
28. Stone derrickmens 12878, tax, nov. '11, $4.75: d f. $4.75..

Machinists helpers and laborers 12921, tax,
bal o, bal n. 11, $1.25; d f, $1.25.
Laborers prot 18226, tax, s, o, '11, $7,50; df,

Scale workers prot 7592, tax, sept, '11, $7;
d f, $7.

Shovel workers 14104, tax, nov, '11, $4; d f, $4
Travelers goods and leather novelty work-
ers intl union, tax, o, n, d, 'll.
Pearl button workers 14077, tax, oct, '11,
$10: d f. $10..

Bricklayers 14055, tax, s, o, '11, 70c; d f, 70c
Horsehair dressers 18029, tax, s, o, '11, $1.80;
d f, $1.80....






8 00

12 51

20 00


3 60

Operative plasterers intl asso of US and

Can, tax, nov, 'll

77 05

[blocks in formation]

Machinists helpers 14116, tax, nov, '11, $2.30; d f, $2.30; sup, 75c..

5 85


12 00

15 (0




1,021 87

Railroad machinists helpers and laborers 14141, sup..

Cooks and waiters 14139, tax, o, n, '11, $5; d f. $5; sup, $2.

Riggers prot 11561, tax, oct, '11, $7.50; d f, $7.50...

Federal labor 13036, tax, aug, '11, 75c; df, 75c Library Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (GE Steckert & co, NY), sup.. Pulp, sulphite, and paper mill workers, etc, tax, m, j, j, a, s, '11... Intl ladies garment workers union, tax, j, a, s, '11...

Bristol, Stoddard, Beach, & Fisher, New Haven, Conn, ten printed copies of the printed record in Loewe v. Lawlor (2-c assess for united hatters). Small supplies....

Advertisements AM FED..

Subscriptions AM FED.

Premiums on bonds..

[blocks in formation]

Organizing expenses, CO Young.
Strike benefits to federal labor 9993, for
second week, ending oct 28, '11, A B
Essington, secy, and John F Belcher,

3. Salary, office employes, week ending nov
4, '11: J Kelly, $30; R L Guard, $30; D F
Manning, $35.86; L A Gaver, $19; LA
Sterne, $29; JE Giles, $31.89; D L Bradley,
$18; F L Faber, $20.57; I M Rodier, $23;
MC Farmer, $19.68; I M Lauber, $27.11; W
H Howlin, $17; A E Hawkins, $22.86; D
J Nielsen, $18.02; R S Thomas, $16.80; M
Webster, $18.67; S Lankford, $27.86; F K
Carr, $14.57; C R Breneman, $18; ER
Brownley, $15.43; W von Ezdorf, $19.27;
FE Waggaman, $13.93; M M Connell,
$11; E N Parsons, $16; SE Woolls, $19.81;
E CHoward, $19.64; N E Lynch, $12.40;
S B Woolls, $15; E J Tracy. $13.43; G P
Boswell, $9; A M Wood, $15; L S Nichols,
$15; HK Myers. $15.
Addressing, folding, and enclosing circu-
lars in envelopes, B L Calhoun, $10.29; B
Furman.$10.50; E B Kane, $9; SB Ritchie,
$10.93; AT Rodier, $10.50; M V Simms,
$10.50; D H Sprague, $9; P Tritipoe. $8.75
Salary and expenses, week ending nov 4,
'11, J W Sullivan..

107 65 56 50

228 00

647 80

74 47

47 50

Horsehair dressers 12889, tax, o, n, '11, $1.90;

df. $1.90; sup, $1...


Central trades council, Richmond, Ind, tax, july, '11, to and incl dec, '11

5 CO

Federal labor 13062, tax, s, o, '11, $3.75; df, $3.75.....


Legislative expenses, A E Holder. Organizing expenses: J J Henley, $20; F A Fitzgerald, $10; William Seitz, $10. Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864 for second week, ending oct 28, 11, JS Mc Donald

40 00

40 00



Federal labor 10651, tax, s, o, n, 11. $3; d f, $3
Federal labor 12858, tax, o, n, d, '11, $4.50; df,




Federal labor 12967, tax, oct, '11,60c; df, 60c
Laborers prot 8079, tax, oct, '11, $31; d f, $31

1 20

62 60

[blocks in formation]



332 East 103d Street
Manhattan Market

Telephone Call, 1136-79th St.




pad, 25c; 1 doz 80-sheet linen pads, $1; 1 mucilage cup, 25c; 1 Hotchkiss machine, $1.50; Typewriter and Office Supply co.. 272 reams union label book paper, cut, R P Andrews Paper co....

