OF NORTH AMERICA AND CAPS Bogus and Imitation Labels United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers OF NORTH AMERICA Loose labels in the hands of storekeepers are :: :: Main Office, 62 East Fourth Street, New York City Send for Our Free Book-CHOOSING :: YOUR :: VARNISH :: MAKER To All Affiliated Organizations of the A. F. of L.-Don't Forget Us Look For This Label REGISTERED On All Ready-to-Wear Dress or Working Clothing, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts and Aprons 117 Bible House United Garment Workers of America New York The J. M. Haffen Brewing Co. Telephone "71 MELROSE" 386-398 East 152d Street NEW Corner Melrose Avenue YORK Homestead Valves What are they? PLOW OFF They are such an article as no USER of VALVES can afford to ignore, since they are made superior to others in the KIND of metal, the QUANTITY of metal, the SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP, and last, but not least, the PATENT AUTOMATIC LOCKING DEVICE which they contain, making them sought the world over for the hard work in which others fail. We make them STRAIGHTWAY, THREE-WAY AND FOUR-WAY. A BOOKLET FOR THE ASKING Homestead Valve Mfg. Co. PITTSBURG, PA. Brass Founders: Works at Homestead Stanley Tools STANLEY "BED ROCK" PLANES as now constructed are the strongest and most perfect in adjustment of any Plane ever manufactured. The design of the sides, which is a new and distinctive feature, adds greatly to the strength and attractiveness of the Plane, as will readily be seen from the illustration. The new method of fastening the frog to the seat permits of the frog being adjusted either forward or backward without moving the lever or the cutter. The shape of the knob has been changed, the new shape permitting à much firmer and easier grip than before. Send for special "BED ROCK" circular. It will interest you. STANDARD THE WORLD OVER Stanley Bule & Level Co. NEW BRITAIN, CONN.US.A EVERY TOOL Puts an End to Tire NO MORE WORRYING AND FUSSING more repair bills. You can easily NEVERLEAK TIRE FLUID It makes tires practically punc ture proof; prevents them from getting porous and stops all leaks. It is a preservative of the rubber and fabric and makes tires wear twice as long. It is easy to use and inexpensive. You inject it through the valve-tubes and one injection will last fully as long as the tires. Treat your tires now and prevent trouble. Don't Wait For It. Used by Tire Repairers If you can't find it, send us the name Buffalo Specialty Company Buffalo, N. Y. TRADE MAD 127th to 129th St. and Amsterdam Ave., New York City, N.Y. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, INC., CHR. HEURICH BREWING CO. Senate Lager Maerzen BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY Lager Beer, case of 24 bottles - $1.50 Maerzen Beer, case of 24 bottles - $1.75 Telephone West 1600 for a Case 50 Cents WASHINGTON, D. C. BEEMAN'S The Original PEPSIN GUM Good For Digestion DO NOT REPLACE YOUR WORN CARPET WITHA NEW ONE The new one will harbor dust and germs and will wear out just the same as the old one did. Our Parquetry, or Hardwood Floors, are beautiful, clean, sanitary, and will last as long as your house. Our new design book consists of photographs direct from the flooring. These are printed in the natural wood colors. Send for one. WOOD-MOSAIC FLOORING & LUMBER CO. Rochester, N. Y.; New Albany, Ind. FINE HARDWOOD FLOORING, Parquet Flooring Strips, Squares 213-215 East 44th Street · NEW YORK CITY AMERICAN SILK LABEL MFG. CO. SILK AND COTTON LABELS FOR Geo. Hey, President Mills, 3608-20 Park Ave. NEW YORK RED STAR COMPRESSEDYEAST MADE AFTER THE VIENNA PROCESS FAMOUS BECAUSE THE BEST WORKERS Subscribe for the American Federationist And Secure Other Subscribers IT IS YOUR MAGAZINE It defends your interests and advocates your cause against that of any other body on earth. Published monthly at 801-809 G St. N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. $1.00 Per Year 10 Cents per Copy RED STAR COMPRESSED YEAST CO. Milwaukee, Wis. |