Single copy, Executive Council, A. F. of L. JAMES DUNCAN, First Vice-President. ALUTO PRINTING TRADES UNION COUNCIL 1 BATHINGTON FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The following is a statement of the receipts and expenses for the month of March, 1912. (The months are abbreviated thus: j. f. m, a, m, etc.) Balance on hand February 29, 1912. 1. Button workers prot 12854, return of strike benefits Correspondents will please write on one side of the paper only, and address SAMUEL GOMPERS, Editor, Washington, D. C. All communications relating to finances and subscriptions should be addressed to FRANK MORRISON, Secretary, Washington, D. C. The publisher reserves the right to reject or revoke advertising contracts at any time. The editor will not be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts. The American Federation of Labor is not sponsor for, nor interested in, any souvenir publication of any kind. Entered at Washington, D. C., post-office as secondclass matter. SUBSCRIPTION: Per Annum, $1.00. 10 Cents. Street sweepers 18114, tax, d, '11, j, f. 12, $1.05; d f, $1.05.. Cigar factory tobacco strippers 8156, tax, n, d, 'll, j, f, '12, $88.50; d f, $88.50. Stenographers, typists, and bookkeepers assn 14188, tax, jan, 12, 70c; d f, 70c... Intl stereotypers and electrotypers union of N A, tax, jan, '12.. Federal labor 8367, tax, jan, '12, $3; df, $3. sup, $2.. Oil workers and refiners 13124, sup. Machinists helpers 13107, tax, feb, '12, $7.50: df, $7.50; sup, $3.25... Pearl button workers 14077, sup. Federal labor 8584, sup. 5.00 Neckwear cutters 14095, tax, d, '11, j, f, '12, $2.25; d f, $2.25. 4.50 Machinists helpers 13117, tax, feb, '12, $3.75; d f. $3.75. 750 Pipe layers 12917, tax, dec, '11, $1.05; d f. $1.05... 210 18 25 125 50 200 48 45 5.00 10 00 5 00 5.00 Railroad helpers and laborers 13221, sup. Federation of men teachers 14221, sup. 1 00 10 00 Federal labor 14222, sup.. 10 00 Metropolitan park dept laborers 14223, sup Central labor union, Findlay, Ohio, sup... Federal labor 14224, sup.. 7 50 5 00 10 00 Journeymen stonecutters assn of N A, tax, feb, '12. 40 20 2. Cigarmakers intl union of A, tax, dec, 'll Retail clerks intl prot assn, tax, jan, '12.. Intl bro teamsters, chauffeurs, stablemen, and helpers of A, tax, j, f, '12, $518.96; sup, $19.. 210 70 100 00 537 96 Intl assn of steam and hot water fitters and helpers of A, tax, feb. '12.. Intl brick, tile, and terra cotta workers alliance, tax, feb, '12... 42 00 16.03 Intl of elevator constructors, tax, feb, '12 Trades and labor assem, Crookston, Minn. tax, mar, '11, to and incl feb, '12. Trades and labor assem, Jacksonville, Ill, tax, n, d, '11, j, '12.. 15.00 10.00 250 ..$158,872 01 Trades and labor assem, Alamasa, Cal, tax, aug, '11, to and incl jan, '12. 5.00 4.00 Federal labor 12552, tax, jan, '12. $2.25; df, Trades and labor assem, Montrose, Colo, tax. oct, '11, to and incl mar, '12. Trades and labor assem, Carlinville, Ill, Hookers prot 12867, tax, n. d. '11. j. 12. $1.50; d f, $1.50 3.00 Boilermakers and helpers 13148, tax, feb, 12, 35c; df, 35c 70 Federal labor 8533, tax, jan, 12, $3.40; d f, $3.40. 