$136 58

71 78

Clippings, Natl Press Intl co

10 00

98 50

One ream of linen paper, Smith Premier Typewriter co...


50 00

Cablegram, Western Union Telegraph co One transfer case, $2.60; 200 white cards, 45c, Library Bureau





Expressage for aug. '11, US Express co. Expressage for sept, '11, US Express co. Three electros, Natl Engraving co


59 10

4 16

Printing manuals, $10; 3,000 envelopes, $3.75: J PDunn & Bro


[blocks in formation]

INDEPENDENT SALT CO. 2 to 24 Taylor St.

Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York

549 to 559

Smith Street, Brooklyn Telephone Call, 640 Hamilton

4. One chart of the membership of the A F* of L. RA Boswell

Cut of membership chart, Natl Engraving


Expenses on account of AF of L delegate to the Atlanta, Ga, convention of the union label trades dept A F of L, D) F Manning

5,000 1-c stamps. PO dept

Salary, office employes, two weeks ending
nov 11 and nov 18, '11 (vacation), M C

6. Contribution to the AM FED: Hans Feh-
linger, $5; Thomas Reese, $3.
Printing: 3.000 no 10 envelopes. $10.50; 50,000
pamphlets, $65; 50,000 leaflets, $105; 12.500
attendance cards, $25; 5,000 envelopes,
$15; 5,000 envelopes, $15; 25,000 resolu-
tions, punched and padded. $72; 500 com-
mittee reports, $4.50; 1,250 blanks. $1; The
Trades Unionist

Two clocks for office use, W S Tappan
Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12345,
for third week, ending nov 4, '11, FA
Addressing, folding, and enclosing circu-
lars in envelopes: BL Calhoun, $1.26; B
Furman, $1.26; A T Rodier, $1.26; S B
Ritchie. $1.26; M V Simms, $1.26; P Triti-
poe, $1.26..
7. Organizing expenses: W E Terry, $51; H L
Eichelberger, $54.50; T H Flynn, $53.10;
Cal Wyatt, $80.14: Joseph Tylkoff. $35.59;
William Bork, $59.95; J D Pierce, $57.30..
Strike benefits to machinist helpers 13042
for first week, ending oct 28, '11, E C Baly
Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12561
for third week, ending nov 4, '11, Henry

Strike benefits, federal labor 9626, for sec-
ond week, ending oct 30, '11, W E Gould.
Organizing expenses: L Heaffely, $10; HT
Keating. $50; F H McCarthy, $8.20.
8. Organizing expenses: E T Flood, $59.90;
Israel Solon, $56; S A Bramlette, $53.65;
JD Chubbuck, $52.91; J A Flett. $43.25;
J J Cunningham, $42.50; Santiago Igles-
ias, $31

391 88

60 00
68 20

312 21

Expenses relative to the hatters case (2-c hatters assess), Frank L Mulholland Strike benefits to federal labor 9993 for third week, ending nov 4, 'll, A B Essington...

266 65

232 00

Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for second week, ending oct 28. '11, William


466 00

Organizing expenses:

Jacob Tazelaar,

$91.21: J L Lewis, $15.69

109 90

9. Drayage for delivering presidents and secretary's reports to newspaper offices, Barnette Brothers

4 30

5,000 sheets telegraph manila paper, $3.25:
1 box neostyle stencils, $1.75; 1 office
knife, 50c; 1 box neostyle stencils, $1.75;
1.000 guide cards. $2; 2,000 impression
paper, $2.60; 3 daily record books. $36; 1
1,000-page se ledger, $9; 25.000 special
ruled paper. $13; 2 sets state guides. $1.80;
1 pair editors shears, $1.25; 1 thermome-
ter, 250; 1 duplicate order book. 25c; 12
sponges, $1; 3 doz copying cloths, $1.50;
I favorite desk file, 75c; 9 pounds neostyle
ink. $18.23; 1 box neostyle stencils, $1.75;
I set rolls for copying tank, $5; 1Y & E per-
forator, $1.25: doz ink wells, 5 e; 2 ink
eradicators. 5 : 150-pp journal. $3; 1 400-
pp day-book. $14.35; 1 no 6 mucilage cup,
250; 1 gr neostyle stencils, $1.75; 1 gross
pencils. $4.25; 160 paper fasteners, no 4,
250; 100 paper fasteners, no 6,50c; 1 pound
red wax, 50c: 4arch files, board and perfo-
rator, $2.90; 1 doz erasers. $1; 2,000 staples,
70c; 1 ink eradicator, 25c; 1 black stamp

