
The senate once decreed, that L. Opimius should see that the commonwealth received no detri


Since so much sudden danger had happened, quite contrary to expectation.

From which it might be concluded what great advantage resolution might have in itself.

Decerno (decrevit) quondam senātus, ut L. Opimius video subj. ne quis (quid) detrimentum respublica capio.

Quum (tantum) repentinus periculum præter opinio accido3 plup. subj.

Ex qui abl. judíco inf. pass. possum quantus bonum habeo in sui constantia nom.


That time. So much meat and drink. There is much good in friendship, much evil in discord. He, who has little money, has also little credit. Whatever judgment I had. What business hast thou? Mayest thou preserve the half of my soul.

So much (tantum): credit, fides: whatever, quicquid; had, (habuĕrim): what, (ecquid); mayest thou preserve (serves); the half, (dimidium.)

Hic, quis, tantus, quantus, plurimus, &c., like all other adjectives, agree with their substantives, when such substantives are expressed.


Has so much presumption

Tanta-ne vos generis

upon your birth possessed you? tenuit fiducia vestri?


Now what excellent horses Nunc, qualis Diomedes [were] Diomed's. Now how Now how great [was] Achilles! I may add delays to these mighty events. It is destined for no Italian to subdue that powerful nation.

equus. Nunc, quantus Achilles! Mora tantus (licet*) addo inf. res. Nullus dat. fas Itălus dat. tantus subjungo inf. gens.

*Mihi is here understood.

Every where [was] cruel sorrow, every where terror, and many an image of death. Over what lands, O son, over what immense seas have you, I hear, been tost! with what dangers harassed!

Crudelis ubique luctus, ubique pavor, et plurĭmus mors imago. Quis terra acc. pl., natus, ego tu acc. accipio, et quantus per æquor vectus acc. quantus jactatus acc. periculum abl.


And what was so great a cause to thee (of seeing videndi) Rome? So great is the love of praises, of so great care is victory. Alas! what great destruction awaits us! (dat.) As that [thing] was troublesome, so is this [thing] pleasant. So great is the power of honesty, that we love [it] even in an enemy. O Son, what great grief excites [your] ungoverned anger (plur)?

Alas! what great, heu quantus; awaits, insto1; love diligos: what, quis; great, tantus; ungoverned, indomitus.

[blocks in formation]

The nature of man is fond of novelty. A mind, solicitous about the future, is miserable. Time [is] destructive of things. An animal more sacred than these, and more capable of a profound mind, was as yet wanting.

The mind of men is ignorant of fate and future fortune. Skilful in law, letters, and antiquities. We have always been most desirous of praise. About to die, she appeals to the gods and to the stars, conscious of her fate.

The greatest of benefits are those which we receive from [our] parents. Many of those trees were planted by my own hand. O Pompey, first of my companThey killed eighty of the

ions. Macedonians.

Calumny is the most baneful of all things. Many thousand birds, shelter themselves in the woods. No beast is wiser than the le phant. There is no one of us without fault. Set.before thine eyes every one of these kings.


Sum natura homo novitas avidus. Anĭmus, futūrus anxius, calamitosus sum. Tempus edax res. Sanctus hic abl. pl. animal, mensque capax altus, desum impf. adhuc.

Nescius mens homo fatum, sors (sortisque) futūrus. Jus (juris), litĕræ, et antiquitas peritus. Laus avidus semper sum. Testor1 moriturus deus acc. pl. et conscius fatum sidus.

Beneficium magnus sum is (ea, qua) a parens accipio. Multus iste arbor


manus abl. sero3. Pompeius (Pompei) meus primus sodalis. Octoginta Macedo interficio3.

Omnis res sum nocens calumnia. Multus in sylva avis sui mille (millia) condo. Nullus fem. sing. bellua gen. pl. prudens sum elephantus abl. Nemo ego sum sine culpa. Pono ante oculus, unusquisque hic rex.