680 5.00 Kanawha Valley central labor union. Charleston, W Va, tax, nov, '11, to and incl apr, 12. Federal labor 12978, tax, jan, 12, $3; d f. $3 Federal labor 11617, tax, jan, 12, $2.20; df, $2.20 6.00 4.40 5.00 Jefferson co trades and labor assem, Steu Federation of labor, Detroit, Mich, tax, nov, 11, to and incl apr. 12. 500 Federal labor 18062, tax, d, 'll, j. f. 12, $3.55; df. $3.55. benville and vicinity, Ohio, tax, nov, 11. to and incl apr, 12. 5.00 Columbus federation of labor, Columbus, Ohio, tax, n, d. 11, j, 12.. 2.50 7.10 Labor council, Galveston, Tex, tax, nov, 11, to and incl dec, 12.. Federal labor 12367, tax, feb, 12. 50 c; df, 50c Federal labor 13125. tax, mar, 12, 85c; d f, ... 1.00 170 Lake county. Ind, central trades and labor council, tax, nov, 11, to and incl apr, 12. 11 67 5.00 Federal labor 13094, tax, d, '11, j, 12, 70e; d f, 70c 1 40 Suspender workers 12282, tax, d, 11, j. '12. 70c; d f, 70c.. 140 Egg inspectors 14098, tax, feb, 12, 85c; d f, 85e. 77 70 Tobacco strippers 10422, sup 25 Machinists helpers 13102, tax, j, f. 12. $3.40; d f. $3.40; sup, 80c 760 Bridge tenders mutual benefit assn 14131, tax, f, m, '12, $10; d f, $10. 20.00 Pipe caulkers and repairers prot 11465, tax, feb. 12, $5; d f, $5.. 10.00 Travelers goods and leather novelty work ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum, No Lime Phosphate $1 10 8.00 360 200 200 7 56 200 1140 270 00 5678 33.85 5.00 650 2.30 9.04 16 00 1 20 9756 250 10 ( 9:30 3.90 6.40 8.00 Grain workers assn 11407, tax, feb, '12, $1.50; d f. $1.50. House movers 14127, tax, jan, '12, $1; df, $1 Machinists helpers 13147, tax, f, m, '12, $1; d f, $1.. Machinists helpers and laborers 14122, tax, Marble, mosaic, and terraza workers 10263, Chicago technical league 14208, tax, feb, '12, The granite cutters intl assn of A, tax, j, f, m, 12.. Sewer laborers 14078, tax, jan, '12, $3; df, $3; sup. $3.04... Suspendermakers 9560, sup.. Jas Maloney, Indianapolis, Ind, sup. 5. Central trades and labor assem, Elmira, Trades assem, Ft Worth, Tex, tax, nov, 'll, to and incl oct, '12.. Hair spinners 12347, tax, feb, 12, $3.05; d f, $3.05 Machinists helpers 11830, tax, feb, '12, $4; d f, $4. Soap, soda, and candle workers 10385, tax. j, f, m, '12, $4.50; d f, $4.50. Watch case makers 12786, tax, j, f, m. '12. $1.80; d f, $1.80 Switchmens union of N A, tax, feb, '12. Wood, wire, and metal lathers intl union. tax, mar, '12 Egg inspectors 12090, tax, feb, '12, $2.25; df. $2.25; sup, 50c.. Newspaper carriers prot 12831, tax, feb, '12, $3; df, $3; sup, 50c. Machinists helpers 13077, tax, jan, '12, 90c; d f, 90c; sup, 50c.. Federal labor 13033, tax, d, '11, j, f, '12. $4.65; d f, $4.65... Federal labor 11345, tax, feb, '12, $1.95; df. $1.95 Federal labor 9626, tax, feb, '12, $3.20; d f. $3.20.. Federal labor 13128, tax, j, f, '12. $1.50; d f. Federal labor 12058, tax, feb, 12, 65c: df, 65c Machinists helpers 14118, tax, feb, '12, $2: United laborers 14143, tax, feb, '12, $1; df, $1 Telephone operators 14052, tax, mar, 12. $1.40; d f. $1.40.. Stone planermens 13093, tax, feb, '12, $2.25; d f, $2.25. Machinists helpers and laborers 14050, tax. feb, '12. $1.50; df, $1.50. Gas workers 12740, tax, feb, '12, $3; d f, $3. Flour and cereal mill employes 14030, tax, feb, 12, 35c; df, 35c. Tobacco strippers 12690, tax, jan, '12. $1; df, $1 Trades and labor assem, Beckmeyer, Ill. sup.... Womens domestics 12767. tax, mar, '12, $1.15; d f, $1.15. Federal labor 12274, tax, j, f, acct m, 12. $2.50; d f, $2.50. 