Phone 2381-2382 Harrison Local 83-A Harrison Oriental Stucco and Wall Plaster Color guaranteed not to fade or streak Add nothing but water. Monument Plaster Co. Foot Essex Street, HARRISON, N. J. 27. Fee, m o, 15c; newspapers and magazines, $3.85; freight and expressage, $7.90; matches, 30c; hauling and drayage, $5.90; nails, 80c; phone, 10c; rubber fingers for neostyle machine, 30c; laundry of copying cloths, 40c; disinfectant, 40c; postage due, 80c; car tickets, $9.50; J E Giles Hauling AM FED, Thos Jones. Organizing expenses, Cornelius Ford. Salary, week ending jan 27, '12, J W Sulli van 69 60 RECAPITULATION. 244 00 Balance on hand December 31, 1911.. Receipts for month of January, 1912. .$174.185 8T 12,482 81 Total..... .$186,668 68 40 00 Expenses for month of January, 1912.. 20,900 10 Balance on hand January 30, 1912. .$165,768 58 225 In defense fund for local trade and federal labor unions.. Total.. 29. Expenses for jan, '12, Saml Gompers. Strike benefits to federal labor 9998 for thir- Strike benefits to machinists helpers 12561 Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for Organizing expenses: H L Eichelberger, $43.55; JD Pierce, $55.98; Wm Bork, $53.30 Janitor service, A A Riemer Organizing expenses: W E Terry, $51; Ja Subscribe to the American Federationist, $1 a Year LION BRAND CLEAN TRADE MARK PURE CONDENSED MILK Brand if it is not the best they can get at any price. Also if the premiums they get for Lion labels are not really worth while. Your grocer now has Lion Brand Evaporated Milk in stock, and please remember that there is no better Evaporated Milk made in this country or anywhere else. We have recently opened several new premium stores. The stock of premiums is larger and finer than ever. WISCONSIN CONDENSED MILK CO. 91 HUDSON STREET NEW YORK REVERSE SIOC Habirshaw Wire Company NEW CODE Habirshaw Rubber Covered FOR ALL SERVICES General Offices 253 Broadway, NEW YORK DED STAR MADE AFTER THE "VIENNA PROCESS FAMOUS BECAUSE THE BEST RED STAR COMPRESSED YEAST CO. Milwaukee, Wis. Funeral Economy You are invited to inspect our newly installed and centrally located Show Rooms. Greek architecture. Modern equipment. An efficient and perfected service. The result of 60 years of experience. Special attention given to rigid economy in the simpler forms of service. Complete funerals at prices which meet your approval no matter what the condition. Complete automobile equipment. Motor hearses and coaches. Special motor ambulance service for invalids. We hold ourselves subject to call from any locality reached by the lines of the suburban service of the New York Telephone Company. Telephone orders receive immediate attention. W. J. HART, Funeral Director Main Office: Madison Avenue and 52d Street One Block above St. Patrick's Cathedral TELEPHONE PLAZA 148 Five Cents Worth of Bread Contains More Nourishment Than Five Cents This is a fact according to official sta- Of course, this applies only to good bread-bread that's made right. The one essential process in bread-making, the one characteristic thing about bread, is the fermentation of the dough. Rapid, vigorous fermentation produces the best bread-and Fleischmann's Yeast Produces Rapid, Vigorous Whether you make your bread or buy Good Rubbers If you want Rubber Boots and Shoes of High Quality and Established Reputation, ask your Dealer for any of these Brands: AMERICAN MEYER BOSTON RUBBER SHOE WALES-GOODYEAR CANDEE These are all Famous Old Brands. Most of them have been on the market over fifty years, and every pair is stamped with its name. They are sold by the United States Rubber Co. And by 100,000 Shoe Dealers all over the United States. The Central Station Idea The purchasing of power in large or small units from great, centrally operated generating stations, with numerous sub-stations interconnected -as opposed to a single private plant-is growing very fast in this country, which is a good thing for any progressive community, because the Central Station Idea is the last word in economical and efficient power supply. If your power plant is located in Philadelphia, we will make all preliminary tests and estimates free of charge. Central Station Service will save you money! The Philadelphia Electric Co. Tenth and Chesnut Streets |