Seals and stamps, J Baumgarten & Sons co
Entertaining fraternal delegates, Barnette

Salary, office employes, week ending nov
'11, '11: J Kelly, $30; R L Guard, $30; LA
Gaver, $19; LA Sterne, $34.22; J E Giles,
$33.983; D L Bradley, $18; FL Faber, $18;
I M Rodier, $21.40; I M Lauber, $26.20; W
H Howlin. $26.72; A E Hawkins. $24.29;
GA Boswell (4 days), $10.68; DJ Nielsen,
$25; RS Thomas, $14; M Webster, $23.40;
S Lankford, $27.50; F K Carr, $18.16; C R
Breneman, $19.43; E R Brownley, $17.30;
W von Ezdorf, $19.54; F E Waggaman,
$17.18: M M Connell, $17.55; SE Woolls,
$20; E C Howard, $19.29; N E Lynch,
$13.12: SB Woolls, $15; E J Tracy, $14.04;
GP Boswell, $9; A M Wood, $15; H K
Myers, $15; H Fry (11⁄2 days), $3; A E
Knight (51⁄2 days), $11; L S Nichols,
$18.75; A C D Coquillet (3 days), $7;
J Kelly, week ending nov 18, '11, $30; J
Kelly, week ending nov 18, '11, $30; S Lank-
ford, week ending nov 18. '11 (vacation),
$15; S Lankford. week ending nov 25,
'11 (vacation), $15.
Addressing, folding, and enclosing circu-
lars in envelopes: B L Calhoun, $3.75; M H
Harris, 75c; E B Kane, $3; A T Rodier,
Organizing expenses: LA Tanquary, $23.45;
RP Rubin. $27.95

For 10.000 McNamara stamps to be used
on all sealed mail going out of A F of L
headquarters, Frank Morrison, secy.
One traveling bag, K Kneesis Sons.

10. 3,000 2-c stamped envelopes.

Salary and expenses, week ending nov '11,
11, J W Sullivan

Organizing expenses: CO Young, $53; CA
Miles. $27.20.

Expenses auditing and credential com-
mittee, Atlanta convention: D A Carey,
$83: SL Landers. $83; E F Moorhouse, $71
Legislative expenses, M G Hamilton
On account of expenses as stenographer,
Atlanta convention: SE Woolls, $50; FL
Faber, $50; J Kelly, $50; R L Guard, $50..
Expenses entertaining fraternal delegates
from British Trades Union Congress. J W

Legislative expenses, A E Holder.

268.00 62 15


741 70

11 25

51 10



64 32



237.00 51 00

200 00



Soluble Food-

A Milk and Cereal
Food for Infants,
Invalids, and Dys-
peptics :: :: ::

Carnrick's Lacto-Preparata

A Pure Milk Infant's Food and Perfect Equivalent for Mother's Milk. REED @ CARNRICK JERSEY CITY, N. J.

42 to 46 Germania Ave.


A Colorless, Nonpoisonous, Liquid Antiseptic ::


10. Refund custom house duty and charges on charter outfit, federal labor union 14135, E Bradshaw.

Stamps: 4.000 1-c, $40; 10,000 2-c, $200; PO dept

Carpentering work, Geo W Flather. Phone service, C & P Telephone co. Salary, office employe, two weeks ending nov 18and nov 25, '11, (vacation), JE Giles Telegrams, Postal Telegraph Cable co. Salary, office employe (5 days), week ending nov. 11, '11, A A Reaney. Organizing expenses: HG Kelly, $10.. 13. Organizing expenses: T H Flynn, $55.20; Cal Wyatt $91.06; Joseph Tylkoff, $25; SA Bramlette, $53.75

Strike benefits for button workers union 12854 for seventh week, ending oct 23, '11, D Borgstadt, treas

Strike benefits for machinist helpers 12952 for second week, ending oct 28, '11, Grover C Stull, secy

Organizing expenses: Wm E Terry, $51; JD Pierce, $58.15; H L Eichelberger, $55.75...

President Gompers annual dues, 1911-1912, to Natl Geographic Society, Natl Geographic Society.

14. Organizing expenses: William Bork, $55.65; HG Kelly, $6.30; J D Chubbuck, $42.65. 15. Organizing expenses: Israel Solón, $52.80; J Fitzpatrick, $178.

On account of services as official stenographer, Atlanta convention, Mary Burke East...

Salary, office employes, week ending nov
18. 'II: LA Sterne, $88; L A Gaver, $19;
D L Bradley, $18; I M Rodier, $17; I M
Lauber, $18: W H Howlin, $28.55; A E
Hawkins, $15; G A Boswell, $16.66; D) J
Nielsen, $15; RS Thomas, $14; M
Webster, $19.35; F K Carr, $14; C R Brene-
man, $12; E R Brownley, $19.71; W von
Ezdorf, $15.54; FE Waggaman, $13; M M
Connell, $11; E C Howard, $15: NE
Lynch, $10; S B Woolls, $15.35; E J Tracy,
$10.10; G P Boswell, $9; LS Nichols, $15;
A M Wood, $15: A E Knight, $12; HK
Myers. $15; A A Reaney, $12.
Organizing expenses: J A Flett, $50.95; E T
Flood, $59.85

[blocks in formation]


10 00 10.00

225 01

28 00

48 00

164 90


104 60 230 80

25 00

Salary, office employe, week ending nov
18. 11, R L Guard..
Organizing expenses: ET Flood, $56; Israel
Solon, $59.55..

21. Organizing expenses: SA Bramlette, $54.25; Wm Bork, $55.15; H G Kelly, $5.80; CE Finnegan, $51.20; J J Cunningnam, $37.75 Salary, office employe, week ending nov 18, 11, FL Faber

22. Organizing expenses: J A Flett, $50.30; C A Miles, $29.13; L A Tanquary, $52.95; R P Rubin, $34. 23. Organizing expenses: O C Wilson, $32.20; JD Chubbuck. $51.16

Strike benefits to button workers 12854 for eighth week, ending oct 30, '11, DF Borgstadt

Strike benefits to machinists helpers 12345 for fifth week, ending nov 18, 11, F A Walters

24. Strike benefits to federal labor 10829 for third week, ending nov 4, 11, Wm Hyman.

Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12561 for fifth week, ending nov 18, 11, Henry Brockman

Salary, week ending nov 25, 11, J W Sulli



115 55

204 15


166 38

83 36


172 00

444 00


30 00

[blocks in formation]

Salary, office employes, week ending nov
25, 11: LA Sterne. $25; L A Gaver, $19; D
L Bradley, $18; IM Rodier, $17; I M Lau-
ber, $18; W H Howlin, $17: A E Hawkins,
$15; G A Boswell. $16; DJ Nielsen, $15; RS
Thomas, $14; M W Webster, $18; F K
Carr, $14; CR Breneman. $12; ER
Brownley, $12; W von Ezdorf, $15; FE
Waggaman, $13; M M Connell, $11; EC
Howard, $15; NE Lynch, $10; S B Wools,
$10: EJ Tracy, $9; G P Boswell, $9; A M
Wood, $15; L S Nichols, $15.71; HK
Myers. $15; A E Knight, $12.
Addressing, folding and enclosing circu-
lars in envelopes: B L Calhoun. $9; E B
Kane, $9; B L Calhoun, $6; E B Kane,

879 71

27 75

On account of services as official stenog-
rapher, Atlanta convention, Mary Burke

100 00

25. On account of services as sergeant-at-arms,
Atlanta convention, J R Renny...
On account of services, Atlanta conven-
tion, Emory Davis.



On account of services as assistant secre-
tary, W G Gredig..


Salary, office employe, week ending nov 18. II, D F Manning.


On acct of services as assistant secretary,
Atlanta convention, W G Gredig

On account of services as sergeant-at-arms,


On acccount of services as messenger, At-
lanta convention, A M Copeland
Organizing expenses, CO Young.
Salary, office employes, week ending nov
25. 11, D F Manning.

Reimbursement for expenses for EC meet-
ings at Atlanta. Ga. 911 prior to and after
adjournment of convention and for pos-
tage, telegrams, and incidental expenses
incurred in the performance of work as a
member of the E C, AF of L. for the
year: John B Lennon $250; James Dun-
can. $250; John Mitchell, $250; James
O'Connell, $250; DA Hayes, $250; W'm
D Huber, $250; Jos F Valentine, $25;
John R Alpine. $250; H B Perham, $250
Organizing expenses: JD Pierce, $52.40; J
D) Pierce, $51.95.......

2,250 00

107 35

30 (0

60 75


[blocks in formation]

25. Salary, office employes, week ending nov 25, 11, FL Faber. $18; week ending nov 18, 11, SE Woolls, $16; week ending nov 25, 11, SE Woolls, $16; week ending dec 2, 11, SE Woolls, $16.

Organizing expenses, Santiago Iglesias. 26. Organizing expenses, J L Lewis.. 27. Rental of desk lights at Atlanta. A F of L convention, W E Carter Electric co... Salary, office employe (8% days), J E Giles

Rental of two office desks and two chairs for Atlanta convention, Brown & Cochran Furniture co.

Salary, office employes, week ending nov 25, 11, R L Guard, $30; week ending dec 2, 11, RL Guard, $30.

29. Salary, office employes, week ending dec 2, '11, E N Parsons, $16, two weeks ending dec 9 and 16, '11 (vacation), E N Parsons, $32... Telegrams, telephone, baggage, stamps, porters, desks, typewriter rental, newspapers, messenger service, and excess baggage, The New Kimball Hotel.. 30. Strike benefits to mechanics helpers 12864, fourth week ending nov 11, '11, B V Laking..

Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12345, sixth week ending nov 25, 11, F A Walters

Strike benefits to federal labor 9993, for fifth week ending nov 18, '11, A B Essington

Strike benefits to machinist helpers 12764,
for second week ending oct 28, 11, Orval

Strike benefits to federal labor 9626, for
fourth week ending nov 13, '11, W E Gould
Strike benefits to machinist helpers and
laborers 12952, for third week ending
nov 4, '11, G C Stull....
Postage on AM FED, PO dept.
Organizing expenses: Israel Solon, $47.45;
JA Flett, $38.70; J J Cunningham, $37.50;
JD Chubbuck, $47.25; William Bork,
$55.20; H G Kelly, $5; WF Kramer,
$22.13; Cal Wyatt, $104.15; H L Eichel-
berger, $65.92; T H Flynn, $56.40; S A
Bramlette, $58.15; E T Flood, $56; W E
Terry, $51; CO Young, $67; HT Keating,
$50.50; Joseph Tylkoff, $26.20; C A Miles,

For railroad fare, hotel bill, meals, and ex-
penses, nov 10 to dec 1, '11, attending E C
meeting at Atlanta, Ga, nov 12; Atlanta
A F of L convention nov 13 to nov 25
inclusive; E C meeting nov 26, and con-
vention work up to dec 1, '11, Sam'l Gom-
pers, prest.

For railroad fare, hotel bill, meals, tele-
grams, cab hire, messenger service, and
expenses, nov 10 to dec 1, '11; attending
EC meeting at Atlanta, Ga, nov 12; At-
lanta A F of L convention nov 13 to nov
25, '11, inclusive; E C meeting nov 26, and
convention work up to dec 1, '11, Frank
Morrison, secy

One months salary, Sam'l Gompers, prest.
One months salary, Frank Morrison, secy
Fee, m o, 30c; newspapers and magazines,
$2.36; boxof chalk,5c; nails, 24c; freightand
expressage, $6.29; twine, 10c; boxes, $1.25;
matches, 40c; convention hauling and
drayage, $6.20; telegrams, $3; cheese
cloth, $1; chest handles, $1; office glasses,
30c; foreign postage duty, 30c; postage
due, 65c; box strap iron, 68c; office blot-
ters, 10c; car tickets, $9.45, J E Giles,.
Hauling AM FED, Thos Jones..
Phone service, C & P Telephone co.
Towel service, Fowler Mfg co..


97 82


120 00

216 00





817 71

144 00

154 60 416 66

$66 00 100 00 51 00


11 08


33 67



[blocks in formation]

DO NOT REPLACE YOUR WORN CARPET WITH A NEW ONE The new one will harbor dust and germs and will wear out just the same as the old one did. Our Parquetry, or Hardwood Floors, are beautiful, clean, sanitary, and will last as long as your house. Our new design book consists of photographs direct from the flooring. These are printed in the natural wood colors. Send for one.

WOOD-MOSAIC FLOORING & LUMBER CO. Rochester, N. Y.; New Albany, Ind.

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]





Ask any of your friends who use



Condensed Milk

if it is not the best they can get at any price. Also if the premiums they get for Lion labels are not really worth while.

Your grocer now has Lion Brand Evaporated Milk in stock, and please remember that there is no better Evaporated Milk made in this country or anywhere else.

We have recently opened several new premium stores.

The stock of premiums is larger and finer than ever.




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