6. Elevator starters and conductors 14225, sup Central labor union, Michigan City, Ind, tax, dec, '11, to and incl may, '12... Central trades and labor council, Rochester, N Y, tax, nov, '11, to and incl apr. 12. Trades council, Alexandria, Va, tax, n, d, '11, j. '12.. Federation of trades, Atlanta, Ga, tax, nov, 'll, to and incl oct, '12.. Trades and labor council, Kenosha, Wis. tax, oct, '10. to and incl june, '11.. Federal labor 8152, tax, j, f, m, '12, $3.15; df. $3.15 1.90 Sawmill workers prot 14196, tax, feb, 12. $10: d f, $10 2007 Railroad helpers and laborers 18172, tax, Horse nail makers 7073, tax, j, f, '12, $5.50; $2.20 300 2.80 10.00 9.30 4.50 3 10 20 00 162 60 .2.50 50 350 12.50 9.00 100 197 9.60 15 375 3 10 500 25 150 235 50 10 00 7. Flour and cereal mill employes 14057, tax, mar, '12, $1.10; d f. $1.10. Railroad helpers and laborers 12535, tax, feb, '12, $1.50; d f, $1,50.. Printers roller makers 10638, tax, f, m, '12, Firemens assn 12270, tax, feb, '12, $5: df, $5 Flour, grain and cereal workers 13209, tax, Intl union pavers, rammermen, flag lay- Federal labor 7591, tax, n, d, '11, j, f, m, 8. Railway postal clerks prot assn 18141, tax, Trades and labor assem, Waycross, Ga, tax, Trades council, Austin, Tex, tax, nov. '11. to and incl apr. '12... Montana state federation of labor, tax, nov, '11, to and incl apr, 12 Silver Bow trades and labor assem, Butte, Federal labor 14179, tax, feb, 12, 50c; d f, 50c. Mechanics helpers 12864, tax, feb, '12. $1.30; d f. $1.30.. Watchmens 13130, tax, mar, 12, $2.20; d f, $2.20. Roll workers 14147, tax, j, f, '12, $2.50; d f. $2.50. Flour and cereal mill employes 13227, tax, mar. 12, 40c; d f, 40c... Machinists helpers 13194, tax, feb, '12, 40c; d f, 40c. Railway machinists 13192, tax, feb, 12, $2.50; d f, $2.50. United laborers 13162, tax, j, f, '12, $2.50; d f. $2.50. Grain and mason supply handlers 7445, tax, j. f. m, 12. $3.75; d f, $8.75.. Public school teachers assn 10303, tax, j. f. m. 12, $2.25; d f. $2.25.. Bro painters, decorators, and paperhangers of A, tax, feb, '12.. Intl bro of pulp, sulphite, and paper mill workers of US and Can, tax, dec, '11. Intl bro of pulp, sulphite, and paper mill workers of US and Can, tax, jan, '12.... 9. United labor congress, Mahoning co, Ohio tax, nov, '11, to and incl apr, '12. Central labor union, Norwalk, Ohio, tax, nov, '11, to and incl apr, '12.. Central trades and labor assem, Oklahoma Trades and labor council. Oshkosh, Wis, 80.00 Trades and labor assem, Muscatine, Iowa, tax, j. f, m, '12.. 250 PATENTS GUARANTEED. FATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED. Send model or sketch for free report as t Patentability. Send for finest publications ever issued fo free distribution "HCV TO OBTAIN A PATENT," wit 100 MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS illustrated and described, and "WHAT TO INVENT containing valuable LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED free r WORLD'S PROGRESS Copy free. NE MILLION DOLLARS offered for one invention. $16,000 for other. Patents nave - 9. Federal labor 12614, tax, j, f, m, '12, $1.20; d f. $1.20..... 11. Bootblacks prot 10175, tax, jan. 12, $4.75; Laborers prot 12982, tax, jan, '12, $4; df. $1 Janitors prot 10367, tax, j. f, 12, $5; d f. $5 United neckwear cutters 6939, tax, feb, '12. 2.80 Cloth examiners and spongers 11680, tax, j, f. m. 12, $45; d f. $45. Machinists helpers and laborers 12952, tax. 21.00 5.80 90.00 Amal wood workers intl union of A, tax, j, f. 12. 37 33 American federation of musicians, tax, Carriage and wagon workers intl union of 36.00 United bro of carpenters and joiners of A, tax, acet jan, '12. 941 00 Intl assn of steam and hot water fitters Florists and nursery employes 14134, tax, 42.00 6.00 Federal labor 8288, sup 50 WE Sampson, Springfield, Ill, sup 25 19.25 Federal labor 12018, tax, feb, '12. $1.25; df, $1.25; sup, $1 3.50 Trades council, Ellensburg, Wash, sup. 10 00 1.00 Lead, paint, varnish makers and mixers Vacuum bottle and apparatus glass blow- 12. Central labor union, Grand Island, Nebr, 10.90 11. Federal labor 14226, sup. 10.00 Federal labor 14227, sup. 10.00 Fur dressers 13185, tax, bal a, bal m, bal j. bal j, bal a, bal s, bal o, bal n, acct d, 'll, $37.15; d f, $37.15 74.30 Central labor union, Hardwick, Vt, tax, n, d, 11. j. 12. Central labor council, Jamestown, NY, tax, nov, '11, to and incl oct. 12 United trades and labor assem, Oswego, Central labor union, Bangor, Pa, tax, nov, Central labor union. Fremont, Nebr, tax, sept, '09, to and incl may, '10. 750 Flour and cereal mill employes 13224, tax, 21v Federal labor 11045, tax, j, f, '12, $1.10; d f, $1.10. 2.20 Federal labor 13064, tax, n. d, '11, j, '12, $3; d f. $3. Laborers prot 12888, tax, j, f, '12, $1; d f, $1 $1.50 3.00 Federal labor 12050, tax, feb, acct mar, '12, $1.30; d f, $1.30. Trades council, Everett, Wash, sup 50 60 2.60 13. Axemakers 14228, sup 100 Button workers prot 14121, tax, jan, '12, 50c; d f, 50c Railroad helpers and laborers 12524, tax, j, f, m, '12. $1.80; d f. $4.80. 9.60 Laborers prot 12943. tax, jan, '12, $1.75; d f, $1.75. 8.50 Railroad machinists helpers 14116, tax, feb, feb, 12. $2.40; df, $2.40. 4.80 Egg inspectors 14159, tax, feb, '12, $2.55; d f, $2.55 510 Bridge tenders prot 13039, tax, mar, '12, $4.10; d f, $4.10.... 8.20 Tobacco strippers 13215, tax, j, f, m, '12, $7.75; d f. $7.75 1550 Stone planermens 12866, tax, mar, '12, $2; d f. $2. Bricklayers helpers 14200, tax, feb, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05.. 4.00 Ladies straw and felt hat workers 12675. tax, apr, 12, $7.50; d f, $7.50 15.00 Building employes 12695, tax, m. a, '12, $4.20 ; d f. $1.20.. City employes 8279, tax, j. f. 12, $2.50; d f, $2.50 5.00 Railroad and contract shop helpers 14157, tax, feb, 12. $1.35; d f. $1.35. Railroad machinists helpers 13030, tax, mar, '12, $4.95; d f, $4.95... 2.70 Bottlers prot 8434, tax, j, f, m. '12. $5.70; df. $39 10 5.00 5.00 10.00 250 16 30 3. 