
fashionable life contrasted-Aquatic objects-Story of Juliet and Antonio The Mariner-The Shipwreck Domestic affection and anxiety-Patriotic Enthusiasm, and the force of Sympathy exemplified-Address to Sensibility.


Literary Intelligence.


in the press, a work entitled, "Experiments and Observations on some interesting phenomena in Animal Physiology, exhibited by various species of Planariæ," with coloured figures after drawings from nature, by Mr. P. Syme.

James Glasford, Esq. will publish, in a few days, "Remarks on the Constitution and Proceedings of the Scottish courts of law.” object of this treatise will be, to enquire how far the present organization


Imagination presents a review of scenes and events celebrated in Greek and Roman history. Hence emulation and an interest in the cause of Freedom and Science is excited-Athens-Plato teaching the Immortality of the soul-Epicurus-Aristotle of the courts of justice in this country, and the leading rules of their procedure, are conformable to the just principles that ought to govern such establishments, and to examine briefly what may still be accounted imper

-Demosthenes-Ancient and


sent state of Italy contrasted-Bonaparte crossing the Alps-Solitude and the Muse-Distresses and Sensibility of the Poetical character--Virgil

Horace-Sannazarius-Tasso -Burns -Patronage of Genius-Moral reflections, with a simile descriptive of the life of a Coal-Miner-The Nun -Vespers-Women feel the pleasure arising from the contemplation of a beautiful prospect more acutely than men-Pride as much a foe to Happiness as to Sensibility of heart-Child nursing-The mother at the grave of her child-Allusion to a fabulous account of the Creation of Man-Youth -its visionary prospects-Reflections tending to elevate the mind-Survey of the works of Creation-An enquiry into the cause-terminates in Deity -Age, and tranquillity-Prospect of Immortality-Concluding reflections on the death of a friend, and the influence of Grace on the Soul.

New Work published in Edinburgh.

TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. V. Part III. 4to.

fections in the system.

In addition to his new Elements of

General Chemistry, Sir Humphrey Davy has undertaken another work on the Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, being copies of those Lectures which he delivered with so much applause before the Board of Agriculture.

Mr Oldfield will publish, early in November, a complete History of the House of Commons and Boroughs of the United Kingdom, from the earliest Period to the present Time, in four

octavo volumes.

Two volumes of the Sermons of

the late Dean Kirwan are announced, with an Account of his Life.

Mr Southey announces two volumes of prose Miscellanies, under the title of Omniana.

Mr Arrowsmith has just completed a new Map of Germany, in six sheets of double elephant, being the largest map of that empire ever drawn and published in England. Like all the maps of this eminent geographer, this new one is derived either from original or unquestionable and supe

rior sources.


The same Geographer has for some years been engaged on a Map of England and Wales, in eighteen sheets, which, when put together, will be ten feet by twelve. Of this extraordinary map it deserves to be noticed, that it will contain at least a million of names, which is the more remarkable, because the places enumerated in the Population Return are only 15,741; and Capper's Topographical Dictionary does not contain above 20,000 places for the three kingdoms, although double the number contained in Luck. ombe's Gazetteer.

Mr Thomas Thornton announces a new edition of the Works of Otway, in three volumes.

A fire broke out in the printingoffice at Serampore, on the evening of the 11th of March, destroying 2,000 reams of English paper, and founts of types in fourteen languages, besides English. The loss could not

be less than £.12,000 and all the literary labours of the missionaries are interrupted in consequence.

M. Humboldt has announced his

intention of shortly quitting Paris on his travels through Asia, and he purposes making some stay in Tibet.

Mr Surr's new Novel will appear in November.

Mr William Jaques, of Chelsea, has in the press, a Guide to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures, with an illustrative Supplement; translated from the Latin of Augustus Herman Franck, late Professor of Divinity and the Oriental Languages, at the University of Halle; with a life of the Author, critical Notes, and a Notation of Books, proper for the biblical student. Dr Phillip Doddridge, speaking of the original, says "It contains the best rules for studying the Scriptures that I ever remember to have seen."

[blocks in formation]

When the loud trumpet was swelling high In answer to my minstrelsy;

The dark banners glanc'd, the war - horse pranc'd,

And red shone the warrior's spear, The warder's notes rung, the gates were open flung,

And the maids bade them welcome with a tear.

The fair lady press'd to her throbbing breast
The brave Earl Walter, her lord,
His mail she embrac'd with trembling haste,
And unbuckled his good broad sword,
At the banquet they tell of their comrades
who fell,

And the blood that was spilt on that day, What mountains of slain were heaped on the plain,

And the wild voice of joy dies away.

Like ripple on the silver stream, Like frostwork 'neath the morning beam, The warrior's day of life is fled, His sword hangs rustling on the wall, His broken armour strews the hall; Muffl'd and slow is the warder's tread, And masses are said for the soul of the dead. Slow heavily peal'd the convent bell, As it rung to Dunara a last farewell.

Another lord to Dunara came,
With eye of fire and heart of flame,
Methinks I shudder yet to view
His pallid wild unearthly hue;
As stern his look, as keen his eye,
As he would pierce futurity.
That eye, that like the lightning shone,
No living man durst look upon.
Stern was his soul, yet I have seen,
When listening to some ancient lay,
The horrid stillness of his mien,

All life, all motion, seem'd away:
As if that tale, of wond'rous mood,
Could freeze the current of his blood.
How the truth may be, I cannot tell,
But 'twas said he was leagued with the fiends
of hell.

The awful deeds that he had done Were all unmeet for mortal ear.

Nobles! 'twould dim yon glorious sun, Were I to tell, were you to hear.

Ye start! Let us pass to his dying bed,
Where the trembling abbot watch'd alone,
When the flickering tapers round themspread,
The dullest light that ever shone:
O dismal was the raven's cry,

As he flapp'd the midnight air,
And ever anon he flitted by,

Dim seen by the lightning's glare. The moon, 'mid louring clouds half hid, Was dyed with streaks of darkest red,

And loud on the shore was heard to break,
The dash of Dunara's sullen lake.
Th' affrighted abbot stood aghast
At the screams that burst upon the blast;
For the soul of Dunara he durst not pray,
For he had dash'd the cross away,
And he said that his soul was bound to hell
By the force of the devil's mightiest spell;
That the fiends and spirits were waiting

To bear him away on the midnight air.

A shriek was heard might have rous'd the dead,

When the soul of the guilty Dunara fied, Scorch'd by the red-wing'd fiery levin, Down to its base the tower was riven; And where so late a palace smil'd, Frowns now a ruin hoar and wild.

[blocks in formation]


AND art thou likewise gone away,
Companion of my early day?
To the first friend my bosom knew
Already must I bid adieu?
A vicious world's polluted air,
Heay'n saw thee much too good to bear,
And took thee to a purer sky,
To flourish in thy Maker's eye.
The worth in thee so early found,
With merited reward it crown'd;
So soon of goodness thou possest,
It but remain'd to make thee blest,
But why for thee should I complain,
Tho' mine the loss, yet thine's the gain;
Too good for earth, heav'n bade thee die,
And took thee to her native sky.

J. B.

The subject of this epigram was a perfect walking skeleton. One day he was eating a split dried haddock, or, as it is called in Scotland, a spelding, when the reputed author of the above piece of wit came in, “You see,” says Arnot, "I am not starving." "I must own," observed Mr Erskine, " that you are very like your meat,"

Historical Affairs.



Extract of a letter from Natchitoches, dated May 10, 1812.

"I Am not able to detail to you any parti

culars relative to the Revolution in

Mexico; but, generally, that the Revolutionalists are in great force, and advancing this way; and, it is expected, will cut their way through all opposition, so as to open a free communication to this place, where they will be supplied with arms (if not men,) &c. to enable them to complete the Revolution. Colonel Bernard, who left this place last fall, for the seat of our Government, has returned here again, and some persons with him; and are communicating with the Generals of the revolutionary armies of Mexico, relative to future operations. The present moment is pregnant with important events; a few weeks will unfold them. I hope, within six months, to see the citizens of the United States pass and repass as freely throughout the present Spanish provinces, to the South Seas, as they now do through their own country.

"The pass between Mexico and La-Vera Cruz, I believe, continues shut; and the Revolutionists have intercepted all communication between Chilbuagna, the residence of the Governor-General, and Mexico. The troops of the royal party are deserting, and coming in here frequently, and say, that the Ferdinand VII. party appear to be losing ground fast. They have been trying to engage some of the Indians in their favour, but have entirely failed. The Indians are inclined to favour the Revolutionists."


counter revo

Intelligence has been received by the British government of a lution in the Spanish provinces of the Caraccas, &c. which has terminated favour. ably for the mother country. General Miranda endeavoured to make his escape from Laguira in an English schooner to Curagoa, but the Commandant preventing his departure; he was delivered up to the royal party, by whom he was put in close confinement. The revolution is said to have been produced by the recent earthquakes *, which

* See Scots Mag. for August Last, page 592.

October. 1812.

the patriots considered as a judgment from Heaven for their rebellion against their lawful sovereign. A general pardon has been proclaimed by General Monteverde to all persons implicated in the rebellion.

The following extract from the New York Gazette of the 25th August, contains some particulars of this sudden revolution:

"Shortly after the earthquake, the Ecclesiastical Body cried out, it was a visitation from Heaven in consequence of disavowing allegiance to Ferdinand VII. and separating themselves from the old Spanish Government. The influence this body holds over the minds of the people is well known. This infatuation induced many to believe that it was actually as they represented; and they, with many persons of note, held correspondence, not only with the government of Porto Rico, but also with the royal troops of Coro, commanded by General Monteverde. The consequence was, that he took advantage of the distresses and fears of the Patriots, at a time when they were absorbed in grief for the loss of their friends and property. The invaders were joined by many characters of influence inimical to liberty. At this crisis the wreck of the Patriot army assembled, and the command was given to the Marquis del Toro, who resigned his commission. The command was then given to General Miranda, and the army reinfor ced with men and arms. About this time Congress evacuated, and the royal army took possession of Valentia, after which the army retreated to Mearcai, the capture of which soon took place, owing, as is supposed, to the treachery or inattention of Miranda, who retreated to Vittoria, though his army amounted to double that of the enemy.

"On the 6th of July, Porto Carello was taken by surprise. The loss of this important sea-port afforded a pretext to Miranda for surrendering, who entered into a secret armistice, which led to a private capitulation. The terms of Miranda's surrender were only known to one or two of his particular friends. The patriots of Caraccas were dissatisfied with his conduct. Every patriot, to the last moment, remained persuaded that Miranda had taken care of their safety; but on learning the reverse, they fled to Laguira, to embark on board the vessels detained by Miranda's embargo, which was expected to he repealed; but on


the capitulation being concluded, it was continued in the name of General Monteverde.

"Gen. Miranda arrived at Laguira on the 30th July, and ordered the embargo to be raised, intending immediately to embark on board an English schooner for Curaçoa; but the Commandant refused to do so, made him a prisoner, confined him in a dungeon, upbraiding him as a traitor; and in this exigence he declared himself for Monteverde."


Letters and papers from the river Plate, of the 7th June 1812, bring the intelligence that tranquillity was restored between the Portuguese and Spanish colonies.

It appears that dissentions had arisen, of a very serious nature, at Buenos Ayres, and that the indignation both of the Government and the people was strongly excited against the English. The consequence had been, that our countrymen had taken the precaution of shipping off their goods, and expected an order from the Provisional Government for their departure.

While things were in this alarming situation, a Portuguese Colonel arrived from Rio Janeiro with proposals of accommodation, on the urgent remonstrance, as it is supposed, of Lord Strangford, our Resident at the Court of the Prince Regent. This officer was received with great distinction, and the whole was in a few days arranged, the peace was signed, and the British visitors admitted to favour.


Another revolution has taken place in the affairs of St Domingo. Letters from thence state, that Petion had obtained possession of St Mark's, Cape Nicholas Mole, and Gonnaives, and was advancing to take possession of Cape Francois, Fort Dauphin, and all the North. All Christophe's soldiers had deserted him, in favour of his rival. Christophe had himself fled into the mountains with only a handful of men-his staff officers had abandoned him to join Petion. He narrowly escaped the party which was sent in pursuit of him, and which he eluded by taking refuge in the mountains, with a few followers.

Letters from Jamaica mention that Petion had advanced to Cape Francois with 12,000 men, and that that seat of his late rival's power had quietly submitted to his authority. The garrison consisted only of 300 men. The treasure which Christophe had amassed by the most unjust exactions, to

the amount of seven millions of dollars, had fallen into his hands. Petion, it is said, had issued a proclamation, declaring that this money should be applied in establishing the affairs of the island. He was extremely popular. It was expected he would issue a proclamation, recalling all the former white inhabitants. Several vessels filled with passengers had gone from Jamaica and St Thomas's, under the persuasion that they should be protected by the new government. Morn Nor, it is said, was the principal for tress which held out against him.

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In our Number for July, we alluded to some dashing naval exploits of Sir H. Popham and others on several ports of the coast of Spain in the possession of the French. The following details of these achievements have appeared in the London Gazette.

Copy of a Letter from Captain Usher, of his Majesty's ship Hyacinth, addressed ta Commodore Penrose, at Gibraltar, and transmitted by the latter to John Wilson Croker, Esq.


"His Majesty's ship Hyacinth,

off Almunecar, May 27, 1812.

"I had the honour to inform you, in my letter of the 20th instant, that the Termegant had destroyed the castle of Nersa, and that the guerillas came down from the moun tains and entered the town; I have now to acquaint you, that I went on shore with Captain Hamilton, and waited on the guerilla leader, who informed me that the French had retreated to Almunecar, seven miles to the eastward, and that they had 300 men there; and considering himself strong enough to attack them, he proposed marching upon it without loss of time. As I was desirous to render the guerillas every assistance in my power, I promised him to anchor the ships in a position to place the ene my between our fire, which gave him great satisfaction, and his men great confidence. I accordingly bore up at four o'clock the following evening (20th instant,) with his Majesty's ships Termagant and Basilisk, and anchored at point-blank range before the castle, which we silenced in less than an hour. As the guerillas were to have arrived at seven o'clock, and there was no appeatance of them at eight, Captain Hamilton volunteered to return to Nersa in his gig, to learn if any thing had occurred to prevent their moving forward; and at four in the morning he returned, and informed me that a reinforcement which they expected had not arrived, and that they waited for


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