
Linnæa borealis.

Two-flowered Linnæa.

Didynamia Angiospermia.

Flowers in pairs. Stems thread-shaped, from three to six feet long, trailing. Leaves opposite, roundish-eggshaped, with two or three serratures on each side, ending in leaf-stalks. Branches alternate, undivided, upright, an inch long, bearing six or eight leaves. Fruit-stalks terminating the older branches, solitary, a finger's length, upright. Blossom white on the outside, flesh-coloured within. In the night emitting a fragrant odour like the Spirea. Berry dry, three-celled. Seeds solitary, or in pairs.Withering.

LINNEUS had distinguished many of his friends by affixing their names to various plants. The Celsia was so called in honour of Celsius, one of his earliest patrons. The Kalmia, now so well known in our gardens, commemorated his friendship for professor Kalm, his pupil and fellow-labourer. For himself he selected the Linnea Borealis, which he describes as "a little northern plant, flowering early, depressed, abject, and long overlooked;" and then he traces a resemblance between this plant and his own early lot. Like the little flower, un

folding in a remote northern region, without fortune, or any of the usual means of advancement, he was long unknown and overlooked. The world thought not of him; while, indigent and obscure, he pursued in secret his scientific researches. Few, indeed, knew and valued the solitary wanderer, who, with little beside his magnifying glass and his basket for specimens, was exploring the recesses of nature, and tracking her footsteps to her inmost retreats. But mountain and glen, forest and moor, alike yielded up their treasures to the ardent enquirer; and enriched by these sylvan spoils, he came forth and excited the astonishment and delight of kindred minds in every region. And now his resemblance to the little northern flower passes rapidly away. Men of science, in every civilized country, press eagerly forward to avail themselves of the discoveries of Linnæus, and to share in his pursuits. Many of his pupils took long voyages, in search of plants and other productions of foreign countries for his use, esteeming themselves well repaid if he named them in his writings. The clouds which had gathered round him in his youth were dissipated, and, for the last forty years of his life, he saw himself surrounded by the honours and advantages his country and his prince had bestowed upon him. When he died, a crowned

head (Gustavus the Third) pronounced his solemn eulogy; a magnificent monument was erected to his memory in the gardens of the university of Upsal; and medals were struck by his countrymen, to commemorate the genius of the three kingdoms of nature. The little flower, raised to eminence by his name, became a part of his crest: the helmet which surmounts the arms of his family being adorned with a spray of Linnæa.

One of those pupils

who visited distant countries to add to the collections of Linnæus, sent from China a service of porcelain, manufactured purposely for him, having a representation of this plant as its only decoration. The Cardinal de Noailles erected a cenotaph in his garden to the memory of the naturalist, and planted the Linnæa by its side as its most appropriate ornament.

Papaver Rhæas. Red Poppy. Corn-Rose. Polyandria Monogynia.

Capsules smooth, urn-shaped. Stem hairy, many flowered. Leaves wing-cleft, jagged.

Stem cylindrical, branched, hairs expanding. Leaves hairy. Leafits strap-shaped, indented, serrated. Capsule not

globular but urn-shaped, and nearly as broad as it is long. Summit with ten or twelve rays. Blossom bright, full scarlet. Withering.



HE who ne'er by fountain lone

Hath listen'd to some thrilling tone,

To which the bubbling stream gave birth,
Far sweeter than the sounds of earth,
And deem'd the Naiad of the spring
Had touch'd her harp's ethereal string,
Or, with one softly-utter'd word,
The clear and crystal waters stirr'd:
Oh! he who ne'er had dreams like these

Will scorn my simple fantasies;
And let him turn his ear away,
"Tis not for such I pour the lay.
I sing for him whose rovings wild
Such mystic strain hath oft beguil❜d.
Enthusiast wanderer! thou canst tell
The force of Fancy's magic spell,
When in the poet's loved retreat
She sheds abroad her influence sweet,

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