but not drawn from the treasury; For the expenses incurred under the joint resolution of Au- Expenses ungust eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, entitled "A der resolution for resolution authorizing the subinission of certain claims to arbi- Cherokee claims, tration," twenty-five hundred dollars, the same to be disbursed under the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury;


For salaries of two hundred and seventy-four keepers of Salaries light-houses, and fifteen assistants, (twenty of them charged



keepers of light

houses, &c.

Floating lights.

Beacons, buoys,


Annual examination.

Superintendents' coufmissions.


&c., viz:



with double and two with triple lights,) including one thousand two hundred dollars for that of an inspector of lights on the upper lakes, one hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and ninety-eight dollars and thirty-three cents;

For salaries of thirty-three keepers of floating lights, seventeen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars;

For seamen's wages, repairs and supplies for thirty-three floating lights, eighty-four thousand three hundred and eightysix dollars and sixty-five cents;

For expenses of weighing, mooring, cleansing, and supplying losses of beacons, buoys, chains, and sinkers, twenty-nine thousand six hundred and seventy-seven dollars and forty-six cents;

For expenses incurred by superintendents in visiting lighthouses annually, and examining and reporting their condition, two thousand dollars;

For superintendents' commissions, at two and a half per cent. on the four hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty dollars and eight cents, appropriated above for lighthouse purposes, eleven thousand six hundred and seventy-three dollars and twenty-five cents. And the proviso contained in the act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year ending the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and for other purposes, approved August twelfth, eighteen hundred and fortyeight, which proviso is in the following words: "Provided, That no part of the sum hereby appropriated shall be paid to any person who receives a salary as an officer of the customs; and from and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, the said said disbursements shall be made by the collectors of the customs without compensation," is hereby repealed.

For completing the light-house on Brandywine shoal, DelaBrandywine ware bay, twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and two dollars and sixty-one cents;

Carysfort reef,


Ebenezer War


Minot's rock,

For completing the light-house on Carysfort reef, coast of Florida, thirty-one thousand five hundred and ninety dollars and seventy-six cents;

To pay the balance due to Ebenezer Warner, for constructing the light-house at White Fish point, on lake Superior, three thousand two hundred and ninety-eight dollars;

For illuminating apparatus for the light-house at Minot's Boston harbor. rock, Boston harbor, Massachusetts, four thousand five hundred dollars;



For the reimbursement of the New York, Providence, and Eel Grass shoals. Boston Railroad Company, and the New Jersey Steam Navigation Company, for their expenses in maintaining a light-boat on Eel Grass shoals, in Fisher's island sound, from the month of November, in the year eigteen hundred and thirty-seven, to the present time, ten thousand four hundred and seven dollars.

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