OF NORTH AMERICA AND CAPS Bogus and Imitation Labels United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers OF NORTH AMERICA Loose labels in the hands of storekeepers are :: :: Main Office, 62 East Fourth Street, New York City USE LIQUID GRANITE FOR FLOORS Send for Our Free Book-CHOOSING :: YOUR :: VARNISH :: MAKER On Made-to-Measure Clothing, Ready-Made To All Affiliated Organizations Of the A. F. of L.-Don't forget us and we will All Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Overalls, REGISTERED 117 Bible House United Garment Workers of America New York Stanley Tools Among the many kinds of tools we manufacture are "HURWOOD" SCREW DRIVERS, shown herewith. They are mechanically the best driver ever offered and will stand more hard usage than any other driver made. Blade, shank and head are formed of one piece of steel. The blades are finely tempered. A rivet through the ferrule, handle and shank, as well as the form of the head, which is made with two projecting wings, securely fastens the handle. The name Stanley is stamped on every driver and carries with it a guarantee of the strongest kind as to workmanship and material. Ostranders "BITULITHIC" THE BEST PAVEMENT ON EARTH Southern Bitulithic Company Fine Cotton, in black Ostrander Hosiery Mills LITTLE FALLS, N. Y. The J. & M. Haffen Brewing Co. Telephone "71 MELROSE" 386-398 East 152d Street Corner Melrose Avenue NEW YORK NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE SUBSCRIBE TO THE AMERICAN FEDERATIONIST $1.00 A YEAR TRADE MAR 127th to 129th St. and Amsterdam Ave., New York City, N. Y. ASK YOUR JEWELER FOR BIGNEY'S High Grade, Gold Filled, MIRROR FINISH CHAINS THEY ARE RELIABLE S. O. BIGNEY New York Office: 3 MAIDEN LANE Attleboro, Mass. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, INC., ADAMS PEPSIN TUTTI-FRUTTI AIDS DIGESTION DO NOT REPLACE YOUR WORN CARPET WITH A NEW ONE The new one will harbor dust and germs and will wear out just the same as the old one did. Our Parquetry, or Hardwood Floors, are beautiful, clean, sanitary, and will last as long as your house. Our new design book consists of photographs direct from the flooring. These are printed in the natural wood colors. Send for one. WOOD-MOSAIC FLOORING & LUMBER CO. Rochester, N. Y.; New Albany, Ind. BROMO- HEADACHES 104, 25, 50, & $100 Bottles. Subscribe to the American Federationist, $1 a Year Packards MOTOR CARS "ASK THE MAN ALONZO E. DEITZ Manufacturer of PATENTED Locks and Latches Tubular Rim Night Latches, Mortise Night Factory: No. 732 75 Clymer St., BROOKLYN, N. Y. JNO. SEHRT, President ROBT. W. ALT, Secretary ALT BOX MFG. CO. 162-174 Carroll Street ST. LOUIS, MO. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY DETROIT, MICHIGAN BOXES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS |