The GREAT FIRES of the past year, causing "KOMPOLITE" are of special importance in Funeral Economy You are invited to inspect our newly installed and centrally located Show Rooms. Greek architecture. Modern equipment. An efficient and perfected service. The result of 60 years of experience. Special attention given to rigid economy in the simpler forms of service. Complete funerals at prices which meet your approval no matter what the condition. Complete automobile equipment. Motor hearses and coaches. Special motor ambulance service for invalids. We hold ourselves subject to call from any locality reached by the lines of the suburban service of the New York Telephone Company. Telephone orders receive immediate attention. JOHN F. ALLEN CO. (Established 1872) MANUFACTURERS OF Portable Pneumatic Riveting Machines Compression Riveters 370-372 Gerard Avenue NEW YORK Packards MOTOR CARS "ASK PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY DETROIT, MICHIGAN W. J. HART, Funeral Director Main Office: Madison Avenue and 52d Street One Block above St. Patrick's Cathedral TELEPHONE PLAZA 148 The Increased Cost of Living Has Had No Effect On LIFE INSURANCE It is one of the few items in the family budget that THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Founded by John F. Dryden, Pioneer of Industrial Insurance in America Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey. HOME OFFICE, NEWARK, N. J. Forrest F. Dryden, President. PRENTISS PATENT VISES JONES & HARDY Textile Mill Specialties AND Manufacturers' Supplies HUDSON, NEW YORK This is the Label of the Journeymen Tailors' Union of America CUSTOM MEN TAILOR ORGA 6136001 TAILORS UNION OF NIZED REGIS UNION AMERIC TEREO LABEL When you pur chase Custom Made Clothing insist on having this Label attached to each garment. E. J. BRAIS, General Secretary The ideal whiskey for medicinal purposes and general use It is made entirely from malted grain, free from injurious substances, pure and palatable. It has enjoyed more than half a century of well doing and has gathered hosts of friends in this time. Sold only in sealed bottles, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey reaches the consumer in its original purity and strength. The weak, the ill, and the aged will be benefited by its use. Druggists and Dealers, $1.00 per bottle The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. PULLS THE Get the Double Claw Hammer NAIL OUT PATENTED The Price, $1.50 Is justified because of its superior service and DOUBLE CLAW HAMMER CO. 453 Broadway F. EMKEN, President A. GAUCH, Sec. and Treas. New York Malt Roasting Co. Emken Chemical Co., Proprietors of Malt, Corn, etc., ROASTERS for the Brewing Trade. Sole Manufacturers of Malt Coloring (Pure Extract of Roasted Malt). Manufacturers of Sugar Coloring, Bisulph of Lime, etc. Manufacturers of AROMATIC DEXTRIN MALT Office 175 South Street, Cor. Roosevelt, New York JUDICIAL GUARANTE FIDELITY TITLE GUAR WE ISSUE SURETY SURETY CONTRACT BONDS COMPANY OFFICIAL USE ONLY ONE HAND FOR HIGH NAILING THE TITLE GUARANTY & SURETY COMPANY Capital Stock $1,000,000 PA. HOME OFFICE: AGENCIES IN ALL LARGE CITIES AND TOWNS Real Material for Real Painters EAL PAINTERS require real Rmaterials to do real work. Otherwise their reputations for doing first-class work will suffer and no painter can live down samples of inferior workmanship. Pure white lead and pure linseed oil are the real materials for real painters for white leaders. Dutch Boy Painter white lead is not only pure but it is of known purity-property-owners know it is pure and they know that the painter who uses it is a real painter. PACKINGS THE GARLOCK PACKING COMPANY Here is the firm that Moving Down to date in improve- Bilger Truck Co.,Souderton, Pa. American Ink Co. 12 DUANE STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. WM. T. DAVIS, President A. B. EYNON, Cashier WM. R. WILLIAMS, Vice-President T. G. EVANS, Asst. Cashier West Side Bank No. 109 North Main Avenue Scranton, Pa. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Directors: Willard Matthews W. Gaylord Thomas W. T. Davis John J. Durkin Wm. C. Price |