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The most learned of the Romans. (No one nulla) of the The most learned of his age. The greatest of all rivers. Ignorant of fraud. Fearful of the gods. A mind conscious of right. Guilty of avarice. Patient of or able to endure cold. Skilled in grammar. One of the muses. (Many multa) [of] trees. The most elegant of the philosophers. No one of mortals is wise [at] all hours (abl.) Ægle, the most beautiful of the Naiades. Cicero was too greedy of glory. Thou art not prodigal of gold. Live mindful of old age and



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March 3rd 19

1886 59 Because he had known him desirous of new things [i. e. novelty]. The nation was most greedy of gold. All [men] hate those who are unmindful of a benefit. The lion is the bravest of animals. Unable to endure, and unacquainted with man, she traverses the pathless woods. If any deities regard the pious (plur.), if justice any where subsists, and a mind conscious to itself of right, may the gods bear to thee just rewards. Man, who is a partaker of reason and speech, is more excellent than beasts, who are void of reason and speech. Land, fruitful of corn, and much more fruitful of the grape. The king was ignorant which of them might be Orestes. The first of the Roman kings was Romulus. One of the sons of Priam.


Guilty, reus: skilled, doctus: is wise, (sapit): Naiădes: too, nimis; greedy, avidus: because, quòd unable to endure, impatiens; unacquainted, expers; traverses the pathless woods, (nemorum avia lustrat) (if any deities, si qua numina); regard, respecto1; if justice any where subsists, (si quid usquam justitiæ est); just, dignus: partaker, particeps; void, expers: fruitful, ferax; corn, Ceres; was ignorant, (ignorabat); which or whether, (uter).

Adam.—Rule 11, Obs. 2.

This Genitive is frequently and elegantly varied by a preposition; as, Unus de fratribus, One of the brothers.

A certain one of them. The elder of two sons. He the most beautiful above all others. Cræsus the most opulent among kings. Ripheus also falls, who was the most just among the Trojans, and most strict in integrity. Orgetorix was by far the noblest and richest among the Swiss.

Quidam ex ille. Ex duo filius major. Ipse ante alius pulcher omnis. Croesus inter rex opulentus. Cado et Ripheus, justus unus qui sum perf. in Teucri ab. et servans superl. æquum gen. Apud Helvetii, longè nobilis et dives (ditissimus) sum perf. Orgetŏrix.


The nation of the Suevi is by far the greatest and most warlike of all the Germans. They are said to have a hundred

(cantons pagos); (from ex) which they every year (bring educunt) a thousand of armed [men] (out of their suis ex) territories, for the sake of making war.

By far, longe; every year, (quotannis); a thousand, (singula mít lia); territories, finis; for the sake, causâ; making war, bello (bellandi.)



A man of singular virtue, or

a man with singular virtue.


A man of the greatest wisdom. Men with hostile intentions. A monster of no virtue. A man of great counsel.

A boy of a good disposition. A rose of a pleasant fragrance. Do instruct Lentulus, a youth of the highest hope and of the greatest virtue.

Why has the vexed queen of the gods compelled a man, distinguished for his piety, to struggle through so many calamities?

The little ant (for it is an example) with great industry, carries with her mouth whatever

Vir singulāris virtūtis, or vir singulāri virtute.


Vir summus prudentia gen. or abl. Homo inimicus animus abl. sing. Monstrum nullus virtus abl. Vir consilium magnus.

Fuer probus indoles abl. Rosa jucundus odor gen. Lentulus, eximius spes abl., summus virtus gen., adolescens facio 2 pers. sing. imper. erudio 2 pers. subj.

Quidve dolens regina deus (deûm) tot volvo inf. casus insignis acc.* pietas abl. vir impello perf. subj.?

Parvulus formica (nam exemplum dat. sum) magnus labor gen. traho os

* Obs. 3. Sometimes the adjective agrees with the former substantive, or the subject of discourse, and the latter substantive is put in the ablative case.

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