40 4.70 80 66900 5.00 1.00 13.1$5.70.... $11 40 Button workers 14214, tax, feb, '12, $2.25; d f, $2.25. 4.50 Elevator conductors and starters 13105, tax, feb, '12, $8; d f, $8. 16.00 Suspendermakers 9560, tax, mar, '12, $7.50; d f, $7.50.. 15.00 METALLIC Save Your Shoe Money-You Who Work in Mines, Quarries, and on Farms Protect your shoes where the wear comes hardest -and they'll wear twice as long. Metallic Heels are lighter than leather and will outwear the shoes. Don't go without them. Your shoe dealer sells them ready fitted on work shoes. Or your cobbler can quickly attach them. If your dealer isn't supplied, write us. Your inquiry brings booklet. UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO. 1 60 3.50 Button workers prot 14109, tax, j, f, m, '12, $1.05; d f, $1.05.. 2.10 311 06 6.00 3.80 210 18. 90 Sheet straighteners and paper cutters 14103, tax, mar, '12, $1.50; d f, $1.50.. Municipal dock builders, dept docks and ferries 13041, tax, mar, '12, 75c; d f, 75c. Locomotive hostlers and helpers 11894, tax, mar, '12, $3.50; df, $3.50.. Paper handlers 11234, tax, j, f, m, '12, $15; df. $15; sup, $4.50. Super heaters and engine pipe fitters 14129, tax, jan, '12, $2.50; d f, $2.50; sup, $1. Federal labor 14135, sup.. 13.00 Central labor union, Canton, Ohio, sup. Elevator conductors and starters 14225, sup Local 119, cement finishers and helpers, 14. Stove mounters intl union, tax, j, f, m, '12, Industrial council, Kansas City, Mo, tax, Central labor union, South Norwalk, Conn, m, a, m, '12... Federal labor 12776, tax, feb, '12, $8.15; df, Federal labor 8769, tax, feb, 12. $1.70; d f, Federal labor 12412, tax, mar, '12, $2.35; d f. Federal labor 8620, tax, mar, '12, 40c; df, 40c Railroad machinists helpers and laborers Flour and cereal mill employes 14093, tax, Flour and cereal mill employes 14211, tax, Hair spinners 12353, tax, mar, '12, $1.75; d f, NY transfer company employes prot 11824, Telephone operators 11498, tax, mar, '12, 60c; Clock and watchmakers 13158, tax, feb, '12, Stenographers, typewriters, bookkeepers. Stenographers and typewriters assn 12755, Hotel and restaurant employes intl al- Federal labor 12274, tax, bal, mar, '12, 20c; Geo H Barry, Philadelphia, Pa, sup. 15. Federal labor 12968, tax, mar, 12, $1.90; d f, Federal labor 10829, sup. Tobacco strippers 12971, tax, mar, '12, $7.50; AC McClurg & co, Chicago, Ill, sup Central labor union, Alliance, Ohio, tax, Trades and labor council, Lowell, Mass, John B. Lennon, treas, A F of L, Blooming- Federal labor 9985, tax, j, f, m, '12, $9.45; d f, Intl union of carriage, wagon, and auto- Federal labor 10185, tax, feb, '12, 80c; d f, Laborers prot 12713, tax, mar, '12, $1.25; d f. Railroad helpers and laborers 14085, tax, Laborers prot 14096, tax, feb, '12, $4.50; d f, $4.50 Wire nail workers 14138, tax, feb, '12, $2.50; Laborers prot 8249, tax, Feb, 12, $1; d f, $1 $2.50 United bro of carpenters and joiners of A, Intl jewelry workers union of A, tax, j, Elevator conductors 14185, tax, feb, '12, $1.60: df, $1.60; sup, $1.75 4.95 Federal labor 12739, tax, f, m, '12, $1.20; df, 16. Stenographers, typewriters, bookkeepers, 11.00 2.90 Flour and cereal mill employes 14229, sup 10.00 |